bandedmama 0 Posted June 28, 2006 I will be 2 years out in October -- after losing 80 of the 100 pounds I wanted to lose, I regained 30 pounds after plastic surgery in March. I am having a really hard time getting back into the band groove. It feels like the newness of having the band, the hope & excitement in finally having found the answer to all of my weight loss needs, has passed, and this is just my life. Has anyone else ever felt this - and if so, what did you do to get back into the band groove? Inspire me, please! I know what I need to do - because I lived it and was doing it - but somehow I forgot how or forgot how good it feels to be *there*. Thanks everyone! Kristin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marimaru 7 Posted June 28, 2006 You might consider getting a fill to knock it up a little bit. I'm 2 years out in a few days () and have kind of felt the same way, but then every few lbs I lose kinds of brings it back for a little while. Of course, being a turtle doesn't help that glow stick around any either! Some days, I fall off the wagon, lots of days, I just have to say "You have to do this, you wont forgive yourself if you don't", and other days, it seems easy. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barbara465 2 Posted June 28, 2006 Losing 80 lbs and having plastic surgery is a major accomplishment. You aren't finished yet. This is life long. Don't undo what you have worked so hard to do. You can do this too. You know you can because you've done it. Recommit to the lapband and show it whose boss. (it is ofcourse) I agree a fill is probably in order. Make yourself proud and us as your groupies. Rah, rah, rah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babsintx3 0 Posted June 28, 2006 Hi Banded, I know exactly how you feel now that I am 3 years out. I had my PS last year, lost my restriction and started to regain. So now I am back on track. The biggest problem is that I quit smoking last year, got hungrier, then lost restriction post op and stopped going to the gym for the last year. I am now back on track. I joined the Y and they have a program called Fit for life where I am accountable to come in for at least 3 cardio sessions a week and I write down in a log while I am there what I am doing. So far, so good. Last week, I exercised for almost 3 hours and I am back on track. For me the exercise is what will keep me on track. I dont know what will work for you, but its really important to stop making excuses and take accountability. The band has really done what it can for me and now its time for me to do the right thing. If you need help, email me. Babs in TX 334/180 ish 6/23/03 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babsintx3 0 Posted June 28, 2006 Hi Banded, I reread my post and realized it sounded harsh. I meant it to be supportive. I was referring to myself about taking accountability and not making excuses, not referring to you. THe hardest thing is getting back on track and I found myself postponing the activities that made me successful. So I am my own worst enemy. You can do it. I know you can. Babs in TX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bandedmama 0 Posted June 28, 2006 Wow - thank you everyone!!! Marimaru - I like your statement -- "You have to do this, you wont forgive yourself if you don't" -- I need to start living by that rule! BIG - I do need a fill - my dr is slow to re-fill though. Grrr...... But I do like the "Glow shmow... Just do it!!!!!" attitude!!! Thanks!! barbara465 -- Thank you for your encouragement!!! It means a lot!! babsintx3 - No apology needed at all - I really appreciate your insight and know you've been through this too -- we have spoken about this before on anOtHer Thank you for the reminder! I do work out, but not as much as I was pre-plastics, and I need to up it again I know. I guess it is all about accountability. Thank you all so much!!! Kristin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bandedmama 0 Posted June 28, 2006 :cheer2: LOL BIG -- THANKS!!! I needed that............... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leatha_g 4 Posted June 28, 2006 I'm in the same boat. We just gotta keep rowing. 3 years out, my esophagus seems to have given out on me and I no longer get the 'stop' signs, so fills really do very little besides put me at risk of being over-filled and distending the pouch. Disappointing as it may be, it is what it is. It's all about exercise and what we put in our mouths, just like before the band. Fortunately, the band is there as a reminder, it just doesn't stop me like it once did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bandedmama 0 Posted June 28, 2006 leatha g - I'm sorry you have been having problems - I was unfilled for 4 months so I am not sure how my body will react to being refilled. I guess I can only hope it will help - in the meantime, it basically sucks to have to be accountable for exercise and food intake on our own, doesn't it! Thanks for your insight though -- good luck with those last few pounds!!! You are so close to goal - thats wonderful!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marimaru 7 Posted June 28, 2006 mama, you said that your doctor was slow to refill, but that might be okay. I've heard of LOTS of people who were filled at a certain level, then unfilled for whatever reason, and it took alot less fill to get back the restriction they had. Anywho, good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Telly 4 Posted June 28, 2006 It's never ever too late. Tomorrow is a new day. Bandedmama you can do this and you know exactly what you have to do. Make the band new again. 2 years out, pssssssh. That just means you know how to work the band ..from experience. You work it and make it count. You knew exactly how to get 80lbs off. Now it's a mere 50lbs, that's just losing 10lbs 5 times. You got this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeganA 35 Posted June 28, 2006 I hear ya banded mama...and everyone else! I was unfilled and have had one fill again...and it gave me no restriction. I have another fill scheduled but I know that it takes good choices. I, too, feel like I was so enthusiastic after surgery and so excited to see the pounds come of that it was fun. Now it isn't fun and it's just an every day thing. I still love my band...but the newness has worn off. I keep thinking that one day I'll wake up and be all excited again. I wonder if it's kind of like marriage? :-) Megan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bandedmama 0 Posted June 29, 2006 Marimaru - I had this fill 3 weeks ago and I think its just kicking in -- maybe it heard me whine...? Thanks for your well wishes and encouragement!! tellymelly -- I like that concept -- "losing 10lbs 5 times" -- doesn't make it sound as bad! Thanks!! MeganA - Its so much harder to make the right choices now - and where as I *should* be more motivated to eat well and get the weight off because I am closer to goal then I was after my band surgery, it feels now like my goal is farther away! I guess it IS like a marriage - and my band isn't pulling his weight!! :grouphug: Thanks again everyone!!! Kristin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fauxnaif 1 Posted June 29, 2006 I hear ya! I don't know how to get back on the wagon; I am pretty much sabotaging myself. I think it has to do with getting close to goal. I've lost 110 lbs.:clap2: and have about 30 to go. I know I've never been a normal weight as an adult so fear has a lot to do with it for me. No suggestions really, other than get a fill if you think you need it. Just some emphathy. (BTW, I am 4 years out in a month. I did take off a year and half to have a baby so it's not as bad as it seems!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danistar 0 Posted June 29, 2006 `Hi Everyone Well I am not one to talk positively. I am in the dumps about my weight loss and lap band. If I am restricted enough to have it work, I can't eat anything healthy like veggies and I choke on meats. I haven't had a fill in a couple of months and am trying to let it just loosen up so I can eat veggies without choking. I don't think I am on a healthy diet. I can't tolerate some of the healthy foods and am not losing any weight because I am eating things like soft noodle Soups and ice creams. I am really disappointed in myself and I'm sorry that I got the band. Dani Share this post Link to post Share on other sites