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Do you still enjoy food?

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I'm finding that eating is just a necessary chore now. I don't have a desire to eat and even if something sounds awesome I end up not even wanting it once I've tried it. I realize my taste buds have changed in a big way. So many things I did like, I no longer do and things I didn't like, I now eat. Even if something tastes awesome, like this orange chicken I had earlier today, I found eating it to be just something I had to do to make my body function. I do not have the hunger feeling, just the empty feeling like so many others here. Ugh.

At least I am now a cheap date, normally nibbling off the hubbys plate. Or like today, we went out to lunch and dinner. At lunch I wanted the orange chicken, had to order a normal portion and brought 90% or more of it home for meals later this week. I didn't even enjoy being in a restraunt anymore *sigh*

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I do enjoy the idea and sport of eating as much as ever. Thinking about what to eat...planning. But what I eat is different, thank goodness. Very little fried food, more fresh steamed veggies and lean meats, less sweets, more fluids. There are times though that the reality of eating doesn't measure up to the idea of eating.

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It's hard to tell yet whether what you're feeling now will be the same in 2, 6 or 8 months from now. I still experience hunger but it sounds like you don't, so maybe that makes it different. I do tend to sometimes get real moody about what to eat. Nothing sounds good and you just want to fill the void and then you'll try something you thought sounded okay but you take a bite and want to spit it out!

I hope that the more you heal, the more that food sounds better. It is a joy that most of us had before, and weird when that joy is gone.

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I do enjoy going out. I have learned to savoir those few bits, to really feel the food, the taste the smell and to be completely satisfied in just a few bites, but making those bites last 30 minutes.

Don't give up yet! Wrap your head around the moment, not the food.< /p>

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This too shall pass. . .

I honestly love food, the flavor, the texture, the entire experience, but I went through the same thing you are describing. For me, when my capacity was so limited, and I was so focused on Protein and just those tiny portions, it was more difficult to enjoy. But, something changed, and clicked after about 6-9 months. I really was able to enjoy going out, and eating again. Plus, not being focused on the food really helped.

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I'm finding that eating is just a necessary chore now. I don't have a desire to eat and even if something sounds awesome I end up not even wanting it once I've tried it. I realize my taste buds have changed in a big way. So many things I did like, I no longer do and things I didn't like, I now eat. Even if something tastes awesome, like this orange chicken I had earlier today, I found eating it to be just something I had to do to make my body function. I do not have the hunger feeling, just the empty feeling like so many others here. Ugh.

At least I am now a cheap date, normally nibbling off the hubbys plate. Or like today, we went out to lunch and dinner. At lunch I wanted the orange chicken, had to order a normal portion and brought 90% or more of it home for meals later this week. I didn't even enjoy being in a restraunt anymore *sigh*

OMG, I'm one day post surgery and the broth was delicious and the Jello heavenly. Only had a little of each, but enjoyed the taste. I hope you are able to enjoy your food, even if the cravings aren't what they once were (I'm told they won't be!)

Good luck.

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Thanks everyone for the input. I do hope I get back to enjoying food. Ready to get to what my new normal will be like long term instead of dealing with all this early out wierdness ;)

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I am on day 15 and supossed to be on purreed, I have just been chewing things till they get to that point, The last 3 days have been hard I have been really wanting some bad things, and I found out I have been eating 4oz servings when I am supossed to be eating 2oz.. OMG! lol

And today I actually felt hunger pains (first time) was very weird. I guess I am a baby to this and things will change in time,,,,

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I agree with you on eating being a chore but that's only because I am newly sleeved. I think only eating a few bites compared to mouthfuls takes the fun out of it. But I still enjoy going out and spending time with family or friends. We joke about how much of an item I will eat and they copy me but I know the last laff will be mine when I am 100 pounds lighter this time next year!

As for being cheap, I tell hubby to the same thing and then he reminds me of the wardrobe he knows I will be buying soon so he says I am more of a tease :P

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I feel exactly the same. I am 11 months out so I am not optimistic that it is going to change. Even on the rare occasion when I am hungry and actually crave something the whole eating experience is not pleasant for me. I always feel as if it is stuck in my throat and it ranges from annoying to painful. I cannot even eat a small appetizer at a restaurant.

I wanted a healthier relationship with food but now I have NO relationship with food. It has impacted my social life some. I used to love dining out and trying different cuisines. I travel frequently and that was a big part of my enjoyment of the travel. Now i dread going out to eat. I am single and feel uncomfortable going on a dinner date because my intake is so limited I have to say something!

I never had a day of heartburn in my life prior to surgery and now apparently I have bad reflux. The heartburn pain has subsided but the general discomfort of eating has not. I can eat crunchy things easier but dense Protein is hard to get down. I am almost at goal weight and even though my weight loss has really slowed (5 lbs in 2 months) I am worried that it won't stop altogether. I don't want to lose anymore than 5 - 10 lbs because I will look haggard. I would really like to be able to enjoy the small portions that I can eat. I still drink a Protein Drink daily and eat a lot of Chobani yogurt!

I am still glad I had the surgery. I will live to see my granddaughter grow up now hopefully but I wish I could eat a bit more normally and enjoy it.

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I love to eat, I'm not hungry but I still enjoy the social aspect, the taste etc. Now instead of mindlessly eating, I savor each and every bite. I would say I enjoy eating now more than I did before!!

I'm finding that eating is just a necessary chore now. I don't have a desire to eat and even if something sounds awesome I end up not even wanting it once I've tried it. I realize my taste buds have changed in a big way. So many things I did like, I no longer do and things I didn't like, I now eat. Even if something tastes awesome, like this orange chicken I had earlier today, I found eating it to be just something I had to do to make my body function. I do not have the hunger feeling, just the empty feeling like so many others here. Ugh.

At least I am now a cheap date, normally nibbling off the hubbys plate. Or like today, we went out to lunch and dinner. At lunch I wanted the orange chicken, had to order a normal portion and brought 90% or more of it home for meals later this week. I didn't even enjoy being in a restraunt anymore *sigh*

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I'm 5 months out and about 120 pounds down and still don't enjoy food much at all. My tastes are altered in a BIG way. Nothing tastes the same as it used to and a few favorites I can't even stand the taste of now. Even saltine crackers taste odd. I attributed most of it to ketosis - burning fat - but even now (and I guess I still am in ketosis) things just taste really weird and mostly unpleasant. Sweets are nausea inducing and salty stuff is just TOO salty. In our favorite Mexican restaurant I eat maybe 3 corn chips without added salt (used to just pour it on).

Like Tiffykins, I DO enjoy going out now just for the experience. We now can sit in a booth because I can actually fit in one now without by belly pressing into the edge of the table, we both now sit on the same side like romantic couples do, because again I don't take the entire seat for myself. We either split an entree or I get a small portion and take most of it home. We just don't go to some restaurants because they are buffets and it would be a total waste on my part, or the food just doesn't sound appealing to me.

In a way I miss it but I'm really starting to FEEL thin and LOVE the feeling. Bending over at the waist and not having my gut keep me from hitting more than like 80 degrees is just, well, PLEASANT. I am starting to hope it stays just like this and I NEVER get my "appetite" back, even with the physical restriction the changed psychological appetite is what is really making this "easy".

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Thanks everyone for the input. I do hope I get back to enjoying food. Ready to get to what my new normal will be like long term instead of dealing with all this early out wierdness ;)

You and I have the same surgery date (I think, 2/28/11). Anyway, i do understand what you mean. while I do think about food I don't have this desire to obsess with it anymore. I think what we are experiencing is what normal thin people experience.

I now eat when I need too, not when I want too. I now stop when i'm full, not when my plate is empty, I can watch others eat and think "OMG, how can they eat all that" not the old feeling of why am I the only one still eating.

I have a friend that I have lunch with every now and then and she is maybe 110 at 5'5" tall. She would order the most expensive item on the menu (like grilled Salmon) and only eat a few bites and stop. I always wanted to have that will power. Now I do, and now I understand how she was able to stay slim in her mid 40's after two kids. She didn't feel the need to finish it off, she didn't feel the need to only order what she will eat (app menu), she didn't worry about how much she was spending and not able to eat. It always amazed me.

I went to costco with my husband Sunday and they were sampling food. I took a sample of a 1/4 of a hamburger and only took one ity bity bite and handed the rest to my husband. He stuffed the whole thing in his mouth and it totally surprised me. I'd never noticed him eating such oversized bites before. I asked him...."do you realize you just shoved 1/4 of a burger in your mouth all at one time". "That should have been several small bites dude". He just looked at me and had this look like WTF.

Well, we paid for change and now we are getting it. I'm trying to embrace it :D .

Before my surgery I was a wine-o and I loved shrimp (I was like Bubba Gump... fried shrimp, broiled shrimp, steamed shrimp, etc etc etc). Now shrimp doesn't taste as good to me and I can have one glass of wine on occasion and not want any more. That would have never happend to old Kim.

Some days, I just can't decide what to eat so I will just have a Protein shake and keep moving on...:P

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It's so nice to come to this board and not feel like a complete freak. I do have people still watching me eat at Church and it drives me batty. I realize those people are just curious (very small church, most know I had surgery) but it makes me feel like more of a freak, especially to see my 4 year olds eat more than I do. I still eat because I have to but am trying to add more foods that have more flavor so maybe, just maybe I will enjoy it.

I still don't enjoy going out to eat. I guess its not so bad when I can nibble off the hubbys plate but if I have to get my own portion it drives me nuts to get asked over and over if I don't like my food. I have busted out the good ol bariatric surgery card before to order off a kids menu but finding most kids meals at places are not WLS friendly. At least for now I don't have to eat out, hubby had oral surgery and is on a liquid diet for 6 weeks right now.

The change in food tastes is still so odd to me. I used to only be able to handle a bite of string cheese, now its the most common thing I eat daily lol.

Oh and on the food thing, I do look at what others eat now and wonder how in the world I ever ate so much. It's crazy how much a "serving" is to most people now. This surgery certainly has changed the way I view food.

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I feel exactly the same. I am 11 months out so I am not optimistic that it is going to change. Even on the rare occasion when I am hungry and actually crave something the whole eating experience is not pleasant for me. I always feel as if it is stuck in my throat and it ranges from annoying to painful. I cannot even eat a small appetizer at a restaurant.

I wanted a healthier relationship with food but now I have NO relationship with food. It has impacted my social life some. I used to love dining out and trying different cuisines. I travel frequently and that was a big part of my enjoyment of the travel. Now i dread going out to eat. I am single and feel uncomfortable going on a dinner date because my intake is so limited I have to say something!

I never had a day of heartburn in my life prior to surgery and now apparently I have bad reflux. The heartburn pain has subsided but the general discomfort of eating has not. I can eat crunchy things easier but dense Protein is hard to get down. I am almost at goal weight and even though my weight loss has really slowed (5 lbs in 2 months) I am worried that it won't stop altogether. I don't want to lose anymore than 5 - 10 lbs because I will look haggard. I would really like to be able to enjoy the small portions that I can eat. I still drink a Protein Drink daily and eat a lot of Chobani yogurt!

I am still glad I had the surgery. I will live to see my granddaughter grow up now hopefully but I wish I could eat a bit more normally and enjoy it.

Have you seen a GI to see if you have a stricture? I did some time in the hospital recently and found out multiple issues I had, one of which was a stricture which caused me to feel stuck and in pain too. It's a simple process. Get knocked out, they scope you, balloon it open and hope it works (it can close back up but normally doesn't). Each of my scopes (I've had 3) from the time I got there til i woke up was about a 2 hour process.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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