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What is/was everyone's losing plan

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What is/was your losing plan:

How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost? 10-2/3 months out; 59.5% of excess weight lost, counting the 19 pounds from two week pre-op diet, I started at 385.5; now 240. No way I could have lost 50% of my excess weight in 4 months. That must be wonderful.

How many times a day are you eating? three

What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down? depending on food 1/2 c. or a little less with dense protein; I expect that will increase more though. The surgeon said at support group last night that "normal" amount for most will be about 1 cup at a 20 minute sitting.

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands Bariatric Advantage Multivitamin 2x/day; BA Calcium 3X day; Vitamin D 4,000 units/day; sublingual B12 3X/week; Biotin for hair re-growth

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of Protein (brands of shakes etc), 60 minimum usually get more than that; I use food sources now; can't stand protein shakes

How much Water you are actually getting down each day 96 oz

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often. up to now seated exercise DVDs (bad arthritis in joints) 4X/week, but starting Water aerobics next week

How is your energy level? Great

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I love this thread! Won't post formally since at 2 weeks today I am still think liquids- though I do get my 80 grams of Protein and 64 ounces of liquids religiously- right now it feels like my full time job to do it.

It was cool to realize I have already lost 23% of my excess weight!

I love seeing everyones story. IN fact I would love it if the ones who posted in April posted again , quoting themselves and updating.

MY plan, I do have-

80 grams Protein

64 plus ounces Water

40 grams net carbs

multi Vitamin, Calcium, B12

5 x week Water aerobics

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What is/was your losing plan: 60- 80 grams Protein less than 40 grams carbs at least 64 of Water

How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost? depends on my goal weight going to aim for one weight and if my body keeps on going down then I will aim for a lower weight. Depending on my goal weight I have lost 36 - 40% excess body weight in 3 months

How many times a day are you eating? 3 with 2 Snacks

What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down? 2-3 oz dense Protein little more for not so dense protein. Depends on the food I can eat half a can of tuna, a whole filet of sole, 3/4 of a 1 egg omelette with ham and cheese.

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands Wellesse liquid calcium citrate with vit D, Gummy vitamns, B12 every other day and 20mg of omeprazole

How much protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of protein (brands of shakes etc), all my protein is from food. I drink a shake once in awhile to boost my protein but body is starting to not like them.

How much Water you are actually getting down each day 70 to 96 oz

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often. have not started one yet will do soon

How is your energy level? energy is fine when I get in all my protein.

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How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost?

I am 5.5 months out and have lost 79 pounds since surgery and lost 36 pounds pre-op.

How many times a day are you eating?

I eat 3 times a day.

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands

I am very bad with taking my Vitamins. I do not regularly take them. I am trying to change that though.

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of Protein (brands of shakes etc),

I have never really liked to eat much protein so I get maybe 35-40 grams a day. Sometimes I will do a Premier Protein shake from costco.

How much Water you are actually getting down each day

Bad with Water as well. Normally 40 ozs though.

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often.

I just started walking a bit, about 1.5 miles a few times a week. I am stepping up my exercise though starting in June.

How is your energy level?

I think that my energy level comes and goes. Sometimes I feel like I need to take a nap but other days I can go all night. I am sure that if I ate better and took my Vitamins that my energy level would even out.

I have realized though by reading everyones replies that I really should be doing much better. I need to be taking my vitamins and getting more protein in!

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How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost?

Today makes 6 wks I lost 62 lbs total, 44 was before surgery. i want to lose about 95-100 more

How many times a day are you eating?

3 meals and 1-2 Snacks


What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down?

about 4 ozs

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands

CVS chewables mutli-Vitamins (yuck), Iron supplements, Biotin

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of Protein (brands of shakes etc),

I shoot for 60 minimum, and I have been getting in 65-80

How much Water you are actually getting down each day

at least 64 oz

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often

nothing in particular right now...started lifting weights yesterday

How is your energy level?

getting better, but I notice i am sleepy earlier...

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What is/was your losing plan:

How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost? 5 weeks, 1 day. I've lost 25% of my excess weight.

How many times a day are you eating? 4

What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down? 2 tablespoons (but they stay down, yay!!!)

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands Vitamin B12, One a Day Craves Gummy multi, Ester-C gummy C, Prilosec, Pepcid Complete

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of Protein (brands of shakes etc), Dietician's goal 110 g. Actually getting around 30 or so. Working on it. food sources only--can't tolerate shakes or bars.

How much Water you are actually getting down each day Around 32 oz.

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often. Walking, not enough.... now that my energy level is perking up, this should improve.

How is your energy level? Now it's great!! Feeling more like my pre-surgical self. Brain functioning and feeling sharp.

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How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost?

Just over three and a half months out of sleeve surgery. From my day of sleeve surgery weight, I have lost 42% of my excess weight. (From highest weight, have lost 60% of my excess weight).

How many times a day are you eating?

Four times - I eat Breakfast, lunch, snack when I get in from work and dinner. I also drink a Protein shake and a diluted juice with flaxseeds in, but they don't really count as meals.

What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down?

Don't know exact weights - but a typical dinner for me is around 60g of fish and a few broccoli florets topped off with some gravy. That's my biggest meal of the day and is really filling. Can't get anywhere on carbs still!

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands

I take a supermarket branded Multivitamin, an Iron tablet and two Calcium tablets as I'm trying to cut out dairy as much as possible.

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of protein (brands of shakes etc),

I haven't been given any set goals on protein or anything from my hospital, but I've got a self-imposed goal of at least 60 grams a day regardless. At the moment, I'm hitting around 90 grams. Main sources for me are soy milk, vegetarian soy sausages and soy bacon, flaxseeds, broccoli, a little bit of fish and houmous. I also do a Nutrisport 90+ Protein Shake (with half soy, half water) to top off the protein.

How much Water you are actually getting down each day

Two litres without fail. (70 oz). Sometimes also added is the odd cup of tea or extra glass of Water that I don't count in from my four bottles of water that I don't stop until I've drained every day :-)

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often.

I walk part of the way to and from work every day, which is around 40 minutes total. On the weekends, I usually get in one or two big walks - around 5 or 6 miles as standard over a couple of hours. I take any opportunity to walk everywhere and save a bus fare these days - to the supermarket, to go shopping, to visit friends etc.

How is your energy level?

At the moment, really good. Some times I feel a bit drained if I haven't been strict with my nutrition or have exercised too much on too little calories, but generally great. I feel raring to go the majority of the time right now!

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I want to revive this thread! How is everyone doing?

How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost?

I'll be 8 weeks out on Wednesday, so...7 weeks and 5 days. My pre-op weight was 264 and i was 226 this morning. I've lost 38 pounds or 32% of my excess weight.

How many times a day are you eating?

Six times a day per my nutritionist's guidelines. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.

What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down?

I'd say about 3 ounces on average. I weigh out some sort of Protein for lunch every day at 2 oz. but it doesn't make me stuffed.

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands

Everyday I take 2 Flintstones Complete, 500 mg Vitamin B12, 5000 mg Biotin, levothyroxine, a generic acid reducer, and bc.

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of protein (brands of shakes etc),

My nutritionist's goal for me is 70 grams of protein daily, and on the weekdays I can usually hit it or come within about 5 grams. On the weekends, not so much...probably only about 40 grams. I have been trying lately to get in all of my protein from food sources and no Protein drinks. (Mostly because I'm just sick of them) I do a lot of meat, cheese, eggs and yogurt.

How much Water you are actually getting down each day?

It is a chore to get down the entire 64 ounces, but at the least I get in about 50 if not the full 64. I really have to mix it up with crystal light or ocean spray cranberry lemonade.

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often.

I go to the gym three times a week for at least 30 minutes. I know, it's not a lot, but I am gradually building up more time doing cardio. I began by doing 15 minutes on the elliptical and almost couldn't finish it. I can do 30 minutes a lot easier now and add a little more time on each time I go.

How is your energy level?

I've always been a low energy person, but I do think it has improved since surgery. I still take naps sometimes after work just because I love to sleep. I'm sure I could make it through the day without one though.

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How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost?

I'll be 5 weeks out today. My pre-op weight was 234 and i was 207 this morning. I've lost 27 pounds or 25.9% of my excess weight.

How many times a day are you eating?

3 or 4 times a day per day

What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down?

I'd say about 1.5 ounces on average.

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands

Everyday I take adult gummie multvitamins, B12 sublingual, my PPI and a nausea pill (zofran). I am supposed to be taking a Calcium supplement, Iron and B complex but I do not consistently get them in.

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of Protein (brands of shakes etc),

My nutritionist's goal for me is 80 grams of protein daily but I am not getting it. I usually get around 50 or so grams of protein. I am working on it.

How much Water you are actually getting down each day?

It is a chore to get down the entire 64 ounces, but at the least I get in about 40.

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often.

I just started the gym and walking a little bit.

How is your energy level?

I was really tired up to this week but I think I finally turned the corner!

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What is/was your losing plan:

My inital plan was to get to 170 lbs. My physicians plan was to get to 212 lbs. I surpassed the 212 lbs but have never been able to get under 200. That is ok for me cause I started off at 350lbs and am happy where I am now

How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost?

I'm out 21 months and have lost all that i'm going to lose, be it 100% or 80%

How many times a day are you eating?

3 x per day plus Snacks

What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down?

About 1 cup of solid food per meal.

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands

I don't take Vitamins at all.

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of Protein (brands of shakes etc),

I surpass 81 mg of protein daily

How much Water you are actually getting down each day

64 to 100 oz EVERY day.

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often.

I don't go out of my way to exercise. I get exercise naturally, like park my vehicle 1/4 mile from work and walk it 2 x a day, putter around in the yard, doing housework, walk to the mailbox daily, etc.

How is your energy level?

Much better then when I weighed 350lbs

I know I can find this in bits and pieces here on the forum but would like a go-to place with just this info as I go through this journey for ideas, motivation, and to just make sure I'm normal!

You are normal! As long as your comfortable with what YOU do, your normal! Good luck and remember everyone is different!

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What is/was your losing plan: Never "set" on any one goal,, just want to be normal rather than morbidly obese

How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost? 8 1/2 months out.. "almost" at the 100 lb loss mark

How many times a day are you eating? 4-6 small meals

What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down? 1/2 cup, sometimes a bit more

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands Centrum chewable multi vitiman, Biotin 5000 mg twice a day, Viactive calcuim chew daily and sublingal B-12 Complex every other day.

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of Protein (brands of shakes etc), : 60 grms, I typically always exceed it by eating lots of cheese, beef jerkey and meat, fish or chicken for dinner each night.

How much Water you are actually getting down each day - 60+ daily

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often. -- poor exerciser... I need to work on this.

How is your energy level? Very good

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I originally replied to this in May. I will leave my previous answers here in pink and post my new answers in blue. This will be interesting!

How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost?

I'm 5 weeks 4 days post op. I weighed 211 pre-op and have lost 37 lbs. I have no idea what the percentages are. My goal weight is 125.

Yesterday marked 5 months post op. I have lost 55 lbs. My Goal weight is 125, I have 31 lbs to meet goal.

How many times a day are you eating?

2 oz, 4- 6 times a day, so anywhere between 8-12 or 14 oz a day.

About the same.

What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands

Generic Prenatal chewable Vitamins, Vitamin D3 2000 iu, B Complex, Biotin, Generic Acid Reducer

The same.

How much Protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of Protein (brands of shakes etc),

I usually get in between 80g - 100g a day, I use Protein Shots, Protein Shakes from GNC, and all high protein meats, fish and greek yogurt. I also add unflavored Protein powder to just about everything I can think of.

Also about the same, except I don't do the Protein Shakes any more. Now I simply eat more Proteins at my meals.

How much Water you are actually getting down each day

Between 40oz to 70oz a day. It varies depending on how full I feel after eating.!

This is a toughy for me. I don't like Water, but I do get in between 60 - 80 oz of various fluids a day.

What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often.

I usually walk about 2-3 miles a day, every day.

I opened a house keeping business. So I exercise about 8 hours a day.....no pun intended.

How is your energy level?

My energy level is high, and I contribute it to the fact that I feel like I can actually move again since losing a few lbs.

It' even higher now!!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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