porclndoll 0 Posted June 16, 2006 Hello Everyone....Here I am again. I know I keep poppin up pretty sporatic, but I definately need to get her more often. I am struggling sooo much with these final 30 pounds its not funny. I actually gainned a pound at my last visit. I have been eatting horriable..... I haven't been exercising as much as I should and Im just STUCK. I would like to get back into my support group meetings too,but that hasn't happened as of yet~ I just think I need to wipe the slate and start OVER...as if I am a new bandster and just get these final 30 done. My doctor told me to come back in two weeks to see where I am and if need be he will give me another fill. that will put me at about 3.0 cc's in my 4.0 cc band. I think I need it, but I am soooo scared of it, its not funny. I am afraid of erosion, Im afraid of being stuck, Im afraid of never being able to eat normal foods again. As it is, im on Protein shakes for most of the day then at night I eat a meal. I feel as though my portions are going up and I am not staying as ful as I should be very long. I know I need the fill~ Im just scared thats all. I go back to my surgeon who I love very much and I know he has my best interests at heart, on the 20th. Any rapid weight loss secretes out there? Hell, if we knew em and they worked, I guess we wouldn't be in this boat huh? Aight, Thanks for listening, and U will be seeing my face around here more often Gnite Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whippledaddy 5 Posted June 16, 2006 So darkness has fallen and my wife has fallen asleep while watching tivoed reruns of old sitcoms. Yet sleep eludes me. I sit up and stare at this bright eyed friend, and read the posts of those with whom I share so much. And I come across your post, like a beacon in the night. Like a point of light that offers hope and comfort, I drift toward it. I've got to go back to my surgeon after a long absence, and I have plateaued for quite a while. I, too, wish I could crash diet, lose twenty pounds and then see him. It's not that easy. I have a band that still holds me back, but I have this addiction. Addiction is like having a tiny person on your shoulder whispering in your ear. Demanding. Pushing. Smarmy little bastard. I'd reach up and squash him, but he's as real as the air, and as solid as a dream. Good luck. It will be okay. Your thirty pounds will come, or you will realize that you are beautiful just the way you are. One or the other. I need to lose another 58. Need? Want? Well, it's my goal. And it's a good goal. You'll do fine. Just fine. See the surgeon, if he doesn't understand well....he's in good company, because so few really do understand, eh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the best me 6 Posted June 16, 2006 (Don't you just love Ryan's beautiful words? Hey Whip!) Doll, I'm in the same/similar boat with the fill. I could use one, but I'm scared to death of erosion, and don't want to risk it by being too tight. I also don't want to lose my ability to eat properly, even though I CAN eat my share of junk, when given the chance. I have 2cc in a 4cc band. At some point, we both need to get our heads around the eating issues long enough to get the next batch of weight off. I'm concerned with the next 20 pounds. After that, it's gravy. But, Doll, are you drinking protien shakes all day, then eating dinner? Are you tight in the mornings? Is that why? Do you really need a fill? For me, I need to get back to the basics, hard protiens first, then veggies. Snacks should be fruit and yogurt, not junk. Getting in my Water is no problem, most days. There's a handy link on the Fills Forum...it's a Sticky that Penni started with Fills info. I think it's lapbandtransformation.com or something. Anyhow, it's a great list to read and seriously consider your eating before deciding on a fill. Check it out. I hope it helps. You have done soooo well! How's that little one of yours, doing well? Happy? Adjusted? How's the job? It's good to see you here, and I hope you'll stay signed on a bit more often! (((hugs))) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nolagirl2 0 Posted June 16, 2006 I think you should switch to 3 meals of solids, instead of Protein Drinks all day. They will keep you full longer. Start journaling your food and count your Protein, carbs, calories, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
porclndoll 0 Posted June 16, 2006 hey guys..... Whipple....U are a very talented writer...Thank u for your words of encouragment, and when i catch that damn demon I will let u know Its awesome having a cheering section to come home to. Thank U I am doing Protein shakes in the morn, and in the afternoon, with a meal at night....per the recommendations of my surgeon. I dont have enough time at my lunch break at work to eat properly, and chew, so I end up getting stuck EVERY time i eat a normal meal~ Breakfast time, again same story, so I grab something that is horriable for me and choke it down. dinner time is the ONLY time i get to concentrate on me and what im doing as far as chewing. i dont like it, but it seems to be working. i havent gotten sick at work since i started this sooooo all is good. as far as feeling as though i need a fill, yea i think i do. i can eat me some dinner when it comes time. and when i drink the Protein Shakes its just not keeping me full. time to fill er up. my surgeon said that i should be able to drink the Protein Shakes and stay full, and not have to eat in between. he is a phenominal doctor and he knows whats best for me. im just scared of the erosion. i have to see him on the 20th. before anyone gets a needle stuck in em, i will definately share my concerns about the erosion. aside from all this, life is pretty damn good! my son has totally adjusted to our move. he has done extreamly well with school. all of his therapists reported nothing but positivity during our last meeting. so apparently my little one has been affected by the stress of our old life, and now that the old life is gone, he is doing much much better. as far as the job, i have just desided that no matter what im doing, I just dont want to work! ahha...im doing good there and i hope to advance in the company, but i would sooo much rather be able to be at home. its a small price to pay for our sanity i guess i will be back around...thanks for the encouragement guys~ I need to come back to keep my head in the game~ talk to u soon~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites