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Angela - Thanks for the advice that was much easier! Though I'm still hoping I'll have to change it a bit more often than the past 6 weeks.

I went back Friday for my 2nd fill in just 2 weeks. I've lost count on how many I've had over the last year. But this one does seem to be the tightest so far. I think I've lost 3 pounds in the last week. I'm really hoping to get under 190 by next Thursday. Every time I've dieted in the last 8 years I've never made it below the 190/200's. That is to say if I even made it that far. My mini Goal is to make it to 179 by my bandversary in September. That's barely over a pound a week I really hope I can make it.

Right not just one or two small bites makes me feel full. It is taking me 45+ minutes just to eat about 1/2-3/4 cup of food. Even my puddings make me fill full after a couple bites. Now my band is making the wierdest noises for over an hour after I eat as the food makes it through. My husband keeps accusing me of burping but nothing is coming up air or food.

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You're more than welcome to meet me before group. I don't know who else is coming for sure....Angela?? Robyn?? Cynthia??

I had thought of Panera because it's quicker than an Applebee's or Chili's type restaurant, and since group starts at 6, I thought that would be a good thing. And, it's right across the street, easy to find. If anyone can think of another place they'd rather meet, that's fine too.

I haven't tried the egg souffles from there yet, but I've heard they are really good. I stick to the Soup and salad/sandwich combo. I have a hard time with bread sometimes, so it's usually a salad or the inside of the sandwich.

This may be a dumb question, but do you just mix your Protein Powder in with your pudding once it's made? I make pudding from a box, instead of buying the ready-made stuff. How much do you add?

I'm trying to get back in the habit of a Protein Shake every morning, but they just aren't that great. I need some ideas to get more Protein, because I've been losing handfuls & handfuls of hair every day for at least 2 months now. :Cry: I used to shed quite a bit of hair, but this is much more. My husband has even commented, because he's finding it in the drain now. Any good ideas??

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Hi Guys!

I have been going through serious LBT withdrawl...been missing ya! The hotel has an internet/computer room, but for whatever reason yesterday I couldn't access the LBT site.

You're not going to believe this, but for the first time EVER in my life...I actually set my alarm, on vacation mind you, to get up at 0700 and (gasp!!) EXERCISE! Hubby and I left the kids sleeping in the room and went down to the exercise room and worked out....and know what, it felt great. Have been pretty good today, although had about 4 bites of cold stone creamery ice cream....Have mostly eaten crap today, but hubby and I are for the first time "sharing" meals, so I am only eating very small amounts of the junk.

We went to a really cool indoor huge Aquarium attraction today. The kids absolutely loved it. Tomorrow it's the children's museum, then the NASA space center on Sat...Circus....Boardwalk...Astros game...Hope to be back on Weds night....just in time for support group :P Yes...it's true, I actually have planned my summer vacations around support groups.:embarassed:

Jen--I'm up for going out before support....one hour before doesn't give us much time to chat...but for anyone that wants to go out after we could do that too (Cynthia:biggrin1: ). I'm up for either or both! Cynthia, I can't wait to see/talk to you. Seems like we keep either playing phone/e-mail tag.

Hi Diane-glad you could join us...good to see you on here.

Okay guys....so when I get back..I'll call Melting Pot to make reservations for Sunday the 6th.

Angela-did you get an answer on your pool yet?? I'm already planning your pool party :biggrin1:

Cate-I'm soooooo glad you are enjoying yourself and liking NOLA. When are you going to be back in town next? We will have to start planning way ahead of time so we can actually get together when you are back :)

I'll try to check back in soon....the weird thing is it is actually cooler down here than it is in KC:clap2:

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Ok, since I can't be there at the next sg meeting... maybe we can "discuss" and come up with some good topics/questions for you all to bring up with Dr. Sabapathy next Thursday.

I, for one, would like him to explain this emotional roller coaster that I am on. Are there stages to this journey? Is rebellion one of them? Does it get easier? Is it normal to get angry at times with the band?

Anyone else got any good ones. I am sure I will be able to come up with some more...give me time.

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Hi Robyn... hope you are having a good vacation! Enjoy yourself.

Cate, I am glad to see you are safe in NOLA. Take care and come see us soon.

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I'd checked out that site back when hubby and I were on Atkins a few years ago. There used to be (& I assume still is) a way to sign up for their free e-magazine that has recipes, tips and product recommendations.

One of the reasons I got burnt out on all those recipes is that I can't stand the taste of Splenda and hubby can't either. Most of the recipes I got from low-carb sites all use Splenda to cook with. It just tastes like chemicals to me. I'd prefer just to eat the real thing in smaller portions.

Has anyone ever tried cooking or baking with Stevia?? I'm not sure what exactly it is, but I've read a few places that it's a great natural alternative to sugar.

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Pre/Post group meeting. I'm up for either or both. Panera is fine. I use to love it but haven't been thier post surgery because of the bread thing. But would be glad to meet anywhere. Another thought would be the Mexican place across from the hospital but like you said time could be a bit of an issue for some.

Angela - pudding

I make the pudding from the box as well. I vary between, chocolate (with Peanut Butter), Cheesecake & Lemon/Lime puddings. The basic recipe I use is below though it changes a little each time:

1 box pudding mix

2 cups 1% cottage cheese (blended smooth)

1 cup Water

2+ scoops whey Protein (depending on how I'm feeling)

Adders for

*Chocolate - 2 Tablespoon Chunky Peanut Butter

*Cheesecake - 1 cup strawberry Carb Freedom Yogurt

or 1 cup Strawberry Kefir (like Yogurt)

& sometimes some cream cheese

*Lemon - Lemon or Lime juice

& sometimes cream cheese

I just throw all the ingredients in a bowl at once and mix with a hand mixer or in the blender. The cottage cheese is so thick its a bit hard on the blender though.

Today I was thinking of seeing if it were possible to run a cheese stick through a blender with some cottage cheese water to make it into a liquid I could add to my pudding mix. Sounds wierd I know but it has a 8 to 1 protein to carb ratio which is even better than the Whey powder I've got which is 5:1 and the Cottage Cheese which is 4.5:1.

The pudding drags the protein/carb ratio down quite a bit. The batch I made today Chocolate/P.B. came out to 195/21/13 (Cal/Prot/Carb) for a heaping 1/2 cup serving

Today's Food:

skipped Breakfast (tisk tisk)

lunch - 2 servings of pudding

afternoon snack - 1 cheese stick

dinner - 1/2 can tuna w/melted mexican velveeta, milk, blended cottage cheese, walnuts & cold feta sprinkled on top.

evening snack - 1 serving of pudding

* shouldn't have had so much pudding maybe but I hadn't had it for a few days and was craving it. My Total Cals had to be under 1000 for the day and the protein was easily over 80 for the day so I'm not going to sweat it.

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Okay Diane...I love ya ...but the cottage cheese talk has to stop:puke: I can't stand the stuff after I ate it so much during the mushy stage!! (I'm just kidding of course Diane:D ). How about those who can plan on meeting at Panera for either coffee/dinner....(your choice) at 5, then those who would like can also go to the Mexican place after support? Does anyone know the name of it by chance to check on the hours? I'm sure they are probably open until at least 9?

Diane...funny you posted what you ate on here today. I'm feeling really guilty, I know...I know it is our vacation, but I swore I wouldn't let what happened to me 3 weeks ago on the family reunion trip happen again....by the way...I have taken the whole 16 pounds off that I put on YAY!:clap2: Okay so like it or not...I'm going to post the truth and nothing but the truth this week on what I am eating. I need a little extra accountability...part of the problem is that we are eating at these children's attractions that only have junk food. Even though I ate crappy as the day progressed, truthfully I would have given anything to have the "choice" to eat a salad. Anways...enough blabbing, here goes.....Did I mention I need a fill?????

B: 1/2 bagel w/cream cheese, 2 bites scrambled eggs, coffee (free, but limited selection of breakfast items included in price of hotel stay)

L: 1/3 of a foot long chili cheese dog (split with DH), about 4 Doritos

S: 100 calorie pack

S#2: :kiss Cold Stone Creamery...didn't order my own, but still had I would say about 6 bites of DH/kids ice cream

D: Chinese Buffet..(you know I can't remember going to a buffet since I have been banded:) )....1 egg roll, 2 crab rangoon, 3 small california rolls, tried to each the General's Chicken...but up it came:bandit ....I know better than to do ANY chicken...So does dinner really count then??? I have always wondered that when you PB!! (LOL)

S#3::think I know I know....but it's late, the kids are in bed, I'm in the hotel lobby on the computer, and ice cream was once again calling my name...so I stupidly had one of those Tollhouse cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches...they sell them in the Lobby..."only" 520 calories:omg: ...I could kick myself. I even made it through dinner without visiting the massive dessert buffet, then I go and do this to myself:angry

Tomorrow is a new day right??? I'm gonna be good tomorrow, if no one minds I'm gonna post again tomorrow what I ate. Maybe that will help if I have to "tell on myself". I've come too far to go back now:confused:

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Ok Diane, you spend WAY too much time on the meal number crunching. Holy cow! You're like the savant of caloric breakdowns. I'd have to quit my job or quit school to have enough time to add up all those values every day. :)

All - I can meet at 5. I can meet before 5. I can meet after. It's all good with me.

Yesterday I ate:

* 1 bite of SF Jell-O

* 3 bites of beef burger (kind of like sloppy joes, but not really - and mine was made with ground turkey b/c I don't eat red meat)

* PBed so take away 1 or 2 bites of beef burger :)

When I PB I'm not really hungry for the rest of the day so when I got home from Holli's I made a Protein Drink with 2%, double powder, and a dollup of Peanut Butter.< /p>

Today I'm working on a "no sugar added" organic applesauce for breakfast. lunch will be pepperoni chips and probably some tuna salad or a Protein Bar. We're meeting friends at Jose Pepper for dinner, so dinner will be about 1/5 of pollo magnifico, hold the cheese, and just eat the insides out of the tortilla, with no rice and extra Beans.

I started logging my weight. I've never done that before, I've just always figured "I started here, I'm here now, so I've lost this much..." but I started logging about 2x week ona calendar at work, so I could track when I lost what. That has REALLY been helping me. I'll feel like I've not lost any in FOREVER. Felt that way this morning. Looked at my calendar and I've lost 9 lbs in the last 2 weeks. I *really* need to work on this whole instant gratification thing...

People are finally starting to notice a change. The people who know I had the surgery are really starting to compliment my weightloss. The people who don't know I had surgery are asking things like, "Did you just get back from vacation? You look so... you're glowing...you look so healthy..." (I've heard that about 6 times).

I need to take some more pictures. I haven't taken any since the day I tried on the clothes from Cate.

As most of you can probably guess, I don't really have anything to ask Sabapathy. :bananapartyhat:

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Jennifer - have you tried the "Six Star" or "Six Starr" Protein powder? Wal-Mart is the only place I've seen it. It's IMO one of the better tasting powders. No aftertaste. Good ratios but I don't remember what they are off-hand. I truly look forward to my Protein Drinks because they're just plan yummy. Do you like Peanut Butter? I'll share some of my fav recipes for the powders, but also I was thinking, so you don't have to go buy them and not know what you're getting, I can mix up a few "flavors" and bring little cups of them on Thursday, so you can taste them before you buy them. If you like any of them I can tell you exactly what I put in them.

OK, so here are my typical protein powder "recipes". I make them all in a magic bullet, so use that to guide the milk portions. Also I will alternate between 2% milk, and Carb Countdown fat free milk, depending on what I've already eaten... and sometimes I will use them 50/50 just to avoid the extra fat, but get more consistency than Water.< /p>

2 scoops choclate protein powder. A blob of peanut butter. About 1/3 packet Butterfinger hot cocoa mix. Top off with milk.

2 scoops chocolate protein poweder. Blob of peanut butter. Dash (maybe 1 tsp) sugar free hazlenut flavoring. Top off with milk.

2 scoops vanilla protein powder. 1/5 banana. 2 blobs peanut butter. Top off with milk.

1 scoop chocolate, 1 scoop vanilla. Small handful of cashews. Top off with milk.

2 scoops vanilla. 1 - 2 tsp sugar free Kahlua flavoring. 6ish cubes ice. Top off with milk.

2 scoops vanilla. 8 oz reduced sugar orange juice. 1/4 packet sweetner. About 4 ice cubes. Top off with milk.

Or any combination of the above, really. It's just a matter of what I feel I'm in the mood for. Honestly - these "shakes" are good enough to me that I have a hard time imagining them being horrible to anyone. Would you be interested in sampling some?

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As of this morning, I'm 1 lb away from having lost 90 lbs. That gives me just over a month to lose 10 lbs if I want to make 100 lbs gone at my 6 month bandiversary. :faint:

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Hey ladies-

1) New username. Wanted something new/fitting. Plus I use the old one everywhere, so I figured I'd pull the old switcheroo.

2) I'm terribly absent in posts, but I read them all. MY friend who drove down w/ me just left Wednesday and yesterday a friend from high school came in town. Then the weekend after that my roomie's parents are here for her birthday then the weekend after that a friend from college is coming. all this amongst trying to find a job and then a gym and then pay my bills etc. It's a crazy time.

3) I'm out of the 270s for good and pretty close to the 250s! 4 more lbs. til 75 gone.

4) I am coming back in August, but its like Aug 11-17, and I'll be out of town all of htat time. I'm basically flying through KC. After that.. Thanksgiving? Christmas? Its hard to say. But I will keep you updated :)

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I am so Proud of your progress. 90 pounds in less than 6 months. I'm shooting for 70 in a year's time.

I'd love to sample yours if you'll sample my puddings :)

(just kidding I know you're sick of the cottage cheese thing, but honestly you can't even taste it)

I'm also up for before & after whatever everyone else wants. I think going to Panera for a drink then the Mexican for a shared dinner or margarita sounds great.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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