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Deevah's Diatribe

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So, I started my journey for wls over four years ago. My journey started with my mom's diagnosis of end-stage renal failure due to diabetic complications. At that moment, I knew I had to lose this weight. The day my mom got her kidney disease diagnosis, I went to my doctor and requested wls. She told me no and that I could just exercise it off. Well, one year later and 20 pounds heavier, I tried again. Still no luck. My mom lost her battle in 2009, and my life went into a tailspin. I grabbed a hold of the reigns in 2010 and decided it was time to take charge of my weight issue. I had been researching wls the entire time, so, I gathered all of my research and headed into my doctor's office ready to state my case. Over the last four years, I had changed doctors three times, and each doctor said no to giving me a recommendation. So, imagine my surprise when my fourth doctor said yes! When I asked the new doctor about wls, she was very supportive and started me in the bariatric program that day!

Fast forward to today, I am five months into my six-month nutrition program and, up until the holidays, everything was going great! At about the four month mark (which coincided with that Turkey, Christmas, New Year stretch) I gained 7 lbs!! On my fifth month appointment, I managed to lose 2 pounds, so I have to lose 2 pounds by February 24th in order for my nutritionist to approve me and send my paperwork on to the approving board of my insurance company,

I am with Kaiser of the Greater-DC area, and, according to their program, I can either have my surgery done at Holy Cross Hospital with Dr. Brain Cantor or some hospital in Virginia with some surgeon I do not know. As of my last nutritionist appointment, my nutritionist did not have this information available to me, so I guess, as for right now, I'm going with Dr. Brian Cantor. I have attended a couple of his pre-op informational sessions, and I do adore his straight-forward style. I don't, however, like the fact that his surgery waiting list is four months long from the initial appointment (which is another month, at least, from your approval with Kaiser, which, takes about two weeks after the board receives your paperwork).

Anyway, on this journey I have found out a lot of interesting information about myself. I am pre-diabetic, I have mild sleep apnea, and my blood pressure is erratic, but, not, at this point in time, continuously high without medication. I also found out that I have mild arthritis in both knees and elbows and possibly in my left shoulder. Without medical intervention and bariatric surgery, I am on the same path as my mom and I don't like the destination of that trip.

I don't really post often, but will try to update this posting with my journey updates. I'll probably get more detailed as I get closer (and get comfortable with the site and the members). Here's to the last two pounds melting away and staying gone (doing three days a week of all liquids until my approval so that the switch into the all liquid diet is not that drastic)


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Good luck with your journey, its getting close, time will fly!

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Hello there Deevah,

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. :-( I am glad though that it spurred you into taking action in your own life, and that you realized an unhealthy lifestyle does affect us in bad ways.

Please update us on how you're doing! I for one am quite interested in how everyone's doing. This is no small deal, one which I know you can handle.

Good wishes!!!

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Yikes, best of luck. I hope everything moves quickly now.

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Sorry to hear what you and your mom have been thru. It sounds like you will knock the other two pounds off by the 24th. You were doing great and just hit a bump in the road. Sounds like you are back on track now. Hang in there!

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sorry about your mom. Congrats on taking the reigns, and what better way to honor her memory than by making yourself healthier and happier, isn't that ultimately what moms want for their children. Best of luck.

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Wow, I really didn't know I had this many replies! Thank you very much for all of your sympathy and support! It means so much to me to be able to come to a forum and express myself and not be judged and have people who not only sympathize but also empathize and relate. Since my first update, I have made some progress. I gained 2 lbs and then lost that and an additional 4 lbs in order to be 2 lbs under my required weight for my final nutritionist appointment. My nutritionist and I were so excited that we both danced cried! She submitted my paperwork on 2/25, and the board meets on 3/15 to render its decision. My nutritionist said that I should hear back from her by 3/18 with the board's decision. I hope I' approved the first time so that I can go on to the next step.

I also decided to attempt to change doctors. On a hunch that Dr. Salameh was the new doctor on my approved surgeon's list, I started to research him. I really liked Dr. Cantor, but he is just too backlogged for me to even think I could possibly have my surgery in 2011 if I stayed with him. While it's more Kaiser's fault than Dr. Cantor's, I really am looking forward to being sleeved in 2011 instead of 2012, so I put in my request to go with Dr. Salameh. I attend my first informational group with him on March 5th so that I can get familiar with his style and ask questions. I've heard and read good things about him, so I am looking forward to the session.

Other than that, I am moving full steam ahead in my process. I have shared my plans with a few of my coworkers, and they are all very supportive of my efforts. I really work with, for the most part, a great group of people and I consider myself one of the lucky ones. Thank you everyone for allowing me the opportunity to release. I'll update again when I receive the results from my paperwork submission.


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Losing my Dad to a blood pressure related stroke kicked me in the butt to get the sleeve and I never fought harder or worked at anything more seriously in my life!

Even if you have to wait a couple of months, it will all be worth it in the end!

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Hi Deevah -- I'm a former DC-area person myself (now living in Paraguay with my diplomat hubby) -- I'm so sorry about your mom -- but very happy you're on this journey, which you will NOT regret in the least. I've heard good things also about the dr. you would like to go to :) Keeping my fingers crossed that you get approved quickly and get the dr. you want :)

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OK, my update. Soooo...I'm stalking Kaiser! The board meeting was today and while I know that realistically, nothing will be in the system today (as to whether I was approved or denied), it has not stopped me from checking online and calling member services (who have no idea what I'm talking about or even know about Kaiser's Bariatric Program) all day. I know, I'm anxious, but it's also fear prompting me. I'm afraid I'm going to be denied, so I'm trying to find out now so that I can start preparations for my appeal. Why, you ask, do I fear being denied? I have no idea. I just do.

When I look at it, I meet all of the criteria, as well as have a steep family history (documented by and through Kaiser -- thanks Mom for saying we all should have the same insurance) of all possible comorbidities due to obesity....but yet and still I am terrified of being denied. So much so that I have started eating through my nerves again. I've gained 6-7 lbs since my last nut appointment just from eating from nerves over the approval process. Bright side, I'm glad I recognize my triggers now and I recognized this trigger early out. Now, back on the plan to healthy living.

But, I'm still anxious. I'm sooo ready to be sleeved! So, I'll leave you with the ramblings of this sleeve lunatic as I go to stalk Kaiser some more...;)

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I started my journey last March and my doctor, who was new to Kaiser at the time, referred me for the nutritionist for wls. I am also with Kaiser of the Metro DC Area and live in Maryland. I am now awaiting approval. I chose to work with a nutritionist in Virginia because George Washington Hospital performed wls for Kaiser patients from Virginia. However, Kaiser changed hospitals and the contract for wls is with a hospital in Arlington, VA, which I am not familiar with at all.

I attended a session at Holy Cross conducted by Dr. Cantor. I share your impressions of him and left the meeting knowing that I wanted him to do the surgery. Although, there is at least a four month delay with his practice, I am willing to wait. I have been fearful having known two women who died about 8 years ago from complications for gastric bypass. But Dr. Cantor eased my mind tremendously and have requested the vertical gastric sleeve.

It took me five months to reach the weight loss goal on March 8th. In fact, I was 2 and a half pounds below the goal number. I attribute this to my mind being at peace regarding the surgery because of Dr. Cantor and the messages on vertical sleevetalk.

I hope we can communicate and provide support to each other as we move forward.

Best wishes!

Lexusgirl 14

So, I started my journey for wls over four years ago. My journey started with my mom's diagnosis of end-stage renal failure due to diabetic complications. At that moment, I knew I had to lose this weight. The day my mom got her kidney disease diagnosis, I went to my doctor and requested wls. She told me no and that I could just exercise it off. Well, one year later and 20 pounds heavier, I tried again. Still no luck. My mom lost her battle in 2009, and my life went into a tailspin. I grabbed a hold of the reigns in 2010 and decided it was time to take charge of my weight issue. I had been researching wls the entire time, so, I gathered all of my research and headed into my doctor's office ready to state my case. Over the last four years, I had changed doctors three times, and each doctor said no to giving me a recommendation. So, imagine my surprise when my fourth doctor said yes! When I asked the new doctor about wls, she was very supportive and started me in the bariatric program that day!

Fast forward to today, I am five months into my six-month nutrition program and, up until the holidays, everything was going great! At about the four month mark (which coincided with that Turkey, Christmas, New Year stretch) I gained 7 lbs!! On my fifth month appointment, I managed to lose 2 pounds, so I have to lose 2 pounds by February 24th in order for my nutritionist to approve me and send my paperwork on to the approving board of my insurance company,

I am with Kaiser of the Greater-DC area, and, according to their program, I can either have my surgery done at Holy Cross Hospital with Dr. Brain Cantor or some hospital in Virginia with some surgeon I do not know. As of my last nutritionist appointment, my nutritionist did not have this information available to me, so I guess, as for right now, I'm going with Dr. Brian Cantor. I have attended a couple of his pre-op informational sessions, and I do adore his straight-forward style. I don't, however, like the fact that his surgery waiting list is four months long from the initial appointment (which is another month, at least, from your approval with Kaiser, which, takes about two weeks after the board receives your paperwork).

Anyway, on this journey I have found out a lot of interesting information about myself. I am pre-diabetic, I have mild sleep apnea, and my blood pressure is erratic, but, not, at this point in time, continuously high without medication. I also found out that I have mild arthritis in both knees and elbows and possibly in my left shoulder. Without medical intervention and bariatric surgery, I am on the same path as my mom and I don't like the destination of that trip.

I don't really post often, but will try to update this posting with my journey updates. I'll probably get more detailed as I get closer (and get comfortable with the site and the members). Here's to the last two pounds melting away and staying gone (doing three days a week of all liquids until my approval so that the switch into the all liquid diet is not that drastic)


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lexusgirl14 - It's so nice to meet you!!! I have been looking for someone who is with Kaiser DC that I could share my journey with. I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Cantor, but the wait that long. I am not a patient person by nature (just this 6 month wait has been pure TORTURE) and if I can get a surgeon just as skilled as Dr. Cantor in a shorter time, I have to go with the shorter time.

I attended Dr. Salameh's informational session and have studied him online and through talking to some of his patients. I am confident that Dr. Salameh is a better choice for me and I like the Virginia Hospital Center (the Arlington, VA hospital that has the new contract) campus better than Holy Cross.

Where are you located? I wasn't familiar with the hospital or Virginia, but I was able to find the hospital with no problem (and I get lost trying to find my way out of a paper bag :rolleyes: ). Not that I'm trying to change your mind, but, just in case you're not completely sold on Dr. Cantor...

At any rate, please keep me posted on your journey. Let me know when you get your approval, a date, and all of the other pertinent parts of your journey and I'll do the same. So glad to meet you!!


I started my journey last March and my doctor, who was new to Kaiser at the time, referred me for the nutritionist for wls. I am also with Kaiser of the Metro DC Area and live in Maryland. I am now awaiting approval. I chose to work with a nutritionist in Virginia because George Washington Hospital performed wls for Kaiser patients from Virginia. However, Kaiser changed hospitals and the contract for wls is with a hospital in Arlington, VA, which I am not familiar with at all.

I attended a session at Holy Cross conducted by Dr. Cantor. I share your impressions of him and left the meeting knowing that I wanted him to do the surgery. Although, there is at least a four month delay with his practice, I am willing to wait. I have been fearful having known two women who died about 8 years ago from complications for gastric bypass. But Dr. Cantor eased my mind tremendously and have requested the vertical gastric sleeve.

It took me five months to reach the weight loss goal on March 8th. In fact, I was 2 and a half pounds below the goal number. I attribute this to my mind being at peace regarding the surgery because of Dr. Cantor and the messages on vertical sleevetalk.

I hope we can communicate and provide support to each other as we move forward.

Best wishes!

Lexusgirl 14

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So sorry to hear about your mom. The death of my mother was one of the things that prompted me to begin this journey as well. Please keep us posted on your progress. Have you received any word from Kaiser yet?

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So sorry to hear about your mom. The death of my mother was one of the things that prompted me to begin this journey as well. Please keep us posted on your progress. Have you received any word from Kaiser yet?

InProgress - Thank you and no, no word yet. The stress of not knowing is wearing on my sanity!! As I said to Lexus, I am VERY IMPATIENT. Not because I'm a diva, but because waiting allows my overactive imagination to go into overdrive. Just last night, I dreamed that I was denied and because I found out too late I was not able to appeal.

I've heard so many other Kaiser patients say how they received a response in a day or two and now I'm really starting to worry. I think I read that they can take up to 30 days to reply, and I don't know if I can make it if it takes that long. I'm trying to stay busy, but I can't focus on anything else while I still don't know about this. Urgghhh!!!

I'll post as soon as I hear anything. I pray its good news and not bad...

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I'm praying for you. I'm fasting for a 30 hour famine at church so I'm doing a lot of praying today. Lol. I'm still only on my 3rd month (of 6) of fat camp and I'm already stressing about approval so I get what you're saying. My insurance coordinator is AMAZING but I'm still a little nervous. She also gets approvals quickly usually buy I'm afraid I'll be the one that takes the full 30 days. Maybe they'll post your results over the weekend and you'll wake up Monday morning to great news - though I realize it'd be better news today. :) Good luck!

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