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Some ???'s for those of you sleeved in Mexico...

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Hi everyone, I had been researching being banded but have recently come across information on the sleeve and this seems like a better fit for me. My insurance doesn't cover any part of the sleeve and I've been reading a lot on here about people having the procedure successfully done in Mexico (specifically Tijuana and Mexicali, but I'm open to other suggestions) for a fraction of the price. Initially my reaction was, no way would I have this done anywhere but the U.S. but after reading about people's experiences, my concerns are subsiding. Most of my questions have been answered on various threads throughout this forum, but I felt by starting this new topic I can see everyone's responses in one place and be able to PM people who respond if I think of any additional questions.

First and foremost, my biggest concern is safety, as in traveling to/staying in Mexico. I've been to a resort area in Mexico and felt safe but I've heard nothing but horror stories on the news and such about the border towns. I'm just curious if you felt safe traveling from [generally, from what I've gathered] San Diego into Mexico and back. My understanding is that someone from the hospital picks you up at the airport and drives you into Mexico and then returns you to the U.S. I would feel much better about that than trying to drive myself there. I'm sure they're so used to traveling back and forth it's probably no big deal for them. And what about once you were at the hospital, etc. Did you feel safe there?

Was the hospital clean and sterile?

How long were you actually there? I would kind of like to get a timeline from the time you land in San Diego (or wherever) until you return to the U.S. just so I know what to expect.

I've seen a few people mention upgrading to a hotel or something, for their recovery. Would those of you who did that recommend it?

If you don't mind disclosing the price, that would be great. I think I have an idea of the cost from what I've been reading but I just want to make sure. Also, how did you pay? Did you have to pay ahead of time or when you get there?

That's all I can think of for now but if you can think of any other pertinent information to add, that would be awesome. Thank you all so much!

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I did the trip by myself. I arrived in San Diego and waited for the driver to pick me up (they have a time you should try to arrive by). I felt completely safe when I was at the hotel for the first night there and also at the hospital post surgery in Mexicali. I went for walks outside by myself and felt completely safe.

Payment you put a 500$ deposit and then pay the rest of the amount when you get there. Total was 8750$ and was worth every penny that was spent.

The hospital was clean the staff were polite and most of the staff I had no problems communicating with. I also had a phrase list handy incase there were any mis communication.

You arrive in SanDiego you are driven to Mexicali to the hospital to do blood and urine tests and get chest xrays. You will receive a package of information and forms to fill out. This is the time you will pay the remainder of themoney unless you did so before hand. When you are done there the driver will take you to a hotel where you will check in for the night. You are allowed to have any food and drinks you want before 10pm. You are provided an antibiotic to take and if you want a pill to relax you. Off to bed you go the driver will pick you up at 7am to go to the hospital. Dr. Aceves will have a meeting with you and any other patients getting surgery that day and you will be checked into the hospital (you will have your own room). Then you are notified if you are to be first for surgery (I was so I had to get changed into my gown right away). Off to surgery where you meet with the OR staff and the anesthesiologist. They explained what was going to happen and next thing you remember is waking up. You will spend 3 days in the hospital and the doctors will check in on you every day several times a day. You will have leak tests done and on the morning of day 3 you are checked out and the driver will take you back to San Diego to the airport. Try to book your flights close to the time that the driver is dropping you off to avoid having to wait. Unless you spend a night or two in San Diego then that is up to you.

My experience with Dr Aceves and his team were very positive. I felt completely safe at all times and would recommend them to anyone that would like the information.

Do your research to make yourself feel comfortable about your decision.

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I also felt like you, no way would I do this in Mexico. Guess what...I'm having surgery in Mexico with Dr. Aceves on the 24th. I can't answer all of your questions yet bc I have not had the surgery but there are wonderful people on here that will answer any question you may have.

I had to send in a check for $500 and pay the remainder when I arrive at the hospital. I will be paying $8,750 plus plane tickets. There are surgeons in Mexico who are cheaper and many people have had a wonderful experience with them. You just have to do your research and see which surgeon would make you most comfortable and decide for yourself. I liked the fact that I will be staying in a hospital for 3 days after surgery. Some stay in a recovery house. It's not that one is better than the other, it's what is comfortable for you.

Also, call the numbers of the surgeons on the websites. Nina, the coordinator I talk with often, is wonderful and answered so many questions for me and made me feel at ease.

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I agree with Lily's description except I came home on the morning of the 4th day: 1/12 arrived SD, drove to Mexicali, had tests, checked into hotel. 1/13, had surgery, don't remember the rest of the day, slept lots. 1/14, walked a bit , slept some more. 1/15, leak test, got broth and juice and tea to drink.1/16, left Mexicali at 7 am, took flight home at 1 p.m. No pain, no nausea, no complications, easy recovery, and Dr. Aceves fixed a big hiatal hernia I had for free!

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I outlined this in my blog post here --> http://myaceinhand.blogspot.com/2011/05/surgery-day-outline.html

As for the questions not answered, we paid by US money order payable to Dr Mario Almanza when we got there. We paid a downpayment here to the company we used to set it up and then the rest there. The coordinator Louise helped soo soo sooo much with so many of our concerns and questions as well.

The hospital was perfectly clean. They were always cleaning every time you looked around. The staff were friendly and helpful and sweet. Always checking to make sure you were ok... even pounding on my back in the night when the gas pains were terrible.

We felt completely safe. Never a concern at all. It was so easy, I was surprised at how easy it was.

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I would not even consider any other Dr. besides Dr. Aceves due to his

extremely low complication rates. You can read about him and his experience in the doctor section or you can pm me and I will email all his credentials to you.

I felt extremely safe in Mexicali. I was very bored in my room so I took frequent walks outside all around the neighborhood of the hospital. Everyone was very friendly. There is a reason he is the surgeon of over half of this board.

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I also felt like you, no way would I do this in Mexico. Guess what...I'm having surgery in Mexico with Dr. Aceves on the 24th. I can't answer all of your questions yet bc I have not had the surgery but there are wonderful people on here that will answer any question you may have.

I had to send in a check for $500 and pay the remainder when I arrive at the hospital. I will be paying $8,750 plus plane tickets. There are surgeons in Mexico who are cheaper and many people have had a wonderful experience with them. You just have to do your research and see which surgeon would make you most comfortable and decide for yourself. I liked the fact that I will be staying in a hospital for 3 days after surgery. Some stay in a recovery house. It's not that one is better than the other, it's what is comfortable for you.

Also, call the numbers of the surgeons on the websites. Nina, the coordinator I talk with often, is wonderful and answered so many questions for me and made me feel at ease.

Nina is amazing! She's kind and warm and extremely helpful! She's really done everything humanly possible to put me at ease. Sarah I'll see you on the 25th at the latest. I'll actually be at the hospital on your day to get my labs done so I may see you before or after your surgery!

Mine is also $8750.00 but I think it's a special that's only for the month of May. Dr. Aceves has the lowest rate in complications and I've heard also that the hospital grounds are a safe place to walk around to get your exercise. To be fair, I also liked the look of Dr. Joya because I could fly right in and be picked up at the airport in Mexico, it's a beautiful spot to recover in, good price and his reputation as a surgeon wasn't bad at all. I personally felt more at ease with Nina and Dr. Aceves.


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You can read about my entire experience on my blog here on vertical sleeve talk. I had an amazing experience and would do it again in a heartbeat!

I always felt safe and well cared for - my hospital and hotel were top notch. A driver picked me up at the San Diego airport and delivered me safely into the hands of Trish - Dr Ramos-Kellys personal assistant. From there it was all good! If you have any further questions please Pm me and I will try to help.

Congrats to you for doing your research - you will learn the good and bad. The price I paid was $5300 and that was worth every penny! I did not work with any US coordinator - I worked directly through Dr Kelly and Trish in TJ - just my personal preference, and I am super glad I did it that way!

Fire away any questions you have - there are lots of people with lots of valuable opinions here that will assist you! Best wishes on your journey!


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I just noticed you are in Iowa - Cedar Falls.......I am in Minnesota and my daughter graduated from Wartburg so I am familier with that area! Let me know if I can be of assistance or support!

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WOW! You guys are awesome!!! Thank you so much for all of the responses.

Lily--Thank you for the specifics...that is all very helpful! And great idea about the phrase list.

sarsar--Thank you for the info. I can't wait to hear about the rest of your experience...how exciting! Good luck with everything, the 24th is coming right up!

Foxbins--Thank you very much! Sounds like everything went pretty quick! Did you leave the morning of the 4th day by choice or did you just have your surgery later in the day so they kept you a little longer?

ToDream--Thanks so much for the info. And I love your blog! I'll have to check it out more tonight.

Oregondaisy--Thanks for the info. Sounds like you had a great experience!

Renee--Thanks for the info. I might take a look at Dr. Joya, too, just because your description sounds great. And that is good to know about the low complication rate of Dr. Aceves, plus the fact that you felt so comfortable with him, that is so very important.

Kim--I'm going to check out your blog tonight! Thanks for the info. And Wartburg was one of the 2 colleges I narrowed my choices down to. I ended up somewhere else but always regretted that I didn't go there. Waverly is a beautiful town...I love it there. And I love Minnesota as well! It's a nice, close place for us Iowans to go since there is nothing to do in Iowa!

I did think of a couple more questions...I knew that would happen! So here goes:

For those of you who work outside the home, how long before you were able to return to work. I have a desk job.

What was the time period from when you first contacted the coordinator until your surgery date? Was there a long wait in between or did everything fall into place pretty quickly?

Lily mentioned the forms you fill out once you are actually there...how bad is that? Just a few typical forms or like a book? Was there any preliminary paperwork to fill out ahead of time before you got to Mexico?

Was there any kind of pre-op diet any of you were expected to follow? What about requirements such as weight, BMI, etc.? My BMI is at least 40.

Thank you all again so much, this is incredibly helpful to me.

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I went to Dr. Aceves in Mexicali two weeks ago. I felt safe the entire time. Pretty much what everyone says about their experience with him is what you can expect. The hospital was clean and you will have your own room. I flew in on a Wednesday, had my tests done and was taken to the hotel (kind of a deserted hotel, but I felt safe) I was alone so this didn't help much. I was picked up the next morning for surgery. I was the only surgery that day. I will say this, I am probably one of the few, but I had terrible nausea and a lot of pain. There were two other people from the U.S.while I was there one had surgery the day before and one had surgery the day after and they didn't have much pain or nausea. I had the nausea up until the day I left.

So surgery was on Thursday and I left the hospital on Sunday to head to the airport. I put down a $500 deposit and I paid $8, 250 when I got there. The total cost was around $9, 100 including my flight I purchased. I believe the cost is now $9, 500.

Now again, I am one of the few, but I have had a complication since being home. I have developed cellulitis from the incision in my belly button. I was told my primary care Dr. that this infection is possible with any type of surgery. I guess I was one of the unlucky ones. I noticed the red spot on my stomach 6 days out, but did not think much of it (I always have weird skin rashes). Well then it got hot to the touch and the pain started a few days later. I have spent over $300 dollars in the last four days. I had to have a CT scan done to make sure there was not an abcsess, luckily I only had a skin abscess in my belly button which burst on its own and is still leaking, but looking better at this point. The cellulitis made it all the way down to my abdominal wall. I am on 3 types of meds. A friend of mine asked if I would do it all over again, at this moment I can't answer that question, but I am sure after I am feeling better and this infection is gone, I will hopefully say yes. At one point my primary care Dr. said there was a possibility of having surgery to remove an abcsess if there was one deep in the layers of skin- thank goodness there was not!

Just do your research and just know, even though complications are few and far between anything could happen to anyone and don't wait like I did to have it checked out.

Best of luck!

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To answer your other questions:

I am a teacher and arrived home on Sunday and went to work the next day on Monday (truthfully I could have used another day off). I have been off this week though do to the cellulitis I have- very painful.

If possible, I would take off a week or at least 3 days or so to recoop. I believe you can schedule surgery right away. You do have to have a passport and the money of course to pay for the surgery and you should be good to go. I called back in Novemeber and they said I could come the next week, I of course waited months- I was contimplating and twice changed my surgery date.

If you go with Dr. Aceves they will send you an online type of survey/application about what meds you are on etc. (the standard things) Then they will tell you if you need to be on a pre-op diet and for how long.

When you get to the hospital on Day 1- you will get a chest xray, ekg, and bloodwork, I was only there 30 minutes, I was the only one to arrive that day. You would talk with a coordinator and make your payment. She will go over a few things, give you an antibiotic and another med to calm you down and you will be on your way to the hotel. You are given a packet to fill out, truthfully it only took me about 20 minutes to fill out. You fill it out at the hotel and bring it with you the morning of your surgery.

They also tell you to go eat whatever you want the night before. I am a very picky eater (I don't like "real food" just mostly junkfood, hence the reason I needed the surgery, so I only had fries that night- the other food on the hotel restaurants menu was nothing I would have eaten.

You will be just fine with a BMI of 40. If you request information from Dr. Aceves office they will get back to you right away. Any other questions related to my experience feel free to ask away!

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It all comes down to who you feel comfortable with because you are quite literally putting your life in their hands. Who is the best surgeon? YOURS!

Everyone thinks their choice is the absolute best and that's exactly why they made the choice they did, if that makes sense. In reality you can compare stats and complications and who has done the most and who has the best credentials but it all comes down to who makes you feel the most comfortable. Like I said, for me it was hands down Dr. Aceves in the end.

Hope this helps you


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Nina is amazing! She's kind and warm and extremely helpful! She's really done everything humanly possible to put me at ease. Sarah I'll see you on the 25th at the latest. I'll actually be at the hospital on your day to get my labs done so I may see you before or after your surgery!

Mine is also $8750.00 but I think it's a special that's only for the month of May. Dr. Aceves has the lowest rate in complications and I've heard also that the hospital grounds are a safe place to walk around to get your exercise. To be fair, I also liked the look of Dr. Joya because I could fly right in and be picked up at the airport in Mexico, it's a beautiful spot to recover in, good price and his reputation as a surgeon wasn't bad at all. I personally felt more at ease with Nina and Dr. Aceves.


They pretty much run that 'special' all the time. That was the price in January when I first called, and it was the price in March when I had my surgery. I think even if it's not on special they will negotiate with you.

Nina is great. I think it is amazing that they keep it all in the "family". Gaby and Nina are Yolanda's daughters. Yolanda is the lady you will surrender your hard earned money to when you get there if you don't pay ahead of time.tongue.gifSuper nice. Gaby will take care of all your questions AFTER surgery.

Like everyone has said already, just do your research and wait until you feel 100% comfortable with your choice before you do anything. I could not have been more sure of anything as I felt with Dr. Aceves. He is truly one of a kind. Also, I never felt scared going out walking in Mexicali. Everyone was great and I would go back in a heartbeat if I needed to.smile.gif

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Elle31--Thanks so much for all the info.! I really hope things are getting better. That is so scary when you have a complication from surgery.

Disney--Thank you for the info.! I spoke with Nina on the phone and she WAS very nice! She also has been e-mailing me some info. She seems like a very, very nice person!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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