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I got to keep ALL of my blood...YAY! They are starting me on a medication that will hopefully bring the thyroid levels down ... we'll try that for six months and if that doesn't work we'll discuss other options. :confused: I won't discuss my weight... that was very depressing. I'm not sorry that I was banded but really... with all of the complications and the total cost... I certainly would not be considered a success story! I still can't imagine having a bypass... so... it was worth a try!

Eileen...WOWZA... 15 viles!!!! Jeepers! Mmmm... that ice cream was YUM E.

Dianne... I bet you are going to be glad you went once it is over! I am going to drag myslef in tomorrow as I have been slacking for over a week now!

Patty... Hope the the cut and color leave you feeling like a new woman! I know I always feel so much better after a little one on one with the beautician! I should go more often but always wait until I look like a total rag-o-muffin before I make an appointment!

Cindy... I think that's a great idea in regards to the packing. I had my daughter's things pretty well ready to go a week ago. :) Sometimes a girl just has to reach that "I'm totally ready for a fill" place before making the plunge! Me... I don't think I can muster up the courage to put more in... the problems from before are still too fresh in my mind. Good Luck!

Well... I have really got to get back on track as far as life goes. I don't know what my problem is but I have zero ambition. TIme to get back to working out and maybe that will help?

You guys really are awesome!

Pat... Anne... where the heck are ya?

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Just stopped in ~ busy busy ~ year end for me (it started early).. I need to read back on what is been going on with you all.. Hope everyone is doing


Darcy Happy belated Birthday - May all your wishes and dreams come true Girlfriend..

Donna ~ Glad hubby is home safe and sound..

Will post more soon.

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We Miss Ya Mary... COme back and tell all soon! (((Hugs)))

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JerseyJan-WOW you are doing fantastic. How exciting to be down 90 pounds in that short of a time!!! I know what you mean about those 2 pounds they are staying with me for a while also. Have fun at work.

Eileen-15 viles WTF is right!

Cindy-Why have you waited so long for another fill if you don't mind me asking? I am debating whether to have another or not. How many cc are you? Enjoy those blueberry pancakes!!!!and lobster, yummmmmmm

Patty-Have fun with your hair. Let us see a picture pls

Darcy-I'm so sorry your having a suckie time! It's not fair! Hopefully this new medication will work wonders for you. In my eyes you are a super success story!

Donna-How is dh today and you?

Ok I went to curves then to store to get my pudding ran home and went to the pool and worked out real hard in the pool for a half hour. Came home and had a stupid Ice cream sandwich 210 calories what a fool! But I think over all I did good with calories all day.

DH called and he is not sounding to convinced that the company is going to go in the right direction. He says the president is clueless as to the problems. Isn't that encouraging!

Tomorrow morning I'm up early and then out of her. Heading uptown for an appointment and then further North for another. Then meeting the Charlotte girls for dinner at 7:15. I'm exited I haven't seen them in ages.

I do so much better when I'm out he road. I won't waste $ on food anymore so I bring my shakes and a packet of crackers or nuts, lots of Water and sometime some string cheese.

Not sure if I'll be able to swing by before I go so have a good day and I'll let you know when the latest Charlotte girl picture is posted.

Night night...........

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Well I am off to Albuquerque tomorrow to take my Dad to see his cardiologist, he has had 2 rounds of bypass surgery. I usually take him twice a year, this time I am looking forward to it! I want his opinion on the Dr. they had DH scheduled with! It is not a terribly long trip, just monotonous, not a lot to look at between here and there, 186 miles, a lot of reservation.

DH won a raffle over the weekend. We went to a fund raiser at a company similar to where he works, one of the employees sons has been diagnosed with cancer, so they held a big fundraiser. He won a gas card to a local station for $250.00. He donated it to the family. Was cool that he won!

I cannot believe they take 15 viles of blood!! Eileen, don't you lose like 5 pounds that day!!! My Gosh! I whine over 3-4!!

Back the other day someone ask me how my DD was doing living on her own..sorry I should scroll back, but I am just too dang lazy!! She is doing good, she is mad at me right now, but that's ok, I was not real happy with her either!!! She moved into her new house just fine, I just can't get her to move OUT of mine!!! The bedroom is still full of her things, she could stay for days and need nothing! And I on the other hand with the son and his family here, need the space! So I nagged her until she finally come and got...a dresser! That was all...and I was supposed to be thrilled I guess! She had the entire day off, the Dr. she works for was out of town, but all she moved was one darn dresser...aarrgghhh! Other than that...her place looks wonderful, she is having a blast decorating HER way! Her Ex was into the modern look, he wanted black furniture, chrome everywhere. She has a red corduroy sofa!!! It is nice, I am impressed with her eye for things!

Son is helping the older couple they are buying from move some things Thursday, and then they are having new carpet laid before moving their things in. The couple said he could have the carpet installers come and get the measurements so they could be ready. I tell ya he has spent so much time on the phone with this couple...I feel so sorry for them, I am glad he is being considerate. He is afterall a 26 yr old---he could have been just about anyway!!!

Patty--when do you find out about sons, scoliosis issues? They thought my oldest DD had scoliosis, but in the end, it was a growth plate on her hip trying to slip, and causing the issues around it to swell, and pushing her leg out to be longer than the other. But like you mentioned, since this was discovered in school, there was a group from the local Carrie Tingley Hospital, and they covered all of her costs ( I was a single Mom at the time) and followed up on her for years. Will be hoping all goes well for him! Enjoy your pampering at the salon!

Betty---did you call the foot doc?

Dianne--my oldest DD has had so many car bumps and bangs it is unreal!! She was rear ended and shoved into the car ahead of her and totaled her car the 2nd day she had her license! She was driving from home to track practice, she had refused to drive to school, because too much traffic, so rode the bus home and got her car to go to practice...and boom!! She has merged into a center lane at the same time a guy in the other lane did too, he merged left, she merged right...boom! She wa sitting at a red light, and a tow truck turned the corner, his hand slipped, and side swiped her in a rental car, while hers was in the shop....she has such bad luck!!! But she has never been ticketed, and has never been at fault! She too is somewhat of a drama Queen tho....

Cindy I think that is good, something nice to be on the same day, Ibetyour Mom was smiling down.

Well, I have got to get some things done since I will be gone all day...and dinner is still waiting to be put away. Will try to catch the rest of you later...Know I am thinking of all of you even when I don't get to you!!!

Take care all!!!


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Kat, good luck on your journey to the doctor with your dad...it's nice of you to go with him. Maybe if you get a Rubbermaid container, put your DD's stuff in it, she'll get the hint? LOL!

Diane, about the fill...well, I guess I'm just extra-cautious. I am losing weight at a little over 1 lb/week average, and decided that was just fine. I was also concerned about pushing the band and over-restriction, which seemed to cause problems in some people, like erosions and excessive PBs and stuff like that, and did not want that. A more practical reason is that I did not have any "sick days" left, and the place I get my fills is kinda far and I have to take time off from school...so, now it's summer and I don't have to take time off from school, I'm kinda stalled in weight loss, and I think I can eat lots of food...feeling more hungry than I have been, etc. I've taken some "relax" time, and feel ready to take a renewed effort again. That's probably a LOT more than you wanted to know, huh? LOL! Definitely, I'm in the cautious group, I guess that's the bottom line. I'm planning to go the first week of August.

I know what you mean about being in a more controlled environment, too...when I'm at work, I'm so busy, I don't think about food as much. Good luck tomorrow!


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Good Morning Y'al!

I called my PCP yesterday, and he referred me to a Sports Medicine Doctor, only problem is he is way too far for me to go! So, I am just going to look for one around me. He always sends me to the best doctors, and I always have faith in the ones he sends me to, but I can't drive that far! Then when I went to call yesterday, I remembered that DH said they are switching insurance again at work, so now I have to see who they are with. Hopefully he can find out for me today!

Kat - Have a safe trip! I'm glad you get to check out DH doc while you are there. How cool that your DH won and donated it back to the family!

Mary - Hello girl!

Darcy - Hey maybe when they fix this problem for you then the band will work properly for you. Glad you had a great time on your B-day!

Eileen - I though about you yesterday, I went to the shoe store and they had purses up to 70% off! I didn't go near them, I would have taken a car load home.

Cindy - I feel the exact same way you do about the fill. The tighter you are the more chance of problems. I need a little too, but have been putting it off. I haven't lost anything in so long, but still I feel like I should be able to do it without anymore fill. Now, if I can keep my fingers out of the bad stuff!

Dianne - Have a safe trip and have fun at the dinner!

Well, I know I have missed some of you, but I am definately running late this morning, I am not dressed yet and still have to pack my lunch. So I will catch you all later.

Have a great day, and smile at someone, you'll make their day!:) :) :)

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Kat-How cool to WIN! And how special to give it away! I hope the Dr gives your DD a good report today and makes you feel good about DH surgeon. Enjoy the ride!

Cindy-NO that is exactly what I wanted to hear! That is how I'm thinking lately. A friend of mine figures as long as she's losing something every visit she will not get another fill. I wish I could say I'm losing a pound a week. I think the last time I was at the office that what they said I was averaging a pound a week. I sure don't see that. I think what I'm going to do is wait and go to my regular appointment on the 24th and then schedule a fill depending on the WL.

Betty-GL with finding a closer D I hate and the insurance! Urgh I hate when they change! I think that is my biggest fear if DH leaves his company!

Good morning everyone else. I'm off to curves and then my run around day.

Have a good day I'll check in tonight and tell you all about our dinner there will be 6 of us it looks like.

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Good morning!

Just up "reading the news" on my puter, and seeing what's going on.

I got almost all the packing done yesterday, so today it's just the finishing up parts, odds and ends, and getting some bank stuff done for my sister to do (i.e., mail bills) while we are gone. Maybe get out the henna tattoo stuff and see if I think I can handle it...DD and I both got henna tattoos a couple of years ago and wanted to do it again, so we ordered a kit. That means we are relying on my artistic skill...hahahaha! Maybe I can, maybe not...I've never used henna. I have decorated cakes, and it's almost the same, except that henna dyes your skin, so if I make a mistake, it'll still be there! I don't know if I'll get that adventurous or not!

Hope everyone is having a good day, and I'll check in later!

Betty, keep looking for a doctor.


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Just stopped by to say HI.. Hope everyone is doing A-OK

Busy for me this time of year (year end) so hopefully I can post real soon..

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Morning all.

TOM made a huge entrance yesterday morning!

Went to work yesterday, got my pedicure and manicure on the way home and then took a nap. Got up and dyed my hair because I have a hair appointment today.

I have had my hair professionally dyed on and off for years. With the chlorine and me being in the sun all the time, it is a waste. At home I can do it as often as I want and the hair dresser loves my color.

Tonight I am packing. john and I leave early tomorow for San antonio for DS graduation from Boot Camp. We will be there until late on Sunday and back to work on Monday.

DH hasn't spent one weekend in his bed in the last month! LOL

Talk to you later ... I'll take a break while packing.


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Hey-God sent me an Angle today! I was driving to uptown Charlotte for an appointment and a guy cut out in front of me and I hit him. I had no clue what happened. I sat in the middle of the road in shock for a few minutes. This man waited on the side of the road for me. I finially went to the side of the rd and he asked me if I was ok. I was hestericale and said I had no ida what happened. He said I'm your witness I saw everything it was not your fault. He than asked me if I would mind if he prayed for me!!! He stayed with me until the police came. Apparently this guy just pulled out in front of me to make a U turn. Another lady saw the whole thing and she also told him that she would be a witness but when he said he was staying with me she left.

I have been crying on and off all afternoon. I'm sore as heck and seem to be getting sorer by the minute. We all thought my car was ok to drive home so everyone went on there way. When I drove a 1/4 of a mile I smelled burning rubber. Called the officer back and he had my car towed. DH came and got me and we drive to the airport to steal DH's car. He always parks int he same spot so it worked out perfect!

I swung by the chiropractors office and I was in my cute skirt and didn't want to have him do anything till I changed. He said to ice myself and come see him tomorrow or the next day. This stinks with all my back trouble, I think I may have to get an attorney, again because of prexcisting condition.

Anyway my GF who had the bypass a week after my second band is being sweet enough to drive me to our meeting tonight so I can still meet our girls.

This man was truly a blessing! I kept thinking he was going to disappear because he must be an Angle. I cried harder when he asked me if he could pray! HOW COOL.

I'm going to try to lay down a few minutes and rest before I go. Then I'm going to try not to get back on here tonight when I get home..lol..love you guys

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Diane! Please take care of yourself. I was in an accident over a year ago, and I should have had things checked out better, but didnt. It's a long story, but the bottom line was mom was in the hospital, I didn't have any sick days left, yada, yada, yada. Now, it's difficult to prove to the other guy's insurance co. that I was actually hurt, just had to tough it out.

Take care.

That man was an angel, for sure. What's the saying? I believe there are angels among us, dressed in regular clothes. How brave of him to offer prayer and be a comfort to you. I hope I can be that way to someone someday.

Be careful out there.

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