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30 Days postOp - The good, the bad and the just ugghsome!

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Well, I wanna talk about SO Much!I wish I won't forget one thing!, The reason I am writing this long post is I feel like I wanna give back to this awesome community.

I have been learning so much fromthis forums, people will just come and post something and it makes me feel likewow, that just happened to me! Thank Godness I am not alone! What a relief..you know that feeling?

So here is what been going on.. umight or might not relate.. But just remember everyone is different and I amnot a saint by any means!

*PLEASE NOTICE MY ENGLISH IS MYSECOND LANGUAGE! So forgive any grammatical/phrasing mistakes.

I have been sleeved on April16/2011. I am a band to sleeve revision. I wont talk about my band anymore Ihave already discussed it before a lot on the sleeve to band revision section.

I wont bore u with my hospital stay! And what went there but all I can say my doctor and his team has been gentle and SOSWEET!

SO lets see what u might expect onur 30 days Journey! EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, GOOD AND BAD!

Day 1:

The good: you are done! You had thesurgery! You are alive!

The bad: If u are just like me, I wasstanding strong by my decision, not having buyer remorse not even questioning what have I done to myself… but u might! So don’t freak out! .. but the truebad things that happened to me, was the stomach spasms, that felt I wanna throwup although am NOT nauseous or near that. I had a tube entering my nose passing through my throat to my stomach, connected to a bag full of blue Fluid. I was informed later that it was just to keep sure there are noo leaks. Thank god mydoctor came at night and had it removed.

Day 2: I was allowed to sip and itdidn’t feel anything more than something heavy in my stomach.

The good: finally u are drinking * I was NPOthe first night.

The bad: GAS PAIN in my right shoulder that made me scream, cry and wanna die!

Pain meds are also not that good.. they make u dizzy and not in a good way.

Day 3: WOW U ARE FINALLY HOME!That’s the only good thing! My comfort zone, my bed.. That I couldn’t feel comfortable on! I still can't sleep on my sides.

The bad: u are just confused, should I drinkthat? Will it makes me sick? , after a sip of any clear fluid u will startquestioning if u just had caused a leak?! Will my life be terrible forever!?Then u come on the board to let ppl know u are fine, and u just want to nap!But actually u are not in the mood to talk u just want to lurk and see if thereis anyone have had ur crazy symptoms!

Day 4: ALL BAD FOR ME! I was finewith Soups then baamm.. I smelled one sea food Soup and I went sick all day! NOFOOD NO Water NO ANYTHING! My parents were worried I looked so pale and was nearly dehydrated. Also I had my period one week before my surgery and I wokeup on day 4 with blood in my panty.. I was like WHAT THE HELL! Am I leaking!?!I called my surgeon and he confirmed that hormones are just playing up .. Hetold me ur bodyjust went into a tornado few days ago.. let it settle on its own. Don’t worrytoo much.

It was too late and I just decidedI need something other than CLEAR damned soup and drinks so I went to creamsoup! ( felt so better afterwards but felt damn guilty and the fear of leak juststarted harassing me)

I came back on board that day, announcing I amhaving the worse time of my life. I received amazing personal conversations.One of them (without mentioning names, in case they wont like it, just let meknow that going on cream soups and even MUSHIES on the 4th day istotally okay for some surgeons and that I shouldn’t do it but its okay! It wasso comforting, so I continued having cream soups since then. The one thingbeside water that wasn’t making me sick anymore.

DAY 5:

The bad: DON’T WEIGHT URSELF!! I gained 9 pounds! WHAT THE HELL?!

Yeah you have heard it before onOH and here, fluids and IV gives u extra illusional pounds on the scale rightafter the surgery and they will go away BUT when they happen to u!! IT ISFORBIDEN! And NO it is just u and urfat luck! U are always stay FAT! .. ppl will swear to u that u will pee themand No u will not believe them. Although u will just thank them.

DAY 6:

The bad: Starting regrettingur descisio, ..was it really worth it?! Am I such a spoil human being who cant take control over her life?! Did I do a big mistake losing my band (In revision cases) .. Iwill never lose weight in my life.. Is the rest of my stomach will ever forgiveme?

The good: I woke up so late atnight feeling like I CANT hold my pee!! Wondering Did they reduce the capacityof that place too? I kept visiting the restroom for several hours that nightand peed my life away.



I kept losing 1 to 2 pounds fromday 8 to day 13.

It was the first time in my lifeto weight 99.8 !! KILOS! I have always weighted more than 100!

The rest of the second week, you will just go crazy with this liquid diet.< /span>

I relied on my good friend (GNCWhey protein) It tasted so good. I blended it with some yogurt and milk. Creamsoup weren’t appealing anymore to me. My second visit to the surgeon was in fewdays and I know he will ask me to do one more week of liquids and I was intending a murder on that day! I was going to fight for me food!

Day 15 : the day before mydoctor's visit I started not losing weight .. I have heard about stalls but Inever excepted it to happen to me! Why you! Why it is always you and some smallpercentage of other ppl? .. well truly I didn’t think so, cause I was startingto love my new me, the one who is not suffering while drinking water, the onewho can take a pill normally.. and the one who is gonna eat a hershy kiss thatnight!! YES ! I had it in my mouth and I kept chewing the hell out of it. It isokay you are not an angel, but still don’t do it!!

Day 16: My doctor was awesome! He gaveme the okay to start soft food. He wasn’t against solid either but he told mewhy would u make urself suffer that soon?.. just try practicing eating. Irolled my eyes thinking .. I have been practicing that with my band for a whole7 yrs .. no problemJ

My guidelines were simple.. EATWHATEVER U WANT! Nothing is off limits! U are on a long experiment with foodnow. The one thing that he stressed on is WATER! FLUIDS.. DRINK DRINK!

The good: U will eat!

The bad: there is no place for allthe things u want!

My first food ever was Sashimi and sushi.. I removed the rice after the scary things I have heard about rice onboards.. I didn’t have a bite or two.. I had many small tiny bites.. chewed thehell of them, and they are so mellow already. My first meal lasted 12 mins and then I said to myself that’s it! Lets ot push it. I had 2 pieces after all thechewing from the whole 8 piece roll.. without the rice and without the seaweed.

Day 17 till day 20 I had the samething over and over again, shushi, water, GNC in the morning and sometimessushi with it too.. My order stayed in the fridge for 3 days that I had tothrow it away!

Day 21: my 3rd visit! NOpounds lost! No energy, but lots of love to life! My doctor advice was to stayaway from the scale! He knows me since the band, I weight morning and evening. He told me that the weight will come off slowly cause am not the same heavier person. He advised me to start having more physical activities so my energywill come back. Also I was suffering from continuous black outs when I stand upor get up too fast, he told me to start squeezing my legs muscles before it andafter I stand up and it is really working.

The good: I am no longer scaredfrom leaks.. Definitely healed from that obsession.

The bad: I had my first ice cream!And It isn’t my favorite anymore! I started feeling dizzy, nauseous, sweatingcold sweat, then having hot flashes, then running to the restroom for diarrhea.I had this before, It sounds like dumping syndrome but I am also hypoglycemic since my band! But it was definitely the worst episode I had of my life!

Day 22: I am down 3 POUNDS!! Lookslike the ice cream is working! It broke my stall! Lol can you believe that?!

I was ecstatic that day nothing bad can ruin that day EXCEPT if I chose to have more ice cream and suffer.. butI didn’tJ I had eggs with cheese in the morning followed by my Vitamins then Asnack of GNC shake, then a piece of lindit chocolate, then Sushi, then a snackof nuts! And I thought wow that is too much!

Day 23: I am down half a pound! WOW eating more definitely help ALTHOUGH I am actually not eating more, I am havingmore verities and quality food. It is just in very small quantities! I startedwalking so much more since the start of this week

The bad: I am not my usual self, Iam still tired after a walk in the mall which is not me. My back hurts! It neverhurt that much since I was over 300 pounds! I now knew from my doc that this is the weight coming off and shifting in my body! I Am late! NO PERIOD andreally unhappy about it!

The good: I am not hungry.. mylife is not about planning my next meal! It is about feeding my body when ittruly needs it! And stopping when it had enough!

Day 24: MY FIRST laughable dinningout!

The good: THANK GOD FOR BOXES! No vomiting, no scenes, no food stuck in urthroat that u cant have a nice social talk with ppl with u (Band problems)

The bad: I was a regular at thisrestaurants and they kept apologizing if the food wasn’t good cause it wasbarely touched! I kept assuring them that I had intensive surgeries and I just don’ttolerate food that much now.

Day 25: My first visit to my beloved gym.. It was all chatting with ppl there cause they really missed me! Aww!.

The bad: I couldn’t walk more than25 mins on the treadmill. It wasn’t anything more than I was just tired! And reallydisgusted that am walking not running. And really walking at a very slow-pace.

The few remaining days, I had noproblems except that I over ate once, I didn’t puke or anything I just kept feeling nauseous for a while then it passed. I gave sugar another try, which was cake and it was confirmed no more of these stuff. May be later?

I have a dark piece of chocolateeveryday! And It is my heaven.

I am not concerned about CARBS! AsI don’t have a real place for them and I am not freaking out about the grams ofcarbs in everything I eat, life is going good now, why should I restrict myself now when I can do it later when it is really needed.

DAY 30!

-I bought my first SKINNY jeans ever! And man did they look good on me!

-I had my first Mexican food! And the refried Beans really give me the goto a real restroom visit! (EW sorry) I noticed the EPMANADA went down fine, butall I had was half of it and the other half at dinner when I went home.

-I am down 18 pounds! That leaves me away from wonder land by 17 pounds!

- I am a happier person! I cant describe it but U gotta be sleeved to feelit. I am mentally thinking that everyone should be sleeved now lol cause it isa very good way of living

-I started writing this LONG post on that day!

Day 31:

The bad: still no period, still low energy but not the same levels as before, I wasn’t tired driving to some friends but I was tired sitting for too long there chatting.

The good: I finally finished thatpost which I seem to forget a lot of things I wanna talk about it here no matter how long it seems! Lol

My advice:

-Don’t stress about ur weight, Don’t stress about ur weight!! IT WILL Happen! No possible way it wont! .

.-Don’t freak about ur food, try DIFFERENT things! Sticking to the same pattern isn’t good for u emotionally or evenweight loss wise, when I stick to the same menu on a week I didn’t lose.

- Have a one day of fun each week, shock ur body with a new ingredient.

- FATS! Are important in urdiet! And there are plenty of good source of fat.

- CARBS are made to be eaten not freaking about, chose urcarbs wisely and see how ur body reacts, ur brain will love it! Andif it is a slider for u, try another source of carb. Refried beans are good! Remember?There are some other stuff like it just search it with ur body.

- Water is the only thing that can stop u from losing weight! DRINK! The more u drink the more fresh u will be.

- Live like a normal person! When u are a month out stop freaking outabout the little things.. u are living to try not to be the same old patterned person. Sometimes as my doctor told me u will forget u are sleeved. Sometimes Ido!

( not talking quantity wise) I mean leading life.

- Have faith and push urself to new limits, Walk faster the next time u hit the road.

Congrats on your sleeve! And for anyone considering it, I strongly advice you start posting and asking as many question as u want!

See you in a another window;) my awesome new family!

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Loved your post Looou! Glad you are starting to feel better and your energy will pick up it just takes awhile as you had major surgery. I am almost 3 months out and can say that I am back to my full energy days and much lighter than when I started so I think that gives me more energy.

Keep up the great work! It is so true about the water!

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I loved this post! It is so helpful and I am sure after I am sleeved next week I will come back to read it often! Thanks for sharing!;)

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Next WEEK!? omg...is it that soon?!?

Looou did you lose your mind before surgery? Cause that's how I feel right now, like I'm going bonkers.

THANK YOU so much for telling the rest of it exactly how it is!


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I am glad to help in anyway ! and please forgive my spacing issue in my post, I wrote it on a word doc and paste it!

Ybnormal, I DID ! freak out the excitement wear off hours before the surgery and U will find common posts about the same issue!! " I am freaking out - I am scared - is it normal to be afraid" and u will find the most reliefing thoughts in respond to it!

But as soon as u are in the hospital all of this will just flush out of ur system and u will get caught up in the preparation and soon u will be opening ur eyes and knowing u have done it! u went through it and all ur fears were just normal person fearing of their precious life.

I can say that you will be saving ur life when u go through it, and dont mind the first 1 weeks, they are just gonna be memories and u will be so proud of how amazingly u survive them... u will brag about them later at least with urself!

Here is my post about freaking out before the surgery .. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/16240-i-am-not-changing-my-mind/page__p__137290__fromsearch__1#entry137290

Sarsar and Ybnormal, Best of luck to you! I know how great you will feel afterwards and we will always be here to ease ur pain X

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LOVE your post, thanks for writing all that out. I could really relate to a lot of what you said. :)

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Thank you so much for sharing!

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Good post- It will be helpful to newbies on the site. Glad your surgery went well!!! Keep up the good work!

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I had my sleeve just 3 days before you and I am doing pretty well too. Although I haven't had a period since a month before my surgery! I'm starting to feel really bloated and crampy so I think I got one coming on.

I'm glad you are doing so well. I'm happy for you. I've got a long ways to go to get to onederland, lol

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Loved your post Looou! Glad you are starting to feel better and your energy will pick up it just takes awhile as you had major surgery. I am almost 3 months out and can say that I am back to my full energy days and much lighter than when I started so I think that gives me more energy.

Keep up the great work! It is so true about the water!

Thanks a lot AutumnLily!! I am glad to know that 3 mons out I will be feeling more energy! I am not complaining I swear, but it is just so mixed up with energy levels, period fading and my sleep pattern is just so bad.

I would take all that and much more to feel what I feel today. This surgery gave me HOPE! not for weigh loss only but for living like a normal person not obsessing about how bad my food intake was or obsessing about how can I ever satisfy my inner monster.

Thanks a lot for your post and everyone's down here and I am always grateful for this place.

For newbies I still stress that you keep in touch with this a support system like this board.. Especially if you chose to have to this surgery as a private matter. Even if you told people they aren't in the same place that we are all in, they wont understand and they might give you some misinformation due to lack of experience so please reply on a good informative support system.

Have a great Journey!!

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I had my sleeve just 3 days before you and I am doing pretty well too. Although I haven't had a period since a month before my surgery! I'm starting to feel really bloated and crampy so I think I got one coming on.

I'm glad you are doing so well. I'm happy for you. I've got a long ways to go to get to onederland, lol

Gayle sweety, I have been having these syptoms for over a week now.. and everytime I run to the restroom I find nothing:( It is trully irritating at sometimes. I dont mind the physical pain .. but my periods are so emotional, they have always been that way. So I find myself lately getting annoyed at weird stuff, I just had an incident with the lady who does my nail when she asked me to cancel the appointment and I went mad telling her "Its over I dont want to do anything with you again" and she had to keep my appointment to not upset me, but I was really pushy and selfish for doing that. She just needed to go home early that day for some reason. The period needs to flush out of my system or I will just turn into a cold hearted monster lol.

Thanks a lot for ur cheering! and I am sure ur long way to onderland will be shorter in no time! XO

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Thank you for sharing :) I love how you kept track of the good and bad of each day.. .i think I might do something similar once I am that stage. I was shocked at how different your "diet" was compared to what is expected with my surgeon. Where I go they have a "no-carb" policy. You are allowed a max of 30 per day, but that is only for things that you can't avoid or to make your food palatable.. like if you eat something that has milk in the ingredients. In my mind I want to eat as you do... eat a variety just keep it smart. It is crazy how different every surgeon seems to be!!

I am glad that you are doing well and are enjoying life :)

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Thank you for sharing. I am just now contemplating having the surgery so this really helps me to see what it will be like. Best of luck in your continued recovery!

Well, I wanna talk about SO Much!I wish I won't forget one thing!, The reason I am writing this long post is I feel like I wanna give back to this awesome community.

I have been learning so much fromthis forums, people will just come and post something and it makes me feel likewow, that just happened to me! Thank Godness I am not alone! What a relief..you know that feeling?

So here is what been going on.. umight or might not relate.. But just remember everyone is different and I amnot a saint by any means!

*PLEASE NOTICE MY ENGLISH IS MYSECOND LANGUAGE! So forgive any grammatical/phrasing mistakes.

I have been sleeved on April16/2011. I am a band to sleeve revision. I wont talk about my band anymore Ihave already discussed it before a lot on the sleeve to band revision section.

I wont bore u with my hospital stay! And what went there but all I can say my doctor and his team has been gentle and SOSWEET!

SO lets see what u might expect onur 30 days Journey! EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, GOOD AND BAD!

Day 1:

The good: you are done! You had thesurgery! You are alive!

The bad: If u are just like me, I wasstanding strong by my decision, not having buyer remorse not even questioning what have I done to myself… but u might! So don’t freak out! .. but the truebad things that happened to me, was the stomach spasms, that felt I wanna throwup although am NOT nauseous or near that. I had a tube entering my nose passing through my throat to my stomach, connected to a bag full of blue Fluid. I was informed later that it was just to keep sure there are noo leaks. Thank god mydoctor came at night and had it removed.

Day 2: I was allowed to sip and itdidn’t feel anything more than something heavy in my stomach.

The good: finally u are drinking * I was NPOthe first night.

The bad: GAS PAIN in my right shoulder that made me scream, cry and wanna die!

Pain meds are also not that good.. they make u dizzy and not in a good way.

Day 3: WOW U ARE FINALLY HOME!That’s the only good thing! My comfort zone, my bed.. That I couldn’t feel comfortable on! I still can't sleep on my sides.

The bad: u are just confused, should I drinkthat? Will it makes me sick? , after a sip of any clear Fluid u will startquestioning if u just had caused a leak?! Will my life be terrible forever!?Then u come on the board to let ppl know u are fine, and u just want to nap!But actually u are not in the mood to talk u just want to lurk and see if thereis anyone have had ur crazy symptoms!

Day 4: ALL BAD FOR ME! I was finewith Soups then baamm.. I smelled one sea food Soup and I went sick all day! NOFOOD NO Water NO ANYTHING! My parents were worried I looked so pale and was nearly dehydrated. Also I had my period one week before my surgery and I wokeup on day 4 with blood in my panty.. I was like WHAT THE HELL! Am I leaking!?!I called my surgeon and he confirmed that hormones are just playing up .. Hetold me ur bodyjust went into a tornado few days ago.. let it settle on its own. Don’t worrytoo much.

It was too late and I just decidedI need something other than CLEAR damned Soup and drinks so I went to creamsoup! ( felt so better afterwards but felt damn guilty and the fear of leak juststarted harassing me)

I came back on board that day, announcing I amhaving the worse time of my life. I received amazing personal conversations.One of them (without mentioning names, in case they wont like it, just let meknow that going on cream Soups and even MUSHIES on the 4th day istotally okay for some surgeons and that I shouldn’t do it but its okay! It wasso comforting, so I continued having cream soups since then. The one thingbeside Water that wasn’t making me sick anymore.

DAY 5:

The bad: DON’T WEIGHT URSELF!! I gained 9 pounds! WHAT THE HELL?!

Yeah you have heard it before onOH and here, fluids and IV gives u extra illusional pounds on the scale rightafter the surgery and they will go away BUT when they happen to u!! IT ISFORBIDEN! And NO it is just u and urfat luck! U are always stay FAT! .. ppl will swear to u that u will pee themand No u will not believe them. Although u will just thank them.

DAY 6:

The bad: Starting regrettingur descisio, ..was it really worth it?! Am I such a spoil human being who cant take control over her life?! Did I do a big mistake losing my band (In revision cases) .. Iwill never lose weight in my life.. Is the rest of my stomach will ever forgiveme?

The good: I woke up so late atnight feeling like I CANT hold my pee!! Wondering Did they reduce the capacityof that place too? I kept visiting the restroom for several hours that nightand peed my life away.



I kept losing 1 to 2 pounds fromday 8 to day 13.

It was the first time in my lifeto weight 99.8 !! KILOS! I have always weighted more than 100!

The rest of the second week, you will just go crazy with this liquid diet.

I relied on my good friend (GNCWhey protein) It tasted so good. I blended it with some yogurt and milk. Creamsoup weren’t appealing anymore to me. My second visit to the surgeon was in fewdays and I know he will ask me to do one more week of liquids and I was intending a murder on that day! I was going to fight for me food!

Day 15 : the day before mydoctor's visit I started not losing weight .. I have heard about stalls but Inever excepted it to happen to me! Why you! Why it is always you and some smallpercentage of other ppl? .. well truly I didn’t think so, cause I was startingto love my new me, the one who is not suffering while drinking water, the onewho can take a pill normally.. and the one who is gonna eat a hershy kiss thatnight!! YES ! I had it in my mouth and I kept chewing the hell out of it. It isokay you are not an angel, but still don’t do it!!

Day 16: My doctor was awesome! He gaveme the okay to start soft food. He wasn’t against solid either but he told mewhy would u make urself suffer that soon?.. just try practicing eating. Irolled my eyes thinking .. I have been practicing that with my band for a whole7 yrs .. no problemJ

My guidelines were simple.. EATWHATEVER U WANT! Nothing is off limits! U are on a long experiment with foodnow. The one thing that he stressed on is WATER! FLUIDS.. DRINK DRINK!

The good: U will eat!

The bad: there is no place for allthe things u want!

My first food ever was Sashimi and sushi.. I removed the rice after the scary things I have heard about rice onboards.. I didn’t have a bite or two.. I had many small tiny bites.. chewed thehell of them, and they are so mellow already. My first meal lasted 12 mins and then I said to myself that’s it! Lets ot push it. I had 2 pieces after all thechewing from the whole 8 piece roll.. without the rice and without the seaweed.

Day 17 till day 20 I had the samething over and over again, shushi, water, GNC in the morning and sometimessushi with it too.. My order stayed in the fridge for 3 days that I had tothrow it away!

Day 21: my 3rd visit! NOpounds lost! No energy, but lots of love to life! My doctor advice was to stayaway from the scale! He knows me since the band, I weight morning and evening. He told me that the weight will come off slowly cause am not the same heavier person. He advised me to start having more physical activities so my energywill come back. Also I was suffering from continuous black outs when I stand upor get up too fast, he told me to start squeezing my legs muscles before it andafter I stand up and it is really working.

The good: I am no longer scaredfrom leaks.. Definitely healed from that obsession.

The bad: I had my first ice cream!And It isn’t my favorite anymore! I started feeling dizzy, nauseous, sweatingcold sweat, then having hot flashes, then running to the restroom for diarrhea.I had this before, It sounds like dumping syndrome but I am also hypoglycemic since my band! But it was definitely the worst episode I had of my life!

Day 22: I am down 3 POUNDS!! Lookslike the ice cream is working! It broke my stall! Lol can you believe that?!

I was ecstatic that day nothing bad can ruin that day EXCEPT if I chose to have more ice cream and suffer.. butI didn’tJ I had eggs with cheese in the morning followed by my Vitamins then Asnack of GNC shake, then a piece of lindit chocolate, then Sushi, then a snackof nuts! And I thought wow that is too much!

Day 23: I am down half a pound! WOW eating more definitely help ALTHOUGH I am actually not eating more, I am havingmore verities and quality food. It is just in very small quantities! I startedwalking so much more since the start of this week

The bad: I am not my usual self, Iam still tired after a walk in the mall which is not me. My back hurts! It neverhurt that much since I was over 300 pounds! I now knew from my doc that this is the weight coming off and shifting in my body! I Am late! NO PERIOD andreally unhappy about it!

The good: I am not hungry.. mylife is not about planning my next meal! It is about feeding my body when ittruly needs it! And stopping when it had enough!

Day 24: MY FIRST laughable dinningout!

The good: THANK GOD FOR BOXES! No vomiting, no scenes, no food stuck in urthroat that u cant have a nice social talk with ppl with u (Band problems)

The bad: I was a regular at thisrestaurants and they kept apologizing if the food wasn’t good cause it wasbarely touched! I kept assuring them that I had intensive surgeries and I just don’ttolerate food that much now.

Day 25: My first visit to my beloved gym.. It was all chatting with ppl there cause they really missed me! Aww!.

The bad: I couldn’t walk more than25 mins on the treadmill. It wasn’t anything more than I was just tired! And reallydisgusted that am walking not running. And really walking at a very slow-pace.

The few remaining days, I had noproblems except that I over ate once, I didn’t puke or anything I just kept feeling nauseous for a while then it passed. I gave sugar another try, which was cake and it was confirmed no more of these stuff. May be later?

I have a dark piece of chocolateeveryday! And It is my heaven.

I am not concerned about CARBS! AsI don’t have a real place for them and I am not freaking out about the grams ofcarbs in everything I eat, life is going good now, why should I restrict myself now when I can do it later when it is really needed.

DAY 30!

-I bought my first SKINNY jeans ever! And man did they look good on me!

-I had my first Mexican food! And the refried Beans really give me the goto a real restroom visit! (EW sorry) I noticed the EPMANADA went down fine, butall I had was half of it and the other half at dinner when I went home.

-I am down 18 pounds! That leaves me away from wonder land by 17 pounds!

- I am a happier person! I cant describe it but U gotta be sleeved to feelit. I am mentally thinking that everyone should be sleeved now lol cause it isa very good way of living

-I started writing this LONG post on that day!

Day 31:

The bad: still no period, still low energy but not the same levels as before, I wasn’t tired driving to some friends but I was tired sitting for too long there chatting.

The good: I finally finished thatpost which I seem to forget a lot of things I wanna talk about it here no matter how long it seems! Lol

My advice:

-Don’t stress about ur weight, Don’t stress about ur weight!! IT WILL Happen! No possible way it wont! .

.-Don’t freak about ur food, try DIFFERENT things! Sticking to the same pattern isn’t good for u emotionally or evenweight loss wise, when I stick to the same menu on a week I didn’t lose.

- Have a one day of fun each week, shock ur body with a new ingredient.

- FATS! Are important in urdiet! And there are plenty of good source of fat.

- CARBS are made to be eaten not freaking about, chose urcarbs wisely and see how ur body reacts, ur brain will love it! Andif it is a slider for u, try another source of carb. Refried Beans are good! Remember?There are some other stuff like it just search it with ur body.

- Water is the only thing that can stop u from losing weight! DRINK! The more u drink the more fresh u will be.

- Live like a normal person! When u are a month out stop freaking outabout the little things.. u are living to try not to be the same old patterned person. Sometimes as my doctor told me u will forget u are sleeved. Sometimes Ido!

( not talking quantity wise) I mean leading life.

- Have faith and push urself to new limits, Walk faster the next time u hit the road.

Congrats on your sleeve! And for anyone considering it, I strongly advice you start posting and asking as many question as u want!

See you in a another window;) my awesome new family!

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Inspirational post... Happy to know that these minor problems are all apart of the recovery process and weight loss journey... Thx for the inside view

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So glad you have learned to love your sleeve! The first month is so hard, and I am truly happy that you have found your way to the other side. I am still thankful every day that I don't have that band :-)


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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