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Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

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Now that VST has been around awhile, there are a lot of us at goal who are learning to maintain.

I would like to discuss maintenance. Is it easy for you? It is not easy for me.

I fight it every day. I can eat so much more than I could when I first had surgery. I don't feel really full all the time the way I did a year ago.

I used to be able to eat a meal and feel so full for hours that I had no desire to eat again until it was meal time again.

I would say that Head hunger is more than 75% of hunger for me. I can eat a meal and thoughts of junk food enter my mind an hour later.

I am so thankful that I do have this tool to help me maintain, but it will always be a battle for me to not eat chips, candy and all the rest of the stuff that could easily pack on 20 lbs in a short time if I gave into my head hunger.

How are the rest of you at goal doing? Is eating healthy such a habit now that you have no desire to snack?

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So far for me, maintaining has been as easy as losing weight was with the sleeve. I've been maintaining for about five months now and find it funny that it's such a delicate balance: two pounds below my ideal weight and my face looks like a skeleton and my boobs completely disappear, two pounds above my ideal weight and I start to feel tight: the way I would feel if I'd had a lot of salty food. Two pounds this way or that: it's ridiculous! But so far it's been easy.

I eat less healthy than I did while losing, but I still eat a little of it. I've added nuts, some carbs, and the only things I don't eat at all (I do occasionally in restaurants or when eating at friends' houses, but I never do at home) are potatoes, Pasta, rice and bread. I eat meat, fish, vegetables, salad, chocolate, nuts, müsli, yoghurt, the occasional cookie and sometimes an ice cream cone. Yes, I can eat a lot more than I could in the months after the operation. I still don't feel hunger, though, so it's not a problem.

Did I mention getting the sleeve was the best decision I ever made? (I think I have in just about every post...)

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I haven't really had any issues maintaining, but I also do not fret over my bouncing around the same 5-7lbs. I gained up to 131lbs over Halloween after 3 parties, lots of candy, lots of junk food, etc etc I knew the culprit, so I scaled everything back and within a week I was back down to 123lbs.

I'm pretty "ehhh" about maintenance. Only because I know that I can eat a lot of junk, gain weight, or stick with better choices and maintain. I have zero physical hunger, and I guess my head hunger is different now. I really don't eat out of cycle, but I do snack. I have this aversion to white carbs because they make me sleepy. I'm perfectly content with bouncing around from 123-129lb. I hit that 130lb mark and go back to all Protein.

I don't want to diet for the rest of my life, and I don't want to deprive myself either. I still have really great restriction with meats, but the slider foods go right down, and I can eat again within an hour.

For me, maintenance is a slippery slope. I know what's going to happen if I give into the slider foods so I try my best avoid them. Some days I do really great, other days, not so much.

At 18 months out, I still can't eat a lot of food unless I cheat the sleeve, and even then, it's not a lot of food like what I could eat pre-op.

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Hey Daisy! I love your well thought out posts, thank you for them. I hope we can get this one in particular pinned as I am always wondering about others' maintenance strategies.

I was sleeved 11 months and a day ago and maintenance for me thus far has been love/hate to say the least. I stopped losing in the first part of September, three pounds from the goal I set for myself. Mind you, this "goal" was just a number that sounded good to me and had no scientific basis whatsoever. I fluctuate now betweeen 153.2 and 156.8 on a daily basis and it makes no sense what it will be from one day to the next but I am happy with it! Like Jolanda said, a couple of pounds one way or the other makes a huge difference with me too; especially in my boobs and hanging skin. If I lost more it would come straight off what's left of my boobs without a doubt. I now wear size 4 or 6 depending on the brand and my waist is 30.5". I am 5'7" tall. When I lay down my ribs stick up higher than my former DD's. They are now what I call B pluses! I have no butt. I wear a men's small tshirt.

All that said, I realized the other day that "hey I've been maintaining now for over three months and it has not been hard at all!" I absolutely CANNOT say that healthy eating has become such a habit that I have no desire to snack. In fact, it's quite the opposite for me; meals are such a non-event with becoming full so quickly that I pretty much snack, well, not all the time but most of the day. I do make good choices, however, with LOTS of nuts (read; crack!) cheese, Jerky, berries, dips, leftovers and the like. I have had ongoing issues with acid too so I am a little more sensitive than most to how my stomach feels; it's tough to remember that the acid slams that I get will pass in a matter of seconds and not stick something in my mouth in the meantime... I quit taking ppi's some time ago and also stopped neutralizers as the rebound acid was not worth it. I have cut way back on Gaviscon also and usually only keep them around for post coffee... ;) Overall, the acid battle is getting much better but I still have a little ways to go with that. I still drink Protein shakes on a daily basis, in the morning to ease the overnight acid primarily and for the overall benefit. (EAS carb control and Tight Curves all 3 flavors are the only ones I actually enjoy fwiw)

Sometimes I am surprised that I can get away with the way I eat, mainly with the munching and I know that I had better keep my head on in that regard for the long term or I am screwed. Daisy, you mention chips, candy, etc.; those are things that I WONT keep around but luckily I really don't crave them much anyway. Do yourself a favor and get them out of your house, now, girlfriend.

Anyway, here's where I start to feel like the lone ranger of VSGer's... I am still highly carb conscious but about a month ago, something had to give. I still ride my bike over 100 fast and hard miles per week which was helping to just destroy the fat along with the sleeve. But a few weeks ago, I would get 6 or 7 miles into my 30+ mile rides and started having dizzy spells so bad I would have to stop and sit on the ground for several minutes until they passed. I felt like I was going to black out. On the rides when the spells didn't happen, I was just dying with no energy and just not having any more fun. My stats were getting worse and I was getting frustrated beyond belief as I was not going to quit - the exercise HAS become a fun habit that I look forward to - so, after much brain drain, I kept coming back to carbs and hitting "goal" and simply not having the fuel left in my body for the expenditure of my rides. So, dragging my feet, I have added a reasonable amount of carbs back to my diet going from 50 or 60 per day to at least double that. Some sports people recommend MUCH more based on my rides but I just can't bring myself to add in any more. I am eating more "mainstream" like a couple of bites of the crust of pizza rather than just the top. An energy bar here and there. A few crackers. A couple of bites of rice from sushi. Even a bite or two of a dessert here and there. And honestly, I am scared shitless about it!! ;) See, I have not had trouble craving-wise living without carbs and I really didn't want to go back to eating them. However, so far so excellent! My bike rides are raging once again, I feel great and I am not gaining weight. I just pray for the long term but I feel oh so very positive about it right now. I still generally avoid them, I haven't eaten really any Pasta since my surgery, rice only in sushi, a few french fries here and there is my extent of potatoes...

I am totally rambling here, sorry for such a long response but you really hit a nerve with me on this one. I can't wait to hear what the others have to say.

Merry Belated and Happy New Year!!


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Oh believe me, I don't keep Cookies candy or chips in the house. I would be crazy to do that. I live alone, so I don't have to cook meals for anyone or keep snack foods around. The problem is that I can't stay home all the time! It's hard to watch other people eat that stuff. I have friends that do not care about their weight and offer me junk food. I do eat out quite a bit, and it's hard to order grilled fish etc, and watch them eat a cheese burger and fries!

It's in my head, luckily, not in my stomach. It's the thinking about it that drives me nuts. Especially in the evenings. I do fine all day long, but in the evenings I start wishing I had a cookie.

I don't eat Pasta or those nasty white carbs either. It's like Tiffy said though, there are so many foods that slide right through and I do get tired of eating meat and veggies all the time. Again, it's what Tiffy said. Maintenance is a slippery slope.

I am lucky that I do like to exercise and I spend a lot of time at the gym. I am really glad that I got into that habit way before I had WLS. It's good for me to work out in front of those mirrors and be happy with what I see. I know that if I gave into that head hunger, I would not fit into any of my clothes and I would go back to hating what I saw in the mirror.

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Hey Daisy,

Ok, you're well into maintenance too so I'm going to call it like I see it here. First, you're doing great avoiding the evil white things and I think that is something we will battle with for the rest of our lives albeit NOTHING like before. It should be getting easier for you now, I know it is for me and mostly has been. That said, if I'm dying for something, I have it and get it over with. I don't have the whole (or even half!) key lime pie, I have one or two bites, kick myself in the butt and move on completely satisfied. If you continually deprive yourself, the future does not look good for the long term.

Regarding your friends and their eating habits; meet with them at some other time of the day and/or eat with different people at least for the time being until you're feeling stronger about the head hunger. I know, easier said than done, get real, right... so.... tell me whyyyyy you have to have baked (ick) fish and not a nice burger?? They are low carb, afterall as is the cheese and even the... :omg_smile: bacon! I have burgers, or at least a few bites of one, more than a couple of times per month. I never order fries but don't hesitate to steal one or two from another plate if I absolutely must. I order cole slaw as my side and don't eat the bun. Talk about satisfying and I have another meal or two of leftovers to pick at or give away. I eat the guts of Reubens and Cuban sandwiches, tops of pizza, innards of philly cheesesteaks and so on and don't feel deprived whatsoever.

For the 'MUSTHAVEITNOW" sweet craving I adore True North clusters; 6 of them with I think 8 or 9 carbs and omg satisfying and filling. My problem is I have a hard time with just 6 of them. I have been known to keep such things in my car, in my hub's office (we work together) or anywhere but nearby which is probably self defeating but it works for now. Was it you or Mini Me that mentioned the 100 calorie (4 carbs) packs of cocoa almonds some time ago? Delish. I like the salty stuff too and was getting carried away with cashews to the point of not buying straight cashews anymore but rather deluxe mixed nuts that have plenty of almonds and pecans in them. I also buy plain, raw pecan halves and munch on them too. I love turkey Jerky and the regular stuff. I make deviled eggs on a fairly regular basis but my family usually wolfs them down before I get too many of them. I make homemade Soups that last for days. I keep two or three good hunks of cheese in the fridge. Eggface's crustless quiche thingies are a Godsend. I try to make it easy to hone in on good stuff for myself.

I say munch away, just do it right. Are you gaining? It doesn't look like it. When you have these cravings, eat something, just eat something good and maybe even sweet, just make good choices. You know it's not that hard now. Also, with the exercise you are doing (woohooo!!) you can probably eat more than you think you can without seeing more than a little fluctuation. And you know what to do if it turns into more than a little fluctuation... ;) We have so much more control over things now; give yourself the benefit of the doubt, you have to figure this out for the long term sometime soon.

Oh yeah, I think about food more than I should too; not long after meals in particular. I think this happens because it goes through us so fast and we are in the percentage of sleevesters that DO feel hunger. When I know better, (likely acid) I try and ignore it and it usually passes or I'll pop a few nuts or a piece of cheese or a hunk of jerky. So far, so good.

Hang in there chick, we can get through this!


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Thanks for the encouragement! Some days it's hard, some days, like today, it is pretty easy. I have hardly eaten anything today because nothing really sounded good.

I do all those things you talked about. I love the 100 calorie packs of cocoa almonds, I do eat other nuts too, etc.

What are those True North that you're talking about? I've never heard of it and have no idea what it is.

Regarding my friends, the funny part ( or sad really) is one of my best friends is sleeved. She is a nurse, she is diabetic, and she lives on Oreos and other cr@p. It's gotten to where I can't even go over to her house anymore because I can't stand to sit and to watch her eat candy, Cookies, cheetos, etc.

I guess it's been hard the last couple of months because my birthday is exactly 2 months before Christmas. I had a lot of people wanting to take me to dinner, and lunch. Then there it was a ton of Halloween candy at work, and all the holiday treats everywhere after that. I have put about 5 lbs back on and have been fighting to lose that 5 for the past 2 months. I think now that the holidays are over, I'll be able to get it off. If not, I am going to have to change my ticker!

I have a big tin of fudge, Cookies and other goodies that someone gave me (thanks a lot :angry:) that I am taking over to another friend. She is going to give it to her neighbor who has a bottomless pit teenager and he is going to eat it all!

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Hey Daisy, Wow, timing with your birthday and holidays; you've got a tough end-of-the-year to deal with! I think you'll do fine in restaurants; there are so many choices and it's so easy to make good ones, or, as in my previous post, turn a not-so-good one like a burger into one that works for us.

I get the good day/bad day stuff, believe me and my trouble time is at night; when my husband likes to munch on crackers and nuts and stuff. Even nuts can be bad if overdone as we well know. I NEVER used to eat at night, not even at my fattest. UGH!

If the carbs are bothering you still so much; maybe try that pouch test thing or just no carbs for several days? Now that the holidays are pretty much over it might make sense.

Here's a link to the True North thingies; I find much better prices at the wholesale clubs - we have a BJ's here. There are two mixed nut kinds; one with cashews and one without. I can't taste much of a difference so I get the one's without to shave off a carb or two and they are cheaper. www.truenorthsnacks.com I just looked at their home page and ooo! they have other varieties too! Will have to look for them!

When we received carbs for xmas (tons) we gave them away before they even made it home. Not easy but had to do it. Fortunately we live and work at a Boy Scout camp so getting rid of this stuff is easy and much appreciated!

You know, about the five pounds, maybe that is where your body wants to be? How do you feel? How do your clothes fit? You haven't gained any more through the holiday/birthday plight, right? How about your gym time? Are you mostly pumping Iron or do you have a good amount of cardio in there? Maybe a few more minutes of cardio if you think you need to drop it back down.

My heart truly bleeds for your sleeved nurse friend. I wish we could help her, I really do. That is so sad, I wonder what's really going on with her?

Take good care and let me know if I can do anything else to help.


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So how is everyone else who is close to goal or at goal and on maintenance doing?

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I hit goal the first week in Nov - just under five months. I'm now about 8 lbs under goal am finding maintaining easy so far. To keep from continueing to lose weight it seems like I am constantly snacking. I am never hungry, my 'new' hunger is an empty feeling, usually around dinner time, so I know I probably need to eat something, but that's it. The team at my surgeon's office stressed at the seminar that this is NOT a diet, this is a new way of life.

Nothing is off limits after we reach goal, other than carbonated drinks. I think common sense is in order, there are things I avoid, but there were things I avoided BEFORE surgery. I am still getting use to the idea that this is how 'normal thin' people eat. They can have a little slice of pumpkin bread and not feel guilty.

I can only eat certain amount at Breakfast, lunch and dinner - therefore I am adding additional calories into my diet throughout the day. It feels like a 'bad habit' that I should NOT be doing. The thing is, I MUST or else I would continue losing weight. I was averaging 675 calories a day during the losing stage, and my dietitian said to maintain i should be getting between 800 and 1200 calories per day. I'd have to play around and find what worked. She and my nurse said 'lighten up, live a little' - I'll have a little pumpkin bread, dip my steak in a peppercorn sauce, I'm snacking on a little Peanut Butter on a graham cracker. Peanuts, fruit.....Just adding things in that I avoided before. 950 - 1050 seems to be the right amount, but it is a lot of work to get it in going from what I WAS at. I don't want to do it by eating a Ding Dong! LOL I have always eaten potatoes since surgery....but only about 1TB at a time. Bread was a no no during the losing period, and I eat very little now, and only 100% whole wheat. Very little Pasta and rice....I'd rather have something else! =)

I still measure and weigh everything when I'm at home.....I weigh myself twice a day because it's a "game" i play. I guess at night what I'll weigh in the morning! =) I also keep an on line food log. I like to keep track of everything. I'm obsessive, I am very aware of everything I put into my mouth. I've learned everything I can about what we've all had done....I love my sleeve! I hope maintenence continues to be this easy!

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OK ... I need to be true to my promise (to my husband and myself) and not try to lose any more weight. I promised that I would stop at 125 or what I weighed on 1-1-11. Well, happens to be the same number.

A few weeks ago, I had an unexplained gain of almost 6 pounds - I was almost up to 132 ... and then 7 pounds dropped off in the last two weeks. Like I said at the time, I have no idea why I was gaining. I didn't do anything differently - meals were the same, etc.

Did I change anything to drop 7 pounds?

Well, honestly, I've been eating like crazy! See a cookie? Eat it if I wanted to. Wine? Drank whenever I wanted,

Now, do I approve of this or recommend it to anyone? NO! But, the weight did drop off. I start back to work tomorrow & have already packed my food for the day - back on track!

I have an appointment with a WLS Nutritionist on the 18th. I'm hopeful that I get some sound advice for maintance and have some target numbers to shoot for. I promise to share anything I learn.

I just hope I don't have a crazy nut visit like many people have talked about. Ugh! I really want to figure out the maintenance part - the part I've always failed in the past.

More later!

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I am so happy we have two more people on our official maintenance thread! I think that maintenance is a journey that needs to be shared because now our gears are shifting and we are moving into new territory . I am anxious to hear what the nutritionist has to say Mini. I don't have one available to me.

Congratulations to both of you !

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It's great to read this guys as hopefully I will soon be on the maintanance stage and I am genuinely scared. My goal is not a very low goal as you can see on my ticker, but my Doctor Nutritionist Husband and I decided on a weight that we think I will be able to maintain, be healthy and comfortable in. I'm planning on a TT in December, so if a don't maintain for at least 10 months to a year I wont be allowed to get my TT! I will be watching this thread and good luck for those of you who are on this phase already!

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Chilo just because you aren't the exact weight you're hoping for, you can still post here! You only have 20 lbs to go and we will cheer you on.

Life is very different now that I am almost 2 years post op. It really helps me to talk to people who are able to eat more than 3 bites of food!

I hope everyone will keep checking in!

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So, I kicked soda this week. I'm trying to avoid unhealthy carbs, but honestly I just don't give 2 shits right now. I'll be honest this whole hormonal, moodiness, downright bitchiness is really taking a toll on me. I hate feeling this way, and honestly, I was never this way pre-op, or even 6-8 months ago.

I'm still hanging around the 127-129lb range, and I'm fine with it. I wouldn't mind hovering around 123-125lbs, but what's 3-4lbs? ? ? I'm not beating myself at this weight. I'm trying to get back into working out, and it's not working with the crazy mood swings, and irritability.

I'm not being very positive, I'm beating myself up emotionally over a bunch of trivial b.s. and hopefully once I get over this moodiness, I can settle into a routine.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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