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:happybday2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARCY!!! :happybday2:


Girl if I was there, we would go celebrate!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, spend some time spoiling yourself, read a book, soak in a bubble bath, watch what YOU want on TV! NO housework allowed today!!

Big hugs and lotsa love!!


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Happy Birthday Darcy! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Patty & Cindy - Thank you for convincing me that the numbers are just a starting ground. I really do need to just choke it up, try things on and frig the number. I need the clothes so I just have to do it. I'll get a few things that can mix and match with other things and that will be that. I'm sure I'' manage to do at least that. It's a 7 day cruise so I think if I get 3-4 pairs of shorts I'll do ok. If not.....dang nabbit I'll use DH's shorts lol. They have elastic on em so it's not too bad lol. (Patty I'm still sending positive vibes for that banding of Patty :) )

Eilene - I actually do get my clothes at Walmart but, my Walmart is bare lately. I'd really like another pair of jeans to take but, I guess I'll have to go to an out of town Walmart because I don't think I'll get them in time if I order them online now. I didn't think of doing that DUH. I'll have to give that a whirl. I love their vneck t-shirts that have some weight to them. They hang nice. I got some there a few years back and they now fit again so I'll be taking them with me on my trip. I'd love to get a few more if I can find them. Man...fairs are definately too expensive. I avoid them like the plague lol. Springfield (Big E) Fair is huge around here. It's like $15 to get in, the food prices are ok I suppose for fair food but, a bottle of Water will run you $3.00 which is nuts. I don't go on the rides so I have no idea what the cost is there but, i don't see huge families in there if that's a hint.

Betty - Where is this hard lump on your foot? It is near the ball of your foot or near the heel? I had alot of pain in my heel once and my chiro actually adjusted those bones in there. It was awesome. Please let us know how you make out hon. I'm glad you're going. AND you are right...you have to take care of you...your employer will understand and if they don't Betty...you don't want to work there. I'm sure they realize you work very hard and this is just something you have to take care of.

Donna - So sorry about the house. People just don't appreciate things when it's not their own. heck some don't even appreciate them then. I do hope it's fixable and hopefully you can sell it and rid yourself of that worry. People are just amazing sometimes....they just floor me with their selfish, uncaring ways.

Bean - Have you enjoyed your weekend? Did you get a chance to finish your deck garden? Hope all is well.

Anne and Pat - Where are you gals. Miss you

DH and I went on a charity ride today for Ronald McDonald House. MY GOD the number of bikes there was amazing. It was a 50 mile ride that ended at a place called Francis Farm. They are known for their claim/lobster bakes etc. But...hotdogs and hamburgers were on the charities menu. That came with the price of the entrance fee as well as tshirts so that was cool. The place did allow you to buy clam cakes, chowder, chicken etc though if you wanted. Beautiful day for it!

Well...off to check the boards. Love you folks!

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Happy Birthday, Darcy! I remember 39...great year! So were all my 40s, and the 50s are going well, but it's only been this year! LOL! Hope you are having a great day, even if (or especially!) you are by yourself...that sounds kinda weird, but couldn't figure out a better way to say it. I like alone time, a lot, so that would be great for me!

We went to my little great-niece's baptism this morning, she sqaulled like crazy! It was cute. Nice get together with the family, and I think my Mom would have liked it for her birthday celebration.

I'm off for more laundry, starting to pack a little for our trip to Maine. We leave super early Friday morning! I'll probably say that a dozen times before we actually leave, so forgive my enthusiasm!

Hugs, Cindy

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Donna-What a nice way to start the day! I just got back from the pool and moved now stop for a half hour. The ocean would have been a lot nicer!

WOW Donna, what a bummer about your house. I'm so so sorry for you. I'll pray that it all falls into place quickly for you.

Patty-Glad you enjoyed the movie so much. We went to see it Friday night and could hardly get into the parking lot. Then the movie was sold out so we saw the Fast and Furious...dumb predictable, but lots of fun.

Do you have Cobra for only a few months or for an unlimited period of time?

Sherry-Hang in there. I have found only 1 store where things fit and that's Coldwatercreek. Unfortunate they are expensive so I try not to go there unless I really need something. There should be good sales going on right now for summer stuff. You can get stuff on line from them if you don't have a store near you. The sizes go from 2-24 and they are really nice things the size 2 pretty choices are the same as the 24's. AWW I love you DH!


Betty-I'm glad your calling the doctor tomorrow. I hate that your is so much pain. And if this job is really meant to be for you then they will understand. Keep us posted. Are you using crutches?

Well DH/Garry is off to the big 3 day meeting. I am praying that things work out. You all have been great.

DD was a dummy today honestly I don't understand her sometimes. She is the sweetest most caring girl. She wants to be a youth pastor and counselor. But she acts like a 12 yr old alot of times.

She was driving with her girl friend showing her these new multi million dollar homes and she ran into a sign. I bet she did a thousand dollars worth of damage to the car! Then she was upset because we were angry and "disappointed in her and we hate her and don't love her" AHH.

Well I'm trying to get the NJ girls to go to dinner on Tuesday night. Looks like were gonna do it! I'm excited I haven't seen them in 3 months. I keep missing the monthly meetings.

Have a good night Hugs and prayer for all of you.

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Happy Birthday Darcy!!! Hope you had a great day.....

I am doing better now that DH is home. He was emotionally exhausted from his trip to Connnecticut. Where they burried his Aunt is right next to Johns first wife Annie. It was hard on him. They were married for 21 years and he lost her at 42 to cancer. Then with the stuff with the house... Poor guy!

We have a plan of action at the moment so all we can do is turn it over until the end of the month and try to do the next right thing presented in front of us.

We have so much to be grateful for ... I refuse to focus on the negative......:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Thanks for all your support....

Love you ...


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It is the end to another one of God's Days... Let us rejoice!


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hi Everyone! I Have Been Off Of Work For 3 Weeks. I Teach In The School System So We Have A Very Long Vacation This Summer. Tomorrow I Begin The Summer Session For Special Needs Children. I Have To Get Up Early Now Ugh! Lol...have To Get Up At 6 Or 6:30am The Latest. Work Begins At 8:15am And Goes Until 12:45pm. It Will Be Nice To Get A Paycheck Again. Makes It A Little Hard To Enjoy Your Summer When You Don't Get Paid!today My Family And I Went To My Dh's Cousins House For A Barbecue. There Were So Many Kids And They Were So Good. I Prepared Ahead Of Time As To What I Was Going To Eat At The Barbecue. Instead Of Eating The Hamburgers And Hot Dogs They Were Serving I Brought 2 Morning Star Tomato Basil And Mozzarella Veggie Burgers. They Are 110 Calories Each. I Didn't Eat The bread And Had salad With It. I Felt Good About What I Was Eating And Helped Me Feel In Control. I Wasn't At Anyones Mercy As To What I Was Going To Eat. I Planned Ahead Of Time Just In Case There Was Something I Couldn't Eat Or Let's Say Didn't Want To Eat . I Also Brought My Own Dessert And Extra Water bottles Just In Case They Didn't Have It. Do Most People Bring Things For Themselves To Parties Or Barbecues Just In Case They Don't Have Anything To Eat Where They Go?

i Also Am Still Exercising Religiously. However, I Still Have Not Broke My Plateau. I Go For My 2nd Fill On July 19th And I Do Feel I Could Use It. I Have Been Toying With 2lbs Up And 2lbs Down. I Upped The Exercise Just About 1 Month Ago And Did Lose A Few Pounds But It Was The Few That Go Up Or Go Down. So I Really Am Not Counting That. I Have Added Weights To My Training As Well This Week. I Know It Will Break Soon But It Is Getting A Big Frustrating. Anyway, It Felt Good To See All My Cousins. They Had Not Seen Me Since I Lost The Weight From Having The Surgery. They Said I Looked Really Good. I Looked Healthy Too. In Fact, I Feel Healthy . I Got All My Blood Work From My Phsycial I Had 2 Weeks Ago. It Was Said That My A1c Was 5.9 Which Is Great. Anything Under 6 Means There Is No Sign Of Diabetes Or That It Is Under Control. I Have Been Off The Diabetic Medicine Since The Day Before Surgery So It Really Felt Good To Read That My Report Was So Good. My Cholestrol Overall Was 161 And The Good Cholestrol Was Good And Bad Was Really Good Too! I Am Not Anemic Anymore Too. If I Had To Do The Band Again I Would Do It In A Heart Beat Because It Has Helped Me To Become Healthy Again....anyway, I Have To Get Ready For Work For Tomorrow....hope You All Had A Great Weekend! Hi Eilene Hope You Are Doing Great!

today Is The Best Day Of The Rest Of My Life!!!


day Of Surgery: 299.4lbs Dec. 21,2005

current Weight: 250lbs Total 90lbs Down......

first Mini Goal.....239

2nd Mini Goal......229

3rd Mini Goal.....219

4th Mini Goal....209

5th Mini Goal ....199 (that Will Be A Biggy For Me)

6th Mini Goal....189

7th Mini Goal...179

8th Mini Goal...169

9th Mini Goal..159

10th Mini Goal....155 (goal Doctor Wants Me To Be At!)

i Have To Remember To Take It One Day At A Time!! A Good Thing To Always Remember!!what Do You Think??:)

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Morning All..

Thanks for all of the Birthday wishes... you guys rock! Well... hubby came home with an ice cream cake and took me out for Mexican food. When they found out it was my birthday they brought me huge fried ice cream. Oh... did I mention the ginormous margartita? Hmmm... I'm pretty sure I consumed a couple weeks worth of calories in one night! Oh well! We didn't go see Capt. Jack but imagine we will this week. DD shipped off without a hitch... I miss her already! Have to go to the endocrinologist to discuss Sybil (My goiter) this morning... hopefully they will tell me it's okay to wait until January to treat because we are pretty maxed out financially right now.

Dianne... Boy I tell ya... when it rains it pours. I am really glad that it was just the car that was hurt and only your DD's feelings were damaged. It really is weird how they can seem mature and together one minute and 2 year olds the next...lol. Hope you met up with the girls and had a great time!

Kat... I didn't really clean but I did work out in the garden which I actually love doing... it was all good!

Cindy... I actually like being alone too... I was single for a lot of years in between the divorce and this marriage and I learned to be quite content with my own company. It help that I have several personalities to keep me company...lol. J/K

Sherry... You and your hubby sound like such a wonderful couple... both of you are really out there enjoying life! You guys are going to have a blast no matter what you wear on your trip!

Donna... I'm glad your hubby is home with you now... there is nothing like the love of your family to get you through the rough spots in lfe. (((Hugs)))

Well... Off to jump in the shower!

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Whoops... Jan... I missed your post somehow! WOW girl.. look at how well you have worked with your band! I bet you look and feel terrific!


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Gotta run to have my blood sucked out of me. I have heard they take over 7 viles! I'll let you know.

Anyway I just wanted to say good morning. I'll be back later.

Have a good day

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Dianne... THey'll probably suck my blood today too so I'll be thinging about you and feeling lucky when they only take two vials of mine! Good Luck!

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Good Morning,

I can't play but wanted to say hello to you all. I did read the post so I know whats going on... behave yourselves now LOLOL :)

Jan your doing wonderful whoooooooooot !!!! hugs

Darcy fried ice cream... that makes my innard pucker mmmmm mmmm

Donna, I'm glad DH is home :confused:

Dianne have fun w/the vampires... when I give blood for my band doc, its 15 vials.. WTF

*WAVING* to the rest of the gals... sorry but I must run dang gum it!!!

Where is PAT? ANNE? IRA? and the rest of the no shows? we miss you all.

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Good morning!

I'm just goofing off right now, reading and visiting with you all...then I'm going to start folding and packing stuff. I know it's not until Friday, but if I get stuff clean, and pack it, then I don't end up having to wash it again before we leave. Maybe that's weird? Oh well, it works for me! Otherwise DD will wear all the good shorts and tops and I'll be up washing them the night before we leave! LOL!

Good luck to all who are having blood drawn today...and good luck at the doctor's visits.

Donna, beautiful picture!

Darcy, the birthday sounded like a good one! Glad you got DD off to camp. Ours goes first week of August to church camp.

I made a decision. Yep, that's right. After vacation, I'm gonna go get another fill. After all, it's been since November! I sure can eat a lot at a time, and I betcha some of the fill I've had has "evaporated" or whatever it does. So, think I'll have it tweaked, and renew my efforts. (after some blueberry pancakes...and lobster, of course!)

That's about all the news I have today...I'll check back with you chickies later!


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Good Morning All,

I have the twins raking leaves and the little guys outta my hair for just a moment!

For some weird reason, I don't have an appetite this morning..... maybe it's the heat. We just have general chores to do, nothing special. I will be getting that long awaited haircut/color done tomorrow and then I'll be human again.

Sending up prayers for girls with bloodtests, and thankful that Donna's DH is home safely.

Time to send out bills -- ugh!

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Hi All

Had 8 vials of blood taken. Only 2 needles my veins were behaving. Got Clifford today so I am feeling crumby!

I don't want to go to curves but I am making myself. I can't describe how much I don't want to go! But they are doing a competing thingy and I have to be the best on my team cause I can be. So I'm going to drag my butt there.

All I really want to do is stay home and relax on the couch and have a chocolate pudding...but no my DS ate my last cup!! AHHH

Well I'll check back later after curves..urgh..can't I skip today......STUPID CONTEST!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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