kkandrod 1 Posted May 15, 2011 Hi everyone! I got to know a few of you a little about a year ago when I was trying to get approved for the sleeve. It's official, I will have no insurance coverage for it. I've done all tests that would make it possible and nothing's wrong with me, not even sleep apnea! LOL I am thankful for that but it does make me so mad at insurance companies for not taking into consideration the build of the individual. I may not have the weight to be over 40 BMI to have the surgery approved without co-morbidities but my waist measurement is way higher than most females who do have a BMI of 40 or higher. And that is the most dangerous place to carry your weight, it's been shown over and over again in heart health studies. And my BMI is only like 3.4 away from being 40. But, hey, it is what it is. Over the last year I've done the usual, gained and lost weight a couple times, not big losses but enough to start telling it in my clothes and then something happens and I mess myself up and gain it all back. Same old song and dance. Just sick of it. I always come back here to read. I see some of you that I spoke with are now pregnant, CONGRATULATIONS girls!!!! And I see alot of other successes as well. So happy for you all!!! So, here's where I'm at now. I'm cash pay and choosing between 2 surgeries, leaning heavily toward one. VSG, obviously, but also learning about POSE. I know, I know, it doesn't take the Ghrelin away and the weight loss is way slower, and it's one of the new kids on the block. Was considering the plications surgery but since learning about the chances of necrosis because of blood flow (and me being a smoker as of now) and that part of the stomach not being viewable during a scope has made me take that option pretty much off the table. The reasons for POSE are less downtime, no leaks, no cutting, less surgical risks like blood clots, pneumonia and such, no reports of hurting after eating or food intolerances like broccoli or coconut. And, my hubby wouldn't have to take time off without pay to be home with me long enough to get past the risk of leak time frame. I know there's very low probability of a leak but I want him with me during that healing time just in case something would happen, he'd be there to get me to where I needed to be. The advantages of VSG are obvious to me and all of you so no need to list them here. So, there it is. Waiting on Dr. Lavin to call me for an over the phone consult since I'm so far away from him to talk about POSE. He also does the sleeve and is very highly recommended so I'm sure we'll discuss that surgery as well. I just wanted to tell everyone hi and I'm so happy for you all!!! Hope to be one of the post surgery and pregnant gals by this time next year!! God Bless! Krystal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites