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ATTN drinkers, here's my story

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Ok, I need to make a clarifying statement, it seems. I love everyone here. I appreciate every piece of input, it's all noted - but not anything I don't already know. I spent hundreds of hours researching, I have WLS patients in my close friend circle and WLS professionals in my immediate family, so I know what's up.

Last night was a test run to see what was going to happen. I am not planning on boozing every night of the week from now on, or even again until I'm further down the road. I probably need to say it publicly so I can maybe stave off some of the assumptions and strong advisements and reactions. Note: I called it in the original post :)

I am a healthy young professional out on the town, my life is just different, that's all.

(What's happened in this thread is exactly why I am keeping my WLS private in my real life - I don't want "gasp, no don't do that" reactions to my decisions - My intent is to share my story on these boards - I would have given anything for a story like this when I was researching. I don't need counselling, I'm not an alcoholic, I just had 3 weak cocktails on a Saturday night with my homeboy.)

Everything's cool, promise!

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A few things, thank you for sharing your drinking experience and your history about the surgery. When others like you reveal their feelings on this site. It helps us understand ourselves as we figure out our future in dealing with WLS. Nevertheless, you open the door in your first post, when that door is open for anyone and everyone to comment, criticize, and express disapproval of your actions.

You statement in your second post is very interesting; “this is an unavoidable part of my social and professional life”. Drinking is unavoidable; I don’t know about that and completely disagree.

Most sleever’s live our lives one day at time. Experimenting with a new lifestyle and yes, most disapprove with you consuming alcohol (no matter how weak and what amount) so soon after your surgery. No one indicated you were an alcoholic; you seem like a party person who enjoys her work and like to drink. And that’s ok, yet on the other hand you just had a major portion of stomach removed and as a consequence that is something to consider.

Take care and be well,


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I was told no alcohol 3 months out. Why do you want to test the waters? I don't know any profession or "boy's club" that would not tolerate NOT drinking - this is lent, this is the one time a year where you can easily say "I am cutting it out for lent" - how about trying out THAT Water?

I know you don't want to hear it, and I won't say anything after this - but your excuses ring like "full blown alcoholism" to me, You are "testing if you can drink", worried about not being able to drink, very high tolerance for alcohol (considering you are 2 weeks post op), considering drinking an "unavoidable part of your life", considering 3 cocktails in 1 night "extremely light", and your hundreds of hours of research show that your focus on alcohol is taking a huge part of your life...

Denying that you have a problem with alcohol even before anyone said anything is a clear sign that you have heard it before and thought about it yourself before. You may not be worried about yourself, but I am - and I am 100% sure that every single person who read your posts in this thread is worried about you too.

Good luck to you


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Let me preface this story with the fact that I know that my current relationship with alcohol is and will be different than it was before surgery. What i'm basically saying is, "INB4 outrage & judgement" :)

Before surgery, I was an avid and enthusiastic party girl. I have an extremely stressful full-time, 24x7 boys'-club, mind-numbing soul-crushing (albeit high-paying) career, filled to the brim with heavy drinkers. More than once a week, I find myself out after work either enjoying cocktails with co-workers or going to vendor/customer dinners, where it's not uncommon to have drinks at the restaurant bar before, wine throughout dinner, scotch after, followed by drinks at the bar after to close the night.

I don't consider myself an alcoholic - for the 2 weeks in preparation to surgery and for the 2 weeks after, I haven't had a drink, and it's not like I got the DT's or anything. I have however been very concerned and curious about what was going to happen when I did have my first cocktail. I was worried I would be drunk after one sip, or my new stomach would reject it and I would vomit uncontrollably at the table, or worse - I would never be able to have a drink again... All kinds of horrific scenarios went through my head.

So I called my best and most trusted friend last night and told him that I was feeling back to normal (for the most part), and interested in testing the waters. We went to my local low-key boozer, sat at a booth. I responsibly ordered my low-calorie standby: Grey Goose & Soda (single tall), and sipped apprehensively while watching jealously as he took long pulls from his Heineken. (I was a beer drinker in my past life - I'm pretty sure it's responsible for 50 of the 100 lbs I'm trying to lose.)

My first cocktail went down very slowly - it took about 45 minutes to get it all the way down. I definitely felt it about halfway in, but i felt well within normal operating limits. I could feel my body processing it a little differently, but no big deal. Even though the drink includes soda Water, there is very little carbonation in the drink, so I felt good about my order, and didn't get the burps or anything.

Over the course of 3 hours, I had 3 cocktails and a glass of Water. I got home feeling like a solid 4.5 out of 10. I finished my Protein drink and took a big bottle of evian to bed, and sipped on it while watching tv.

I woke up this morning feeling fine, a little bit of a headache and pretty thirsty, but other than that, I felt great. Although, I have to say, I am feeling my first pangs of hunger since before the surgery, so that's new... I'm not sure if that's related to drinking last night or if my stomach is just healing up properly. I'm going to go and make myself some grits!

Good for you! Yes, I'm 15 months out and can only take in 2 drinks. . .however, my drinks are mixed 4 - 6 oz alcohol and 2 - 4 oz diet coke. . . i feel the drink very fast, but as soon as i drink it about 1 or 1 1/2 hours later it's gone. . .like nothing ever happened, But I don't want another drink after that feeling wears off either. . . just do like your doing, sip your drink and make it last, your doing good. . . I love the idea of no headaches, no hangovers, or anything. . .

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Good for you! Yes, I'm 15 months out and can only take in 2 drinks. . .however, my drinks are mixed 4 - 6 oz alcohol and 2 - 4 oz diet coke. . . i feel the drink very fast, but as soon as i drink it about 1 or 1 1/2 hours later it's gone. . .like nothing ever happened, But I don't want another drink after that feeling wears off either. . . just do like your doing, sip your drink and make it last, your doing good. . . I love the idea of no headaches, no hangovers, or anything. . .

Holy cow Thin! 4-6 oz alcohol per drink! Thats stiff girl I have had drinks that stiff before, but would be a little afraid to do it now....

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Good for you! Yes, I'm 15 months out and can only take in 2 drinks. . .however, my drinks are mixed 4 - 6 oz alcohol and 2 - 4 oz diet coke. . . i feel the drink very fast, but as soon as i drink it about 1 or 1 1/2 hours later it's gone. . .like nothing ever happened, But I don't want another drink after that feeling wears off either. . . just do like your doing, sip your drink and make it last, your doing good. . . I love the idea of no headaches, no hangovers, or anything. . .

I noticed that too! I felt completely normal by the time i got into bed, like nothing happened. So weird!

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Holy cow Thin! 4-6 oz alcohol per drink! Thats stiff girl I have had drinks that stiff before, but would be a little afraid to do it now....

:lol: :lol: I've done that for years! Used to be i could drink any man under the table, get up and walk away without a swerve. . . now it's only 2 of those on weekends only and i'm done! I know I blow peoples minds when i tell them that. . . :lol:

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Thanks for sharing your experience. I used to be a social drinker, but after destroying my career and almost my marriage, I am now just a one or two drink once or twice a year kind of gal! I was worried about when i try to drink again. At this point, I am not worried about it because it won't happen until probably this summer. I think as long as you know your risks and stay responsible, you won't hurt anything. The biggest lesson for me, being on 3 weeks post-op, is that my life as I knew it before surgery is done. I am on a new path to life and I hope to find new ways to have fun socially with my friends. Many of them are also now looking into surgery. I understand the high stress of your job! I was a middle school teacher and it was a struggle everyday!

Hang in there and know that you will find more support on here than non-support. I think that most people are just worried about your well-being. Sounds like you are just testing your new parameters! Stay safe:)!

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I too look forward to a glass of wine every now and then. I enjoy wine, vineyards, wine tastings etc. But I'm mature enough to know that wine and I will have to start a new relationship.


What disappoints me most is you trying to say that because you belong to a "boys-club" you must drink like one.... GROW UP! and FAST.

I'm a national Media Buyer and partner in one of the Southwests oldest Advertising Agency... Now if thats not a "Boys-Club" than I don't know what is....... Most all my Media vendors are men... Most of my accounts are Industrial, Farm & Ranch, Big Rid Trucking, & Steel.

If you ever want to be taking seriously in business (AS A WOMAN) you will monitor you drinking and you can start TODAY. It is not needed to be hammered to do business, I even played golf with the big boys in the late 80's so please don't tell me about the Boys Club. You are just making excusses and I think you know it.

Testing the Waters at 2 weeks... PLEASE.

Now for the LOVE part. You need support... and not the kind that wants to hang and drink with you. We are all here to support you and it may get tough every now and then. Trust me, many of us are old enough to know what you are..... and who you can be.

Take care and put the drinks down till you've reached your goal... Water and lime is fine!

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Thanks for saying that Melissa <3<3

I worry that I didn't paint the picture clearly.

I don't feel like i have to drink in my professional life, I don't think i have to be like a man in my male-dominated career (ever. Ever ever)... I just have one of those types of jobs, where that's what I'm surrounded by. That's the back story.

What happened Saturday night is that I just had a couple of cocktails because i wanted to. I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a fun young completely healthy person, and I experimented because I feel awesome and back to normal, and just wanted to Celebrate and see how it would go. I'm not going to start going out every night, i'm not going to turn into an addict.

I researched beforehand, I was incredibly cautious, I coupled the drinks with Water, and everything went fine, which is the point of my post.

Everything's cool, I promise!


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Seems all is well with you, hope you understand what's going on and why folks responded like they did. You are a young smart person, just be careful.

Some patients have not been as fortunate when drinking after major surgery. As time goes on, please take care and be well.


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<3 thanks Lash!

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i too am a partyer...but i have resolved not todrink for at least 3 mos....if not longer.....it'll be hard...but i will pretend i am pregnant if i have to lol...at least that's what I say now.....i am actually hosting a party 3 weeks post op and dreading doing so sober....what an experience this will be

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Wow - you read my mind... I've been scared to even ask too must about having a drink here and there - thank you for you honest explanation of you life/experience. Keep strong in your journey to a healthier and happier you tongue.gif

Let me preface this story with the fact that I know that my current relationship with alcohol is and will be different than it was before surgery. What i'm basically saying is, "INB4 outrage & judgement" :)

Before surgery, I was an avid and enthusiastic party girl. I have an extremely stressful full-time, 24x7 boys'-club, mind-numbing soul-crushing (albeit high-paying) career, filled to the brim with heavy drinkers. More than once a week, I find myself out after work either enjoying cocktails with co-workers or going to vendor/customer dinners, where it's not uncommon to have drinks at the restaurant bar before, wine throughout dinner, scotch after, followed by drinks at the bar after to close the night.

I don't consider myself an alcoholic - for the 2 weeks in preparation to surgery and for the 2 weeks after, I haven't had a drink, and it's not like I got the DT's or anything. I have however been very concerned and curious about what was going to happen when I did have my first cocktail. I was worried I would be drunk after one sip, or my new stomach would reject it and I would vomit uncontrollably at the table, or worse - I would never be able to have a drink again... All kinds of horrific scenarios went through my head.

So I called my best and most trusted friend last night and told him that I was feeling back to normal (for the most part), and interested in testing the waters. We went to my local low-key boozer, sat at a booth. I responsibly ordered my low-calorie standby: Grey Goose & Soda (single tall), and sipped apprehensively while watching jealously as he took long pulls from his Heineken. (I was a beer drinker in my past life - I'm pretty sure it's responsible for 50 of the 100 lbs I'm trying to lose.)

My first cocktail went down very slowly - it took about 45 minutes to get it all the way down. I definitely felt it about halfway in, but i felt well within normal operating limits. I could feel my body processing it a little differently, but no big deal. Even though the drink includes soda Water, there is very little carbonation in the drink, so I felt good about my order, and didn't get the burps or anything.

Over the course of 3 hours, I had 3 cocktails and a glass of Water. I got home feeling like a solid 4.5 out of 10. I finished my Protein drink and took a big bottle of evian to bed, and sipped on it while watching tv.

I woke up this morning feeling fine, a little bit of a headache and pretty thirsty, but other than that, I felt great. Although, I have to say, I am feeling my first pangs of hunger since before the surgery, so that's new... I'm not sure if that's related to drinking last night or if my stomach is just healing up properly. I'm going to go and make myself some grits!

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Hi all,

Not sure if you will see this since this thread has been out a while....

As a single 40 something, alcohol is part of my social experience, and I don't want to give it up. I enjoy good wine, dinner parties that include this, good beer and the every once in a while, margarita. I would be lying to say that it concerns me that I can't drink....... In fact, it is part of my decision process and why I am waiting to get the VSG. I need to wrap my head around NOT drinking before I move forward....

I really appreciated the original post, very honest. Thanks for that!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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