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I'm also up for before & after whatever everyone else wants. I think going to Panera for a drink then the Mexican for a shared dinner or margarita sounds great.

Sounds like a plan :) ....

Hi!!! Just got back from a fantastic day....Tonight we went to a Boardwalk area with yachts and lots of fun seafood places to eat, along with lots of carnival type rides along the boardwalk for the kids.

I did pretty okay today....Woke up early to my brand new MP3 player not working...which bumbed me out...then went down to the workout room to find two EXTREMELY old men working out (literally huffing and moaning....kinda gross). I almost turned around and didn't work out...but I waited. Did 45 mins on the bike...then my 13 year old challenged me to do 100 sit-ups, which I did!!! Yikes...I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow:(

I also walked a ton today with all the site-seeing.........

Here's the breakdown on food for the day:

B: not much, couple bites of Cereal

L: ate at Souper/Salad..., had 1/4 cup tuna, about 1/2 cup tossed salad mixture.

S#1: Small Carmel LIGHT Frappacinno from Starbucks

S#2: handful of nuts

D: CRASH AND BURN!!! We ate at an underwater aquarium restaurant...shared an appetizer of shrimp/crab dip, then DH and I shared a broiled seafood platter....that's not the bad part though. Then we ordered dessert....I had a whole piece of cheesecake (that has Protein right??) Darn it....once again, good all day until the evening time I crash. It could have been much worse. Need a filllllllllllll NOWWWW:angry !!!

Up to the room now to go to crash....going to the NASA space center tomorrow. Maybe I'll get to eat some freeze-dried space food...that can't have very many calories can it??

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Robyn - Wish I was there too. Sounds like you are having a great time. Don't beat yourself up too much about the night time Desserts. Just think, how different the holiday would have gone just last year. Both in what you would have ate and how much (little) you would have exercised or even been able to walk each day.

You are doing AWESOME!!! So just wake up with a smile for each new day and new start.

BTW - I am NOT a big counter :) in my day to day life. I've just been taking the extra effort to calculate the numbers of different recipes when I happen to post them. All I do most days is just keep a mental eye on choosing foods I know have higher Protein to carb ratios mixing in small amounts of higher carb items to keep me sane. I don't keep a regular day to day food diary or anything. But I like the idea of posting it here or e-mailing it to a buddy kind of like an AA partner. Just to help keep me on track.

Yesterday's Food:

Breakfast - 6oz Frozen cheese omelet smoothered in Mexican Velveeta - Split with Son (probably ate 2/3's)

lunch - 1 cup chocolate Protein pudding

snack - 1 Cheese Stick

dinner - Dinner at Johnny's BBQ ate of Husband's

- 1 bite pickle

- 4-5 small bites BBQ Beans

- 2 bites BBQ Beef

- 3 small French Fries

Snack - 8 peices of Turkey Pepperoni with Cream Cheese & Onion powder

Late Night Snack - - Little Debbie PB Bar (Tisk Tisk)

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Robyn - Wish I was there too. Sounds like you are having a great time. Don't beat yourself up too much about the night time desserts. Just think, how different the holiday would have gone just last year. Both in what you would have ate and how much (little) you would have exercised or even been able to walk each day.

You are doing AWESOME!!! So just wake up with a smile for each new day and new start.

BTW - I am NOT a big counter:biggrin1: I only look up the contents when I'm going to post a recipe for someone. Normally I just try to pick foods I know have better Protein to carb ratio's

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Hi All!

Last night was my most traumatic event with my band to date! I hope ever. :faint:

I have no idea how this even happened. :) I ate quite a bit for lunch and didn't feel a thing. However, dinner was a different story. We were having grilled salmon at about 7:00. I ate about 2 ounces and again...didn't feel any of it. Then, one particular chunk must have snuck down my throat because I started to feel like it was not going down well. At first, I just thought it would take a few minutes and it would pass since everything I had before that was fine. (Oh... how optimistic of me.)

Well, once the pain intensified and about 10 minutes passed...the sliming began. :phanvan So, in between the sliming I thought I would try the papaya enzyme to see if that would be enough to make the stuck salmon go away. I chewed up about 8 tablets in between slimes and waited. The pain just got worse and then I started frothing pink papaya and salmon flavored slime!!!! I thought it couldn't get worse. It was time for the meat tenderizer. I mixed some up and managed to down about two teaspoons. I was gagging so bad. :speechles I thought for sure this would clear it all up ...OMG, was I wrong. I just started hurting more. The pain was really starting to get to me. :think Then I started bringing up pink colored papaya salmon and meat tenderizer flavored frothy slime!!!! I paced and waited and spit. When I thought it couldn't get worse, I started having a sneezing fit. So, if you can imagine me in my tiny bathroom... pacing back and forth...sneeze, sneeze, slime..:) ..sneeze, sneeze, slime. At this point, the only other thing I could think to try was some hot tea. That was disastrous. All it did was at to the pain and it all came back up. I figured my stomach was probably so swollen at this point that nothing was going to fix it. :help: It was time to call for help. I called Dr. Hoehn's service to see how was on call. Dr. Hitchcock was... so I had him paged. He said that it should be better after a couple of hours, but since it had already been over 2 hours, I probably needed to go to the ER. Ok, to sum up this long story, the ER doc took 5 cc's out of my band. He was going to take it all, but I stopped him. It was instant relief. The whole thing was over by 10:30.

Anyway, today I am trying to be careful on liquids and soft foods. My throat is sooo sore. I am still baffled though. I have eaten salmon so many times and had no problem. I hope you all had a better night than I did. :nervous

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OMG! That's terrible! I've heard of terrible pain with food stuck (Experienced just a little myself) but I've never hear of an ER visit over it. I can't imaging having to deal with that pain not too mention the horrible after taste of all that slime. I hope you are feeling better soon.

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OMG Holli...:omg:

That sounds really scary. :fear:

I wonder how many band patients the ER has had to deal with? I guess I always assumed one of the band docs would have to do an emergency unfill. Did you go to SMMC?

I hope you're doing better now and that it never happens again. It makes no sense to me why one meal is ok and the next meal becomes the PB from hell. That is one of the things I worry about the most, living with the band, you just never know which bite could be 'the one'. :)

You poor thing, I just can't get over you having to go to the ER.....scary!! And 3 HOURS of pain!! :hug:

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GIRL!!!! WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU LATELY!!!!:rolleyes: That is one of the weirdest things I have ever heard. Why did they take so much out....were you still in excruciating pain and unable to swallow saliva or something when you went in..... Was this the recommendation of Dr H to take out 5 cc, or the decision of the ER doc?? I'm so sorry!!!

It's VERY late...longest day yet. Very fun filled, and productive....yet exhausting. Went to the NASA space center and the kids had a blast...I'll have to send you all some pictures when I get home...

NSV today!! I actually bought an outfit at Old Navy!! Never done that before...and can I just say that regular sized people get much better deals on clothing:biggrin1:

Quick report on food for the day:

B: Nothing

L: (late breakfast..shared a monstrous Texas sized breakfast platter with my hubby). coffee, 1 over easy egg ....(I've found those go down better than scrambled now), 5 bites of hubby's country fried steak...YUMMY!

S: Couple bites of Dippin' Dots

D: Split entree with hubby again....about 6 bites of spin/art dip and chips, 2 bites of mashed potatoes, 4 oz (if that) of grilled steak. Hubby, kids, and I split a bananas foster dessert 4 ways (bananas have potassium and are good for you right??:) )

Not too bad today, but not great either...No gym work out, but OMG soo much walking my feet hurt bad tonight!!

Thanks Diane for the kind words! You are right....every day is a new start, and I just can't believe how much fun I am having compared to what it would have been like for me to come down here last year. I would have been miserable in the heat, aching, exhausted constantly with no energy to do anything. I"m having a blast with family/kids, and for that I need to be so incredibly thankful!!! Talk to you guys tomorrow. Nighty Night:notagree

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Up WAY too late tonight but seem to be on a roll with food posts. And I think it may be helping. I did pass up on the single serving slice of peach pie in the grocery deli tonight despite large craving. but then again failed by buying a small chocolate mint Russell Stovers candy.

Breakfast - Nothing

lunch - 3/4ths of a chicken Enchilada with couple tablespoons worth of refried Beans and about a half dozen large tortilla chips.

dinner - 1/2 cup chocolate Protein pudding

Shopping snack - afore mentioned mint chocolate

Late Snack - Homemade Chive Flavored cheese Curds from City Market.

OOPS also snacked on last of Little Debbie PB Bar. Was leftover from some Snacks I bought to sell at garage sale.

Well looking back maybe posting what I'm eating isn't helping as much as it could. I highly doubt my protein/carb ratio was anywhere it needed to be. Oh well, tomorrow's another day.

Part of my pathetic problem is personal sabotoge. When the scale seemed to being showing 1/2 pound loss nearly every day since the fill I felt motivated to keep pushing for a new low each day. Then 2 days ago I only ate about 2 cups of food all day (i.e. about 1 pound of food) then I woke up the next day over a pound heavier. I was so bummed that after eating so well that day I managed to gain instead of losing. My head knows it was probably a difference in my hydration levels, but it doesn't help me feel any better. Now the last 2 days I just can't seem to keep myself as close to "the tracks" as I wish I could. I was so hoping to see 189 by Sunday A.M. Now I'll be lucky to see the 191.4 from Thursday. :rolleyes:

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Dr. Hitchcock had told the ER doc to take it all out, but I stopped him. I didn't want it all out. And I felt much better as soon as he started taking some out.

You guys are all doing great on your eating. A bite or two of a dessert does not a disaster make. It just keeps it real.

Hey, Robyn... are you going to see Dr. Hoehn for your one year appointment?

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You guys are all doing great on your eating. A bite or two of a dessert does not a disaster make. It just keeps it real.

Yah...it keeps the mounds of fat on my stomach 'real' too!!:rolleyes:

Hey, Robyn... are you going to see Dr. Hoehn for your one year appointment?

Yep...August 4th....just can't believe it!!! I am going to need a small fill at that time also. I'm kinda bumbed because for whatever reason I didn't get an official "before" picture taken pre-op. Thought maybe I would take one of my own to put in my chart for the comparison (hehe:heh: ).

Can I just say that I feel like what I would think an alcoholic feels when they go through massive withdrawls..... I NEED A scale AND I NEED IT NOW!!! Angela, I don't see how you travel so much and don't get to weigh. I thought about finding a Bed Bath and Beyond around here just so I could go stand on their scales and see how I'm doing.....I'm sick and I need help!!!!:sick I weigh every morning to keep myself accountable...sometimes more than once per day!! HELP!!! I'm obsessing...I think I'm at least holding my own so far which is a huge accomplishment in comparison to the last vacation.

Worked out again this am..30 mins on bike and 75 sit-ups. Just had a 100 cal pack for breakfast, 1 stick of cheese, 1 stick of beef Jerky. Weird breakfast, I know. We are going out to this supposedly great mexican restaurant for lunch...where all of my uncles/cousins that I haven't seen in 10 years will be meeting us for a little gathering. Should be fun. I'll check in again later....not much planned for today (thankfully, getting worn out).

In case your wondering why I am on the computer during vacation, it gets me away from the kids for about 10 mins, or right now I"m just passing time doing some laundry :) ...plus I miss you guys. Holli, I hope you are feeling much better....Be good though without that fill or I'm going to come slap you over the head with a wet noodle!!

Talk to you guys later!

Love, Robyn

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Wow, you guys have been busy and our cable modem has been down since Saturday night. :bananapartyhat:

Had a hard time with food the last few days. Kinda PBed (my "kinda" PB method is too long to type out...nothing really comes up, it's almost like the wretching pushes the stuck food through) my Protein Bar at lunch, about 2 bites in. Stopped eating and had some warm tea a few hours later. Felt OK at dinner and ordered a side of refried Beans for dinner... "watered" them down by stirring in a spoon of sour cream... kinda PBed on the refried beans about 3 bites in. Have done OK since trying Soup on Saturday afternoon. Trying to focus on going really slow and trying to make sure I "feel" each bite has passed before taking another. With the problems I had around my flight the week before last, then the issues Friday, I got damned near to the "afraid to eat, just going to drink my meals" stage. I was just so tired of being in pain.

Holli - OMG. That sounds horrible. The longest I've gone is about 45 mins, I can't even imagine 2 hours... 'cause I know you're like me in that something being stuck *really* hurts. 2 hours is too long to have to feel that way. ;) And also thanks again for the clothes!

Robyn - sounds like you're having a blast. I'm getting MAJOR vacation envy. Right now I'm the only one in my building who does my job (I have a coworker who does something similar, but she's on maternity leave) so I'm having a hard time getting any kind of vacation approved. I don't need to be here, I can telecommute, but they're hesitant to have me be completely unreachable, and I refuse to have to do work crap if I'm using my PTO. DH and I are SOOO ready for a trip that isn't work related. We're going to San Francisco/Lake Tahoe in November, but we want something NOW. We're probably going to have to settle for a stupid weekend trip. :) Oh - and as for weighing when I travel - for the most part I'm ok. I'm usually so busy that I don't think about it too much, and sort of look forward to the surprise (hopefully) of getting on the scale once I'm back. When I was in Aurora week before last I cheated and hopped on the scale at the gym. :bananapartyhat:

Jennifer - if you want me to bring you "samples" of the Protein Drinks I use, just say the word and I'll pack up a little cooler before the meeting.

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Robyn, just to forewarn you... Becky said that they are sooooo booked on August 4th that she doesn't even want to be there. She also said that she agrees with all the patients on the triple and quadruple booking. She is kindly requesting anyone that goes in and waits a really long time to see Dr. H to let him know how inconsiderate it is. Apparently, they won't listen to her. She told me all this when I made my appointment for Aug. 2nd. If you don't have to run back home right after your appointment, let me know. You know I will be close by.

Yikes--Angela, do you think you may be a bit too tight? Sorry you are having a difficult time. I can relate to the pain issue. You are certainly welcome for the clothes. I am glad someone can use them. Btw, I found some more 22/24's in my closet and sweater drawers. If you are nearby, let me know.

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I've considered an unfill. I want to give it a few days and see what happens. I've been fine since Friday. I've also been slowing down and really trying to "listen" to what my body is feeling... paying more attention to all the little feelings. That seems to help. If I keep having problems I'll definitely call for a small unfill.

If you & Robyn ened up meeting after her fill, and don't have other plans, let me know. I usually leave early on Fridays and could stop by, so if Robyn's going to be around anyway we can all meet up.

Actually Robyn what time is your fill appt? I've been wanting to stop by there and use their scale. :)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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