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Sleeve Recovery Time? ..Have walking job..

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Good Afternoon.

I am new here. I am considering VSG surgery. I am doing the 3 mo diet plan right now for Aetna. I am about to lose my insurance that covers WLS, so I have a deadline I am working against. I hope I can get my surgery on a Monday. I have a WEEKEND only job during the time in which I am to have surgery. I have no job during the week right now. I am a bar manager at a outdoor festival with 6 outlets that I have to manage over the course of a 12 hour day, two days in a row. I spend a good part of the day going up (hufff) and down (whee!) rolling hills. Two of the bars are at the top of the hill..and they always need me when I am at the bottom. I have a friend to be my Assistant that weekend and use her to run money (the usual emergency) where it needs to go and not lift items. I love the job, I need the job and I need to keep up good face with the owners, and keep the job from the Snake that wants it. If owners see me dragging that is Ok, as long as I am onsite sorta moving around. If it is that hard to do the job, I am tempted to do the nasty Lap-Band instead.

Question is: How realistic is this scenario? (Barring any Leak, re-surgery issues) Looking for others early recovery stories or how likely this is to work.

My stats are 40 year old female, perfect blood work, 5 9" BMI 40.


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At one week out there is no way I could do 2 12 hour shifts on my feet. At two weeks yes. Can't you catch the "flu" or get "food poisoning" ? I did shop black Friday for about 5 hours, at 5 days out, then was exhausted and hurting for 24 hours.

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Hello! I think it would be hard for anyone to tell you what you can expect exactly from the surgery. I spent 2 weeks on my coach pretty sure that I was going to die there from the pain in my abs. All I did was sip Water and take liquid meds! I am 7 weeks out now and while I do not feel like my "old" self I am feeling much better. I get tired pretty easy (probably lack of appropriate nutrients!) but I have also lost 60 lbs since I started my the pre-op diet in Sept.

I would like to suggest that you do not get the lap-band just because of the recovery time needed for the sleeve. When I was in the hospital after my surgery, there was a girl in the bed next to me that had the lap-band system in for 2 years. She said she had lost 50 pounds total. She was there because the band had eroded (spelling) into her stomach. On our first night there she was tranferred into ICU because after the band was removed there were issues. I remember thinking right then- Thank God I didn't make that mistake! You never know how your body is going to handle a foreign object in it and for how long.

On the sleeve, I would like to tell you something that I just didn't get when I was waiting for surgery. When they say you are going to eat less, what they mean is you are going to eat about 5 bites of food before you feel full. I am lucky and I don't get hungry. I do however get "empty". When I eat, I make my plate and I still put way to much food on it. I can eat about 2-3 oz at a meal. I still eat way to fast and so I miss the cue that I am full until it is to late. Then I feel sick and just want to go lay down. Now I associate eating with feeling bad and I have a hard time actually eating anything. I must admit tho, I do love bacon! it is the one thing that doesn't make me want to puke. I can't drink the Protein shakes right now or eat cottage cheese or yogurt. My best explanation of this is that the 2 week pre-op and 4 week post op diet ruined it for me. I am sure with time it will be fine but right now just looking at it makes me feel sick. It is a tool and I am learning how to use it! Also, my sense of taste and smell are way off. I had some m&m's the other day at the movies and they tasted terrible. I had about 5 and then I was like- why am I even eating these when they taste bad? And I think that most things smell like a hamster cage. Weird, I know.

Anyway- hope that you are able to work it out so that you can have the surgery and not feel like your job is on the line.

Good Luck!

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I went back to work as a housekeeper at 2 weeks and it was a little too soon. Kept getting dizzy when I would bend over. Went back at 3 weeks out and was fine. I was moving and working about 5-6 hours at a time.

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My personal experience was that I was in the hospital about 24 hours total, I was up and walking within 3 hours of having surgery, I used very little morphine (they gave me a pump and I hardly needed any at all) my pain while in the hospital was never above a 4 (their scale was 1 no pain, 10 worst pain possible), and I did not need the pain pills I was sent home with.

That being said, this IS major surgery and honestly you should plan to be out of "life" for at least a week. I went shopping at costco 6 days post-op (my mom was here and did the cart pushing and lifting) but it was a lot. I'd had my drain pulled earlier that day, and was {ICK WARNING} gushing Fluid and blood from the drain incision site. After about 20 minutes in costco I had to go sit and wait for her to finish (all the while holding my flimsy guaze patch over the old drain site).

You could not pay me enough money to try out the band (even though I was orginally going for the band, I switched my surgery about 2.5 months into a 6 month insurance wait time to the sleeve and now that I have the sleeve I wouldn't change surgeries for anything.)

Given your particular set of circumstances, I would have the surgery on a Mon. and have your friend help as much as humanly possible during that first weekend back on the job. If you could get one weekend off AFTER surgery, I bet you would be fine because that would be almost 2 weeks before having to go back. Definitely no pulling heavy items or lifting more than a few lbs.

Good luck with whatever you end up doing!

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You M&M and Milk product story reminds me of something. First, about 15 years ago I had the flu and was real sick, Mom was cooking a fancy turkey for xmass dinner. In my fever haze, all I could smell was that damm bird. Ruined me for turkey for about 10 years!!

Also as a kid, I stayed with Dad all summer. He and his wife were eating uber healthy food, nasty stuff really, but when I got back to my Mom's at the end of the summer, I was a Ridged Chip-it was sooo nasty I almost puked. Now, after a while they tasted good again

..so maybe the M&M's ARE really gross!!

I can't be gone from this job for even a weekend, no way, no how. It is a 8 weekend event and they are out of luck, there is no replacement. BUT, If I am at least onsite at the start and end of the day with my friend (who is a already employed by the event as one of my bartenders) running everything and me hiding in my trailer the rest of the time I can sneak thru. (crossed fingers) The next weened will be 12 days out and not as bad, esp since I don't work during the week. At least I am praying that. I am considering COBRA to extend my benefits till later, but the cost of that outweighs the money I'd make at the job!


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I also have Aetna insurance, and could not be out of work very long. Do everything you can to get approved NOW, because Aetna offers a very good coverage deal, you will pay very little.

My doctor reluctantly agreed to let me return to work ... a sedentary job.. after 2 weeks. He wanted me to walk, but said you cannot lift ANYTHING over 10 pounds for 21 days after surgery, otherwise you may rip your internal stitches and end up in the ER. You do NOT want that.

If you work in a company that is larger than about 30 people, you are covered by Federal Law, and they have to allow you Medical Disability for time off to recover. Most folks take 3 weeks. Of course, you will have to fill out a lot of paperwork, and also lose some pay, but you will keep your job and they can't say a darned thing about it.

If your doctor, and Aetna, judge this surgery to be "medically necessary," then it is not considered to be like cosmetic surgery, which is optional and not necessary. Talk to your HR department... you don't even have to tell them what your surgery is for.. the law protects you there too. Medical confidentiality... none of their darned business.

I said my surgery was for a hernia repair, or you could say gall bladder. My doctor wrote a letter that just stated that I had "major abdominal surgery" and did not say exaclty which surgery. The doctor is on YOUR side, they understand what's going on and how the companies are.

So, don't comprimise your health, or recovery. You don't want to come so far and then have a setback... just get your approval, make your appointment and then take t3 weeks off work under Short-Term disability.

You'll be fine to go back to work and walk a lot after 3 weeks... plus you'll be a lot lighter!

Good luck! Cinderella

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I was in the hospital for about 24 hours. I walked a lot after surgery. I have sit down job - answering phones all day long at home. I had surgery on Wednesday morning and returned to work the following Wednesday. It was a little rough but I felt better walking around. I actually got up every hour and paced the apartment. I took a 20 minute walk at lunch every day. As long as you do not lift anything, I would dose up on children's tylenol and definately use your friend. The main thing is make sure you keep hydrated. I understand the need of having to work. I did not have the luxury of taking more than one week off. Just listen to your body and don't lift.

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I had the band and had about every complication there is. If you are about to lose your insurance DO NOT GET THE BAND! I was a self pay for my band (insurance exclusion) and you will have to pay for all of your fills and any complications. It can really add up to thousands of dollars. Thankfully when my band fell apart in my body, I no longer had an exclusion and I got my sleeve! I love the sleeve so far. I have been a little tired, but I plan to go back to work Monday after a two week recovery. The pain has been tolerable this week. Not so much the first week. I am a teacher, so if I feel too exhausted I can take some more time off. Good luck with whatever you decide!

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I started walking the hospital halls 3 hours after surgery. I am a physical rehab nurse so I can tell you that the earlier you move after surgery the faster your recovery. I had surgery on Friday and dischagred Sunday morning had my check up on Monday at Dr. Office and he said I could go back to work untill he heard I had a 50 pound weight minimum I had to lift. He said if there was no lifting over 25 pounds I could go back. I ended up going back to work at 4.5 weeks and working 12 hour shifts was hard. I don't know if it was because of surgery or if I was just not used to it because of the time I had off. My husband did not recover as quickly. He was light headed and dizzy for 2 weeks. It took him forevery to get dressed and ready to go. Be carefull about doing to much to early!!! Follow what your doctor says and listen to what your body says.

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Hi, I'd echo that everyone is totally different, but I think it helps if you know what to expect (this was my 3rd abdominal surgery) and if you are focussed on getting back on track. I'm 5 days post op, and did 9 hours at work today without any issues. I was in hospital 24 hours, my drain was out after 12 hours, and I had paracetamol for 3 days for discomfort at the drain site.

I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old so just can't totally avoid lifting but I'm going as gently as I can, and I think our bodies tell us our limits pretty quickly.

In my experience working but not spending 12 hours man handling things should be ok.

As for the band 2 people were banded the day I was sleeved (one was a replacement), and both told me they wish they had looked into it more and got the sleeve instead, both were also finding it harder to get back on their feet due to their port sites being very sensitive.

Good luck, and let us know how you get on.


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Hi, I'd echo that everyone is totally different, but I think it helps if you know what to expect (this was my 3rd abdominal surgery) and if you are focussed on getting back on track. I'm 5 days post op, and did 9 hours at work today without any issues. I was in hospital 24 hours, my drain was out after 12 hours, and I had paracetamol for 3 days for discomfort at the drain site.

I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old so just can't totally avoid lifting but I'm going as gently as I can, and I think our bodies tell us our limits pretty quickly.

In my experience working but not spending 12 hours man handling things should be ok.

As for the band 2 people were banded the day I was sleeved (one was a replacement), and both told me they wish they had looked into it more and got the sleeve instead, both were also finding it harder to get back on their feet due to their port sites being very sensitive.

Good luck, and let us know how you get on.


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I had my sleeve on November 22, I spent 2 days in hospital. No drain tubes. I had my precedure on a Monday and returned to work with no problems the following Monday. I think it all depends on the person. I also have to go up stairs at work and had very little problems. I started walking the day of surgery. The more you walk the better you will feel. I only used Tylenol liquid Adult rapid release for pain.

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My husband is a little worried about this. Or should I say I'm worried about my husband... He is a super work-a-holic so it's going to be hell trying to convince him otherwise. He works at a job where he pulls heavy pallets around with a floor jack. He thinks that he will be having surgery on Wednesday and return to work the following Monday. He also works between 14-16 hours a day. He is a truck driver for a big feed mill here locally. Sometimes he has to pull full pallets of feed bags around inside the trailer. Do you think he'll have problems doing this?

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My husband is a little worried about this. Or should I say I'm worried about my husband... He is a super work-a-holic so it's going to be hell trying to convince him otherwise. He works at a job where he pulls heavy pallets around with a floor jack. He thinks that he will be having surgery on Wednesday and return to work the following Monday. He also works between 14-16 hours a day. He is a truck driver for a big feed mill here locally. Sometimes he has to pull full pallets of feed bags around inside the trailer. Do you think he'll have problems doing this?

Hell no. Pulling heavy pallets and such 5 days out. Time for a Come to Jesus with him, you and the Doc!

I only am working weekends, I can avoid most lifting (even at the expense of others) and have a helper the first weekend (is my plan, if bosses are Ok, otherwise they gotta do it!)

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