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Looking for anyone in the Portland Metro area who is willing to share their experiences. I also like to have creat a group to meet in person every month or every other month. Maybe a physical activity we can do. Plus I need new friends who understand that we dont have to have eat to have fun.

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I live in Eugene, and I was sleeved 2 1/2 years ago. I know all the things you are going through and are feeling. I did not have my suregery done here in the US. My insurance was not about to pay for it, and so I knew I was going to be a self pay. I search every where for the best doctor I could find, and I found him. Dr. Aceves in Mexicali, Mexico did my surgery. Top of the line hospital and doctor.

So, I am here for you, to help you with any question and support you will need. Feel free to ask away. I know allthe emotions that you are feeling, and the fears, and being excited all at the same time.

I am going to add you as a friend if you don't mind. I want you to know that you will never be on another diet, this will be a lifestyle change. It work, and it is easy to maintain. I never feel deprived at all. I am going to send you something that I have that tells about my journey with WLS.

It is never too late in life to consider having WLS (Weight Loss Surgery). I was 63 years old when I had the surgery. I never had a weight problem until after having two children. And then I seemed to struggle with being overweight for years. I now know all the reason why, I became less active, and ate more than I should have. I have tried most of the diets that you have tried, some with success and most no success. But, I would always manage to gain the weight back because I NEVER changed my lifestyle. My top weight was 235 lbs and I am 5’3” tall. My body hurt, my back ached and I had a pain in my leg that felt like I had a hot poker burning me most of the time. So I must have had a high tolerance for pain. Because I remained fat for many years.

I worked with a friend and noticed that she had lost weight, so I started asking her questions. Then she told me about going to Dr. Aceves, MD in Mexicali during the summer. She is a nurse and I really trusted what she was telling me. She directed me to his Web Site and then to the Yahoo Support Group site. I researched WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) for about 6 months before I made a choice. I sat and watched the people on the Yahoo Support Group and never said much for quite sometime. I read all their postings and was getting a lot of information. Now I have learned that is pretty normal for newbie’s to sit and watch for awhile. Then I was sure I wanted to have WLS and my choice was VGS –referred to as the “Sleeve.” So that is the start of my Weight loss journey.

I just didn’t wake up one morning and say “oh in October 2008 I am going to have WLS.” I went through a process of getting here. I believe you have to have your “head” in the right place for this to be successful. I felt awful, I hated my body, and I wanted to be healthy again. If I walked very long my back and leg would hurt. I knew my head was in the right place, when I put myself ahead of everyone else. So many of us are care takers of everyone else and we come so far down on the list of taking care of ourselves. Be prepared for the opposition that you may face from your own family and friends when you tell them that you want to go to Mexico and have weight loss surgery. I believe that we really need to educate them so that they know exactly what we are doing and how safe it is. But this is about YOU and NO one else. You have to be willing to stand up for yourself; you have earned the right to do this. Believe in yourself enough and want this enough to be successful. You also can go and not tell them what you are doing. This is entirely up to you. You can bring a family member or a friend with you too if you feel you want someone to come along with you. Your room will be big enough for them to stay in it. They have some nice sofa’s that your family member or friend can sleep on. I went alone and was just fine. I also went back in April 2009 with a friend of mine who had Weight Loss Surgery after seeing how I was doing. She is at her goal now too, and is just as happy and thrilled as I am with the results.

About 5 years ago I met and fell in love with the most wonderful man. I had been single for 18 years. He is an amazing man and loved me for just who I was—overweight. It didn’t matter to him that I was fat. He has been very supportive and encouraging every step of they way. I can’t begin to tell you all the beautiful and wonderful comments that he gave me then and NOW. I had the surgery because I wanted to become healthy and wanted the opportunity to spend the rest of my life with Bob. Bob could have cared less if I had this surgery, it was my choice. Bob and I were married May 29, 2010 in Cannon Beach, Oregon on the beach.

My weight loss journey has been incredible, and I have learned so many things about myself. food is no longer my driving force. I eat to live not live to eat! When I eat, I actually think about putting good and healthy foods into my (new) 65 yr old body! What a thought. When I am eating I now look for the Protein first because I try to make sure I get 70 grams of Protein per day and then my veggies and some fruit each day. I started keeping track on line what I was actually putting in my body so I would have some idea of the number of calories I was eating each day. I started an exercise program which was just walking and to this day I do some kind of exercise at least 5 days a week. It is mostly walking. I was the person who HATED to exercise and now I actually look forward to getting up early and go walking with some of my friends. Bob and I are very active people so we are always doing all kinds of walking.

I never imagined what life would be like almost 2 years later. And the new clothes that I have purchased since I am a size 8 or 10 depending on who makes the clothing. I see people who haven’t seen me in sometime almost walk right past me because they don’t recognize me. Then they figure out it is me and want to know how I lost all this weight. I have had them ask me if I have been ill and I always give them a big NO! I am more than happy to educate them about the “Sleeve” weight loss surgery. I am very proud of taking control of my life. There is NO shame in making the choice to have weight loss surgery; it takes more courage to have the surgery than to keep failing at all the diets you have tried. This is not a miracle cure where the weight just melts off you. It takes effort on your part to take this new tool you have been given (a new small stomach that only holds 6 to 8 oz) and eat healthy and exercise, but it is going to work and you will be able to maintain your weight loss because you have changed your lifestyle. I never consider myself on a diet, but that I have made a lifestyle change that is going to add years to my life. I am healthy now for the first time in many years. I am not afraid anymore that I will regain this weight. I know that it will never happen because of my restriction I have with a smaller stomach and my lifestyle change that is so easy to do day in and day out. I NEVER feel deprived when it comes to food. I listen to my head when it “says no more food I am full.” I know that I need to stop eating and it is OK to not clean your plate and it is OK to toss the food out.

There are so many things to be thankful for. The first thing I am so thankful for is Dr. Aceves; there aren’t not enough adjectives to describe this wonderful gifted doctor. Dr. Aceves genuinely cares about each patient he takes care of. Dr. Aceves will answer all your questions until you are comfortable with what he is telling you. Dr. Aceves is such a talented surgeon, and if I lived closer he would be my Primary Care Physician. Dr. Aceves is down to earth, very kind, intelligent, and honest with you. You will receive the most wonderful care from Dr. Aceves and his team of doctors and nurses. Dr. Aceves comes into your room several times a day and checks on you after your surgery—where in the US will a doctor do this? Most of the staff speaks excellent English. Almater Hospital is the cleanest hospital I have ever been in. They are cleaning 24-7. The hospitals in the US could take some lessons from this private hospital in Mexicali. I would go back to Dr. Aceves in a heartbeat for anything!

I still am shocked when someone calls me skinny—I thought who me skinny—no way? But, it was me they were calling skinny. This is something that you have to learn to get used to hearing. People treat you differently when you are thin. This is so unfair. We are just like everyone else when we are fat and the skinny people just don’t get it.

I am so thankful for my great healthy. I only take about ¼ of the medication I used to take when I was fat. That is because I have become so healthy and I make the choice to eat healthy. Now I won’t tell you that I haven’t had and cake, Cookies or ice cream since I had Weight Loss Surgery. I have, but in small tiny amounts and not all the time. My body now craves good healthy protein; fresh veggies fixed how you want them, and a small amount of fruit. You need to watch the types of carbs that you are going to eat and keep track of what you are eating when you first start your journey in weight loss. There are quite a few places on the Internet that you can write down and track what you are eating to make sure you are keeping your calories at about 800 per day. The best part of about this weight loss surgery is that I NEVER feel hungry. Your mind tries to play tricks on you. So you have to stop and have a talk with yourself. Do I really need to eat or do I just want to eat because that is part of my old bad habits? In the past I really ate large amounts of food all in one meal. We also are given large plates of food when we go out to eat. NONE of us need to eat this much food and that is why we got fat and stayed fat. Now I eat small amounts of food, and I am satisfied and feel great. When we go out to dinner now Bob and I share one meal. We as a society also eat too fast—I feel like I used to inhale my food and really not enjoy it. I took large amounts of food and shoveled it in my mouth and inhaled it. Now I take small tiny bites and chew it a lot.

Weight Loss Surgery really has changed my entire life and it is all for the better. Weight Loss Surgery is a life changing event. Hold on to your hats because this is going to be the ride of your life. You will NEVER have one regret. You will only wish you would have done this years before. I think it was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. I am extremely impressed with the entire experience. Dr. Aceves’s patient coordinator Nina has always been very prompt, informative, and courteous with her replies. She is there for any question that you may have. I think this lady works 24 hours a day, because I always received an answer back right away. Nina is awesome and gives you so much support and help before you go and after your surgery too. DO NOT have any fears about going to Mexico, It is VERY safe in Mexicali and they ALL take such great care of you along your Weight Loss journey. I think we all have the wrong idea of what Health Care is like in Mexico, until we go there an experience it ourselves. It is far superior over anything that they have in the United States.

I feel so much better and I would like to say I feel 20 years younger. Life is fabulous, and I did this for ME and NO one else. I know I will never be fat again in my life. I thanked Dr. Aceves for what he did for me and he said “I only gave you the tool to achieve your Weight Loss, give yourself the credit for making it work.” I still want to say Dr. Aceves you are the BEST!

Suzanne B

Eugene, OR

Sleeved 10/21/2008

225 120 125

Starting Now Goal Weight


Looking for anyone in the Portland Metro area who is willing to share their experiences. I also like to have creat a group to meet in person every month or every other month. Maybe a physical activity we can do. Plus I need new friends who understand that we dont have to have eat to have fun.

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Looking for anyone in the Portland Metro area who is willing to share their experiences. I also like to have creat a group to meet in person every month or every other month. Maybe a physical activity we can do. Plus I need new friends who understand that we dont have to have eat to have fun.

Hi, I'm Mac. I am just starting my journey to become a sleever. Eventho I am not in Portland, I live in Eugene you are so close to me. I am 5feet tall and right now my weight is 266lbs. It took a along time for me to start this. I spent a long time fighting insurance to no avail. We finally decided to just go for it because I am not getting any younger. I will be going to Coos Bay to have my surgery. It will be day surgery then I have to stay close to the hospital for 1 night. My sisters are coming to help me for the first few days. My husband works graveyard so it will be nice to have them here so I will not be alone. I wish you the best on your journey and maybe we can talk again. Good luck getting your group together.

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Hey! I'm in Portland! I would love to be part of a local group to meet up with and hang out! I'm in the same boat, no one I know has gone thru this and I haven't told anyone except my husband about my surgery. I keep in contact with my sleeve buddy and it's been so helpful to follow her along too. Send me a message with any questions!


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Hi, I'm Mac. I am just starting my journey to become a sleever. Eventho I am not in Portland, I live in Eugene you are so close to me. I am 5feet tall and right now my weight is 266lbs. It took a along time for me to start this. I spent a long time fighting insurance to no avail. We finally decided to just go for it because I am not getting any younger. I will be going to Coos Bay to have my surgery. It will be day surgery then I have to stay close to the hospital for 1 night. My sisters are coming to help me for the first few days. My husband works graveyard so it will be nice to have them here so I will not be alone. I wish you the best on your journey and maybe we can talk again. Good luck getting your group together.

Hi Mac,

I am Suzanne and I live here in Eugene too. Are you self pay for this surgery? And why Coos Bay to have it done? Sorry for the questions. If you need to talk with anyone, please let me know, I had a sleeve done by the BEST doctor there is to do this surgery. I went to Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. I have lost all my weight and kept it off now and I had my surgery Oct 2008.

I know you are scared, and must have all kinds of questions. I am sorry that they are only going to do day surgery on you and then send you to a hotel--I never experienced anything like this at all.:( Mine was done in a wonderful hospital and I was in the hospital for 4 days before they would even think about sending me home. :D

I wish you great succes and if you want to talk just let me know. I will give you my phone number.



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Hi everyone,

I live in Keizer and will be going for my sleeve on August 20. It would be great to have a support group!!!! I am open to going to Portland to meet.


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Hi everyone,

I live in Keizer and will be going for my sleeve on August 20. It would be great to have a support group!!!! I am open to going to Portland to meet.



I am in Eugene, and I am always just and E-mail away. If you have any questions I have posted quite a few things about the Question newbies might have, if you can find them, let me know I will resend them to you.

I wish you great success,.



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Hello all

I am a Portland Metro sleever here and would love to get together to chat about or experiences. There are just some things "normies" just don't understand, including my wife. Let me know if/when a get-together is planned, or if anyone has any questions, I'm happy to help.

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Hello all

I am a Portland Metro sleever here and would love to get together to chat about or experiences. There are just some things "normies" just don't understand, including my wife. Let me know if/when a get-together is planned, or if anyone has any questions, I'm happy to help.

Hi Everyone,

I have been sleeved for almost 3 years now, and would be happy to meet with some of you in Portland or where ever you want to meet. If anyone wants to come to Eugene, we can meet at my home too. I can understand the need to want to have a group of people for support. Pick a date, time and location, and I will make ever effort to be there and give what support I can to any of you. This really is a great thing having a sleeve.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



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I was also sleeved by Dr. Aceves in Mexicalli and live in Eugene! Such a small world!

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I was also sleeved by Dr. Aceves in Mexicali and live in Eugene! Such a small world!


Wow yes very small world. I have a girlfriend who lives in Creswell, and I went back down to Mexicali with her after I was sleeved. So now there is 3 of us who live in this area. He is fabulous. I am always posting things about sleeves and Dr. Aceves. Maybe we all can get together some time and have lunch.

Thanks for the note. I am excited to always find others who have had a sleeve. We have a lot in common.



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Wow yes very small world. I have a girlfriend who lives in Creswell, and I went back down to Mexicali with her after I was sleeved. So now there is 3 of us who live in this area. He is fabulous. I am always posting things about sleeves and Dr. Aceves. Maybe we all can get together some time and have lunch.

Thanks for the note. I am excited to always find others who have had a sleeve. We have a lot in common.




I have been trying to find sleevers for a while now. Weird that their are 2 others in my backyard! I had an outstanding experience in Mexicalli with the staff at the Hospital. I have given several people that wanted to have their's done in the US the advice to see Dr. Aceves instead. As a nurse I probually hear too many negative things about weightloss surg in this country.

Where abouts are you in Eugene? I'm off Bailey Hill Rd.

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I live on the coast. It's so cool there are so many oregonians here.

i wish I got to Portland or Eugene more often.

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I have been trying to find sleevers for a while now. Weird that their are 2 others in my backyard! I had an outstanding experience in Mexicalli with the staff at the Hospital. I have given several people that wanted to have their's done in the US the advice to see Dr. Aceves instead. As a nurse I probually hear too many negative things about weightloss surg in this country.

Where abouts are you in Eugene? I'm off Bailey Hill Rd.


Sure is great to know that you are close by. I live off of River Road out in the Santa Clara area. I worked for 24 years for the Eugene 4J School District. And I was the secretary for all the nurse's in the school district. Small world isn't it? I am retired now. I also have a business where I teach 1st Aid and CPR to people in the community. Where do you work as a nurse?

Take care,


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Sure is great to know that you are close by. I live off of River Road out in the Santa Clara area. I worked for 24 years for the Eugene 4J School District. And I was the secretary for all the nurse's in the school district. Small world isn't it? I am retired now. I also have a business where I teach 1st Aid and CPR to people in the community. Where do you work as a nurse?

Take care,


I am actually a Regional Corporate Nurse for an Assisted Living Company out of WA. So I travel up and down the I-5 Cooridor frequently. Between my traveling, the mini meals and the fact that I am Gluten Intolerent, food is rather challenging for me. I sometimes find myself eatting snack foods instead of real meals.

My step mom is on here somewhere too. We where sleeved at the same time with Dr. Aceves, she went down for emotional support then decided to get sleeved. So she took my bed on day 3. She looks great!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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