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Questions for Dr. Aceves patients

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Can you kind of walk me through the first day? Check in, tests, etc?

Catheter? If so, before you are asleep or after and when does it come out?

How long are you hooked up to an IV?

Are you feeling well enough to walk to the pharmacy by yourself the day before you leave? Is there an opportunity on the pre-op day?

Are you allowed to eat whatever you want for dinner on pre-op day? Is there a decent place to eat at or very near the hotel?

Do they really not have wash cloths at the hospital?

Did you have diarrhea on going home day?

If anyone had a revision: On me, Dr. Aceves plans on doing a barium swallow test and an endoscope under heavy sedation on pre-op day. If you had this done, how groggy were you after?

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Can you kind of walk me through the first day? Check in, tests, etc?

It sounds like your first day will be different since you are having another procedure that day. I went to the hospital on wed 12/08. told the front desk I was his patient and the coordinator came out and got me. She walked me to the lab and drew the blood, walked me to xray and EKG and then gave me my prescriptions for antibiotics to take the night before and a sleeping pill. i suppose you could ask for the nexium script then and it would be taken care of before your surgery. That total took about 1 hr. My husband and I then drove to the hotel. dropped off our stuff and checked out the room. The restaurant looked expensive so we drove around town and took in the sites but still ended up back at the restaurant at the hotel. it was good food...just a little pricey and then went back to our rooms since we were tired (we drove ourselves to Mexico from Phx that day.)

Catheter? If so, before you are asleep or after and when does it come out? I don't remember a catheter so if I had one it was done under anesthesia and removed before i woke up.

How long are you hooked up to an IV? That depends on your level of pain. most people can take it out the next day if your pain is handled by sublingual (under the tongue)pain pill

Are you feeling well enough to walk to the pharmacy by yourself the day before you leave? Is there an opportunity on the pre-op day? I wasn't up to walking that far yet. i walked the hallways 3-4 times a day but my sleeve buddy probably could have. She was walking stairs she was so full of energy so everyone is different.

Are you allowed to eat whatever you want for dinner on pre-op day? Is there a decent place to eat at or very near the hotel? You can't eat anything the preop day until all testing is done. Then you can go out to eat anywhere you want. They have the typical fast food places (mcdonalds, burgery king, dairy queen) They even have an applebees if you are taking your own car.

Do they really not have wash cloths at the hospital? I had anything I asked for

Did you have diarrhea on going home day? Never had diarrhea....ever

If anyone had a revision: On me, Dr. Aceves plans on doing a barium swallow test and an endoscope under heavy sedation on pre-op day. If you had this done, how groggy were you after?

didn't have this done.

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Can you kind of walk me through the first day? Check in, tests, etc?

My flight arrived in San Diego at 10:30 am. Ernesto the driver picked me up at the airport and we drove about 3 hours to Mexicali. He stopped once at a convenience store so that you could buy a cold drink or a snack and use the restroom if you needed it. After we arrived at the hospital at about 1:30, I gave a urine sample, a blood sample, had a chest X-ray and an EKG. The coordinator gave me an antibiotic and an Ativan to take that evening, and if you have not already paid she will collect the balance of the money due for surgery. Ernesto drove me to the hotel. Pickup the next morning was at 7:00 a.m.

Catheter? If so, before you are asleep or after and when does it come out?

No catheter, but I had a surgical drain that came out on the 3rd day..

How long are you hooked up to an IV?

I was on an IV the day of surgery, the day after, and part of the 3rd day. It was taken out before my contrast study.

Are you feeling well enough to walk to the pharmacy by yourself the day before you leave? Is there an opportunity on the pre-op day?

Yes, I felt well enough to walk to the pharmacy on the 3rd day, and depending on what time you get to Mexicali on the pre-op day there is time after your testing.

Are you allowed to eat whatever you want for dinner on pre-op day? Is there a decent place to eat at or very near the hotel?

Yes, I could eat anything I wanted on pre-op day. I ate at the hotel, I didn't think it was expensive--I had a glass of wine and rib-eye tacos for $14 including tip.

Do they really not have wash cloths at the hospital?

I don't know, I don't use wash cloths.

Did you have diarrhea on going home day?

No. I had diarrhea 4 days after coming home when I tried my first Protein shake.

If anyone had a revision: On me, Dr. Aceves plans on doing a barium swallow test and an endoscope under heavy sedation on pre-op day. If you had this done, how groggy were you after? I didn't have a revision.

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Can you kind of walk me through the first day? Check in, tests, etc?

They are great and as soon as you get there, they will assign a nurse to you and they will run all the test, like blood, urine, EKG and anything else that they think you will need. There will be a group of you having these tests and you will have gotten to know some of them in the Van ride from the airport in San Diego.

Catheter? If so, before you are asleep or after and when does it come out?

I did not have a Catheter. I was able to walk around about 1 hour after the surgery and used the bathroom.

How long are you hooked up to an IV?

I had an IV for about 24 hours and then the took it out.

Are you feeling well enough to walk to the pharmacy by yourself the day before you leave? Is there an opportunity on the pre-op day?

You sure are. It is only about two building away from the hospital. You will be up walking around a much as you like. I only had one day were I didn't feel that good, but walking is helpful.

Are you allowed to eat whatever you want for dinner on pre-op day? Is there a decent place to eat at or very near the hotel?

Yes they tell you to live it up. There are some nice places in the hotel to eat. Eat anything you want.

Do they really not have wash cloths at the hospital?

I am not sure where you got this information, but NO you do not wash clothes, they will give you everything that you need.

Did you have diarrhea on going home day?

NO diarrhea at all. Do not worry about that. Take GAS-X strips along with you because you will have gas and they do not sell them in Mexicali. I took two boxes of the strips that you place on your tongue and they were very helpful.

If anyone had a revision: On me, Dr. Aceves plans on doing a barium swallow test and an endoscope under heavy sedation on pre-op day. If you had this done, how groggy were you after?

I never had this done, so I can't comment on it.

Here is some other information that you might find helpful.

When some of these things started to happen to me, I thought WOW am I the only

one that this is going on with. Well, let me tell you NO, I wasn't. So I made

this list and try to post it at least once a month for the new people who have

just had surgery, about to have WLS,or someone who is just sitting quietly out

there reading these posts, trying make up their mind if they want to do this or


You have just had surgery and for a lot of you, you have read all the things

everyone has posted on Dr. Aceves Web Site. They are helpful and encouraging. I

spent some time with a lovely lady yesterday on the phone because she was sure I

would have some of the answers for her. I hope I did and I think these are

things that all of you can hear and use if you have just had weight loss

surgery. So I will post this from time to time for all the NEWBIES.

I am sure you have heard me and others say MANY times over "the 1st month is the

most difficult month you will do." You have also heard me say that your brain

will work extremely hard at play tricks on you. You read it and think oh sure,

I can deal with that—and some of you are sure that this will never happen to

you. It will happen to so many of us and we aren't even aware it is happening.

This person was absolutely positive that she was just starving and was really

hungry. She told me what she had been eating. She also said she was weak. I

asked if she had been drinking her Water and her answer was just like mine was

that 1st month. "Well, I can't begin to drink all that water"—remember your new

stomach will only hold about 2 oz when you are trying to drink all this Water.

And like me she was having a difficult time getting in the amount of Protein she

should be having 70 grams—no wonder she was feeling weak. After your stomach has

healed most new stomachs will hold 6 to 8 oz of food or water. That is what we

wanted a permanent restrictions so we can lose weight.

So I will say this again, you MUST SIP on your water all day long when you are

awake and the same goes for the Protein that you are using—drink what you can

and then sip the rest until you get it down. You need the protein to help your

body recover. Your new stomach has experienced surgery and is swollen and will

only hold liquids about the size of your thumb. This is our relearning time,

and for most of us we have developed some extremely bad eating habits. Our OLD

thinking brain tells us that we need to be eating more food, and we are not used

to Clear Liquids for 10 day and creamy liquids for 10 days and then mushy foods

the last 10 days. I want you to tell yourself this is only for 30 days and you

can do anything for 30 days. It gets better as time goes one, I promise you.

If you think you are hungry and you are positive that you are having physical

symptoms of hunger this is YOUR OLD thinking brain playing those tricks we have

talked about. You now have to start learning to educate this OLD brain into

being your NEW thinking brain. Ask yourself do you just "want to eat" or do you

really "need to eat" because it has been 3 or 4 hours since you have eaten

anything. It is amazing what our brains can and will do to sabotage our old

eating habits. You may be challenged by this OLD brains way of thinking for

many years. For me I just have to have some self talks with myself. We have an

addiction and our happens to be food. There is no way around avoiding food, so

we need to find the set of skills that will allow us to change our lifestyle. I

eat to live, I NO LONGER live to eat! Food is not my main focus in life.

It does take some time to retain yourself in eating and I know that first month

it is such a process just trying to get all the food in that you need to get in

because of your new restrictions. In time it does get a lot easier. Some

people morn the loss of food, because you will NEVER EAT the quantity of food

that we used to eat---YEAH that is how we are going to lose the fat and maintain

that goal weight that we want to have for the rest of our lives.

These are the things that you will deal with in that FIRST MONTH and I am trying

to be fair and honest about them.

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I just got back from Mexicali yesterday and wanted to let you know that everything that was posted about the experience was spot on. The procedure runs like a well-oiled machine from start to finish. My only disappointment came from not having Ernesto as a driver. His daughter was getting married & he was on vacation last weekend. The weekend driver was a little behind schedule which, when one is traveling alone for a surgery in a foreign country, can be disconcerting. I had to call Nina a couple of times once I got to the airport because I had no ride! My flight arrived in San Diego just before 11am and the driver didn't show until close to 12:30.

Bring your own wash cloths or scrubbie from home, I was given a fresh full-sized towel, clean gown, small bar of soap and shampoo/conditioner packet, but when I asked for a wash cloth, they just brought me another full-sized towel.

Most of my nurses knew enough English to communicate well. Which is good 'cause the only Spanish I know is whatever I remember from Sesame Street.

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I just got back from Mexicali yesterday and wanted to let you know that everything that was posted about the experience was spot on. The procedure runs like a well-oiled machine from start to finish. My only disappointment came from not having Ernesto as a driver. His daughter was getting married & he was on vacation last weekend. The weekend driver was a little behind schedule which, when one is traveling alone for a surgery in a foreign country, can be disconcerting. I had to call Nina a couple of times once I got to the airport because I had no ride! My flight arrived in San Diego just before 11am and the driver didn't show until close to 12:30.

Bring your own wash cloths or scrubbie from home, I was given a fresh full-sized towel, clean gown, small bar of soap and shampoo/conditioner packet, but when I asked for a wash cloth, they just brought me another full-sized towel.

Most of my nurses knew enough English to communicate well. Which is good 'cause the only Spanish I know is whatever I remember from Sesame Street.

I am so happy that everything was a wonderful as I posted it was. I am sorry you missed Ernesto, he is a nice man and makes the ride very enjoyable. I hope that you are doing well., Remember I am here if you have any questions or you are having a difficult time. I will remind you again this 1st month will be the hardest month that you will ever have to do. You can do this it is only 20 some days left to do it. After the first month life gets a lot easier and you will adventure out and eat some different and healthy foods. Don't forget your Protein. The first month it really is difficult to get in all the Water they want you to drink and the Protein. I was always just sipping on something then I was up and awake.

Take care and congratulations on your new life change adventure you are about to embark on.


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My answers---

Here is a link to my surgery experience: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/14781-my-surgery-story/page__p__125293__fromsearch__1#entry125293

Can you kind of walk me through the first day? Check in, tests, etc?

I arrived too late on the first day (I drove to Mexicali because I live fairly close) so I had to do my tests the morning of surgery. I had a lap band so I had to do a final barium swallow and unfill (needle in the port, etc). EKG, blood drawn, chest x-ray - that's all I can remember.

Catheter? If so, before you are asleep or after and when does it come out?

No catheter.

How long are you hooked up to an IV?

I think it was 2 days. I was groggy, so my memory is kind of fuzzy.

Are you feeling well enough to walk to the pharmacy by yourself the day before you leave? Is there an opportunity on the pre-op day?

There is an opportunity to go the day before, there is a pharmacy right next to the hospital. I walked to the pharmacy with my partner, but I could have done it myself. There will probably be other patients there that you can walk with if you want the moral support.

Are you allowed to eat whatever you want for dinner on pre-op day? Is there a decent place to eat at or very near the hotel?

You can eat whatever you want - there is a nice restaurant in the hotel. I ate there because it was late and I didn't want to venture out. But, it is a nice town and I am sure there are a lot of other options.

Do they really not have wash cloths at the hospital?

I don't know - I brought a pack of disposable face cloths that I used to clean myself up every day. You can't take a shower for 2 days, so the wipes realy helped me to feel better. I also brough Biotene mouthwash because I had dry mouth so badly. I would brush with it and spit it out - it made the experience much more tolerable. Also, bring a heating pad and gas-x strips.

Did you have diarrhea on going home day?

No - I only had a brief bout of diarhea on the 2nd day after surgery and then it was gone. I have been fortunate to be pretty regular after the surgery. However, I did start my period the day we came back and I have read that a lot of ladies start within a few days of the surgery - regardless of the time of month. Bring some pads just in case.

If anyone had a revision: On me, Dr. Aceves plans on doing a barium swallow test and an endoscope under heavy sedation on pre-op day. If you had this done, how groggy were you after?

I did the barium swallow, but did not need the endoscope, so I don't think I can answer that question. If you are under heavy sedation, I wouldn't plan on doing a lot after that. If he is going to put you under, it is for good reason. They are very good at pain management at his facility. Rest assured, they will make sure you are safely taken back to the hotel - you might spend the afternoon napping after the endoscope. If you are concerned, ask Nina or Gaby what to expect with the sedation. They are usually very responsive.

You are in great hands with Dr A and his crew--

Good luck!!


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I am so happy that everything was a wonderful as I posted it was. I am sorry you missed Ernesto, he is a nice man and makes the ride very enjoyable. I hope that you are doing well., Remember I am here if you have any questions or you are having a difficult time. I will remind you again this 1st month will be the hardest month that you will ever have to do. You can do this it is only 20 some days left to do it. After the first month life gets a lot easier and you will adventure out and eat some different and healthy foods. Don't forget your Protein. The first month it really is difficult to get in all the Water they want you to drink and the Protein. I was always just sipping on something then I was up and awake.

Take care and congratulations on your new life change adventure you are about to embark on.


So far I'm not experiencing much hunger. My husband picked me up at the airport with a bag of ChickfilA in the front seat, tho. Men. Still, before surgery I wouldn't have had the willpower to resist. I just enjoyed the smells for a moment and put it out of my mind. Very easy!

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Can you kind of walk me through the first day? Check in, tests, etc?

When you get driven to the hospital after being picked up by Ernesto (who also had the sleeve) you will immediately be taken all around for your pre op testing. Blood panels, x-rays, etc. You will speak with the Anethesiologist and with Yolanda. They are going to go over things with you and collect payment. Once completed you and all the other pre op patients will have a quick presentation by Dr. Aceves. Afterward you will be taken back to your Hotel (very nice!).

Catheter? If so, before you are asleep or after and when does it come out?

I was not placed a catheter but eventually needed one. It was a one shot deal and I was ok after that.

How long are you hooked up to an IV?

I had my IV in until the 3rd day I believe around midday.

Are you feeling well enough to walk to the pharmacy by yourself the day before you leave? Is there an opportunity on the pre-op day?

I didn't do this but I would have been able to do this if I wanted to.

Are you allowed to eat whatever you want for dinner on pre-op day? Is there a decent place to eat at or very near the hotel?

You will be allowed to have your last supper of sorts. You can whatever you want! The Hotel makes excellent food, enjoy!

Do they really not have wash cloths at the hospital?

I mostly slept in my hospital gown for the first two days. I don't believe I needed to worry about washing my clothes at all. The hospital will keep your linens and gowns very clean.

Did you have diarrhea on going home day?

Not until I got home, but it's mostly because liquids in, liquids out. No big deal.

If anyone had a revision: On me, Dr. Aceves plans on doing a barium swallow test and an endoscope under heavy sedation on pre-op day. If you had this done, how groggy were you after?

I did not have to go through this, so unfortunately cannot answer this question for you.

I hope this helps. If you have anymore questions, ask away! There's lots of us here and always eager to help. You are in good hands, Dr. A is one of the best in the world. I originally was going to have my revision by Dr. Cirangle but found Dr. A's prices much more fitting to my finances. I don't regret it for one second.

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Can you kind of walk me through the first day? Check in, tests, etc?

Other posts have pretty much said it all. I was sleeved on 4-14-10. Ernesto was my daughter's driver when she had her sleeve done last summer. But Federico was very nice and very very interesting to listen to. He gave us a little history and interesting stories about "the fence" etc. His family stories are very interesting too. We also ran late being picked up, but it was not a big deal. We arrived at the hospital in plenty of time, and once there, everything is well orchestrated and everyone has their job to do and does it very well. Never had a hospital experience like that in the US.

Catheter? If so, before you are asleep or after and when does it come out?

No catheter.

How long are you hooked up to an IV?

Varies, I guess depending on your hydration post-op.

Are you feeling well enough to walk to the pharmacy by yourself the day before you leave? Is there an opportunity on the pre-op day?

See previous posts.

Are you allowed to eat whatever you want for dinner on pre-op day? Is there a decent place to eat at or very near the hotel?

See previous posts.

Do they really not have wash cloths at the hospital?

They don't automatically bring washcloths, but when we asked for one, we got both a small hand towel and a washcloth in addition to the big thick soft bath towel. I think it depends on how well the person you ask understands English.

Did you have diarrhea on going home day?

I am 5 days post-op and still no diarrhea. I have had 3 BM's, but as Tiffykins says...never trust a liquid diet fart!!!!

If anyone had a revision: On me, Dr. Aceves plans on doing a barium swallow test and an endoscope under heavy sedation on pre-op day. If you had this done, how groggy were you after?

I didn't have this done, but one of the patients in my group did. She was only a little longer getting to the hotel than the rest of us and came into the dining room for dinner just as we were finishing ours. She did have her mother with her, but she seemed fine. The sedation used for these types of procedures wears off fairly quickly. You shouldn't drive or operate heavy equipment afterwards, but you don't have to worry about that :)

Don't worry. (I know, easy for me to say) The anxiety of not knowing is much worse than after you get there. I never felt the least bit anxious about the surgery. I was way more scared before my total knee replacement, and that was done in the hospital where I have worked. Hmmmm...maybe that was the problem...ya think:? Kathe

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