Time to love me 0 Posted June 20, 2006 Hi Everyone.. Just a question for those of you whom this may apply. How long did you wait to become pregnant, after you had the band? I'm just curious. I'm at a crossroads right now. My husband really wants one more baby, I do too. But I think I'm being selfish because I'm sick of being overweight. I have a 12 yo and a 2 yo. I did promise him 2 babies close together and my 2 yo is not getting any younger. The crossroads comes because I am finally done with all the requirements I needed for surgery and I've met my weightloss goal with the nutritionist. I am just awaiting a date now. Thanks for all your help, in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jachut 487 Posted June 20, 2006 In my honest opinion, it think its easiest to have babies close together or far apart. That's based on my experience only of course, but I had 20 months between my first wo and that was easy as easy - two babies. Two in prams, two having sleeps during the day, I was up to the armpits in nappies anyway, etc etc. And its still great because they're at the same stage, like the same things etc. Then I had a little girl six years later and that was great too. No other toddler to worry about, two independent children who understood that I could not come NOW because I was breastfeeding or whatever. I enjoyed my third child in a way I never enjoyed the first two as well because we were older (I was 35 when I had her) and more financially stable. So to cut a long story short, its going to be hard having a 3 year old and a new baby. I have a 3 year old myself and boy, am I glad this is the last time I"ll be doing it. I'd wait another year and work on myself a bit if I were you. It takes you so long to get back on your feet after a baby and have the mental time and energy to devote to yourself. Put yourself first for a little while! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Time to love me 0 Posted June 20, 2006 Thank you so much for your input. It's such a hard decision for me. I was thinking if I waited that It would be much harder for me. I just didn't know how many months people, who have been banded, waited until they became pregnant. I'm sure that is a battle in it's self. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JMO 0 Posted June 20, 2006 My dr. said absolutly no babies for 18 months. After that go for it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goannabanda 0 Posted July 26, 2006 Just wanted to bump this thread... ...I'd like to hear more from members regarding bands and pregnancy. How long did you wait? Did your band slip? Any other band related complications? I'm worried that the band would slip during labour and delivery (remember how hard I had to push to get my son out... ...just about popped by brain open! lol!!!) My boy is 5, hubby & I both want another baby, in fact were "working on it" until I had a weight-related melt down and freaked at the thought of being pregnant at this weight. GP docotor thinks I'd be okay. ObGyn said losing some weight would be better (duh!), but it just won't budge. I put on 15kg (abt 35 lb) and 5 years of age since my first pregnancy, and am not feeling as young or fit as I used to... ...on the other hand, if I go ahead with banding now, I don't want to wait 18 months!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please share your thoughts!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ariel 1 Posted July 26, 2006 I went to a band info session tonight they said absolutly no babies for at least 12 months but 18 months is best. Good luck with everything! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMO 0 Posted July 26, 2006 I just had this convo. with my Dr. last week. He also said 12 - 18 months. Meaning, if it happened at 12 fine.. but 18 is ideal. He had also said that he has had over 10 patients become preg. and some were only 3 - 6 months out. Those patients didn't have a problem with a slipped band. One of my Dr's biggest concern is letting yourself heal and he was worried about people who may vomit quite a bit in preg. Mini... I wish you luck in whatever you chose. I was in the same situation, and i'm chosing the band first and then have another shot for a 3rd child. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goannabanda 0 Posted July 26, 2006 Ariel & KMO, Thanks for your info :tea: - hubby & I have talked it over some more, we'd be prepared to wait 6 months and then try for a second baby - it probably would take us 3 to 6 months trying to fall anyway, which would give us 9 to 12 months post-op. I'm not wanting to try and lose weight while pregnant or anything (I'd get unfilled ASAP, and actively manage pregnancy with medical advice etc), but I would like to shift some of my weight before I do get pregnant. I already look 8mths pregnant, and that's a look I haven't been able to change for the 5yrs since my beautiful son was born... ...I'm not looking forward to carrying both my "fat baby" and a real baby around in there! Being big and pregnant - apart from the physical discomforts and risks - you feel so stupid, and as if people are looking at you thinking "I can't believe she's having a baby - at her size!", or as if they're scared you're gonna die right in front of them. I just want to change some of that for the better. Depending on what the doc says when I see him on Friday, I'll go ahead and get banded now. I'd be prepared to postopone a baby for just a few months longer if need be, but am equally prepared to postpone the band until after the next baby if that really is best. (Then just the third baby can be a band-baby!). KMO - good luck with the band and the third baby :heh: - it would be nice to keep up and see how we both go. I'd also like to hear more from other "wanna be" or "has been" :bowl: pregnant bandits... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goannabanda 0 Posted July 29, 2006 Update: I met with my surgeon yesterday - he said the following things: That you had to wait THREE months post-op before getting pregnant, to allow your body time enough time to ensure it's healed from the surgery. After that, the longer you could wait, the better. Regardless of how post-op you are when falling pregnant, you need to get UNFILLED right away, and aggressively manage any vomiting / morning sickness. HOWEVER, apart from a BMI of 51 (!), I HAVE NO OTHER DISEASE OR COMPLICATING FACTORS. I imagine that the advice would be very different if you were MO AND suffering heart problems, diabetes, poor circulation etc etc etc. Obviously, you should check with your own doctor / surgeon for case-specific advice. My hubby and I are very encouraged about this advice :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: , and have decided that I should go ahead and get banded. I've started on the pre-op testing and preparation - and getting excitied about our new life!!! Good luck to all of us who want to have little Bandlets!!! Would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation to me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMO 0 Posted July 29, 2006 mini, i am so excited for you. you must be estatic about getting the band, and still being able to try for a baby sooner than you expected. best of luck to you and your hubby! i was banded on thurs., so after i'm healed my hubby & i will make the decision of when/lf we'll go for #3. Update: I met with my surgeon yesterday - he said the following things: That you had to wait THREE months post-op before getting pregnant, to allow your body time enough time to ensure it's healed from the surgery. After that, the longer you could wait, the better. Regardless of how post-op you are when falling pregnant, you need to get UNFILLED right away, and aggressively manage any vomiting / morning sickness. HOWEVER, apart from a BMI of 51 (!), I HAVE NO OTHER DISEASE OR COMPLICATING FACTORS. I imagine that the advice would be very different if you were MO AND suffering heart problems, diabetes, poor circulation etc etc etc. Obviously, you should check with your own doctor / surgeon for case-specific advice. My hubby and I are very encouraged about this advice :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: , and have decided that I should go ahead and get banded. I've started on the pre-op testing and preparation - and getting excitied about our new life!!! Good luck to all of us who want to have little Bandlets!!! Would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation to me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMO 0 Posted July 29, 2006 jacilyn, congrats on your pregnancy, much luck is sent your way. did you get a complete unfill? i've talked to a few banded preg women and half kept some what of a fill and others unfilled completely. just curious. thanks for sharing your experience I became pregnant 3 months post op and it wasnt on purpose! I am now 7 months pregnant and I have not had any problems at all. I have only gained 10 pounds and my OB/Gyn said that I am doing great. I would recommend waiting a good year after being bandd but thats just my opinion. I wish you lots of luck and a healthy baby. Jacilyn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigGirlPantiez 1 Posted August 1, 2006 Part of the reason I got the band was so we could have babies. My OBGYN said she has quite a few patients that have had both kinds of WLS and they have all been succesful. I am just guessing, but would it be best to have a c-section? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMO 0 Posted August 1, 2006 Part of the reason I got the band was so we could have babies. My OBGYN said she has quite a few patients that have had both kinds of WLS and they have all been succesful. I am just guessing, but would it be best to have a c-section? Hey BGP, It may be something for you and the doc to discuss. My OB/GYN told me that he won't have it any other way but a c section, for precautions. I also have a pain pump too, so i'm sure that plays a huge part in it as well. It's such an exciting thing to look forward too. I'm up and down on the idea of becoming preg. again. I'm sure as i lose weight, i'll become selfish, but who knows? If I am going to have baby 3 then i will want to be preg. as soon as I am cleared to do so. Best of luck to you and hubby. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goannabanda 0 Posted August 1, 2006 Way to go jacilyn, and good luck KMO & BigGirlPantiez!! jacilyn, is this your first baby?? do you know if boy or girl?? dish the details to us (please!) - babies are the greatest!!! good luck over your last few weeks pregnant, and for delivery. let us know how you go. My surgeon said the band won't slip in labour, as it's stiched onto your stomach. He says the biggest concern is vomiting - which I did daily for the whole 9 months with my son... ...I also had v.bad heartburn - maybe both of hese were caused by being so big before getting pregnant (I was 118kg at conception, 126kg at delivery, 115kg walked out of hosp...). I already have that tummy flap thing happening - At least with weight loss, I won't get any more strechies on my body next time! ha ha ha. Looking forward to seeing all of us in baby-land soon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites