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Where do you want to be with your weight loss 1 year from now?

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:heart: Hi Everyone,

Where do you want to be in 1 year from now? When I had weight loss surgery, I had no idea how long it was going to take me to lose weight; I was older than most of you and everyone l drops their weight at different speeds. Most all of us ladies know that men lose much faster than we do. For me it took me about 14 months to lose 105 pounds. I was thrilled it only took me that long. I know when I started this journey like the rest of you I wanted it to just melt off of me. As first it felt like it was, but I knew that would slow down and it did.:rolleyes:

What I want you to do it take it in small steps. Set you goals by weeks or by a month, and DO NOT put yourself down if you don’t reach that goal. Remember we are all individuals. I had a walking buddy and she was good to keep me motivated and when she was down I did the same for her. She had sleeve surgery with Dr. Aceves about 6 months after I had mine. I was honored when she asked me to go with her for her surgery. :angel_smile:

Mix things up, become creative with your food ideas. I actually have become a much better cook now that I am healthy and at my goal weight, but that didn’t happen overnight. I started searching out recipes that I could incorporate in my lifestyle and something that taste great and that my husband and I both would eat. Find the Protein that you like and find 50 different ways to cook with it and watch your carbs. chicken happens to be a protein that I use the most. Those sneaky carbs have a way of messing up your weight loss. If you are eating carbs make them WHOLE GRAIN carbs, not whole wheat—the key word is Whole Grain. Summer is coming along find some great salads and put your protein in along with a little fresh fruit—like strawberries and then make the salad your entire meal. Watch the dressing that you are using. I learned to NOT put the dressing on my salad, but dip my forks into the dressing and with every bite I always get dressing. :clock:

So look at the calendar and put a goal in your mind where you would like to be one year from today. Some will be there and some will not. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too big of a goal. :heart:

I also used to like to look at catalog or magazines that had beautiful clothes that I wanted to be able to buy when I reached my goal. Looking at these beautiful clothes kept me from eating too. Do what works best for you. I will admit I have bought a lot of new clothes once I reached my goal.:lightbulb:

If you haven’t picked your doctor yet I would like to tell you the Dr. Aceves is the very best that you can have for your surgery. If you have any questions about him, I am more than happy to answer anything you would like to know. I wanted the best I could have and after a lot of research and talking to people on these boards, I knew he was the one.:lightbulb:

I wish you great success, remember do this one day at a time. If you had a bad day the good news is that day ends and you can start all over the next day.:cheer2:



Sleeved 10/210/2008

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:heart: I wish you great success, remember do this one day at a time.

LOVE this post. I especially like the above quoted line. So true. We did not gain weight overnight and we realistically know that it won't melt off overnight, but sometimes being patient is the hardest thing to do.

It took me 6 months of jumping through the insurance "hoops" before I was approved for WLS. At the time I found out it would take that long it was just heartache. But I soldiered on day by day and finally MY turn arrived. Now I'm 6 months post-op so it has been a year (actually over a year) since I first picked up the phone to make that call. That call was forming in my mind for several years but failed diet after failed diet had just about defeated me when I finally got the courage to make that call.

I can tell you that even the first 6 months post-op are not the easiest, but you take it day by day. And those days start to add up.

My original goal was to lose 100lbs by my one year surgiversary. At the time that I made that goal, I had no idea if I would be a fast loser, a slower loser, an even pace (losing something every week) or a lose a few, stall a few...type of loser. So I just kind of tossed that into the wind as a goal in mind.

Turns out I'm a slower loser who stalls often (I simply do not lose weight every week) and now that I know that I have peace. Because I don't freak out everytime the scale stays still for a few weeks. I used to question "is this it, did I just have surgery to lose ___xxx amount of weight and now I'm done?" I think those kinds of thoughts are fairly normal because you just don't know what to expect. Now that 6 months have passed and I'm down -62lbs, I am feeling like I may or may not achieve the goal of -100lbs by my one year. We'll see.

If I use math, to acheive this goal it becomes easy to say "I only have to lose -6lbs per month to get to my -100lbs" BUT...I know that may not happen for me. I lost exactly -2lbs in Feb. and -5lbs in Apr. but lost -10lbs in Jan. and -7lbs in March. So who knows what the future holds.

But if you are talking ONE year from right NOW, of course I would be 18 months post-op and ideally at goal. I hear that the weight comes off even slower as you approach goal and I can't think of anything much slower than -2lbs a month...lol.

This is a work in progress, and I love the day by day quote because it is so true!

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By my surgiversary, I hope to be in a size 8. I don't really care if I make my goal weight of 135, I would just like to be a size 8 again. I already feel great and have more engergy than I have had an in years. I guess I would like to be able to maintain it. I would like to be able to look at myself in the mirror and actually see my weight loss - more importantly allow myself to truly be happy about it, and not critize myself and see how much I still have to lose. I would like to know what I should/can eat without having to read the labels. I would like to feel more comfortable with lowfat cooking, and not feel out of place when I can't cook things like how I used to. That's what got me in this mess to begin with.

I would like to have that much understanding over my sleeve that I still don't have the trial and error "I guess I shouldn't have eaten that" days, like I do now. Mostly importantly, I would like to stop smoking, for good, by then. I'm already doing so much, walking, jogging, exercising 2 hours a day...why am I still smoking. Hopefully by February 10, 2012, I will have kicked that too.

Wow, there's so much I would like to accomplish with my health in the next year. I think I'm off to a pretty good start!

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LOVE this post. I especially like the above quoted line. So true. We did not gain weight overnight and we realistically know that it won't melt off overnight, but sometimes being patient is the hardest thing to do.

It took me 6 months of jumping through the insurance "hoops" before I was approved for WLS. At the time I found out it would take that long it was just heartache. But I soldiered on day by day and finally MY turn arrived. Now I'm 6 months post-op so it has been a year (actually over a year) since I first picked up the phone to make that call. That call was forming in my mind for several years but failed diet after failed diet had just about defeated me when I finally got the courage to make that call.

I can tell you that even the first 6 months post-op are not the easiest, but you take it day by day. And those days start to add up.

My original goal was to lose 100lbs by my one year anniversary. At the time that I made that goal, I had no idea if I would be a fast loser, a slower loser, an even pace (losing something every week) or a lose a few, stall a few...type of loser. So I just kind of tossed that into the wind as a goal in mind.

Turns out I'm a slower loser who stalls often (I simply do not lose weight every week) and now that I know that I have peace. Because I don't freak out every time the scale stays still for a few weeks. I used to question "is this it, did I just have surgery to lose ___xxx amount of weight and now I'm done?" I think those kinds of thoughts are fairly normal because you just don't know what to expect. Now that 6 months have passed and I'm down -62lbs, I am feeling like I may or may not achieve the goal of -100lbs by my one year. We'll see.

If I use math, to achieve this goal it becomes easy to say "I only have to lose -6lbs per month to get to my -100lbs" BUT...I know that may not happen for me. I lost exactly -2lbs in Feb. and -5lbs in Apr. but lost -10lbs in Jan. and -7lbs in March. So who knows what the future holds.

But if you are talking ONE year from right NOW, of course I would be 18 months post-op and ideally at goal. I hear that the weight comes off even slower as you approach goal and I can't think of anything much slower than -2lbs a month...lol.

This is a work in progress, and I love the day by day quote because it is so true!


I think your have a fantastic attitude. The last thing we need is to beat ourselves up over how fast or slow we are going. You are having great success right now. We have NEVER had this kind of success before with anything else we have tried. When you lose it slow like this it will be much easier to maintain your weight loss. NEVER give up on your dreams.

We are human and we aren't like anyone else--thank goodness. I happen to love who I am and the way I am. It took me a lot of years to say to heck with everyone else. It is "MY" turn in life to take care of me. I raised my family and now it was my turn in life to do the things I needed for me. And I have earned the right to do this.

So this is your turn in life and you have earned the right to do what ever you need to do to achieve your goal. You go girls and NEVER look back. I have NO regrets for what I have done when it comes WLS.



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By my anniversary, I hope to be in a size 8. I don't really care if I make my goal weight of 135, I would just like to be a size 8 again. I already feel great and have more energy than I have had an in years. I guess I would like to be able to maintain it. I would like to be able to look at myself in the mirror and actually see my weight loss - more importantly allow myself to truly be happy about it, and not critize myself and see how much I still have to lose. I would like to know what I should/can eat without having to read the labels. I would like to feel more comfortable with low fat cooking, and not feel out of place when I can't cook things like how I used to. That's what got me in this mess to begin with.

I would like to have that much understanding over my sleeve that I still don't have the trial and error "I guess I shouldn't have eaten that" days, like I do now. Mostly importantly, I would like to stop smoking, for good, by then. I'm already doing so much, walking, jogging, exercising 2 hours a day...why am I still smoking. Hopefully by February 10, 2012, I will have kicked that too.

Wow, there's so much I would like to accomplish with my health in the next year. I think I'm off to a pretty good start!


We are never going to be or eat like we used to. We have a restriction--and thanks goodness for it. How about working on one addiction at a time. Right now work on your food addiction, then with some help go after your smoking addiction OK. Don't overwhelm yourself with TOO MANY things that need to be done. We don't need to beat ourselves up--we have done that too many times in the past. You will find that later on you can have a small taste of something that you love or want. Noticed I said small--example-- a sliver of a piece of cake--NOT THE ENTIRE piece of cake. You will notice that just the taste of it really does satisfy your needs.

We all had to learn our way around our sleeve and learn what we could or couldn't eat. I suggest that if you have issues and aren't losing like you want to that you go back and start writing down everything you are putting into your month--there are some great sites on line that will keep track of it--it takes time to record everything but it is well worth the effort. You might be shocked to know that are eating more than 800 calories a day. And after awhile you will not have to read all the labels because you will have a lot of it figured out. When you exercise you can eat more because you can burn up some calories. It is a relearning process and we all have to do it ONE STEP at a time.

Hugs, and I am always here to answer any question that you may have.


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Well, let's see. I will be sleeved on August 5th (my sister's birthday). In one year from today (9 months out from sleeve), I'd like to see myself in the mirror. I'd like to be shopping at regular stores and see a weight with a 1 in front. Any will do, but I'd kind of like to be close to goal if it's not too much to ask. I'll be 25 and I can't wait.

I'd like to be training for the 2013 Houston Aramco Half Marathon.

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One year from now, I'd like to be at goal weight: 93 lbs less than I am now. I understand the first year is the "honeymoon" period and I will be working hard to rock the sleeve and get to goal before the honeymoon is over. I currently work out 5 day a week. Two days for 45 minutes of fast walking and a 15 minute leisurely bike ride and three days for 30 minutes with a trainer focusing on strength building. Over the last three months I have lost 31 lbs. on the pre-op diet recommended by Kaiser Fremont.

I have several short term goals for after surgery:

First Two Weeks: Healing well: I've stocked up on post-operation foods and cleaned the house from top to bottom so I can focus on healing. I know I need down time to heal, so between sipping, small bites, and walking, I'm looking forward to reading and watching TV.

First Month: Getting to onderland: I haven't been there in this decade, century, or millenium. It will be great to see that number! Also, learning to eat again. I've been practicing eating Protein first, chewing well and taking 30 minutes per meal, but I know it will be different.

Three Months out: Attending a friend's exercise class 2-3 times per week: Currently, I can't keep up. I think at 180 (50 lbs from goal), I should be able to keep up with the moves.


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Well, let's see. I will be sleeved on August 5th (my sister's birthday). In one year from today (9 months out from sleeve), I'd like to see myself in the mirror. I'd like to be shopping at regular stores and see a weight with a 1 in front. Any will do, but I'd kind of like to be close to goal if it's not too much to ask. I'll be 25 and I can't wait.

I'd like to be training for the 2013 Houston Aramco Half Marathon.

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Before you know it, it will be Aug and you will be on a journey that will change your entire life. Congratulations on taking the steps that will make such a difference in your life.

Hugs to you


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Love this post. Very good advice. I want to be healthier, skinnier, and happier. Really don't have a weight goal at all, but just want to lose weight and learn to eat in moderation. Also to pay more attention to the foods I eat. Calories, fats, carbs, and all the stuff we put into our bodies. This is a whole new learning experience for me.

Again, thanks for the uplifting post.

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A year from now, realistically I would like to be 70-80 lbs lighter if not 100. I will like to be able to deal with my insecurities and "love" for food at times.

I want to go zip lining in the Hill Country and not be concerned that I am too big to enjoy myself. I do not want to be self conscience sitting in the movies, airplane seat, or any where.

I want to be happy with me!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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