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Maybe I am of the percentage the lapband does not work for????

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Ok, I hear you all, loud and clear.

Put away the scales, and I have a significant weight loss.

But let's be realistic here.

The major weight loss came immediately after surgery. I have lost and regained the same few pounds through out the month of May.

June I dropped 4.5 pounds by changing things up per my nutrionist and trainer. Since then, nothing - not a budge. I have maintained.

I think I am getting tired of this dieting and no results. The up and down and craziness. This is why I went after surgery to begin with. Because I was tired of the yo yo crazy dieting, and here I am doing it all over again.

I am eating a strict diet, and then I read where someone else eats what they want, just smaller portions, and looses weight.

Then I read where someone eats smaller portions, and doesn't exercise, then looses weight.

All of our bodies are very different. Perhaps mine is tired of dieting and I have ruined it.

I post here because: 1. For lurkers/non lurkers considering this surgery. 2. In case others are going thru the same issues. 3. For ideas or suggestions to help me kick myself back into loosing. (there are ways to kick off a loss, upping calories/exercise etc.. who knows what else!?)

4. If I knew all the answers, I wouldn't be a fat pig.

Thank you for the advise and encouragement. I certainly hope and wish only the best for each and everyone.

This is a challenge, and for some well worth the experience, as they are able to turn their lives around and into something so much more then what they wanted for themselves.

For others, and myself being one of them; this is much harder. No matter how much you exercise or diet - your loss may or may not come.

I have journalized every bite of food I have put into my mouth since surgery. I have exercised religiously - daily - since the first week out of surgery.

Someone's body will respond to things so vastly differently then someone elses. Please bare that in mind when evaluating yourself for this surgery.

I feel deeply for the woman who posted the 'ugly' email from someone looking into having this surgery. On the other hand, I completely understand why the lurker/newbie wanted to know how not to become a 'failure'

We all want to succeed.

Well, there is no sure fire answer. There is no sure fire solution/surgery!!!

I am a failure on my own level. Why? Surely not because of a lack of trying.

28 pounds 9 weeks Monday morning. Hhmm... thats 3 pounds a week.

Too bad that is NOT accurate. (bright side to this? in another couple months of this, I guess I can join the Slow Looser's Club right?)

There were things that caused major drops, (right after surgery) and there is the month of May that I battled the same freaking 4 to 5 pounds the WHOLE month.

The month of June, I have dropped 4-5 pounds, and otherwise, I am not up and down like May was. I have learned how to maintain. (again, the change in upping calories and changing my work out routine is responsible for the quick loss)

So I apologize for being a little crazy, a little frustrated, a little hurt and a little dissappointed.

I am human.

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Damn right sick outlook.............so negative!

I wanted to say "sorry" that comment sounds so hateful. However, you do have such a negative disappointed outlook on this. I lose an average of just under 6 lbs a month and I am thrilled with it! That is about 1.5 lbs per week. I lost only 6 lbs the entire first month. I dont consider myself a failure at all. I have lost 43 lbs now, that is very successful to me! I wish you could be happy for yourself over your loss, not disappointed that it hasnt been more, or been more consistent.

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Ddamn right sick outlook.............so negative!

Thank you for the feed back.

How about advice?

What makes your journey a success for you? What makes your loss happen?


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I am a failure on my own level. Why? Surely not because of a lack of trying.

If you're a failure, it's because YOU think you're a failure. It's certainly not because you're not losing weight. YOU ARE!

OK, maybe you DIDN'T lose weight in May. You lost 4 - 5 pounds in June. Maybe you won't lose any weight in July. You WILL in August.

Look at my weight loss. You see that I lost the majority of weight around my surgery. After that it's been in fits and starts. BUT I'VE LOST 40 POUNDS. IN 4 MONTHS. Just like you've lost 28 pounds in 2 months. You're losing an average of 3.1 pounds per week. Do you understand what we're talking about with "averaging" the weight loss over a period of time?

Weight loss isn't like an appliance - it doesn't work the same every time you press start. It works over time. Take it, run with it, and see how far it takes you. 9 weeks shouldn't be a guage of success or failure.

Besides LBT, what kind of support are you getting? Maybe seeing a counsellor or a therapist will help you get over your fear of failure.

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Have you read any of the posts from the consistant loosers?

I read TellyMelly's and about sat here and cried myself sick.

I am taking this head on, full force and full throttle.

So yes, I expect a little more consistant weight loss and wonder what I am doing wrong.

I pay my doctor and my nutrionist for their advice and get seriously conflicting information.

I am now considering a trainer, but the cost is jaw dropping. I am not sure I can talk DH into dropping more money into my chase for success.

I believe my expectations are realistic. Only because of the amount of successful loosers that post.

19 pounds the frst two weeks from surgery do not count. That was sheer starvation of and to my body.

So since that first two weeks post op, I have lost 9 pounds in two months. I guess I am not getting the 'average' out of it. I see it as things that happen to your body that caused drastic weight loss.

Steady dieting, steady exercise -- I expect weight loss.

I have a bottle of diet pills I am considering - just to kick start a weight loss. But alas, know better.

Yes, the support groups I attend are for RNY patients. I do not know ANYONE in my personal life that have had the LapBand surgery. -- and I have searched. Honestly.

If i tell you I have done something - it is full throttle as that is who and what I am. If I do it, I do it 100+ percent.

So I am crazy and need to find a shrink to tell me to be happy with the 'average' of 3 pounds a week in 9 weeks. Even though I know I did not loose an average, I starved myself for 19 of those pounds and fought tooth and nail for 9 more pounds - only to watch myself sit for weeks with no loss at all.

I am not whineing, I am not looking for pity. I am looking for sound advice as to what I am doing wrong.

When you see weeks on end where there is no loss, and possibly even a gain, I think you might understand the pain I am going through.

Yes pain. This is upsetting and makes me feel like a failure at this diet too.

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You have done very well losing 28lb's. put the scale away for a week focus on eating right, maybe more liquids?

The mental stress your putting on your self by worrying is not helping weight loss or your mental health.

It will all come in time! Good luck, ps. try more "CARIDEO"

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Ok, I think maybe you need to not compare yourself to other people on the board for a while. Or if you are, then you need to do exactly what they are doing. Telly has had some amazing losses! Have you also seen that she has had some bad weeks? She also bikes like 13 miles a day!!! Are you doing that? Don't compare. You will make yourself crazy.

If I were you I would do some studying on physiology and how the human body reacts to caloric intake and physical output. Find your Base Metabolic Rate. Compare that to your caloric intake. I agree with Wheets that 40% carbs seems a little high. I also agree with you that sugar should stay out of your diet. Good for you!! Up your liquids, and try for a gallon a day instead of a half gallon. Workout consistently. If not everyday, set a time and date and stick to it. Don't look at calories burned. Esp if you are reading it off of the machine. Those are never accurate. Focus on time. 15 minutes is good. 30 minutes burns 3x the calories that 15 minutes does though. And an hour burns even more. Its because of how the body works to burn fat for fuel. Also, try to not eat before a workout. Tht way the energy that your body needs for the workout will come from your fat...not from your lunch. :) Eat a half hour to an hour after. And drink drink drink. I also have found that my weight plateaus when I don't get a lot of sleep. Go figure. Try to get in you 8 hours of sleep each night.

The band is not a fix all. You still have to work it. But it sounds like you are on the right track, and just having some early struggles. Congratz on your weight loss so far!! You can do this, just give it some time. :)

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I Havent Been Banded Yet, 4 More Days Till Then...but I Have Been Reading The Posts And Have Noticed That Its Not A Constant Weight Loss And That A Few Have Gone A Few Weeks With No Loss At All Then One Day Wake Up And Have Dropped Several Pounds Just Over Night...i Dont Believe That There Would Ever Be A Steady Loss...i Believe That I Would Be Aggrivated Too Tho, I Understand And Am Still Trying To Read Thru All The Posts For Helpful Information And Hints

Do your fingers ever get tired typing in all Title case? LOL. I just noticed it and had to comment.

As for the weight loss "plateau"... I felt the same way 2 months after being banded. I actually gained 3 pounds the 3rd month. It'll pick back up, don't you worry.

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15 minutes is good. 30 minutes burns 3x the calories that 15 minutes does though. And an hour burns even more. Its because of how the body works to burn fat for fuel.

This is good advice, but I don't think it's entirely accurate. You may burn 3X more percentage of calories as fat calories during the second 15 minutes, but you're only burning a few more net calories than the first 15 because you usually workout slightly harder the second 15 minutes (because the first 15 included a warmup). Anyhow, my point is that if 30 minutes is too hard right now then maybe you can break it up into two 15 minute segments. Actually, there may be some caloric benefits to breaking up the sessions because you burn more calories after a workout, so you could be getting this benefit twice a day. I'll try to find more information on this to post.

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Oh MelAnne, I feel your anguish, and I'm so sorry for your pain over this.

This is not a diet, this is a lifestyle change. There is head work that goes into that change of perspective.

Please trust me when I say that I understand your pain, you are making yourself crazy with the obsessive journaling. I say this because I drove myself crazy, obsessing over every morsel of food, every drop of liquid.

You are stressing yourself out over this, and the stress you are generating actually do you more harm, generate more cortisol levels than you need. The more cortisol you have in your system, the harder it is to lose weight.

Those 19 pounds you lost CERTIANLY DO count. Do not minimize that loss. It was hard faught, and you deserve to see that as a credit to yourself.

One thing that I've been reading and seeing in this thread is that you are working hard. You are working out, and working it. And I have no doubt at all that your hard work is showing off in muscle mass. And guess what? That's a good thing. When you put on muscle mass, you have less fat to lose, your body becomes more efficient, more healthy, more wonderful.

Did you have a body fat composition analysis done before your surgery? If you didn't, have one done as soon as you can, because I have a feeling, that as hard as you are working, it is going to have a major impact on your body compostion. A pound of muscle is not the same as a pound of fat, but the scale will claim that they are the same.

Please do not compair your journy with anyone else. I know that it is a natural tendency to do so. It's what people do. How do we measure up against so-and-so? But that will make us crazy. It does make us crazy.

Sweetie, you've only been banded a very short while. It is way to soon to wonder if this is going to work for you, or if you will yet again fail. I know that it is so hard for all of us, especially when every other diet failed us to stress about whether we will succed at this, or if it is yet another doomed gimic.

Please also know that the RNY group support meetings are probably doing you more harm than good. This is like going to a motorcycle intrest group when your drive a sports car. Sure, they are both motor vehicle, and they both get us places, but they have little else in common. What works for the bike is useless for the car, and vise versa. No matter how hard you work that car, you will never get it to do a wheelie.

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I am not whineing, I am not looking for pity. I am looking for sound advice as to what I am doing wrong.

Yes pain. This is upsetting and makes me feel like a failure at this diet too.


Over the last couple of months there have been several posts from you with the same type of topic. From my perspective, you have received LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of "sound advice"...mainly being that you are, in fact doing NOTHING wrong. Yet, you obviously refuse to accept that and continue to possibly look for something that isn't there. I don't mean to sound harsh, but you gotta get a grip. I agree with Donna and most everyone here. And with the poster that said you are only a failure if you think you are. 19 lbs immediately around surgery...who cares..19 lbs equals 19 lbs. And you still refuse to understand and accept the "averaging concept". Your choice. Folks aren't just being kind and offering you a bone....you are losing faster than average...regardless of how you want to interpret or put a spin on it. Also, all the docs and all the info on the band ALL SAY NOT TO COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANYONE ELSE....you are you, just as I am me.

Not to mention the fact (because you ARE losing faster than average) how do you think this makes the other people on here feel who truly ARE slow losers? Just count your blessings...

Keep doing what you are doing and be accepting instead of critical.

The choice is yours but it sounds like you won't be happy with anything and perhaps Donna is correct in her thinking....perhaps you do need some therapy.

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Please also know that the RNY group support meetings are probably doing you more harm than good. This is like going to a motorcycle intrest group when your drive a sports car. Sure, they are both motor vehicle, and they both get us places, but they have little else in common. What works for the bike is useless for the car, and vise versa. No matter how hard you work that car, you will never get it to do a wheelie.

THANKS VINESQUEEN!!!!! I needed that laugh more then anything.

Then I had to go on and read another nasty gram and be told I need therapy b/c I expect results for hard work.

I DO and WILL compare myself to others, others who get up off their duff and WORK this program. Watch what they eat, make good food choices and exercise.

You know why? B/c reports and doctors tell you - you can loose an average of up to 2 pounds a week. If you exercise you will be on the top of they looser's percentages...... yada yada yada

So you know what? I went at this full head in the game, full force with success in mind. And I am NOT successful.

Readers/lurkers and people looking to have this surgery - need to know what to expect. GOOD and BAD

Because I choose to post about the big fat elephant in the room, and some do not - that means I need therapy. Nice.

If anything, perhaps my posts can help someone else see this is more then a journey you sit back and exerience.

I also read more of TellyMelly's journal and discovered she does not eat anywhere near the amount of calories or substantial food I have been eating. She wears a suana suit when exercising. Those were interesting facts, and today I am looking for a suana suit!!!

So I will compare, as I want the same type of results, I therefore will continue to post, and perhaps some successful loosers will be more forthcoming with their success secrets.

You never know what little thing you are doing to be a success, will help launch someone else's progess along for them.

I thought this was a support board. Support comes in many forms. When someone asks for information/advice - they don't always mean tell me I am nuts. I already know that for crying out loud. That's why I am fat.

I have posted my diet, my work out routine and asked for suggestions to see the scale move a pound or two in a freaking week.

So please no more telling people they need therapy. Why be so ugly and mean? I certainly hope it made you feel better about yourselves for a few mins. to make someone else feel horrible about themselves. Then we know some 'good' came of your posting it. I also noticed the same individuals continue to post the same information. "Your nuts, get therapy." Did yu ever think maybe I am attempting to reach out to successful loosers when I ask the same information? That perhaps they did not see my other posts as days/weeks had gone by?

Some people are busy, and I certainly am one, that can not read all the threads, and all the posts. I search for information and the search takes me to endless threads I have to com b through in order ti find what I am in search of. You all know how this works, I need not to explain it to you.

So again, to the same people who just think I am crazy. Yeah, what of it? I expect results for hard work. You should too.

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19 pounds the frst two weeks from surgery do not count. That was sheer starvation of and to my body.

So since that first two weeks post op, I have lost 9 pounds in two months. I guess I am not getting the 'average' out of it. I see it as things that happen to your body that caused drastic weight loss.

I had a couple of thoughts as I read the above. Now, granted I haven't had my surgery yet, and I think your frustration is real and justified. I think also that you've gotten some good advice about maybe looking at things differently.

What struck me was that yes, you lost a very large amount after surgery. Which I did after having my gallbladder out 4 years ago. Just because I was sick and didn't eat much. I was thrilled, but the surgeon warned me that some of it would come back, much like any big loss quickly does. I'm wondering if that happened to you? Where you're body regained some of that initial loss, because it wasn't all fat?

9 pounds in 2 months is on target from what I've read. That's 8 weeks, and an average of just over 1 pound a week. Yeah, I think we get this surgery and want the fast results we read other people getting, but that's not always healthy.

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Hi Melanie,

Some questions:

Did you exercise regularly before banding??? Maybe the reason you are not seeing the pounds drop off is because you are gaining muscle and that would explain why you are not seeing the pounds drop off the scale.< /p>

Also, how much do you need to lose? That makes a very big difference on how fast you lose it.

You dont need a personal trainer. Just keep doing what you are doing. As long as you are moving and expending more calories than you are taking in, you will lose unless you have some really strange metabolic disorder that will keep you from losing weight. I worked out at Curves my first 8 months 4 times a week and then transitioned to a regular gym later. My caloric intake for the first 8 months was an average of about 1000-1200 per day with at least 50-70 grams of Protein, some veggies and pretty low carb. This worked for me, but no one can tell you what will work for you.

You talk about steady and predictable losses. Sorry, but for most there is no such thing . LONG TERM YES. SHORT TERM NO. Heres an example of how I lost the first year:

1st 2 weeks: 15 pounds

1st month: 28 pounds.

2 month: Gained back 3 pounds when I started solids

2 month total losses: 10 pounds

1st 6 months: 80 lbs lost

1st year: 120 pounds lost

Average per month losses: 7-8 pounds after my first several months of quick losses.

IF you take into account that my BMI was 53.9 at the time of banding and now is 28.9. 334/180 now, that also determines how fast I lost b ecause of high BMI. If you look at averages, other than my first two months, I averaged 7-9 pounds loss a month and an average of 2.1 pounds of week. LONG TERM STEADY. Short term is frustrating and you need to be patient. There were weeks I lost 6 pounds and weeks and weeks I would lose nothing. YOu NEED TO BE PATIENT.

We can all throw suggestions of what worked for us, but that doesnt mean it will work for you. Stick to protein, some veggies and stay away from the carbs. Most of us are insulin resistant from years of abusing carbs. At least I was.....

If you stick with what you are doing, you will be successful.Also you need to stick t a plan you can live with for perpituity. This is not a short term situation, but a permanent lifestyle change.

Babs in TX

334/180 ish

-150 ish

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What a wonderful post!!! I appreciate your insight and your experience very much.

Yes, I am in this for the long haul. I am seeing the mistakes, and correcting them immediately.

One theme I seem to be picking up on, and could be wrong - low low low calories and Low Low Carbs.

So a diet high in Protein, and Water. ?

Nutrisionist had me up my carbs. For working out mainly.

I am a workout freak. I love it and can not stand a day where I do not go to the gym. It makes me feel like I am at least doing something about my fat ugly body.

Am I off base with the carbs thing? I have already cut sugar and fat from my diet as much as I can.

I am looking pretty much as a protein rich diet with a lot of water right?

Numbers I can do something with - so when I read labels - it has to have only 3 grams of fat per 100 calories. Anything less then 9 carbs and anything less then 9 (preferably 7) grams of sugar.

I push to get in a 1000 calories a day. 700 to 900 a day and I feel good emotionally about it.

How many carbs a day is good?

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