Yoda 0 Posted June 29, 2006 Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Okay, so as you know, my first fill was an absolute breeeeze. In/Out no problemo. No restriction...so went for a second fill a week later. That was a terrible experience for me. A different nurse was doing it; didn't know if that was the reason or not. So, she tried about 20 times (seriously) to "get it". Prick prick prick prick...over and over and over. NOT fun. OF course it eventually started to get quite painful. By then, the doc. had arrived and so he tried. It still took him 3 tries but he did get it (after he had me stand up for it). Okay, so still no restriction....so 3 weeks later I went for my 3rd fill (which was yesterday). My husband took the day off work (as did I) to go to Toronto: it is a 2 hr drive (one way). I was happy because the nurse who did my first easy peasy fill was going to be doing it. So, I was confident. Two hours later I was still there and she was still trying to get it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It wasn't her.......she was doing others as they came in and they were in and out really quick. At least this nurse had a more gentle touch and despite trying about 30 times (yes, 30!) it wasn't as painful as the last time. Plus, she would just leave the needle "in" there most of the time and then try and move it around....rather than pull it completely out and try fresh each time. She was "on the port" with the needle....we could "hear" it tapping it and I could feel it inside (no pain)....but she couldn't actually get the needle in the hole. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN talk about frustration. For her and of course, for me. We both gave up after 2 hrs of trying on and off (it was starting to hurt). The docs weren't there this week, so I didn't have that option. So, we drove 4 hrs, (wasted gas and time and a day off for both of us) for NOTHING. No fill so therefore still no restriction. I have an appt to go back next Thurs for the doc to give it a try. If he can't do it then I will have to wait for an appt. (I've heard up to a month!!!!) to go to the hospital and have it done under fluoro. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. The nurse said that she thinks my port may have turned sideways....but if so, the doc can prob still get it. But let me tell you....of course now I'm a little (a lot) skittish to even have another go at it next week. But I don't have much of an option. It was soooooo frustrating seeing others go in and out in 2 mins. So, of course I went through the "why me" syndrome and didn't have a good day or night yesterday. I have it in a better perspective this morning but I'm still very frustrated at the whole ordeal. Tks for letting me vent. frickin' frickin' frickin...... Oh, on a gooood note...on the way home from TO we went to see SUPERMAN RETURNS in 3D at the IMAX theatre and it was AMMMMAAAAAZING on the Imax screen (as well as the few 3D scenes they had). Off to work now!!!! Ciao and have a great day! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
argon 3 Posted June 29, 2006 Aww.... Yoda! That SUCKS!!! Hopefully next time works. I think these Dr's are making enough money... they should have flouro machines in their offices for things like this. That would be toooo nice. Woo! For Superman, I'm excited to see it too... lucky you getting to see it at the imax! Better luck next time. :hug: Mandi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CLOE 0 Posted June 29, 2006 2 HOURS!! OMG, you are patient. I'm soo sorry you had to go through that. That is extremely frustrating, especially that you drove all that way for not. I booked my first fill appointment this morning, will go next friday at 4;30, yes thats friday at 4:30. Betcha theres gonna be a little traffic then eh, since I have to travel all up hwy 400 north! I sure hope you get it next time, it's hard to be patient. I always feel like everyone is watching to see if your losing weight, and this fill thing can slow down the process! Good Luck Yoda! Can't wait to see Superman!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buffie 1 Posted June 29, 2006 Jeez, that SUCKS. I think that's really scary that the CLINIC can't even carry out fills sometimes, it makes me wonder about my family MD who doesn't even know anything about the procedure at all. Sorry you had such a crappy time, good luck with your next appt! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda 0 Posted June 29, 2006 Tks everyone. Hey Argon...that is EXACTLY what my husband said....that the clinic can certainly afford to have a fluro machine....I agree, especially now!!! You'll probably be okay Buffie! Cloe...Friday afternoon...summertime....ARE YOU CRAAAAAAZY???!!!! Could you not get it earlier in the day? Maaaaan, if I were you, I'd plan on staying in TO (take in dinner and a movie or shop or something) until about 7:00...then go up north back home. We went from Woodbridge up the 400 to Barrie around 6:30ish last night and it was wicked slow even then...and it wasn't a Friday!!!!! Good luck! and tks again everyone for your encouragement/empathy!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites