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I almost didn't post this because I am so embarassed and ashamed to admit how much I am eating. I am about 4.5 months post op and this past week I have eaten so much!!! I haven't really been feeling a lot of restriction and it scares me. I read what others eat and they eat SOOO much less than me, probably like 1/4 of what I eat. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but its so hard not to.

Monday I had a Protein shake in the morning, and then ate Skyline (chili), and ate an entire 5 way (Pasta, chili, onions, Beans and cheese and crackers)!!! I ate it in 3 different times, but not too far apart. It's like I can be kinda full, but then 30 mins to an hour later I am so hungry again. I hate being hungry. After I ate the Skyline, I even ate an entire lean cuisine meal. This is such a HORRIBLE habit to get in to because I know I will gain all the weight back. UGH!

Then Tuesday I did a little better, and ate around 1000-1100 calories, in 3 meals and a few Snacks. Wednesday was another bad day. Breakfast I had 1 egg and 2 turkey sausage patties, 1 piece of thin bread, 2oz turkey, and a reduced fat cheese stick. snack I had a Fiber One Bar. dinner was 1/4 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of ground turkey and whole grain Pasta, and a dark chocolate raspberry weight watchers ice creams bar. Well, I was doing fine, then all hell broke loose. Throughout the rest of the night, I snacked on 4-5 more of the ice cream bars :angry: and 2 Peanut Butter sandwiches on the thin round bread. I took in almost 1,600 calories that day :( How can I even eat all this!!!!! I just felt like I was starving! I was very uncomfy last night, but it was more like a constipated feeling. Today has been kinda the same, though I haven't eaten as many ice cream bars, but I want to so bad. I hate to throw them out. But once they are gone, they will never be in my house again!!! And no more Peanut Butter because I can't control myself. Gosh, I am so ashamed I ate all of that. I feel like I wasted my money having this surgery since I can't even control myself, I am still so hungry all the time, and I still go back to bad habits. I can't even use this tool right! Sorry for such a negative post, but I am just really down on myself right now. I have had good weight loss thus far, and I just want to keep that up. I just don't know how to not be hungry. Maybe I need to make sure i am getting fluids in and that will fill my tummy. And I do need to exercise which I haven't gotten back to yet, but that usually makes me even more hungry. I currently have a part time job and I think it would help if I was working full time. It's just the night time that is so bad! I think I really need to work on why I go to food. I know it makes me feel better, but I don't know how to fix that. But I really am hungry a lot of the time too.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Sorry Sarah! I kind of had a crappy eating day today too. I ate some Puffcorn (my answer to popcorn) and I usually am very careful and measure, but today I remember sticking my hand in the bag a few times, then I had 1/4 cup of ice cream and caramel sauce which I almost never do (my treats are usually greek yogurt with splenda or ricotta and splenda) and a 1/2 inch wide slice of pizza I made for my girls. I don't know why I was eating crap today (other than it's that TOM and I always stall during that so I sort of gave myself a 'free pass' to eat some crap.)

But even though it wasn't a lot of food, it was more the "mentalitly" that scared me. I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK TO MY OLD EATING HABITS.

So I don't really have wonderful words of advice, but I know what you are feeling. Hey, how about this: I'll PM you my email addy and tomorrow we check in on each other and be accountable for what we consume. It's worth a try. ;)

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You have lost almost a hundred pounds and I know you didn't do that by eating multiple ice cream bars. You know that your head AND your stomach have to be making the food decisions. I encourage you to put on the brakes and start planning your meals, keeping a food journal, drinking first when you feel hungry, and measuring your portions. Throw out the ice cream bars! Yes, you will throw away good food and waste some money, but you do not need ice cream bars in the house until you reach your goal and maybe not even then. You have done wondrously well and you can keep it up--a few days of indulgence and now, back to basics.

Keep us posted!

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I think it was a great decision to throw out the ice cream bars! Sometimes when I'm at the grocery store, I find myself wondering if I should buy a pint of Haagen Dazs, but I just don't want to test myself. I could probably resist it and not eat more than 1/2 cup in one sitting more than 1x a day, but I just don't wanna test my willpower. Don't buy ice cream bars, bread, and by the sounds of it, peanut butter! Also, I don't know what kind of Peanut Butter you're eating, but if it's the processed kind (Skippy, etc), it's high in sugar and more likely to cause cravings for more. Try switching to an all-natural one that doesn't have added sugar.

I'm a huge boredom/distraction eater, too - I find that drinking tea helps me take my mind off food and assuage the oral fixation. I don't know if you exercise, but that helps me, both in terms of decreasing my appetite (especially with cardio) and just plain taking up the time that I might use for eating otherwise. Plus, of course, it burns off the calories!

That said, I find that my appetite varies quite a bit from day to day. Some days I eat so much, I start to worry, but then for days after, I have to force myself to eat 3 meals a day. Maybe you are just going through a short-lived voracious phase.

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Also, there could be a physiological reason for this all - you may have heard that weightloss causes your leptin levels to increase, and increase your hunger. Maybe your endocrine system is just freaking out because you lost so much weight so fast and is working overtime to try and prevent you from losing more. This doesn't help you, but at least it could explain why you are so driven to eat lots right now.

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Im about 2 months out and Im starting to get the same feeling. I was around 600-700 cals, but this last week Ive been up in the 800-900s. Not so bad but I am getting worried about how it will be a few months out. I do know - when I dont get my fluids in it makes a huuuuge difference. I try to drink a few chugs if I get hungry too soon after a meal, and that usually helps.

I am also a night snacker, and my go-to is SF NF Jello - I will let myself eat as much as I want, along with 2 tbsp whipped cream (15 cals). I think an entire package of Jello is 40 cals, and I think I might be able to finish half (1 cup) in one sitting, but really thats better than gorging on ice cream or something else. AND it increases my fluids, which I struggle to get in. Or I go for the SF NF pudding, I think half a cup is 40 cals with NF milk, but it really helps with the sweet tooth, and if you mix Protein Powder in its more filling.

Good luck and hang in there :D

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Just to add my 2 cents -- I notice a lot of what you ate had carbs, and you might be very sensitive to carbs -- meaning, that if you eat carbs it causes your brain to want more -- just the other night I made a Mexican tasting ground beef mixture that my family used with tortillas -- I put corn in it -- well, after eating 1/2 cup, I wanted MORE and yesterday I ate over a cup of it in 3 hours (doesn't sound like much, but for me it was!!) and ate over 1000 calories -- sigh. Carbs and me just don't mix well -- makes my brain cry out for them -- so, just a thought . . .

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Once I measured oat meal and ate it to see how much I could eat at one sitting. That might answer the question of whether or not you have restriction you need. I think several months out I barely at 6 oz. It might make you feel better to know you have that restriction.

I am further out than you, but I have days I eat tons more than others and I go through phases of eating bad. I don't really freak out bc I know it will pass. Normally I can buy tons of Snacks for my family but not even touch them, but there are times when I can't leave them alone.

I think during those times it is just better to go with it and eat more meals, so I'm too ful to eat tons of ice cream sandwiches. Like maybe drink some milk with a meal, bc that has dairy that your body might want.

Also, did you DIET to lose that 90 lbs?. Bc people fall of of diets. That is why I didn't diet. Just relax and eat Protein first, veggies second, and just minimal carbs and drink a lot and try to exercise and take Vitamins. That won't lead to yoyo dieting if you just make a habit of eating things that are better for you in the right order. To me all this counting is just wow, so much. But then again I haven't reached goal so I shouldn't say that maybe. I just think we had the surgery so we could lose weight but not live on a diet. I'm just not a 'counter' though.

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I deal with hunger issues as well, but am trying to address them as an acid reflux issue. Are you on a PPI? Or taking gaviscon?

I find when I get the out-of-control hunger feelings, chewing on a couple of gaviscon and some Water makes it go away for at least an hour.

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I haven't had surgery, but I can say, that Carbs beget Carbs.

I suspect your Carbs have been creeping up, thus increasing your hunger. Cut em out, go cold turkey for a few days, then I bet you'll be less hungry. Good idea to throw away food ya can't stay around-no crack! Also, I tend to get hungry in the evening, and I suspect often it is dehydration masking as hunger. Also, if you are tired when you come home from work (which then leads to hunger), do not pass go, but get in the shower-wake yourself up for the evening ahead, get outta the shower, drink a glass of Water and proceed with the evening. Try a high Protein snack in the afternoon before leaving for home from work, then you won't hit the door starving. Maybe Vit D, it is the time of year to be low, lack of sunshine and carbs can make ya feel better. Just a thought, don't know if any of that will help!

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First of all, DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP. The more you feel guilty, the more you feel like a failure, the more it will send you back to the ice cream. You are still human, slim people eat like that at times but because they don't have guilt issues it becomes more of a one off.

Let yourself relax a bit and remind yourself of how much you have lost.

You have not ruined anything- you are simply human and we ALL make mistakes here and there along the way.

If one petal falls from a rose, would you destroy the whole flower?

You ate 1600 calories at worst. Now that is fine! It's not 3000 calories.

Turn it into a positive- maybe it gave your body a boost, so when you go back to the 800 or whatever calories you will drop again.

Your mind is almost trying to sabotage here by making you think your old habits are returning. Truth is, these things can happen but it doesn't mean they will become habits again after a week unless you allow them to.

Please take my advice: dust yourself off, remind yourself of how well you have done. Have faith in your sleeve. The reason there is not much restriction is because you are eating slider foods. Grab the Protein, tell yourself you have NOT failed. You are just human. And you can do it! I promise you, let go of the fear of failure because that in itself will make you want to comfort eat.

This is for life. It's not a diet, not a one month weight watchers adventure. You have done so well and you will carry on doing well if you believe it to be so. Do something to make yourself feel good for now. Pamper yourself and talk to a friend or family member. Exercise and carry on. After a week of getting back on track, those fears will begin to go.


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Many fantastic answers already! I really don't have much to add at all - only that, you *are* human. You *will* have days where nothing ever seems like it's enough.

I have days like this as well. Are you near TOM? This could be a big reason for it. Take it in stride, know it's a part of life and remember these feelings won't last forever.

It's true the more carbs you eat, the more you will crave them. Especially the type of carbs you are eating. I have to kind of stay away from processed Peanut Butter, so I learned not too long ago. I'll take the advice from a response and find some without all the added sugar.

The best thing for you to do now is... Relax, Cut the Sugar, Protein First, Veggies second and a few bites left for *good* carbs. In a few days of this you will curb the hunger and be back on track. I also want to add that working out is for me been a saving grace. It really pumps me up and my confidence skyrockets. Weight loss is 80% mental - and anything that helps keep me on track I'll take it. I urge anyone to start with some kind of routine. Make it a part of your life, like an eating routine. No need to go to the ends of Earth with it, but start somewhere. You will get to know when your body can handle more, then push it. I think you would do extremely well with it, and I hope that you will take it on.

All the best to you... looking back I'd say you have done pretty darned amazing - don't let this past few days make you cancel all of that out. Every day is brand new day to do the right thing!


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First of all, DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP. The more you feel guilty, the more you feel like a failure, the more it will send you back to the ice cream. You are still human, slim people eat like that at times but because they don't have guilt issues it becomes more of a one off.

Let yourself relax a bit and remind yourself of how much you have lost.

You have not ruined anything- you are simply human and we ALL make mistakes here and there along the way.

If one petal falls from a rose, would you destroy the whole flower?

You ate 1600 calories at worst. Now that is fine! It's not 3000 calories.

Turn it into a positive- maybe it gave your body a boost, so when you go back to the 800 or whatever calories you will drop again.

Your mind is almost trying to sabotage here by making you think your old habits are returning. Truth is, these things can happen but it doesn't mean they will become habits again after a week unless you allow them to.

Please take my advice: dust yourself off, remind yourself of how well you have done. Have faith in your sleeve. The reason there is not much restriction is because you are eating slider foods. Grab the Protein, tell yourself you have NOT failed. You are just human. And you can do it! I promise you, let go of the fear of failure because that in itself will make you want to comfort eat.

This is for life. It's not a diet, not a one month weight watchers adventure. You have done so well and you will carry on doing well if you believe it to be so. Do something to make yourself feel good for now. Pamper yourself and talk to a friend or family member. Exercise and carry on. After a week of getting back on track, those fears will begin to go.


Faithstar is so right here. . . there is a book you can order from Amazon.com called "mindless eating" it's really really boring to read, but it makes so much sense. It talks about being kind to yourself first most and utmost . . and not hurt yourself. . if you make a mistake, you should be able to say "it's ok, we'll try again" be kind to yourself. . .

The book follows buddhist beliefs and the way of buddha. . . interesting. . . you'll be ok. . . just think about what your about to do before you do it and maybe ask "do I really want to do this" . . . good luck!

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Nobody said it would be easy and it is definitely not...

Over the past 7 weeks I too slipped eating lots of crap and getting back to old habits. This week I took a long look at myself in the mirror and reminded myself why I am doing this, and why I had the surgery...

One simple thing I've done this week that made me fall back in love with my sleeve. I focused on Protein and solely on Protein. eggs, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, cheese etc...

I felt full again and haven't ate that much. I spent the week here reading about plateaus and slider foods and I was doing this to myself chips, combos, croissants all horrible decisions.

The first three days of the week the carbs still had a grip on me, apparently I have a carb weakness but by the fourth day of lowering my carb intake I felt content.

Sure I had a few sweet potato fries but only after I had at least three ounces of protein. This morning I had two bites of cantoulope but only after my egg white omelette.

I know it's hard but you can do it! we can all do it! work your sleeve!

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You have rec'd some fab advice here... and there is nothing new that I can add... just reinforce!

Look, you've done amazing so far... losing over 100lbs and over half way to goal is soooooo good! Remember the post where you put your pics up... how happy you were then? Well, this is the same you ... don't beat yourself up about a mistakes... we are all human and sometimes, that 'time out' will do you good.

The best thing I can see is that you recognise where you have slipped up... so now it is time to dust yourself off and pick yourself up and get back on the train to loserville!!!

We are in this together.... =]

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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