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How is 1200 Calories enough?

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Being almost a year out, all I can tell you is sit down, put your seat belt on, hold on and LISTEN to your body!! Everything you read and are told is questionable and subjective. My apologies to all the docs but it's true. Your best source of day to day info is probably right here on this board. Yes, you absolutely need your Protein and fluids at the start and have to do everything you can to meet those guidelines. Afterwards, it seems to only get more confusing. I lost the weight FAST by watching carbs and exercising. That said, my cal count was well over 1000 only a few months into the process. BUT I exercise like crazy, we ride our bikes hard over 100 miles per week. It got to the point that my body fat got so low that I had to start adding carbs back in and eating more like a normal person, it's a head twist but it works for me. I've been maintaining since September and just woke up this morning to find I'm down another .4 of a pound; the lowest I've ever been and I had lasagna, nut clusters and a girl scout cookie over the weekend, AND didn't ride my bike due to schedule stuff. Go figure. Enough babble about me, listen. To. Your. Body. You will know if you need more or less. You will know if you are cheating. You will know if you are doing the right thing. The guidelines and especially the calorie numbers to me are a very loose set of parameters. In fact, I quit using myfitnesspal.com after about 8 months because the numbers were always high even though my body was/is perfectly happy. I only followed a few cardinals; Protein, Fluid, low carb, exercise. Bingo. There are so many rules that I broke, it's not even funny. I still eat fast, I drink with meals, etc., etc.

Good Luck and don't kill yourself overthinking this, really.


When you say you exercised like crazy, can you give an example? I do not have access to real bicycles, just stationary. I do 30 minutes of elliptical 5 days a week, raising my heartbeat to cardio zone, weights 3 times a week, full body muscle failure rotation. I average in the mid 800s for calories on a daily basis.

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I am always struggling with the amount of calories burned. Sometimes, I get some ridiculous number by the treadmill or online charts of 1000 calories burned. That's a lot. And I mean A LOT A LOT! How do you guys handle eating calories back? I have found that most web sites and even heart rate monitors grossly exaggerate the amount of calories burned for overweight and obese people.

The problem is that even if you enter your weight, the calculation usually assumes a much higher muscle to fat ratio. When exercising, muscle (or lean body mass) is what burn calories while fat is just along for the ride. If you enter that you weigh 200 pounds it usually assumes a body fat of maybe 20% and tells you what your 80% lean mass (160 pounds) burned. Most of us are closer to 40% or over, so we are getting a burned calorie surplus of the difference because we only had 120 pounds of lean mass burning calories. For those values, we are burning 25% less. Now, in all honesty, I started at 263 pounds, and with that I was well over 50% fat -- see where I am going?

So, if I go to the gym and do their weight machines (at Snap Fitness, not something like Curves - real weights) and then spend 40 minutes on the treadmill...what can I realistically burn?

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Hey Globe,

It's great watching your progress, I have to say. My workouts are strictly cardio only because the one little weight room in my little world is gross with really old, nasty gear. Oh yeah and it's not air-conditioned. Ick. So, to compensate, I pretty much ride the wheels off of my bike. I ride 35 miles every other day as fast as I can after I warm up adequately (on the bike, just a little slower at the beginning). I ride a road bike (actually cross) as opposed to a mountain bike and average about 18.5 mph although it seems like most of the ride I'm at 20 mph plus but the computers never lie, right? ;) It takes me a hair under 2 hours to do this. According to My Fitness Pal, I've burned over 1500 calories but, I dunno. Sometimes it feels like it but the math doesn't seem to work as I'm no longer losing although my muscle quality is getting a bit ridiculous; I'm cut from top to bottom underneath the loose skin even without touching weights. And it sure feels funny saying THAT! I've always had nice legs and a smallish butt but I've never been "cut" Ha!! Anyway, I HAD to add in more carbs to accommodate these rides and it killed me mentally to do it but I went from really struggling and feeling like crap as I progressively notched up my workouts. I had to accommodate going from losing to maintaining and subsequently to feeling great again; I have tons of power and feel just great throughout and even at the end of my rides. I'm thinking of bumping up to 40 miles but it's getting crazy time consuming...

You're doing fantastic with your workouts; the only thing I can say is in order to really burn, you gotta get your heart rate way up there and keep it up there for quite awhile, within reason of course and I know you already know this.

800 calories... hmmm... I haven't been there in a looooong time; 1200 isn't enough for me. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm closer to 1800/2000 on a daily basis just to keep up. But it works (well!) for me and this is the reason I quit using myfitnesspal, it just made me feel bad, even with adding in the exercise.

We are lone rangers here as far as calculating fat burn as Susanne stated in her brilliant post. All the more reason to listen to your body and do what works for you. I just can't say that enough.

Ya'll have a great weekend!


When you say you exercised like crazy, can you give an example? I do not have access to real bicycles, just stationary. I do 30 minutes of elliptical 5 days a week, raising my heartbeat to cardio zone, weights 3 times a week, full body muscle failure rotation. I average in the mid 800s for calories on a daily basis.

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When you say you exercised like crazy, can you give an example? I do not have access to real bicycles, just stationary. I do 30 minutes of elliptical 5 days a week, raising my heartbeat to cardio zone, weights 3 times a week, full body muscle failure rotation. I average in the mid 800s for calories on a daily basis.

It looks to me like your estimate of 800 calories burned on a daily basis seem like they are very high - 5600 calories per week.

30 minutes elliptical is approximately between 350 and 500 calories x 5 days = 1750 - 2500 calories

Weights are hard to guess, but I believe it is more like 300 calories for 30 minutes (you didn't state the duration) = 900 calories

This calculation would put you between 2650 and 3400 calories burned per week.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not trying to put down your workout, I thin k it is awesome and more than most of us her do, but I am just wondering if the amount burned is accurate. Only you know how much you exhaust yourself with your workouts.

In some other post, I saw someone who said they burn 1000 calories per workout and there too, my warning signs went "BING BING BING" because it seemed very exaggerated - not in a sense that the person was bragging but that the calculation from the machine or calculator or list was off.

Now, riding a bike very hard for 2 hours, that I believe burns 1000 calories - but calculated down to a 30 minute interval, this is "just" 250 calories.

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It looks to me like your estimate of 800 calories burned on a daily basis seem like they are very high - 5600 calories per week.

30 minutes elliptical is approximately between 350 and 500 calories x 5 days = 1750 - 2500 calories

Weights are hard to guess, but I believe it is more like 300 calories for 30 minutes (you didn't state the duration) = 900 calories

This calculation would put you between 2650 and 3400 calories burned per week.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not trying to put down your workout, I thin k it is awesome and more than most of us her do, but I am just wondering if the amount burned is accurate. Only you know how much you exhaust yourself with your workouts.

In some other post, I saw someone who said they burn 1000 calories per workout and there too, my warning signs went "BING BING BING" because it seemed very exaggerated - not in a sense that the person was bragging but that the calculation from the machine or calculator or list was off.

Now, riding a bike very hard for 2 hours, that I believe burns 1000 calories - but calculated down to a 30 minute interval, this is "just" 250 calories.

No, that wasn't calories burned. That was calories taken in. I have no idea how many calories I'm burning in a day.

Keys, how did you build up to 30 miles a day?! I did one of those fancy new stationary bikes when I was home that interacts with a video game-like thing so you feel like you are really riding a trail. I barely managed 1 mile!!!! And I was sweating up a storm! And how do you deal with toning up the rest of your body, doesn't the bike just work legs?

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Hey Globe!

Well, know that all that sweating was your body saying "WOOHOOO!!! This is what I need!!!!!" lol! Well, I've been rather active most of my life so I was able to start, about a year and a half ago, with a 12 mile ride; 6 miles up the road and six miles back. I've been building on that ever since and am now up to 35 and it's not hard anymore which is kinda frustrating really! I can keep increasing but, like I said, it already takes two hours to do the ride I do. I also bought a new bike over Christmas going from a mountain bike to a road bike and the difference it unbelievable; it's a rocket.

A couple of things; over the years I've spent my fair share of time on Lifecycle stationary bikes and all of their programmed workouts are tough. I was just on one on a cruise in November and set the resistance on 10 and rode for an hour in the interval program. The quality of the workout DEFINITELY equated or surpassed my mostly flat road 2 hour ride...

Also, yes, it took me a long time to be convinced (by my husband) of the upper body benefit of riding and I was worried that I would get "lopsided"... Not. As long as you are not riding with your back completely straight up and down as on a beach cruiser bike, your upper body and arms are supporting all of that weight, and pulling as well, resulting in beautifully toned arms, tightened core, etc. I have to say, however, all the veins popping up in my arms are a little freaky... ;) oh well. Riding has been HUGe in toning my "wings" too; they are pretty much gone. I'm *really* happy about THAT!

Keep up the good work!!


No, that wasn't calories burned. That was calories taken in. I have no idea how many calories I'm burning in a day.

Keys, how did you build up to 30 miles a day?! I did one of those fancy new stationary bikes when I was home that interacts with a video game-like thing so you feel like you are really riding a trail. I barely managed 1 mile!!!! And I was sweating up a storm! And how do you deal with toning up the rest of your body, doesn't the bike just work legs?

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OK so I found the formula to calculate your Basal metabolic rate.

BMR=655+(4.35xweight in lbs)+(4.7xheight in inches) -(4.7xage)

To maintain your weight( your daily calorie needs) you multiply your BMRx 1.2 (sedentary)

BMRx 1.375 (lightly active)

BMRx 1.55(moderatly active)


To lose weight your daily calorie needs minus 500 to 1000 calories

This is just a guideline


Thanks for this Chilo... just what I need to work out why I am not losing...I will do some calcs; log my food for a couple of days and hopefully find out where I am going wrong... xx

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Hey Globe!

Well, know that all that sweating was your body saying "WOOHOOO!!! This is what I need!!!!!" lol! Well, I've been rather active most of my life so I was able to start, about a year and a half ago, with a 12 mile ride; 6 miles up the road and six miles back. I've been building on that ever since and am now up to 35 and it's not hard anymore which is kinda frustrating really! I can keep increasing but, like I said, it already takes two hours to do the ride I do. I also bought a new bike over Christmas going from a mountain bike to a road bike and the difference it unbelievable; it's a rocket.

A couple of things; over the years I've spent my fair share of time on Lifecycle stationary bikes and all of their programmed workouts are tough. I was just on one on a cruise in November and set the resistance on 10 and rode for an hour in the interval program. The quality of the workout DEFINITELY equated or surpassed my mostly flat road 2 hour ride...

Also, yes, it took me a long time to be convinced (by my husband) of the upper body benefit of riding and I was worried that I would get "lopsided"... Not. As long as you are not riding with your back completely straight up and down as on a beach cruiser bike, your upper body and arms are supporting all of that weight, and pulling as well, resulting in beautifully toned arms, tightened core, etc. I have to say, however, all the veins popping up in my arms are a little freaky... ;) oh well. Riding has been HUGe in toning my "wings" too; they are pretty much gone. I'm *really* happy about THAT!

Keep up the good work!!


Alright, you've got me psyched! This week, I'm switching out elliptical for bike, let's see what happens!! =P

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Thanks for this Chilo... just what I need to work out why I am not losing...I will do some calcs; log my food for a couple of days and hopefully find out where I am going wrong... xx

OK so I've decided that from tommorrow <EM>I'm seriously lowing my carbs, already bought soya milk for my coffees and teas

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Anyway I'm going to try and ditch the milk and my Cappuccino and chai powders (which add up to my carbs a lot) I tried today soya milk with my coffee and it wasn't that bad. I would love to get hold of the Click Protein mix that GT recomended (they have a mocha and a cappuccino flavour) They don't seem to have round here, I might order some online, but in the meantime I have to take the bull by the horns, I want to get to goal ASAP so I'm going to go against my beliefs and lowcarb seriously for a week. I'm nearly 6 months out so now I'm really starting to panic cause I am a bit hungrier than I used to be, I have quite a few capuccinos (skimmed milk) or I make frappuccinos again skimmed milk and sweeteners but I'm going to have to go without :(

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Even though I ate over 1100 calories a day on vacation and lost 8 lbs in 7 days, I can't seem to bring myself to eat that much now that I am back in my hyper-controlled regular environment. I average about 800 calories a day and yes, my loss has ground to a halt. In 10 days I have lost only a pound.

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Even though I ate over 1100 calories a day on vacation and lost 8 lbs in 7 days, I can't seem to bring myself to eat that much now that I am back in my hyper-controlled regular environment. I average about 800 calories a day and yes, my loss has ground to a halt. In 10 days I have lost only a pound.

Thats interesting GT, our bodies work in such misterious ways that who knows what's right and wrong in the end! How long ago did you have your surgery again? I'm almost 6 months now, cut the milk out since yesterday and am working out more intensly now. I did an hour of a body pump class yesterday (a bit of cardio and weights, not very heavy though I don't want to build loads of muscle) Today I did just Cardio (30 min elipticaL and 30 stationary bike) I'm hoping that this will break my stall at last :unsure:

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They stopped carrying my liquid whey isolate Protein bullets at the PC so I have to get all my protein from food and shakes and because of this it is next to impossible to keep my carbs under 30 (surg & nut recomendations). I still have no hunger, and for the longest time it really didn't matter what I put in my mouth, as far as taste/interest is concerned, but now for some reasons (I'm 6 months out) now I want to eat a variety of foods, I want to eat vegetables, whole grains, a variety of lean meats, sea vegetables, Soups, etc. etc. This probably has more to do with the fact that I'm getting very close to going home and am just so sick and tired of this place and the monotony (sp). I seem to be in a stall, 10 days since I lost anything. I feel like I'm getting sloppy; though I document it all and my cals are within range, my carb count has crept up, and I have had things like popcorn, chocolate, Creamer in my tea, whole packets of splenda in my tea, a hot dog frank, chicken wings, basically junk food! I don't want to eat junk food butmy alternative is endless identical chicken breasts, tasteless vegetable medleys, and Protein Shakes. I didn't work out this morning, feel like a slug.

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They stopped carrying my liquid whey isolate Protein bullets at the PC so I have to get all my Protein from food and shakes and because of this it is next to impossible to keep my carbs under 30 (surg & nut recomendations). I still have no hunger, and for the longest time it really didn't matter what I put in my mouth, as far as taste/interest is concerned, but now for some reasons (I'm 6 months out) now I want to eat a variety of foods, I want to eat vegetables, whole grains, a variety of lean meats, sea vegetables, Soups, etc. etc. This probably has more to do with the fact that I'm getting very close to going home and am just so sick and tired of this place and the monotony (sp). I seem to be in a stall, 10 days since I lost anything. I feel like I'm getting sloppy; though I document it all and my cals are within range, my carb count has crept up, and I have had things like popcorn, chocolate, creamer in my tea, whole packets of splenda in my tea, a hot dog frank, chicken wings, basically junk food! I don't want to eat junk food butmy alternative is endless identical chicken breasts, tasteless vegetable medleys, and Protein Shakes. I didn't work out this morning, feel like a slug.

When I went to my WL doc on Monday, he asked me the same old questions and these were my answers. . .

Doc: are you getting 62oz Water in

Me. much more then that

Doc: are you getting 60 g protein in

Me much more then that

Doc: are you snacking

Me yes

Doc: are you drinking alcohol

Me yes

Doc: are you exercising

Me 1 - 3 x per week

Doc: how are you feeling overall

Me I'm living life, I'm finally living a normal life and loving it . . .

He just smiled and said you're only 12 lbs from goal! What are you going to do when you get there? I told him that "I'll see when I get there" He said I was afraid you'd say that, just promise you won't get too thin . . . I don't want to put you on a feeding tube. . . we just smiled at each other, he left and the NP and I did the victory dance!

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