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:bandit Hello eveyone,

My name is Dave from Woolwich, NJ. I am in the process of getting the Lap Band surgery done. I have completed most of the pre op test. Hopefully surgery date in Sept. 06. My surgeon will be at St Francis Hospital in Wilmington, Del and Dr Irgau will be my surgeon. Hoping to loose 80-100 pounds.

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Happy 3rd & 4th of July All---I won't likely get here tomorrow!!!

Welcome Dave! Not all of us are here from NJ, some of us can't click on the right thing--well that's how I ended up here!!! I found friends, and decided it didn't matter that I only "thought" I was in the wrong place, in actuallity, it was the RIGHT place! Not a lot of men around as a general rule, but don't let us scare you!! I am just over 2 months post op, and it has been a great experience. I am learning to behave with the help of the band, or it is now reminding me!!! I am donw over 30 pounds now, and slowly beginning to move more. Good Luck with all the pre-op requirements, and if you have any questions, you are in a good place, this site has been phenomenol! And this thread the best by far!!!

Eileen--sure hope you are feeling better!! I am in some ways, the throat is not as sore, but now my nose is stuffy.....sniff sniff

Cindy--Well, it is not an easy place to be in, for Mom nor Daughter!! Are her ears already pierced? That was a "grown-up" thing, we did, when the girls started. Like most kids, it was something they wanted done...and were told, when they were old enough. So as it come closer, and they ask, we explained it would be done when they were "mature" enough. Made it also something to look forward to. for several months then, we would pick out earrings each month....to this day my 24 yr old will be with me out shopping, and she will try to get me to buy her new earrings, saying it is that TOM!!! If her ears are already done, or that is not something you care to do, find something that requires a bit of maturity, and mention it occasionally, and then when it does happen....maybe it can be done. I was lost, when it come to it to be honest, my 3 closest friends, each had 2 boys apiece.....no help!!!

Patty--Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Sorry Johnny was not up close and personal for you!! When you start feeling down, read Cindy's post, and smile serenely at your BOYS!!!

Sherry --Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you found a keeper, glad he works to make you feel special, it is such an amazing thing when it is the right one!!! Sounds like Donna had a wonderful time on her surprise vacay too!!! I wanna get away!!! Hopefully Betty is on the lake, relaxing....I am trying not to be jealous!!!

Hubby update---someone mentioned his blood pressure, sorry it is on June...and I am too lazy to go back!!! His blood pressure is just fine. He developed a blood clot, at the site where they did his heart catheterization. He is good for now!!! Surgery on Aug 2nd.

Baby is awake gotta run!!


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Hi all...

I am kinda new to the LapBand... I just started a new job and I now have United Healthcare... Hoping they will be easier to get approval for the band. I have given up on my other insurance which is Tricare Standard.

I live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area...closer to Arlington... Anyone know of a good surgeon in this area that gets United Healthcare approved.

Thanks all


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Hey Y'All -

I survived another fabulous month-end in mortgage lending. Now, I had to come in to work today - but, like everyone else in the office on this day that should have been a holiday, I didn't do too much in the way of working... :rolleyes

Since my day was over earlier than normal - I thought I would stop in here for a bit, since I have been AWOL for several days.

I must say that I have been VERY bad - although my fill makes it more difficult to eat bread, I am still able to eat anything - and alas - I have been. The scale is still sticking at 314 - nobody's fault but my own. I guess I am going to have to try one more fill - and a swift kick in the petute. :mmph:

Hi Dave!! Welcome to our little thread. Glad to have you. Maybe you will coax Ira out of hiding. (Hugs, Ira!) I think he get's cooties or something if he hangs out with us too much. You will just keep us from going over the edge on the Girl Stuff. :]

Cindy - HUGS! You just eat what you need to eat for a few days. Sorry, I can't help you with any DD advice. I was Sister number 3 of 4 - I think I just got the whole thing by osmosis. Good Luck! I don't envy you the NEXT 9 yrs... teen-aged girl drama - WAY too much for me! I leave the Momming to the experts. I would say something like, we get to do all the good stuff, wear all the fun clothes and have men fall at our feet in abject adoration - this is just the balance for that. Nobody get's a PERFECT life. We goddesses have take the bad with the good, too. :]

Kat - great idea about the ear-piercing. Oh - and can I get a good swift kick, please? I had a little brownie attack this weekend... ok, maybe not such a LITTLE one. *arghhhh*.

Eileenie - tomorrow is the Holiday - you had better save some of that crumb cake for tomorrow... Too Funny about the fireworks! I bet the cops didn't come because they were worried it was the COP shooting the fireworks... LOL! Hugs!!

Hi Jen! Glad you are feeling well. Hope you have a great Holiday.

Sherry - love the basket! What a great idea? I wouldn't have thought to put the propel in... We do baskets at Christmas sometimes - but we always put in wine or sparkling cider. Oh - and you will have to take a picture for us of your patriotic set. I wanna see! :clap2: Hope your overload problem is resolved, soon. Stress sucks! Hugs!!

Patty - Cobra? You are trying to get approved for Lap Band on Cobra? EEK! What's up with that? I hope you get it all worked out. Glad you had a good vacation. Sounds like you were a little busy. Cool that the boys are being responsible - and yet still being boys. No need to rush them into "being a man". That will come plenty soon enough.

Betty - glad to hear that whatever they are giving you for your foot is working. Also glad you are taking some time away to re-charge. HUGS!

Hey Gretta - Another Texan on the Jersey thread! We are like locusts around here... I used Surgery Center of Richardson - Dr. Fox - and he was/is fabulous. Not sure about United Healthcare - but they seem to take everything... it's worth checking out. http://www.surgerycenterofrichardson.com/Content/Home/home.html

If SCOR is too far off the flight path - I know Dr. Fox also has an office at Medical City. You can call his office and ask a gazillion questions...

(972) 566-4560. Good Luck!!

Donna - Wow! South Beach... Fabled in song and story...We are waiting for all the news that's fit to print. Tell All! Or better yet, show pictures! :]

Darcy - a Dog Trainer? How totally cool is that? How's it going? I bet you'll be right up there with the Dog Whisperer in no time!

Mary? How you doing? Hope all is well with you and yours. Can't wait for the RenFaire pics... I expect to see one of you in that fab dress! :]

Pat? Whatcha doing?

Crispy - Oh yeah... now I remember why I married the first interesting man to come along... LOL! Oh well - hyper is irritating, anyway. *sigh*. Hopefully you will find an interesting one, yourself. Hugs!

Well, I have gotten as caught up as I am going to get. I hope I haven't missed anybody - but I am off for home, now. I decided to surf from my desk to take advantage of the high-speed internet. I am just going to have to get DH to get us hooked up for that.

We did the potato salad and BBQ chicken thing yesterday - so tomorrow we will probably have TACO's!! MMMMM. No big plans - just chillin' at the house & celebrating my independence from my desk for a day. Definitely some "Quality Time" with DH (nudge, nudge, wink wink) and maybe some fun with flowers - my little deck garden needs to be moved so that we can rip out the deck! It is old and soft. Wood isn't supposed to be soft...

When we get our pool re-done, we will have them pour patio where the deck is now. Woo Hoo!! The tree guys come on the 11th to take down the pine trees and give the whole yard a once-over. Now, time to motivate DH to get some pool guys in for bids...

Love you guys!! See you on Wednesday, if not sooner.


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Cindy-I think what you told your daughter was beautiful. I can't remember how I told my daughter. I'll have to ask her.

Anniversaries are terrible. My dad died almost 20 yrs ago and every year I get weird for several weeks. It is strange but once the date goes by it does get easier. Hugs..you need them right now.

Betty-Sorry about your foot. Have a great time away.

Eileen- One year we were shooting off fire works in our back yard and a cop came. Garry thought it was a neighbor playing a jock on us and he continued to shoot them off then realized it was no joke. All came out fine and the cop was cool. It was funny. NJ is weird.

SherryW-What a nice surprise! Sounds like you got quit a thoughtful hubby. Happy Anniversary.

Patty-You are the most fun mom I know. Will you adopt me please!

Hi Dave-Welcome

Beanie-BBQ sounded great yesterday. Glad your having such a nice time with your DH. Enjoy!

Hello everyone else. I have tons of catching up to do.

I think I need a fill but I'm really not sure. I just can't seem to be satisfied lately. I'm PBing more than usual but I'm HUNGRY. Any suggestions?

Tomorrow we are having a "small" get together. It was supposed to be about 12 people. Well since the 4th is truly a family holiday we are up to about 30..AHHHH...I'm just making burgers everyone else is bring over the rest of the stuff. Hopefully I won't stress out to much before they get here.

Well I'm off to bed. Missed you all. Have a great day tomorrow if I don't get a chance to get on here.

Night night

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:usa2: :usa2: :usa2: :usa2: :usa2: :usa2: :usa2: :usa2: :usa2: :usa2: :usa2:

Good Morning :D

Dave, WELCOME !!!! to LBT and to the NJ board. Its great to have you here. Congratulations on your surgery date whooot!!! Just think, by this time next year, bet your at goal. Most men seem lose weight really fast so I know your gonna do great. How come, may I ask, you are going to DE?

Gretta, WELCOME !!! I don't personally know any surgeons in the Tx area but you can try the texas board or the physician's hospital board right here on LTB. Hope you can stay and chat w/us. You know there arent many NJ folks here on the NJ board LOL. So sit, have a cup of coffee and chat.

Cindy, yikes, thats a rough question. I don't know what to say since my DD is only 4. She see's me get in and out of the shower and get dressed and some times will ask a question or two and I try to say, well, you'll get this or have that when you get to be a big girl now go play.....and she's happy with that for now lol I don't like that she see's me but when she walks passed the room or opens the door w/out knocking I don't want to make a big deal out of her seeing me (I don't want her to feel like a body is something to be ashamed of)... oh long story .... anyway back to you.... I personally think you are doing great with comforting her and just being there for her. Just keep telling her its a beautiful time and a beautiful change... just like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly.

Dianne, if your PBing don't get another fill, I think you need to change what you are eating... maybe go for more meats/protein's that will stick with you and not make you as hungry.... maybe lay off carbs/sugar, stuff that will trigger hunger... JMHO. What are you eating lately?

Beanie babe good to see you... 314!!! thats down from the last time you posted CONGRATs !!!! I say, go for another fill... this last one for me was a doozie (and I'm still trying to stuff crap down the pie hole) but with the fill, its less crap LOLOL. It really has made a big difference..... (but crumb cake does go down easy lol)

Kat, I hope you and DH have a wonderful holiday and that he's feeling well enuf to enjoy it. Prayers for you guys ~~

Well today is just tiding up and swimming... gosh I love the pool. Yesterday I bet I swam 3 hours. Thats gotta count for something eh.

Well everyone, have a wonderful :usa2:4th Of July :usa2:and be safe.

Love yah !!

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Eileen-Thanks, I know it is alot of emotional crap going on right now. I know it will pass I just want it to pass NOW!!! I love how they decorate Oakland for the 4th and Memorial day. Well in the olden days when I lived there it was real pretty. You know those HUGE trees over by the middle school, they are pine trees. My mothers kindergarten class planted them! I hope there still there..lol..

Enjoy your day everybody.

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:hungry: :Bunny :cup: :popcorn: :cocktail: :pop2: :beer: :pizza: :( :usa: :) :hungry:

Parties, picnics, BBQ's......... Happy 4th of July! :P :P :P :P

Welcome newcomers! This is the funniest board around -- whoot!

Dear Dianne: Where are those adoption papers, and where do I sign! Thanks.

Cindy: DD has a wonderful loving Mom in you. As a school health aid I had to counsel a young one who was not told about periods and I was more than a bit angry. Kat's suggestion was cool. I immediately thought about on old episode of the Cosby show. They called it "ladies day" a fancy resturant was chosen, they all got dressed up.... major celebration and some real importance. A wrist corsage would be fun. I'd say you have a good 5-6 months to plan. Keep us posted.

Beanie: Will my cobra keep me from being approved? I never thought that could also give me grief. I'm waiting for a surgery date. Do you know something that I don't? Worry is my middle name.

Anne: where are you?

Well, one by one my little monsters are waking up. Bye.

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Happy Independence Day!!!! Just a lazy hang around the house/pool day today. I'm loving it. House is clean...well....better than most days hahaha, no company, no visiting just a relaxing day. It's HOT today already 82 so we're headed for the pool.

Cindy - I think what you've told your DD so far is fabulous. Just the fact that you've talked to her about it is fantastic. So many parents let it go until it happens and that's just wrong mostly because the girl thinks she's dying. My poor mom didn't get the talk and she thought she was dying for 3 days. She used towels, toilet paper, extra underwear and cried. My grandmother didn't say a thing until she got ticked washing her underwear. Well hello? Anyway my mom swore her daughters would know it all before it happened. My mom bought some life cycle books, I think at the time they were from Tampax? They were red and grey hard cover books and she went through the books with me. She brought me to the store to buy supplies and put them in a safe place for only me. (I had a younger brother that would of caused problems lol) She talked so openly with me about EVERYTHING. By the time we finished those books I knew about TOM, Sex, male parts, female parts, babies, etc. She explained to me, in such a loving way that sharing my virginity should be with someone I truly love. She said if it came to a point where I felt I really loved someone to tell her and she and I would speak to a doctor to make sure I was protected. She explained it was best to wait but, that she knew things could happen and really wanted me to feel comfortable speaking with her. You know Cindy....because she did it in this loving way....I didn't have sex until I was married at 22. (There you all know now hahaha) Everytime I was close to doing something with a boy....I thought about my mothers calm voice, loving way and said....I need to wait. I'd do other things that wouldn't get me pregnant, not a complete angel here lol but, that boy never got anywhere near getting me pregnant. Mom did explain that he didn't have to be in for that to happen either sooo I knew I shouldn't. I can't say enough about the way she told me. Many times in the car alone we'd talk while we drove somewhere. Knowing the communication was there meant the world to me. Now my dad...no way no how could I talk that way to him hahaha. Talk about opposites lol. Dad..well that's a whole nuther subject lol

If I can think of more she said I will let you know. You're doing great Cindy! Oh....and the way my mom talked to me....is how I talk with my son. He and I talk about ANYTHING. Oh yes....ANYTHING. I realize there will be things he keeps from me but,....for the most part he fesses up or asks me. I'll have to tell you some of that sometime. Love him to pieces...he's growing up to be such a wonderful man. The gal that keeps his heart will be one lucky gal.

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Just caught a few comments on here, and wanted to add something to what Sherry said about conversations in the car. As for talks with your DD Cindy, if she seems to get embarassed by the talks, try doing them in the car, when you are alone. My youngest add-on daughter (aka step daughter), was very easily embarassed, and the car talks were great, just us, but since I was also driving, it eliminated the steady eye contact. She ask and talked away, but face to face, she clammed up!! Might be worth keeping in mind, when it comes to talking about anything to the kids, smoking, drugs, sex....whatever, it might be easier on both of you!!!

Beannie---we need a mutual brownie kick....it really was just gonna be 1 bite....really!! I ate the whole thing....:(


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No I live in Woolwich, NJ, which is only 15 minutes from Del and only 10 minutes from PA. My surgeon is in Wilmington, Delaware. Thanks for the warm welcome

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:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Happy 4th of July!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

We've done all our celebrating on Sunday and Monday, and today is just for our little family...did anyone watch the Space Shuttle launch! It gives me chills!

Eileen, Sherry, Kat, Patty...ya'll are the "go-to" gals for advice! I read every word, and feel really good about how things are going so far. We do drive together alot and talk alot in the car. I don't think she's embarrassed about anything. She even told DH the next morning that she wasn't looking forward to that period thing! We're good communicators, or try to be. I love the idea of "ladies day" and think my sister would love to be part of that, and maybe my nieces and some of the other women who are important to DD. We have a wonderful ladies restaurant in Denton, The Chestnut Tree, and it would be perfect for that! Sherry, your mom was so great with you, and I love how she prepared you for that important decision. I think it would have helped me to make better decisions about that...I know I treated those decisions way too casually. That caused a lot of pain and stress, and who wants that for their daughter? Or sons, for that matter? A big thank you and I'm still up for hearing any further stories...all of them are very helpful.

Dianne, it is good to hear from those further down the road that it is natural to be unsettled during the weeks around the time you lost someone really important to you. I feel sorry for people who never talk to others, and carry their burdens all alone. They never have the comfort of knowing that others feel the same, and have survived and thrived, and they can, too. I can't even explain how comforting that knowledge is. I know Betty, Eileen, and others have shared this with me, and don't know what it cost them to share, but I do truly appreciate the gift. Thank you.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy and grateful Independence Day!

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Morning Y'all!

It sounds like everyone had a great holiday! I just love the familiy get togethers.

We had a wonderful time at the lake, and it was so nice to get together with my family. Of course all we did was eat, eat, eat, and then eat some more! I don't dare get on the scale for a week!

I took my camera with me, even charged the battery up, but didn't take the first picture. We were on a cliff, and they had this trolly thing that you sat in to take you down to the boats, it was really neat. Once it was busy so I took the steps (about 100) and I actually made it without dying!

We were out on the boat and some big winds picked up and man, we all get drenched all the way back in! Everything in the boat was floating! It was so funny, just when one big wave would drench us, here would come another! You should have seen the people looking at us when we came up.

The swelling is much better in the foot, but the hurting is not! Of course I did a lot of walking which I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it. So hopefully the sitting at work will help today.

I haven't had time to check on the Aunts, but right before we left this weekend, they put my DB in his own room, out of intensive care, so that made us all enjoy the weekend a little bit more. Thanks to all of you for the prayers/thoughts!

Well, I have to get ready for work, but I'll try to check in later and do some personals.

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Good Morning,

Betty, glad the swelling is down... now rest will ya... and WHOOT on DB.

Happy July 5th :grouphug: Today is my eldest brother's birthday, he would have been 51 (he died when he was 34, heart attack).

Its a rainy day in NJ.... did you all hear that they shut down the lottery, gambling, beaches here in NJ.... They are complaining that we are in debt yet they shut down the things that make the state money.... ummmm hello!! I can't imagine how much money the casino's in atlantic city are losing, and the mom and pop stores that sell lottery tickets... ya gotta wonder.

Nothing much is new, DH has my car b/c it had a flat, so I have his monster van today while he is getting me new tires... $130.00 a tire... oy vey.

Other than that......... life is good !!! No wl on the scale, actually a gain and I did all that swimming.... go figure...see exercise is NOT good LOLOL.

Watcha all up to this lovely hump day?

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Happy July 5!

The 4th started out with a sad note. Johns Aunt died back in Connecticut. She was in her 90's and just went to sleep.... best way to go! John is the oldest of his family and his mother and the rest live in Indiana so he is going to represent that side of the family. I was able to get him a flight with my frequent flyer miles for tomorrow... we still have a house there that he needs to take care of some "stuff" so it worked out.

He was down so we went and spent some quiet time on the beach together. It was very nice. I swam in the ocean for 1/2 hour against current and then 1/2 hour back. Man I was very tired and today my arms ACHE!!!!

We came up showered and went to the association picnic.... it was great except my experiment with my first hot dog.... it was good going down.. not coming up!!!!!

Went out our door onto to the beach and the towns to the north and south were doing fireworks.... and we can't forget everyone else setting them off in between. I was on sensory overload and didn't know where to look!!!!

My son called from bootcamp and we told him how proud we were that he was representing our country!!!:clap2: :clap2:

That is it for now.....


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