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Just stopped in to say Hi ~ have a lot of reading to do..

Let me say the 4th went really well .... Have you ever been to a carnival where you saw some crazy lady stealing the trash Barrel from the concession stand and taking it around back??? Damm Turkey Leg is all I can say

Then getting home and going to feed the one female Beta fish and the damn thing is gone from the fish bowl? She jumped out.. Damn fish

well gotta go -- My prayers are with you all Donna

oh yeah NO Ren pics ~ did not even go ~ Dad decided at the last minute it was his weekend and he was gonna use it.. AGH

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Hope everybody is recovered from celebrating their Independence!

My day was very relaxed... I spent most of it sleeping! We had planned to work outside - but the weather and my desire for napping kept us indoors. So, my little deck garden is still on the deck - and the deck is still there. *sigh* I guess this weekend we will make another run at it.

Thank God for the rain! I hope we get lots more. I am tired of this drought business.

So, our day was low-key & quiet. The very best kind...

Dianne - HUGS! I hope your emotional crap passes quickly.

Patty - I don't know that Cobra will keep you from getting approved - but I know how hard it was for me to get approved with permanent insurance in place. What problems are you having with the Cobra. I was really reacting to you saying you had a little problem... Keep your chin up.

Sherry - sounds like your day was a lot like mine - only you had a lovely pool to be in. *sigh* Of course, I couldn't have been in the pool during a thunder storm anyway... Glad you enjoyed it.

Kat - if you only ate ONE brownie - you did great. I can hardly kick you for one... ALAS - I had *eh-hem* more than one.

Dave - tell us... Children? Spousal Unit? (aka DW?) Fill us in on all the particulars. Groovy that you have a surgeon so close to home.

Cindy - Kudos for communication! I can't imagine what it would have been like to be able to tell my Mom "anything". We *SO* never talked about anything pertaining to sex that my poor mother thought I was a lesbian into my college years. After I got done rolling on the floor laughing, I felt badly for her...it would have been easier on her if we had that sort of communication level. *(disclaimer - not that being a lesbian is bad - just that it can be difficult in our less-than-enlightened society. Mom was only worried for me - not horrified at the idea)*

Betty - Relax - set for a while and put that foot up! Glad you had a good time out at the lake. We'll keep thinking good thoughts for the Aunts and your DB. HUGS!

Eileenie - Exercise IS good - and the scale will start to reflect that soon. It's probably just Water retention... I mean, you WERE in the pool all day, right? LOL! So they shut down the beaches and such... is it because of flooding? Or just because? Oh - and I will be making a short run to NY this month - Sunday the 23rd thru Wed. Morning. Maybe we can meet up on Sunday. Hugs!

Donna - sorry about DH's Aunt. It's nice that DH could go home to take care of business. Great work on the exercise... Sorry about the hot dog - and thanks for the warning! Haven't tried one of those since I got my last fill... it might not be a good idea, huh? Hugs!

Mary - I guess it's horrid to laugh at someone else's pain... but geez! The visual of you dragging the trash can around back... Sorry! I hope you feel better. AND you have a suicidal fish? Yikes~! Sorry you missed the RenFair - especially since you have that bitchin' dress... Damn DexH... HUGS!! Hope you have a better weekend this week...

Well - lunch is over and I have to get back to work. Love you guys!



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Patty-Please sign below. Fun "girl" who doesn't want to grow up is in need of a home near Disney. Looking for brothers and Mom to laugh and have fun with...lol..that sounds weird...You are so much fun! Good luck with the insurance.

Sherry-What a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing with us.


Betty-I'm so glad to hear your DB is getting better and that you had such a fun weekend. Take care of that foot! I got a blister this morning between my toes and I've been wining ever since. I'm a big baby.

Eileen-I'm so sorry about your brother. How sad to lose a sibling. I can't believe they stopped the lottery and gambling is it for good? It sure doesn't make sense to me I had no idea.

Donna-Sorry to hear about Johns Aunt. Thank you for being the mom of a son who wants to represent our country. Last week to went to our good friends retirement from the Navy. He is a Captain and has been for 24yrs. Going to the base and being there gave me chills. The families give up so much letting their loved ones go both emotionally and physically. So my had is not only off to your wonderful son, but to you and the rest of your family. God Bless you all and God Bless America.

Beanie-Thanks, me too! I have been better with the food today. Emotionally it's still tough. Thanks for the hugs.

Well I'm very happy today I got a sale!! It's been quite a while. I hope and pray I get another one this week! I really need to make 3 or 4 more this month. Sure not the easiest thing to do.

We had a great 4th I think it turned out to be about 30 people over for our small get together...but it was really nice. Our neighbors were kind enough to spend thousands of dollars on fireworks for us. We all took our chairs and moved to the front of the house and had quite a show.

I ate pretty well today. Didn't sleep again last night, finally took a sleeping pill at 2AM. Got up at 7 went to curves then a walk. I can hardly keep my eyes open right now. DH has a horrible Migraine he's sleeping now. I worry about him so much these days. He couldn't even remember his BIL's name and could hardly talk. I don't feel like cooking so I'm not gonna. It's a fend for yourself night. Have a good one.

Night night

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Hello everyone, My son crashed his 2 month old computer with some AIM virus so now I've lost mine to him for a night UGH. I told him I needed to peek at my emails then he could have it back. In the meantime a bunch of kids are still cutting in with IMs lol. Man....this kid has no idea how lucky he is I'm letting him use my computer. Gotta love em

Oh he's doing much better with the driving too. I actually only popped about 5 gray hairs this time hee hee

Gotta go but, I'll catch up with personals soon!

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Hellos to everyone1

Eileen, hugs on your DB's birthday; Mom's is on Sunday. The NJ budget crisis is all over the news, so I was aware of it. What I heard was that because state employees oversee the gambling, and they cannot work, then the gambling cannot happen. Probably ought to get on the phone with your Jersey girl moxey and tell your rep to cut that budget and do it now. They can start with their pay, and continue on to their retirement package! LOL! At the very least, you'll get their attention.

Betty, rest your foot!

Beanie, glad you had a restful 4th.

DH and I made a contribution to an organization that provides scholarships to fallen soldiers as our 4th of July gesture of support for our troops. Did ya'll know that on the Dept of Defense website there's a link for America Supports You. mil (I don't think there are any spaces) and you can just type a message of support to the troops, and it doesn't cost you anything?

Tomorrow is the anniv. of mom's death...I am feeling okay, just trying not to dwell on what was happening a year ago. We are going over to dad's to have dinner with him, even though we didn't really say why, I'm sure he knows. I don't think we actually have to say anything.

Love you all, Cindy

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:pout: I got Denied.

I'm not mad..... I'm not sad..... just numb.

When I got the call this afternoon it was from my surgeons office. Insurance wants me to complete a 6 month bariatric diet(what ever that means). Jodi told me she suspected they would turn me down for lapband but this was unexpected. Dear sweet Jodi has already made some calls and is really really trying to put together a solution that cuts through some of this icky redtape. She is having a meeting with my dietician and tomorrow will be calling with a primitive plan.

I called my Mom. She listened, and I agree with her. Not much I can do about all this. Chin up. I'm moving forward with my visit to Santa Barbara and me and the kids will be there for about 14 days. I totally need the break from all this lapband stress. My focus now is meal planning/packing and a taxing 3hr drive to Mom's house on July 26.

Hey guys, I'm OK with this..... really. It's Gods plan for me and I always remember that. If I get a date this fall it will be SOOOOO much cooler in my non-air conditioned home and that was REALLY concerning me. Taking time off from work.... well no way around that. I love you all for following me through this whole mess. Time to zone out now so, I'm gonna watch some TV. Catch ya later. :)

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Awww Patty, I'm sorry it is being such a hassle, but you are right, it will happen when it is supposed to happen. You are right about the temperature, and maybe you need to be up and able bodied for your kids this summer, and will have some quiet recovery time while they are in school this fall. Our prayers for this to work out will be continued! BIG BIG HUG!!:)

Cindy--One of those BIG BIG HUGS:girl_hug: to you too, tomorrow will be rough, but I am glad you have family to gather with Dad. Will be thinking of you.

Diane-hope DH's headache is better, that sounds horrible, scary even!

Beannie--if you won't kick me will you at least get these damn brownies outta here???

Betty--so glad DB is improving. Hope you get equally good reports back on the Aunts. So was that trolly scary? I have seen them, and wondered if I would be brave enough to ride one!!! I have been on big ones...trams...but not little ones! Sounds like a fun time you had! Take it easy on the foot for a few days now!

Mary--sorry the damned ex took the kids when you had something fun planned, doesn't it just figure? So did you ever find the body of the suicidal fish?

Donna--big hug for DH, sorry about his Aunt, glad you had a way to get him back to see the family. I agree about that being the way to go. Long life, go to sleep...no pain.

Eileen--ewww spending money on tires is no fun!!! We put them on our truck before going to TX last time, and the final cost took my breath away!! And now you can't even hope to win the lottery to help buy them!!!

Well everything here is pretty good. We got DD moved out and into her house. She is loving it. We celebrated being alone again, for a whole 36 hours or so. Then our son, his wife and 4 month old son moved in, for the next 2 weeks! They sold their house in Colorado, and are buying one here, but the couple they are buying it from, their son was killed in a car accident, and they ask to move the closing date back so they could travel back. Well how horrible, of course they said ok. Luckily my DIL has a family connection to the Mayflower rental truck they have their stuff in, so it is parked out at the farm, and they are living here. It is fun having the grandson!! And his parents are ok too!! It could all be for the best, it is keeping DH's mind occupied some so he isn't dwelling on his health. He is tiring much quicker these days, has begun shortening his work days. And is going to take next week off in vacation. Normally he works 14 days straight and has 7 off (paid for 40 hrs). But the 14 day run is just too much for him right now. So if he takes a vacation week, it will follow with his off week, and then it will be almost time to finally get him fixed! We are ready for the recuperation rather than the anticipation...it is nerve wracking!

Well the above mentioned grandson, is awake, and she is trying to rock him to sleep, so guess I will shut down and let her have some quiet. Everyone have a great day tomorrow!



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Good Morning Y'all!

I actually overslept this morning by a half hour! I hate it when I do that, it messes up the whole day!

I finally had a good eating day yesterday after all the bad eating!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Now, I just need to do it another day!:D I find when I get up and eat oatmeal for Breakfast, it stays with me longer. I also put some walnuts in it.

Donna - I have been meaning to tell you I just love the necklace you DH got you. It is just beautiful! (Better keep that one around):D :D Sorry about his DA, my prayers are with you and his family.:) :girl_hug:

Eileen - It is hard to get through days of our loved ones death, it gets easier in time, but it never goes away. My thoughts are with you too.

Cindy - I'm glad you still have your DD to be with you on this day. It will be a tough one, just try to remember and talk about all the good times y'all had together. When I look back at the good times me and mine had, it puts a smile on my face and in my heart. I miss mine so much all the time, but the good times are taking over now and I love that part of it. :girl_hug: :girl_hug:

Beanie - Hey, you just needed the rest! You can plant this weekend! It's supposed to be nice.

Kat - I think about your DH all the time, wondering how he is doing. It must be awful to have that long of a time before they do the surgery. Gosh, I think it would drive me crazy! My heart goes out to both of you. I still keep y'all in my prayers too. The first time down on that trolley was awful scarey, but after that it was fun. All I could think of is if this thing lets go seeing where I would land at!

Dianne - I missed it I guess, but is something wrong with your DH too? I am happy for you that you made a sale!:clap2: :clap2: Good luck and hopefully you will make a few more!

Sherry - You are being a baby, blisters really hurt! Can you keep a bandaide on it? I love all your 4th pictures!

Patty - Sorry you got denied, but I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason. Your day will come!:girl_hug:

Darcy - I haven't seen you girl, are you ok? How is everything going? Did they find your problem?

Mary - It always works that way, they always take them when you have big plans. Just push yours down a week or two.

Well, if I don't get off here and get dressed, I am going to be late, and I don't want that!

Catch you all later!

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Just stopped in to say Hi to all..

BIG HUGS TO YOU ALL... Cindy, Eileen, Betty, Patty & Donnna

Busy Busy day ~ at least I am feeling better after that horrible PB. You think I would learn.

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Just stopping in to say hi to everyone. I'm okay.

Cleaning and organizing. Well, not right now, I'm hanging out here!

Betty, I love oatmeal, too. I use dried fruit also, plus some ground flax seed or wheat germ. I agree, it does stick with you longer.

Isn't Darcy on vacation?

Patty, sorry about the denial. Dang it! Stick with us, girl.

Bubbame, I appreciate the hug.

To all, have a great day!

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Hello everyone, Since DS has my computer and playing games on it DH let me use his laptop so I can be in the livingroom with him and play with you folks too hee hee. I'm not used to this keyboard so bare with me and my typos lol :guess

Lets see if I can get some personals done since it's been a while :confused:

Cindy - I think it's really nice you're going to have dinner with your dad on Sunday. Pulling together, being together is probably the most healing thing that you all can do. Know that I'm thinking of you and saying a prayer for your family. Sounds like you're having a good day of cleaning and getting things done today. I know I peek at LBT too when I'm cleaning etc lol It's addicting...better this than eating hee hee

Mary - Aren't PBs unreal? Every time I have one I think why the heck didn't I take a smaller bite, eat slower, chew better, eat less....hmmm....maybe 42 years of training the bad way? Slowly but surely we'll learn what we need to do. I was so scared after my first fill because I was PBing daily I swear but, it's gotten better. Knock on wood :kiss

Betty - I have a blister? hee hee I have no idea what you mean. Anyway, I'm glad the swelling went down but, why does it still hurt hmmmmm. Thats terrible and I do hope you find relief soon. I know for the longest time and sometimes still my right heal hurts when I get up. That first step is a doozy. Did they take xrays? Have you tried a chiropractor?

Kat - I think you're right. Keeping busy, grandson visiting might just be what your DH needs until he has his procedure. Sounds like that's going to be good medicine. When is his procedure? I'm keeping you all in my prayers as well. How is your fill going?

Patty - Sorry about your news. I was denied as well by my insurance for about a day or so. They needed some other kind of tests etc but, the office new exactly what they needed to do and I didn't have to do anything. Maybe all they have to do is list in a better way all the diets you've tried and how long you were on them. I know that's one of the first things my physician required me to do. The years, weight loss, weight regained and name of each diet and duration. Let me tell ya I filled pages lol. Keep your chin up....we'll all routing for you here!

Diane - Whats wrong with DH besides the Migraine? Sorry he isn't feeling well. Sorry you're not sleeping well either. That certainly doesn't help with eating when you're tired either. You've got me worried over here. Did I miss you saying what it was? If you did I apologize...I'll need to check back.

Bean - It's always nice to have a day of laziness sometimes. But I do understand how you feel about not getting your deck garden done too. I enjoy the time relaxing until I realize what I could of accomplished had I took the time to do the work. Ohhh well life is too short to be working all the time right? hee hee Do you ever travel to MA for work? If you girl...look me up!

Doc - So sorry about DH's DA. It's just never easy no matter who the relative or friend is but, knowing they are in good hands and at peace helps some. Lately I've found myself looking up at the stars thinking about my grandma. Remembering her cute laugh and how short and cutesy she was makes me smile. *sigh* I think it's great you and DH can go to the beach and spend that time together no matter the reason. Helping each other through things is just the best feeling.

Eileen - UGH tires. Don't ya just love it. Seems just when things head in the right direction sometimes bingo...something comes up. Kinda like me having to buy a lawnmower. YUCK I'd rather take the money and do something fun hahaha. Anyway, they are necessary evils for sure. Need the new treads to take us to the fun places right? I'm loving my pool too. Doesn't feel like exercise when you're having fun hee hee

Pat and Anne....where are you two? I'm missin ya.

Welcome new NJ posting folks. Stick around and join in the fun!

Chris - Have you found the new July Chat yet girl? I sent you the link so you're not lost like I usually am every 1st of the month hahahaha. I'm going to spill your Beans if you don't post in here soon lol. (psssssssssst Chris has her first appointment coming up with the Bariatric center at BIDMC hee hee shhhhhh don't tell her I told ya lol)

Well I've had enough of this laptop and retying every single *&*^% wird, ya ok word I type hahaha. Love you folks and I hope you have an awesome day tomorrow!

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Hey Guys...

Yes Cindy... it is vacation week but we are just heading back and forth to the cabin and doing fun things in and around home and up north. :) We are back for a couple of days but I am flying around trying to get everything ready for my Miss Em to go to camp. We have been having fun for the most part if you don't count the four hour (what the hell were we thinking) canoe trip. LOL THe river was really low ... rocks... many rocks... many flips... lost gear... never again...lol. I am so sore I can hardly move!

I have been trying to catch up on reading... but holy cats how easy it is to get behind!

Patty... What a bummer but kudos to you for keeping your chin up! I's be pouting and stomping around like a big ole 2 year old. :)

Betty... I'm alive. :) Sounds like you are running your Buns off as usual! Is your foot continuing to improve????

Cindy... I hear you on the food struggle. (((Hugs))) I don't think I would be much help with the DD issue. I am the queen of making a delicate subject into dinner conversation. I've always talked freely about the facts of life with my DD... and while she will say EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... she is rarely embarassed when we descuss delicate matters.

Kat... Sounds like you and the hubby are finding fun ways to make the wait for surgery go by quickly!

Eileen... Bad Girls...Bad Girls... whatcha gonna do... whatcha gonna do when they come for you! :confused: We sat so close to the fireworks launching site that we could hear and watch the guys yelling and loading. Yikes... I think I may need to learn to sign!

Dianne... Girl... I have to tell you... the site isn't letting me review the posts on page one and I am experiencing a complete brain fart at the moment and can't remember what your post said. Soooorrryyy...forgive me? Hope you had a great 4th though!

Sherry... You are so loved by your hubby and it sounds like you deserve every minute of it! It sounds like you had a wonderful anniversary...congrats!

Donna... So sorry about the sad news. (((hugs))) Glad you got to talk with your son and that he is still hanging in there!

To anyone I left out... forgive me... *refer to the brain fart issue mentioned above* :)


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Cindy-I'm thinking of you today. (((Hugs)))

Patty- I'm so sorry..((((HUGS))))) lots of them. Your right about Gods plan and timing. I'm glad your getting away, it should help. We love you.

Kat-How nice to have family time. I bet that is really helping DH and you. How did your fill go? I haven't been able to read back to catch up on everything.

Betty-I hope you made it on time!! DH had a Migraine yesterday. He is much better today. Scared me and him. Thanks for asking.

Sherry-Thanks for your concern. Money and DH's job has got me sleepless. I haven't been concerned about $ in quite a few years. Company changeover has also changed the $ so now I don't sleep and he works harder and longer for less!

Darcy-You sound like your having so much fun! I'm so happy for you. You aren't having a brain fart I really haven't said much of whats going on until tonight. Thanks.

Howdy dody everyone else....

I did a little better with the food today. I got really upset when I was going through my calendar and saw that in April I was 207! I know I've screwed things up for my self. I sure hope I continue to do as good as I did today!!

DH is better. He wrote his resume up tonight. That is a scary thought considering he's been with the same company for 15yrs. Things have changed and it is getting really ugly. The sister company took over 2 yeas ago and they are idiots that don't know what they are doing. I just hope and pray that DH prays about it and asks for guidance. Wifie can only recommend that, he has to do it and believe that giving it over is the only why. I wish he'd read the Purpose Driven Life! God has provided and I know he still is so I too have to give it to him. The thought of moving scares me and none of us want to! Hopefully that will not be a problem.

OH well. I'm sorry if I sound winey. There are so many hardships in the world and this is nothing compared to so many others. I am grateful for what we have and I feel blessed for what we have. I'm just pissed at the moment..lol...

Hopefully I can sleep tonight! Have a good one See you tomorrow. Love you guys!

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Dianne, hey, no need to apologize for whining around here! That's what friends are for! $$ is a big worry, and certainly you are worrried about it. Everything will turn out okay, I'm sure. I also understand about the food and lose weight loss (although I think you look terrific!). I'm gonna stay relaxed about it until after we get back from Maine, then I think I'm going to go for another fill and see how it goes.

Anyway, just wanted to give you a hug, and let you know that I'm thining of you, too!


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