koko1920 0 Posted June 24, 2006 Hi - I had my surgery on Tues 20 June. It's now 23 June and I have two things have me concerned. A low grade fever ... like 99.7 all day for the last two days. The doctor told me to take tylenol. Additionally every few minutes ... sometime more than a few minutes I kinda gasp for no reason. Is any of this normal? Aside from this...I feel ok. I have been walking and sticking to the broth, liquid diet. I am starving...it's not psychological as they said at the hospital. I am starving!!! :help: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kat817 19 Posted June 24, 2006 I would urge you to contact your Dr. and have a chest Xray. Some low fever for a short time I could see, but 2 days, and pain makes me think infection, possible pneumonia. Call him, and I would not let them put me off. Some people experience hunger, try some Protein Powder in your liquids, the Protein made me feel fuller. Good Luck, and I sure do hope you feel better soon! Kat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marys 2 Posted June 24, 2006 Can't say i had the gasping thing but you should check with your doctor - it might be related to the fever? Also, do you like/can you have tomatoe juice - i hated it before surgery but now love it - and it was more filling then broth. I also had popscicles (sp) and they were helpful. And Tomato Soup was good and filling too. And, maybe ask your nutritionist when you can add Protein Shakes - maybe really watered down will work but ask first because you must follow doctor's orders - it is most important to not disrupt the band while it's healing in place - even if you don't feel it - it's healing and you want it to stay in place. Good luck and hang in there - it will get easier. Mary Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kat817 19 Posted June 24, 2006 You can order unflavored Protein powder that can be added even to Clear Liquids. I order mine from www.unjury.com they also sell flavored ones. I use the unflavored in everything, from juice to spaghetti sauce! Any time I think I need to bump up my protein I sprinkle some in. I have seen some ads on here, in some of the signatures about proteinshots, 20 g. in like 3 oz. of fluid/jello. Look aroundon the food threads, for ideas in each stage, amazing what some people have come up with! Forgot to mention this before!!! Kat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeenBand 7 Posted June 24, 2006 I had the same temperature for 3 days. Doctor said it was due to being dyhydrated and the body's response to pain and surgery. I had some chest issues due to the tubing and swelling. But defo call your doctor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elisabethsew 50 Posted June 24, 2006 Call your MD and go and SEE him to get evaluated. Your symptoms are NOT normal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nursekathy2u 0 Posted June 24, 2006 Low grade temp warrants a call to the doc. I had some breathing issues after surgery because I wasnt breathing deep due to the pain. Every now and again I had to take a big deep breath. I didnt ask my doctor but I assumed it was my body reacting to the poor oxegenation I was providing it with my shallow breathing.. Who knows.. I tried to do my insentive spirometry every hour like i was supposed to and that with the walking kept me from getting into any real trouble with my breathing.. I would call your surgeon and check in... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koko1920 0 Posted June 25, 2006 Thanks everyone. I called the surgeon...but no reply. So I called my good ol' Mom. (She used to be a nurse) and asked her about the fever...she told me it could be my body adjusting to the surgery, take Tylenol (liquid) and if the fever goes up...then go to the Emergency room. Well, it went down and has stayed down. The gasping has subsided, so perhaps it was part of the anesthesia? I feel much better today! Thanks for your support and responses! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunnyDuddies 6 Posted June 28, 2006 The gasping could also be spasms of the diaphram as well. I have heard that bariatric patients have their diaphrams do weird things because of the trauma to the insides. It might just be that it was irritated and showing its appreciation to you for all your trouble. Glad the temp is down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites