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Road to "TWOterville"

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Name...............................Starting…....Current…......Goal…..........To Go

losingjusme..(Christine).........293.............. 287... ..........275..................12

tann.............(Tammy)...........211............ . 208..............198....................10

Josette.................................322....... .......322..............307..................15

RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....264..............264..............254........ .........10

FaithMD............................... 308..............305.4..............299.................6.4

Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275....... .......275 .............265..................10

Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........;...214..............208............ ........6

glindab..................................282...... ........278.6...........265....................13. 6

Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...............295.............280........... ........15

waterlily1072...(Nicole)............279........... ....279.............269...................10

Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...............3 09..............299...................10

staindgal (Bridget)..................319..............316.8. ...........299.................. 17.8

jbtullis (Jonathan)...................317................31 7..............299...................18

Insubordination.......................311......... ......311..............306...................5

Hello all, did I do this right???I don't think so...I've lost 2 pounds and am at 309...10 to go. Can't wait!!!


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Name...............................Starting…....Current…......Goal…..........To Go

losingjusme..(Christine).........293.............. 287... ..........275..................12

tann.............(Tammy)...........211............ . 208..............198..................10

Josette.................................322....... .......322..............307..................15

RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....264..............264..............254........ .........10

FaithMD............................... 308..............305.4............299........... ......6.4

Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275....... .......275 .............265..................10

Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........;...214..............208...................6

glindab..................................282...... ........278.6...........265.................13. 6

Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...............295.............280..................15

waterlily1072...(Nicole)............279........... ....279............269..................10

Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...............3 09............299..................10

staindgal (Bridget)..................319..............314.6. ..........299........... .... 15.6

jbtullis (Jonathan)...................317................317.............299.................18

Insubordination.......................311......... ......311............306...................5

That's great Lorraine!! I just updated my own weight loss for the month as well, and I feel like I'm steadily approaching!! Congratulations everyone on the awesome weight loss you are earning!!!

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Name...............................Starting…...Loss.......Current…....Goal….....To Go

losingjusme..(Christine).........293............6............. 287... ........275............12

tann.............(Tammy)...........211............3..............208..... ......198............10

Josette.................................322....... ....................322............307........ ...15

RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....264...........................264............254............10

FaithMD............................... 308..........2.6............305.4....... ...299...........6.4

Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275............................275 ...........265............10

Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........................214.............208.............6

glindab..................................282..........3.4............278.6..........265..........13. 6

Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...........................295............280............15


Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...........2..............309.............299............10

staindgal (Bridget)..................319..........4.4............314.6...........299.......... 15.6

jbtullis (Jonathan)...................317...........................317.............299............18

Insubordination.......................311.................... ......311............306..............5

i hope no one minds... but I added a new column to the grid to keep track of how many pounds down we are... I know it's implied in the other numbers, but seeing that i have lost FOUR POUNDS definitely motivates me to continue!!

feel free to delete it if you don't like it!!

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staindgal, the addition looks fine to me!

great job everyone!!

Name...............................Starting…...Loss.......Current…....Goal….....To Go

losingjusme..(Christine).........293............8. ............ 285... ........275............10

tann.............(Tammy)...........211............ 3..............208..... ......198............10

Josette.................................322....... ....................322............307........ ...15

RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....264...........................264............ 254............10

FaithMD............................... 308..........2.6............305.4....... ...299...........6.4

Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275............................275 ...........265............10

Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........................214.............208. ............6

glindab..................................282...... ....3.4............278.6..........265..........13. 6

Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...........................295............280 ............15

waterlily1072...(Nicole)............279........... ................279............269............10

Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...........2.... ..........309.............299............10

staindgal (Bridget)..................319..........4.4....... .....314.6...........299.......... 15.6

jbtullis (Jonathan)...................317.................. .........317.............299............18

Insubordination.......................311......... ........... ......311............306..............5

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I can't believe you've already done over 55 miles!!! When you first started exercising, how far could you go? How long has it taken you to build up this kind of endurance? I am simply awe-struck by you!!!

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hi staindgal,

i started right after my my band was placed with about 8 minutes on the treadmill. i gradually increased daily.

one thing that has helped me go more than the obligatory 30 minutes - i have a video iPod and bought a couple of movies and TV shows and that helps. especially the "hour long" TV shows - they are really about 45 minutes so it's perfect!

i am aiming for 10 miles a day (about 1/2 hour) on the bike and 2 miles on the elliptical (24ish minutes).

the only way i could really rack up the miles so far is it is the weekend and my DH truly is being a dear and not saying a word. i dont think he would, but when i take off for 2 hours a time, i still wonder ...

my motivation? i want (i need) to lose 150 pounds by my 1 year bandiversary in October. right now, i am low carbing it and exercising daily. so far this week, i've lost almost 9 pounds... THAT in itself is incredible motivation!

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Name...............................Starting…...Loss.......Current…....Goal….....To Go

losingjusme..(Christine).........293............8. ............ 285... ........275............10

tann.............(Tammy)...........211............ 3..............208..... ......198............10

Josette.................................322....... ....................322............307........ ...15

RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....264...........................264............ 254............10

FaithMD............................... 308..........2.6............305.4....... ...299...........6.4

Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275............................275 ...........265............10

Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........................214.............208. ............6

glindab..................................282...... ....3.4............278.6..........265..........13. 6

Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...........................295............280 ............15

waterlily1072...(Nicole)............279........... ................279............269............10

Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...........2.... ..........309.............299............10

staindgal (Bridget)..................319..........4.4....... .....314.6...........299.......... 15.6

jbtullis (Jonathan)...................317...........7...... .........310.............299............11

Insubordination.......................311......... ........... ......311............306..............5

Just wanted to update and say thanks for the feedback on the band. I have lost 7 already this month so hopefully I will make it by the end of the month. I finally have some restriction. I do have the larger band so I know it takes a little longer, was just thinking it would be a bit faster. This one is kicking in slowly, strange thing this band.

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Name...............................Starting…...Loss.......Current…....Goal….....To Go

losingjusme..(Christine).........293............8. ............ 285... ........275............10

tann.............(Tammy)...........211............ 3..............208..... ......198............10

Josette.................................322....... ....................322............307........ ...15

RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....264...........................264............ 254............10

FaithMD............................... 308..........2.6............305.4....... ...299...........6.4

Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275............................275 ...........265............10

Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........................214.............208. ............6

glindab..................................282...... ....3.4............278.6..........265..........13. 6

Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...........................295............280 ............15

waterlily1072...(Nicole)............279........... ................279............269............10

Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...........4.... ..........307.............299............8

staindgal (Bridget)..................319..........4.4....... .....314.6...........299.......... 15.6

jbtullis (Jonathan)...................317...........7...... .........310.............299............11

Insubordination.......................311......... ........... ......311............306..............5

WOO_HOOO...Only 8 lbs to go....I can't wait to see TWO TERVILLE!!!!!!!!!

I love this thing!!!!

Staindgal...when were you banded? You are doing very well.


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Name...............................Starting…...Loss.......Current…....Goal….....To Go

losingjusme..(Christine).........293............8. ............ 285... ........275............10

tann.............(Tammy)...........211............ 3..............208..... ......198............10

Josette.................................322....... ....................322............307........ ...15

RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....264...........................264............ 254............10

FaithMD............................... 308..........2.6............305.4....... ...299...........6.4

Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275............................275 ...........265............10

Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........................214.............208. ............6

glindab..................................282...... ....3.4............278.6..........265..........13. 6

Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...........................295............280 ............15

waterlily1072...(Nicole)............279........... ................279............269............10

Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...........4.... ..........307.............299............8

staindgal (Bridget)..................319..........5.4....... .....313.6...........299.......... 14.6

jbtullis (Jonathan)...................317...........7...... .........310.............299............11

Insubordination.......................311......... ........... ......311............306..............5

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Staindgal...when were you banded? You are doing very well.


I have not been banded... I am trying to see how well I can do without it first, and I am researching it everyday to learn more about it.

Being banded is a giant commitment, and since I am a bit of a commitment-phobe, it is taking me quite a while to familiarize myself with what band-land would be like!

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Name...............................Starting…...Loss.......Current…....Goal….....To Go

losingjusme..(Christine).........293.............9............. 284... ........275............9

tann.............(Tammy)...........211............ 3..............208..... ......198............10

Josette.................................322....... ....................322............307........ ...15

RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....264...........................264............ 254............10

FaithMD............................... 308..........2.6............305.4....... ...299...........6.4

Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275............................275 ...........265............10

Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........................214.............208. ............6

glindab..................................282...... ....3.4............278.6..........265..........13. 6

Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...........................295............280 ............15

waterlily1072...(Nicole)............279........... ................279............269............10

Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...........4.... ..........307.............299............8

staindgal (Bridget)..................319..........5.4....... .....313.6...........299.......... 14.6

jbtullis (Jonathan)...................317...........7...... .........310.............299............11

Insubordination.......................311......... ........... ......311............306..............5

staindgal you are doing really well without being banded. i think it's great that you are really researching this.

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I have not been banded... I am trying to see how well I can do without it first, and I am researching it everyday to learn more about it.

Being banded is a giant commitment, and since I am a bit of a commitment-phobe, it is taking me quite a while to familiarize myself with what band-land would be like!

That's exactly what I did. I started my 12 month MD surpervised Insurance company required diet in March 2006 and then in Feb 2007 I began to eat like a US bandster. Proteins first, then veggies then carbs. I gave up all the white and refined carbs I could. I began reading labels and avoiding as many artificial sweeteners and things with high fructose corn Syrup in them as possible. I started eating with baby or toddler utensils to practice the smaller bites. I began trying different Protein Drinks and stopping drinking with meals. I tried different baby foods and bought my blender and other things I saw on the pre-op checklist in the FAQ thread here. (I never used the heating pad, but I'll have it for any aches in the future-I got lucky with no gas pains.) I bought Gas-X strips and liquid Tylenol in abundance. I tried different Vitamins and chewable Calcium to find ones I liked.

In the five months to my banding, I developed positive behaviors and I fully believe that "practising" was what has made the transition as relatively easy as it has been. I lost about 40 lbs between February and my band date. That was a big bonus. It has also helped because my co-workers and friends don't ask what I'm doing to lose weight anymore. They knew I was watching what I ate and changing my lifestyle so they just assume that's what is causing my continued loss. And really, it is. The band certainly isn't magic. I haven't had a fill yet and I'm planning to hold out for as long as I can before I start getting them. I figure as long as overall I continue to lose, I should be fine. But the second it gets feels like I'm starving myself, it gets really tough or I start steadily gaining again, I'm heading in to start my fills. I'm not silly enough to think I can really do this all alone. I got the band for a tool, I should learn how to use it to the best of it's ability.

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Ok, just had a bowl of ice cream.

I will not be in twoterville in my lifetime if I keep this up. I go for my 4th fill tomorrow, I hope it is THE ONE that will finally give me restriction. I am just wanting this to work. I hope I have not gained when I go in tomorrow. I just want this surgery to work. I know why I had the ice cream. Isn't emotional eating the worst!? Found out my son has a heart murmur. It is going to be fine, we were just at the Dr. he said that it was mild and that he would clear my son to play football. We had just been at the gym on Saturday and then we went to get the sports physical and BAM. they said he had the murmur, it was new and it could be serious. We have waited til this afternoon to hear its going to be alright and it isn't a major deal. The waiting, the not knowing if he was OK, was the Worst. Anyway, I love the people on this thread. It makes me happy just to read your posts, you are all so positive. I will update tomorrow and let everyone know how the fill goes.

Ciao Bellas! KT

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my best wishes to you, your son, and the rest of your family... i know how stressful it can be when you're not sure if someone you love is OK!! thank god it still appears he can play sports and do other things he loves!!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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