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Can anyone else eat a good amount of food at a month out??

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It does seem like you are able to eat quite a bit. I had shrimp on mother's day too but I was only able to eat 4. Maybe the shrimp I was eating was bigger than yours IDK, but I know that i tried to eat too eggs with cheese and could only eat one. I was pretty darn full. I don't like these people getting all over you, because I don't think you are cheating, but it does seem like you are able to eat quite a bit. I know I feel full pretty quickly but I have seen others who are able to eat two eggs.< /p>

Thanks, Its no biggy. My question wasnt about cheating or really losing weight or anything...just amounts. Some people missee that I guess. Some people got mad...LOL. Its cool. im learning and rying to compare to what others are dealing with. I guess if people are successful they forget that some people are not (including themselves before WLS). I just have to keep tweaking and make it work.

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Hip, I have a question for u.. it is out of manners but I have to ask it.

How is your stool regularity? are you having diarrhea ? or are u not visiting the restroom that much?

I usually go every few days sometimes every 3. I had diarrhea a few times.

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I totally understand how u feel....and i know reading what ppl write on here it seems like after 2 spoons everyone is full....

It also sux because there is so much variation in what docs and nuts say to do.

i was told i should be able to eat 4 ozs of food and it should take me half hr to 45 mins.

3 meals no Snacks. It amazes me that people get to eat snacks...i am jealous.

but i guess it makes sense that I should be able to eat 4 ozs if i am not eating in between.

I just had lunch a 4oz tupperware container of turkey chili and I sprinkled cheese on top for extra Protein.

Took me about 17 mins to eat. And I am full. Not uncomfortable but full...but truth be told...if I had more food in front of me I could probably keep going...

I almost want to throw up just to see what my limitations are...but again, everyone says solids changes the game....we'll see. i am losing, but slowly so far...

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Well, I asked about that for some reason, I found out that I can no longer tolerate ice cream!:( ( which I used to eat a lot during my band no problem) Also chocolate cake is a no no for me after a long day of diarrhea .. ALSO When I overeat! ( yes I had my moments where I ate above my allowance) So, this might help u to know if u are on the wrong path on not.. I find that if I exceeded my limit one day and I didnt even feel restriction, my bowel movement speaks louder. Same thing goes if I under-eat, my bowel movement vanish for some day which I totally hate.

I am sorry if I am disgusting anyone, but finding restriction after the band is totally messing up our brains.We were always stuck with it but the sleeve is so different, at least we can have normal Breakfast now! yes I do eat more breakfast now than before with my band. so may be u are just Over estimating and seeing that u are eating more than others while u are actually doing all the right things for ur stomach. I think ur intake is just fine when it comes to eggs. My doctor told me to stop comparing with others about food intake and kinds.. cause everyone is different.. some can tolerate X a lot and other feels full after one bite of X. Also the timing is important, when skipping meals some can eat X of food a lot and others feel more stuck and cant have a proper next meal. Men and Women are also different , Some ppl on OH board ( females) said that they feel no restriction around that time of month while others do.

So the moral of my long boring story is that if U feel like you are eating more than others dont worry there are some ppl that are just like u! a bite of an (ex bandster) differs a lot from a bite of a virgin WLS patient.

Keep ur trials as long as they are in the healthy range and if u are like me ( have a bite of two of bad stuff) just keep urself accountable of these..

best of luck

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Well, I asked about that for some reason, I found out that I can no longer tolerate ice cream!:( ( which I used to eat a lot during my band no problem) Also chocolate cake is a no no for me after a long day of diarrhea .. ALSO When I overeat! ( yes I had my moments where I ate above my allowance) So, this might help u to know if u are on the wrong path on not.. I find that if I exceeded my limit one day and I didnt even feel restriction, my bowel movement speaks louder. Same thing goes if I under-eat, my bowel movement vanish for some day which I totally hate.

I am sorry if I am disgusting anyone, but finding restriction after the band is totally messing up our brains.We were always stuck with it but the sleeve is so different, at least we can have normal breakfast now! yes I do eat more breakfast now than before with my band. so may be u are just Over estimating and seeing that u are eating more than others while u are actually doing all the right things for ur stomach. I think ur intake is just fine when it comes to eggs. My doctor told me to stop comparing with others about food intake and kinds.. cause everyone is different.. some can tolerate X a lot and other feels full after one bite of X. Also the timing is important, when skipping meals some can eat X of food a lot and others feel more stuck and cant have a proper next meal. Men and Women are also different , Some ppl on OH board ( females) said that they feel no restriction around that time of month while others do.

So the moral of my long boring story is that if U feel like you are eating more than others dont worry there are some ppl that are just like u! a bite of an (ex bandster) differs a lot from a bite of a virgin WLS patient.

Keep ur trials as long as they are in the healthy range and if u are like me ( have a bite of two of bad stuff) just keep urself accountable of these..

best of luck

Thanks. The bowell movement makes sense! Your post made a lot of sense. I appreciate it.

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You are able to eat quite a bit more than I can. At 7 months out, I can eat 1 egg and about 1/2 a piece of toast. I finish my meal within 5 minutes so the reason you might be eating more is you are stretching it out over a longer period of time. My friend, who has the DS, eats her meals over an hour and 1/2 so that she CAN eat more. When I was at her home this weekend I ate 1 taco and 1 bite of refried Beans. She ate a whole chicken quesidilla but it took her much longer. You sleever might be longer if you are taller or your surgeon might have left it larger since you are male. At one moth out I could eat only 1 egg at a time for breakfast.

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I feel bad that you kinda got attacked when this site is for support. In answer to your question, I could probably eat that if I grazed too. I think the trick for you is going to be spacing your meals so your tool works for you best. Watermelon squishes up up nothing so that's like drinking Water. Everyone is going to spurge at some point and you made pretty good choices. Keep it up. You'll be fine

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Have you talked to your surgeon?

Are you hungry or just eating because you can?

Are you on reflux medication?

At a month out, there's no way in hell I could eat anything like that much - even small amounts of certain foods I was craving (eg. oatmeal) would go down, expand in my stomach, and come right back up!

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I don't think an indulgence every once in a while is a horrible thing - in fact, it's probably healthy and will be better to keep you on track. However, yes, I do think you ate way to much at that party. But it was a party, and like I said, if it's once in a while and you aren't uncomfortable, then make sure you enjoy it and then get back to your planned meals. I can eat a good amount of food. I get full at about a 1/2 cup of something. I try to eat REALLY slow and try not to drink anything for at least 30 minutes after. However, if I'm hungry again in 2 hours, I'll have a little something like a hard boiled egg or a little bit of cottage cheese with sugar-free fruit spread. I have tendencies to be an emotional over eater, so I'm really working on not grazing and trying to not stretch out my sleeve. I eat about 700-800 calories a day, with 40-60 grams of carbs (mostly from milk) and 20-30 grams of fat. Just don't let your splurge trick your mind into thinking that it's okay more often then not. It's a slippery slope and once we figure out what we can have or get away with, it gets harder and harder to go back to the basics.

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I noticed I could eat more early out too. Now at 5 1/2 months, it has been leveled out for a while. I think for some of us, the swelling goes down faster. Also, people have different length stomachs, so even with the same surgeon, the same bougie, etc. You can have people with 2 different size stomachs. I can now eat a "normal" amount. I used to be able to really pack in the food. Tonight for dinner, I had about 2-3 oz pork chop, 2 thick slices Tomato, 6 asparagus, 1 bite smoked sausage, 4 bites wild rice w/ veggies, 1 small dinner roll. This is more than a lot of others say they can eat. But I am highly satisfied. Before surgery, I would have eaten 2 cups rice, 2 pork chops, a whole tomato, 3-4 rolls, a link of sausage, and 10-12 asparagus, then thought I was starving 2 hours later. Instead when my family had dessert 2 hours later, I only had the top crust and filling of a small piece of pie. This surgery has totally made food manageable and normal for me.

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I usually eat at set times...especially during the week. I eat 4-5 oz each time....usually chicken, crabmet, eggs,etc. After 4 oz I dont really feel full at all.The only time I felt full with 4-5 oz was when I had grilled chicken. Like I said...for Breakfast I can eat 2 eggs with no problem at all. Its dosnt take long either...I dont have to nibble on them to get the down...I can eat fairly normal. I see people posting they cant even eat one egg.

TO MAKE IT CLEAR.......I ATE THAT WAY ONE TIME!!! Just ONCE. My question is about amounts at a normal meal.

Ill make my question more basic...

Can anyone eat two eggs with no problem? Can anyone eat 6 oz of chicken and not feel full at all?

WOW!! Some of the responses are pretty harsh!

I don't think Hip is asking for help or calling on support. He is just wanting to know other sleever's sleeve capacity.

Hip, I too have been able to take in more than some. But, with that being said, I still stay under 800 calories, 40gms carbs, 30gms fat, and get in 60-70gms of Protein. I think it all depends on our own stomach make up. We don't all have the same exact sleeve (bougie size) and some of us have longer stomach's than others. So our sleeve holds a little more. Not that we are going over our limits, but we can probably hold 4ozs vs 2ozs that others can only hold. Which means, they are probably only getting in 400-600 calories. My doc told me 600-800 calories a day. At least 600, but not more than 800.

Hope this helps. :)

(By the way...I have 2 eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast most every mornings.)

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Im not worried about the negative responses. Thanks to thoe who answered the questions. If I didnt puke blood and feel pain i would have wondered if i actually had the surgery for a while!! Been eating more solid protiens and seem to full me up a bit quicker. Yesterday I had 900 calories....all protien except 100 calories of watermelon. Only had about 40 carbs yesterday. If I dont start losing SOMETHING soon...Im gonna lose my mind!!! Will be a month Thursday that I have not lost a pound!! I started logging and being more strict so we will see....

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I am right there with you..I feel I can eat more than most and it is almost 11 weeks for me and I have only lost 24 pounds it is driving me crazy....Am I the only one this surgery hasnt worked for????????????

I ate shrimp yesterday off the grill. I had a big Mother's Day dinner at my house with about 20 people. I cooked crabs and spaghetti and my uncle grilled shrimp. Over an hour I ate AT LEAST 12-14 Shrimp(thats all I was eating). I was drinking pretty normally as well. Then I had watermelon afterwards which I can eat a lot of that as well. I was obviously not in trying mode. I have been sticking to all protiens but staying with eggs, had some cheese, thin sliced roast beef, chicken in the slow cooker. I did go out to eat twice and regular grilled chicken will fill me up quick...maybe 4-6 oz.(and not that full....I stop myself) but the other stuff seems like I can eat quite a bit and I basically stop before I am full(except the shrimp yesterday.) I see people who cant even eat a half of egg. I can eat two in the morning at my tightest time with NO PROBLEM. I guess i just have a bigger stomach than most...which annoys me!!!

Those that have been following my post know Im frustrated and stalled. Yesterday I thought it might have been over. I was down like 4 pounds. Today....right back up!! I did not eat and drink 4 pounds yesterday!!!!!! Focusing on protiens today and see if i can get some exercise in this afternoon!!!

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Thank you for this topic and thank you for your post. I havent read all of the post on this topic and since it has already been stated that some were alittle harsh dont know if I want to.lol..

WOW!! Some of the responses are pretty harsh!

I don't think Hip is asking for help or calling on support. He is just wanting to know other sleever's sleeve capacity.

Hip, I too have been able to take in more than some. But, with that being said, I still stay under 800 calories, 40gms carbs, 30gms fat, and get in 60-70gms of Protein. I think it all depends on our own stomach make up. We don't all have the same exact sleeve (bougie size) and some of us have longer stomach's than others. So our sleeve holds a little more. Not that we are going over our limits, but we can probably hold 4ozs vs 2ozs that others can only hold. Which means, they are probably only getting in 400-600 calories. My doc told me 600-800 calories a day. At least 600, but not more than 800.

Hope this helps. :)

(By the way...I have 2 eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast most every mornings.)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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