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I posted a post the other day and not one response as to what to do to get the scales to start moving.. Thanks people I really need advise on this. My doctor told me to increase activities and up the calories, but I have done both and the scale is still sitting the same.. When I first came to this forum it was within minutes of posting a response would come back now I'm lucky if someone even reads it. Which is frustrating other people ask similar questions and boom responses. Stupid questions get asked and what do you think happens hint "they get answered". I'm really frustrated with being at a stall for so long and support from others is what I am seaking at this time. My dear sweet husband is trying but he doesn't know what's going on and what should be going on.. Anyway Later!!

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How many calories are you currently eating? I was stalled for two weeks at -.5 both weeks. I was eating about 800 calories, I ate a few more carbs and went to about 1100 calories and lost 3.5 last week and am at -2 this week with 4 days yet til weigh in. If your post doesn't get answered, trying searching for topics that are similar. A lot of the people on this board have been here awhile and probably get tired of answering the same question over and over. For goodness sake, don't take it personally.

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Hi MommyTawnie...I haven't been sleeved yet, but I do have the lap band and know when that happened to me, what worked best was to increase my Protein and if that didn't work, I reverted to the pre-op or immediate post-op diet for a week or 2. I've also read about other people doing what's called the 5 day pouch test...originally developed for gastric bypass patients, but now used for all weight loss surgery. It's supposed to "reset" you and your stomach so that the losing can begin again:

Days One & Two: liquid Protein

low-carb Protein shakes, broth, clear or cream Soups, sugar-free Gelatin and pudding.

Day 3: Soft Protein

canned fish (tuna or salmon) eggs, fresh soft fish (tilapia, sole, orange roughy).

Day 4: Firm Protein

ground meat (turkey, beef, chicken, lamb), shellfish, scallops, lobster, fresh salmon or halibut.

Day 5: Solid Protein

white meat poultry, beef steak, pork, lamb, wild game

Link: http://5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html

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I wish i could answer this for you, but i'm not quite 1 week out. From reading on here, i know getting your Protein is super important and minimizing your carbs, is that something you are tracking as well? What about strength training? I know building muscle will increase metabolism and more muscle burns more calories. I was just reading a fitness article yesterday and it said that getting your whey protein after strength training is more important than people have previously thought because it increases the muscle by some crazy number. I understand the need for support as well....i have one friend that had bypass, she understands this journey, but the rest of my friends and family are kind of at a loss...Any thing i can do to help, i will...I"m sure other will offer their advice that have gone through this whole process. Good luck and take care...and btw..71 lbs isn't something to sneeze at...THAT IS AMAZING...i truly hope i can pull a number like that! Good Job on your losses so far!

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Sounds like your doc has the right idea. I'd increase Protein, cut carbs down to nothing, and work out like crazy. Your body resists losing weight because it thinks you're starving it - it will hold on to that fat with all it's might as a form of self-preservation. But we are not cavemen and women anymore, food is not scarce, so you just have to re-teach your body that it's OK to lose that fat.

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I honestly can not see every post on here. It's not humanly possible. My recommendation when you don't receive any replies is to shoot someone a message, or refer to the 1000s of other threads on here about stalls. There's typically 200 new posts on the forum every morning when I log in, and I personally can't get to all of them. A lot of times if I have to I'll use the search feature at the top to go back to topics that are popular such as hair loss, stalls, BMI questions, post-op diets etc etc.

Your body has been through hell, and pretty much sounds as if it needs time to adjust. Have you taken measurements? Are your clothes fitting differently? You might be losing inches and not pounds. A pound is a pound regardless if it's a pound of fat or a pound of muscle. Fortunately, muscle just takes up less space in the body. I know when I was super close to goal, I skipped sizes in clothing, but only lost a few pounds. So, the scale wasn't moving much, but my body adjusting and catching up with inches/fat lost.

Unfortunately, the closer you get to goal, the weight loss slows down tremendously. It's frustrating, but if you continue doing what is prescribed in your post-op guidelines the scale will move. I always tell people when they ask about a stall to 1) Increase Protein, cut carbs 2) Increase fluids 3) move more. Do not go off and go back to all liquids, crash dieting did NOT work before, and it's not going to work now. You might lose some weight, but it sounds like you're making good food choices, your labs are good, and you just need to keep doing what you are doing. As frustrating as it is, we didn't get fat overnight, getting skinny is going to take some time too!

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My fourth month I stalled HORRIBLY, and NOTHING I did made the scale move. I upped my Water, upped my workouts, increased my Protein and the scale didn't budge. All in all for the month of Feb. I lost -2lbs. It was awful. But of course I survived and you will too. We all want to wake up and be at goal, but really this is process and we learn as we go. What works for one person may not work for another. I had surgery a FULL 2 months before you and I've only lost -57 (all from surg. date...no pre-op here.) So don't think that you haven't accomplished much...because WOW!! You were hospitalized early out (if I remember correctly) and I'm sure your body is still trying to figure out exactly what hit it.

I'm sorry you aren't *feeling* much support from this community. I just can't spend 24/7 here logged in reading and posting (although if you asked my family they would say that is what I'm doing...lol) So I hop on, check out what is new and only answer a post if I feel like I have something worthy to add. You can PM me anytime and I promise to answer. Just like you can't compare weight loss stats from you to another person, it's a good idea not to compare how many responses one person gets vs. another person. I think the pattern you will find is completely random.

Hang in there, this too shall pass.

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I posted a post the other day and not one response as to what to do to get the scales to start moving.. Thanks people I really need advise on this. My doctor told me to increase activities and up the calories, but I have done both and the scale is still sitting the same.. When I first came to this forum it was within minutes of posting a response would come back now I'm lucky if someone even reads it. Which is frustrating other people ask similar questions and boom responses. Stupid questions get asked and what do you think happens hint "they get answered". I'm really frustrated with being at a stall for so long and support from others is what I am seaking at this time. My dear sweet husband is trying but he doesn't know what's going on and what should be going on.. Anyway Later!!


"Stupid questions get answered" is kind of harsh. Something might seem stupid to you, but important to others. Anyway, I don't know if I saw your original post but sometimes they get lost in the feed if a newer post pops up in the same sub section. I will say, there are TONS of post on how to move the scale though. Many times the readers want to see what you are currently eating and doing for exercise in order to help address your stall.


- drink more Water

- watch carb intake

- portion size

- up exercise or change routine

- increase Cals (if too low)

- increase Protein

Hope you break that stall soon.

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I'm sorry mommy tawnie.c you have always been here for me and answered a majority of my questions on here. And I did see and read that post but did not answer. I didn't have an anger for you. I'm only 8 weeks out. Good luck in your journey and hang in there.

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Hey there Mommie Tawnie,

I'm sorry you feel ignored. Honestly, I think getting your questions answered is just luck of the draw. Some days I post a question and get 20 answers, sometimes I get one. It just depends on who is logged on, and if your questions get bumped from the top of the queue behind a more recent question. Don't take it personally!! At any rate, I think there are some great suggestions above. For me, changing up my exercise seems to work best! Hope you get past your stall SOON!!! I know how frustrating they can be!!! Best of luck!

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Hey There Mommy Tawnie - like people have said "don't take it personally". I know when I have a question (and I've had MANY) I will first do a quick scan of the boards and see if there is already a thread started with that topic and there USUALLY is. SO then I don't need to start a thread myself...just an idea

Frustration sucks...hang in there! Good luck with your loss!

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I don't believe in stalls. I mean, I get them (pre- and post WLS) of course -- but I don't believe I have to do some trick to break the stall. I think if you just keep on plan and do your thing, eventually the stall breaks. Bodies do sometimes just need some time to adjust and recalibrate. But with WLS, calories in are lower than calories burned = eventual weight loss. You can either try a bunch of new stuff to break the stall, or you could just sit back for the ride and wait for it to move again on its own. Good luck!

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I posted a post the other day and not one response as to what to do to get the scales to start moving.. Thanks people I really need advise on this. My doctor told me to increase activities and up the calories, but I have done both and the scale is still sitting the same.. When I first came to this forum it was within minutes of posting a response would come back now I'm lucky if someone even reads it. Which is frustrating other people ask similar questions and boom responses. Stupid questions get asked and what do you think happens hint "they get answered". I'm really frustrated with being at a stall for so long and support from others is what I am seaking at this time. My dear sweet husband is trying but he doesn't know what's going on and what should be going on.. Anyway Later!!

I'm so sorry no one responded, I didn't see it. I don't think I've really been around much lately - I have been extremely busy at both home and work. Had I seen it, I certainly would have responded... (((hugs))) I know how frustrating stalls can be.

I'm in one right now, and just got out of one not weeks before this one. It seems like the closer I'm getting to goal the harder it is to lose this weight. Have I been perfect? NO!! So that just gets me to thinking that I have to be perfect now for any hopes of losing more.

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I found your original post and it looked like it was around 8am. I know for me, I work during the day then log on at night. Just the "new content" from today is pages and pages long. Even this post is 3 pages back from where Diva posted to it at 3pm. I can't really speak to the stall b/c I'm newly sleeved. But I think a comment on the original post with a "bump" or "still needing advice" probably would have helped.

Based on your original post, it looks like you ARE losing inches (like Tiff mentioned), you're getting in your Protein, and your bloodwork looked awesome. I don't know that much about stalls, but from what I have read on here they are pretty much inevitable and everyone goes through them at some point. I wish you the best of luck in breaking yours!!

I also know that I am probably one of the "newbie" stupid question askers but we either a) genuinely don't know or B) are just so darn excited about every little success. I don't think anyone on here would intentionally not answer you. :)

Original post:

"Well I knew it would come sooner or later I was just hoping it would come much later then this.. I have hit a stall and it has lasted 2 almost 3 weeks now.. The scale isn't moving off of 183.. I hit that a few weeks ago and up to that point hadn't really had much of a stall until now. It's driving me crazy. I'm not weighing but once a week and to see it sit the same every week has been a bit disappointing. Atleast it's not going up is what I keep telling myself, and I am still loosing inches just not pounds.. I started taking a zumba class once a week, and once I am comfortable in that class I will move up to 2-3 classes a week.. I am still eating right and getting in my Protein. Infact I just had my 3 month blood work done and got a call from the doctors office telling me everything looked perfect and the only thing they seen I needed to add to my diet was Vitamin D.. I didn't even have to go in for a visit which shocked me after all I went through in January and February with the leak/absess. I just wish this stall would pass already. Is there anything I can do to get the scale moving again?"

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I posted a post the other day and not one response as to what to do to get the scales to start moving.. Thanks people I really need advise on this. My doctor told me to increase activities and up the calories, but I have done both and the scale is still sitting the same.. When I first came to this forum it was within minutes of posting a response would come back now I'm lucky if someone even reads it. Which is frustrating other people ask similar questions and boom responses. Stupid questions get asked and what do you think happens hint "they get answered". I'm really frustrated with being at a stall for so long and support from others is what I am seaking at this time. My dear sweet husband is trying but he doesn't know what's going on and what should be going on.. Anyway Later!!

I'm sorry you feel this way. I did not see your post,where was it? I try to check often, but I have life happening too.

I am one of the great stallers. One pound and then noting, one pound and then nothing, 3 pound out of nowhere. I up cardio, count my carbs, increase Protein and make sure I am getting enough essentail fatty acids. Ie fish oil and Omega 3's. Plenty of my posts had just sat at times. I own my struggles, it is something I need to do rather than blame others. Be accountable to ones self!

Count your carbs: should be less than 50 a day.

Keep a written record of every morsel that crosses your lips( often you do not realize who much your are taking in with easy or slider foods.

When a stall takes hold, take hold back and do some extra cardio, up your liquids and sometimes to reset the clock, go back to the liquid phase and start over!

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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