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Sleeve in hopes of pregnancy also

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Hello all,

I mentioned this is my introductory post, but I am also haiving VSG in hopes of being able to finally conceive. I am 31 years old and I have been married since I was 18. My husband and I have not used birth control in 11 years. During the past 11 years have been through a variety of infertility tests and treatments including clomid, injectible hormone replacement, and one IUI. Through all this it was determined that I do not ovulate. I have regular periods, though they are 34-36 days apart. When last tested my husband was on the low end of normal in regard to his sperm count and motility. Since then, he is 18 months post-op from Gastric Bypass, having lost 215 pounds. The doctors say my uterus is beautiful, my fillopian tubes are open, I produce eggs, but just do not ovulate. This has been a very painful struggle.

I know that the sleeve may not solve my problem, but the doctors think that losing weight, along with some medical intervention, will give me my best shot at conceiving. I cannot afford IVF so I am praying this will work.

I do have a question though, what form of birth control did you use while you are losing? I sort of would love to go on birth control because my periods are HORRIBLE. I have very heavy periods with terrible cramps, so some relief from that sounds wonderful for awhile, but I have this fear that taking birth control pills will somehow hurt my chances to get pregnant when I start trying. I have been married for a long time and the thought of condoms is NOT appealing. I would love to hear your responses.

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Hi. I also got surgery in the hopes that I'll be able to conceive. I've lost about 85 lbs but to be honest I'm not using any form of birth control. I declined using bcp's because I don't want to add on to my "condition." But there are ways you can take care of yourself. Have you considered an iud or the depo shot. There's even an implant that goes just underneath the skin in the arm that can last years.You can research all of these online and hopfully one of these will help you. I wish you luck. Take care.

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I share the same desire to conceive, and it was a huge driving force in my decision to have WLS.

I can tell you that with even 145lbs lost, we've been trying, charting, temping, using an electronic ovulation monitor that swears I'm ovulating, and every other attempt for the past 12 months have resulted in no pregnancies. My husband's sperm analysis is normal, and I'm set to see a reproductive endocrinologist on the 24th of March for further testing. My hormone levels are normal, my weight has been stabilized for almost a year.

I can tell you that as unappealing condoms are, that is what we used. I refused to go on hormonal bc because of the hormone flux that is experienced during the rapid weight loss phase. Plus, my surgeon said to use a back up method as well only because he really didn't trust hormonal bc after WLS. Too many babies conceived a few months post WLS.

There are spermicidal inserts you can use, or get an IUD. I'm not a fan of IUDs and the warnings of embedding in the uterine lining and causing infertility and other issues. It's just not my cup of tea, ya know?

I can tell you that my periods have regulated, and are pretty light with little to no cramping. The first 2-4 months post-op my periods were off, and ranged from super heavy to super light, but now, they are super regular, and only last 3-4 days.

We did have a glimmer of hope in January. I was late, and already had an appointment for the RE referral at my PCM. When I went in, I told him I was 7 days late but all the at home test were negative. I had blood pulled, and my hormones were normal, and my HCG serum levels were negative. I was devastated, and then out of nowhere I started, 11 days late. I have never been late more than 1 day for 12 months, and now we get thrown this curveball. Least to say, I was/am still devastated. And, I realize we have only been trying for 1 year, and others have gone through much more than I have, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. I'll add in that we are a military family, move a lot, my husband has a demanding career, and I'm 34 (will be 35 this year), so my clock is ticking and I do not have 5-10 years to keep trying.

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Hi. I also got surgery in the hopes that I'll be able to conceive. I've lost about 85 lbs but to be honest I'm not using any form of birth control. I declined using bcp's because I don't want to add on to my "condition." But there are ways you can take care of yourself. Have you considered an iud or the depo shot. There's even an implant that goes just underneath the skin in the arm that can last years.You can research all of these online and hopfully one of these will help you. I wish you luck. Take care.

Even thought DH and I are only approaching our 5th anniversary I can relate to your story... I went on the pill about 3 mths after surgery. DH and I knew way too much about ovulation and like you condoms were a joke to us... DH has lost about 100 pounds since the last time we TTC and I have lost about 125 we are going to TTC the old fashioned way til next Jan before we visit the RE again... I didn't mind using ortho tri cyclen low (low dose estrogen is crusial to my santitiy) but I am not sure how it has effected my weight loss.

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I also had the sleeve in hope of concieving...I had PCOS and was not ovulating, We had been trying for 7 years I have a DD who is 8 this year, I had my surgery at the end of May 2010 and am now 9 weeks pregnant!! I still can't believe it, I don't think I will believe it until I actually feel the baby kick!! We are so excited and happy that this procedure worked for us and so quickly, we used condoms(yuck, I know!) for the first 6 months then nothing... I know you are suppose to wait 1 year before TTC but my doctor said I should be fine I was only 10 pounds from my goal weight. I feel great, and haven't gained any weight yet. I'm a little nervous about weight gain but I'm eating healthy and doing what I need to do for a healthy baby!

Good luck to you!!

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I'm in the same boat. I don't ovulate, even with clomid/provera. I tried that 3 times. I had hysterosalpingogram which said my fallopian tubes are good. They think I have PCOS. My periods are heavy and last for months. Today I have just started the Instead menstrual cup. I put it in around 11 am and no leaking or discomfort. It is supposed to be good for up to 12 hours. I'll change it before bed. They make reusable ones too, so I ordered one. I tell you, the past few days I had been doubling up on pads and tampons and leaking all the time, every hour or two having to change it. Today, I barely can tell I'm having my period.

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I share the same desire to conceive, and it was a huge driving force in my decision to have WLS.

I can tell you that with even 145lbs lost, we've been trying, charting, temping, using an electronic ovulation monitor that swears I'm ovulating, and every other attempt for the past 12 months have resulted in no pregnancies. My husband's sperm analysis is normal, and I'm set to see a reproductive endocrinologist on the 24th of March for further testing. My hormone levels are normal, my weight has been stabilized for almost a year.

I can tell you that as unappealing condoms are, that is what we used. I refused to go on hormonal bc because of the hormone flux that is experienced during the rapid weight loss phase. Plus, my surgeon said to use a back up method as well only because he really didn't trust hormonal bc after WLS. Too many babies conceived a few months post WLS.

There are spermicidal inserts you can use, or get an IUD. I'm not a fan of IUDs and the warnings of embedding in the uterine lining and causing infertility and other issues. It's just not my cup of tea, ya know?

I can tell you that my periods have regulated, and are pretty light with little to no cramping. The first 2-4 months post-op my periods were off, and ranged from super heavy to super light, but now, they are super regular, and only last 3-4 days.

We did have a glimmer of hope in January. I was late, and already had an appointment for the RE referral at my PCM. When I went in, I told him I was 7 days late but all the at home test were negative. I had blood pulled, and my hormones were normal, and my HCG serum levels were negative. I was devastated, and then out of nowhere I started, 11 days late. I have never been late more than 1 day for 12 months, and now we get thrown this curveball. Least to say, I was/am still devastated. And, I realize we have only been trying for 1 year, and others have gone through much more than I have, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. I'll add in that we are a military family, move a lot, my husband has a demanding career, and I'm 34 (will be 35 this year), so my clock is ticking and I do not have 5-10 years to keep trying.

I have not been sleeved yet, I am scheduled for March 28th. I have been maried nearly 19 years, and have three children my oldest two beautiful children are 16 and 12 and adopted. At 39 after trying for 16 years I became pregnant keep the faith , I did. You see my husbands sperm count was low, my cervix is tilted it nearly sits on my bone, I have a twisted uterus, and one totally blocked tube and one partial blocked fillopian tube. seemes like unsurmountable odds to me, but I don't control the pregnancy business apparently. I was on progesterone for 13 weeks during my pregnancy and even had preclampsia and a preemie but my son is the healthiest, sweetest, most delightful terrible 2 year old that has ever walked this planet. His name is Seth Isaac, it means Appointed and Laughter, because his birth was appointed by God and after all that time, every time i told someone i was pregnant they laughed. It happens in His time waiting is hard, I know , boy do i know but it will happen.

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I had a pregnancy scare in 2008 with an exboyfriend. My period was late (which at the time, my cycles lasted about 35 days or so).. but all the tests were negative. So I went to my OB GYN who diagnosed me with PCOS. She told me the likelihood I'd ever get pregnant without fertility treatments was, and I quote her exact words, "slim to none."

I met my current husband in December 2008, we began dating in January. I was on Lo-Estrin 24Fe at the time. I had been on this BCP off and on before because I'd always have some horrible side effect. One go-round I was so nauseated all the time that I couldn't eat. The next time I started it up again, I was so hungry that I quit taking it within a week or two! Finally, I decided to get back on it when I met my husband. Within about 4 months, my Migraines came back full force. I talked with my husband about how they told me I'd never get pregnant, and plus I have been having unprotected sex for about 8 years with no pregnancy so I wasn't too concerned.

My last BCP was April 12th 2009... Around 3 weeks later, I began to have a pain in my left hip area. I figured it was just an ovarian cyst, didn't think much about it until it didn't go away. So my husband made me schedule an appt with my OB GYN. She also thought it was an ovarian cyst as well but decided to check a urine preg test since I was two days late (which is normal with PCOS). I told her my breasts were tender but that always happens before a period so I was expecting it any day.... About 10 minutes later, the nurse barged in the room and said "it's positive."

I was like WHAT!! You MUST have the wrong urine!!! I can't get pregnant!!! Check it again!!!!!!

It was still positive........ So I refused to talk to my husband while I was driving home.. I was crying hysterically.. I had just met this wonderful man, told him I'd NEVER get pregnant (as I was told) and as soon as I stopped my birth control, I was KNOCKED UP!!!! I didn't want him to think I did this on purpose and then have to raise a kid by myself in case he thought I just tricked him, blah blah blah.. I was going crazy!!!!

When I finally got to our apartment (I had just moved in with him about 3 weeks before my dr's appt), he was so terrified as to what was going on since I wouldn't talk to him while I was driving... He assumed I had cancer with only a few months to live lol... As I'm crying and crying and crying, I handed him the pregnancy test and he was so excited!!! I, on the other hand, was absolutely terrified...

The whole point of my story: regardless of what the doctors say.. it can still happen... At the time, I was taking Metformin 500mg BID (twice a day), and Loestrin 24Fe.. I quit the Loestrin but was still on the metformin. Apparently, when you quit taking BCP after establishing a normal cycle with PCOS, you are even more fertile (as in my case), ESPECIALLY if you are still taking metformin.. I was also told I was not ovulating at all... I would have a period every 35 days or so, but there was no ovulation...

Motherhood has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.. I never realized just how in love you could be with another person until I met my son.

Because of this, I will pray for each and every one of you that you will be able to grow a tiny one too!! :rolleyes:

Below are some pictures of my love, Ian





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I also have pcos and was told that it would be extremely difficult for me to conceive. I had vsg in april 2010, was 30lbs away from goal, and completely shocked when I found out I was pregnant in January. I was on birth control all the way up until the day we got the positive results on the pregnancy test. I had hoped to have children one day but definitely a few years down the line. It is a blessing for sure, but was a HUGE surprise. I've been with my husband for 10yrs we never used bc prior to vgs and we were never able to conceive. I only started bc before I had my surgery, due to my surgeons recommendation. I never in a million years imagined that this would be happening.

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All your posts are so promising. I also have PCOS, but unlike some of you, I do have a son. My relationship with his father was over soon after I became pregnant. I am now married to a wonderful man, been with my husband (he has no children) for almost 7 years and never used birth control until a couple of months ago; my OBGYN suggested I get off of Metformin and start using low-ovral birth control to see if it could help regulate my months of non stop periods (which it did). My surgeon took me off the birth control at the beginning of April though, because of the risk of blood clotting during/after surgery.

My main reason, like many of you, for weight loss is to be able to maybe one day give my husband a child. I am happy to hear that it has worked for some of you and maybe one that it will be me too! My surgery is scheduled for Monday, lets hope in a year or two I am pregnant!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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