Babytaffah 0 Posted June 22, 2006 Hi there, I'm hoping for some imput from those of you who have been banded for a while.... I was banded on May 30th and have done pretty well in the healing department up until about a week or so ago. I do home daycare and have 7 kids (two 16 month olds, one of which is my daughter). I went back to work just a week after surgery, with the help of my mom to lift the young ones. This week has been my first on my own and I have developed this pain just above and to the left of my port site. At my three week check yesterday, the Dr. who I saw (not my own, a fellow that is working with my Dr.) didn't make much of it. He said it's probably the stitch holding my port to the muscle in that spot. I let it go at that but to be honest, this HURTS!! Is there anyone else out there that has had this pain?? If so, what did it mean? I don't want to be a pain but I'm affraid that the stitch is actually pulling or tearing the muscle it's in and/or making my port shift position. Any ideas or advice would be a HUGE help!! Thanks! Julie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheetsin 714 Posted June 22, 2006 I'm not seasoned but I have a band and have healed from the surgery. My port area hurt the longest, by far. It went for a period of not hurting, then started hurting again, but only with certain movements. It hurt enough that it would take my breath away when it happened, and it was a deep muscuar hurt. It went away after about 4 days, overnight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3loves 0 Posted June 22, 2006 Bless your heart. I've had some port pain, but not to the extent you have described. I think you should hook up with mychevygirl AKA DeAnn. She was banded in May and pulled the muscle where her port was located. I think she posted this info on the May thread. You can do a search on her user name and in the meantime, I'll mention this to her. I bet she could offer some words of wisdom. Good luck to you and I sure hope this pain passes quickly. Hang in there. :biggrin1: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MJK Media 0 Posted June 22, 2006 I was banded in may and my port would send spikes of deep pain into the back of my skull. it does go away after a few weeks but those weeks are hell, I got tylenol liquid and when it got bad held ice on the area, it seemed to numb it. You should watch what your doing when the pain begins and alter the way you do those things, meaning I would hit a spike when tying my shoes, I had to tie them very loosely so I could slip them on instead. hope that kinda helps. if not you might try rubbing some ben and jerrys around that area, your body could be just plain old pissed off. ha ha ha just kidding it doesn't work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Babytaffah 0 Posted June 22, 2006 Thanks so much for the info, it's nice to hear that I'm not the only one with this pain. (Not that I wish pain on any of you....but.....:phanvan ) It's more when I pick the kids up, kind of feels like a knife poking me from the inside out. It's better once I relax but yes, bending and strain make me cringe!! Hoping it will end soon!! Thanks again and keep up the good work everyone! Julie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites