headcase 0 Posted June 18, 2006 :cry I was banded over 1 year and 7 months ago. I had lost almost 50 pounds. Now I have gained almost 30 pounds back. I am one of those people who is very tight in the morning and fairly loose in the evening. So, I made up for not being able to eat early, by eating most of the evening. My choices were not good. I also like to drink fluids with my meals. I always have. I have exercised very little due to chronic pain in both knees. If I changed my ways now, could I still be successful? Has anyone else ever been in a situation where they found initial success, then failure and then success? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kat817 19 Posted June 18, 2006 I would imagine if your band is still in a healthy position, it would be fine. I think it is time to see your Dr. let him scope you and check your positioning on the band, and see if you have any fill...and begin again if all checks out. I have a friend who is super tight in the morning, and her Dr. told her to quit sleeping on her stomach, and she saw immediate change...now I have no idea if this would affect you or not, but thought it couldn't hurt to throw it in! Also might be a good idea this time to find a good support group, or talk to someone, to help you from sabautaging yourself. Good Luck. Kat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NewSho 20 Posted June 18, 2006 The thing is, the band does not help if you don't stay in contact with your surgeon. When is the last time you've communicated with him/her about your band challenges? What I often see if people start gaining, feel guilty, then avoiding going back when a fill or unfill - or a check up could easily pinpoint their problem. You and your doc can solve this together- but you need to go and go regularly. Without a fill and reasonable follow ups - ANY bandster could stop losing and even gain weight. Good Luck. Happy Band (And Life) Journeys To All... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DOC 0 Posted June 18, 2006 I had a bad knee due to weight and I do Water aerobics. It is great for people who have bad joints do the weight. Good luck... I believe it is never to late to start over!:clap2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinesqueen 2 Posted June 18, 2006 Listen to New Sho. She's right on the money. But remember, there is no "window of loss oppertunity" with the band. It's pretty cool, if you think about it. The band will be there for you, waiting for you to come back, patient and sereen. It will be ready to start working whenever you are ready, no recriminations, no accusations, no jelousy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fauxnaif 1 Posted June 18, 2006 You can always start losing again. That's the beauty of the band. I have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chabutter 0 Posted June 18, 2006 hey about being in chronic pain and lack of exercise. I know exactly how you feel! I have severe RA, and I can barely walk many days. However, my recent solution to this (something I use to say "i dont want to hear it to" is learning how to swim. Recently I learned to swim due to a job. I also have gotten steroid shots in both of my knees and my ankles in order to function better. I also dont exercise in the morning or the evening. Thats when the pain is best. Take tylonel, vicadin, or whatever you have to do, put heat on the area, and ice and get in the pool. Also recently I shelled out a thousand dollars for a top of the line elliptical machine that has very little to no impact on my joints, unlike a treadmill. Goodluck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jachut 487 Posted June 18, 2006 I had chronic ankle pain and I too had a cortisone shot around the time I was banded just to get me to the point where I could do a bit more. It worked. Its never to late to get back on board with your band, see your surgeon. Try not to feel guilty or ashamed, this is a disease, and sometimes it can take more than just one go to get a handle on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maryb 1 Posted June 18, 2006 Honey, It is never too late! Forgive yourself because you can't change the past! But you can change the future! Download www.fitday.com to track what you eat...it makes it easy. Cut out the sugar and bread this will give you a jump start and after you detox you should stop craving these things. Drink Lots of Water but not with your meals. I know this is hard! I couldn't eat without drinking something before, but I stopped ...You can too! Are you getting in your minimum 25 grams of Fiber a day? If not, Fiber One is low calorie and full of fiber. I have faith you can be sucessful! Keep on Trying till you get right! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gentlespirit 1 Posted June 18, 2006 You can always start again! The key is realizing where you "went wrong" and making changes in those areas. If your band is still in good position, go to your doc and be honest with him and let him know you want to get serious again. I've found that if I drink a lot between meals, it's easier to skip the liquid with meals, but I do still miss drinking with my meals sometimes. And I find if I can keep busy with something in the evenings, I'm less likely to graze all the time. Good luck with your re-commitment to this lifestyle! We are all cheering for you... Emily Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jammin & Losin 1 Posted June 19, 2006 It is never to late to change bad habits and start over... each day is a new opurtunity to reach for your goals in life... start today and call your dr. !!! Wishing you success!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites