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So my son is three, and he has been in the "holding on his penis stage" He whips it out all the time. Just to hold it.. It drives me crazy!!! I keep telling him " There is no we we moster, you can put it down, it will still be there when you go back for it" So just no outside he had it out again, and I said "SON , PUT YOUR PENIS DOWN" and he looks at him in this confused way(you know eyebrowns crooked) and says "MOM, its not my penis, its my wewe" lol I was taken back and just walked away.. We don't have a name for it persay, but I think I have eer called it a penis in front of him..

So to my question... Moms what did you call your sons penis?

My friend calls her sons his wenis.

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I have a 5 year old and we just call it a penis, lol. My nephew calls it a wiener. I've been trying to come up with an alternative for vagina though... it's just so formal. Oprah suggested va-j-j, so we're trying that one out on our daughter who is potty training right now. She thinks it's hilarious. :cool:

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my dd calls it her boo-yah and her bottom is her bootee! I don't how we came up with it but it works.. lol

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Penis has turned into "peanut" with my 3yo son. Growing up, my entire family on my Mom's side called the vagina "Susie" (my cousin started it) and so now, it's just Susie. "Keep your Susie clean and dry", and don't wear panties to bed "so you can air out your Susie" and "your Susie is private, noone can touch it but you, unless Mommy needs to see it, and the doctor, but only if Mommy is there". Yada yada. But my son thought we were saying Peanut whenever we said Penis, so now, it's just Peanut. He likes to grab it, too. It's a good sign! Healthy boys loves their Peanuts! LOL But, yeah, mine doesn't whip it out all the time, so I'm sure he's driving you nuts! That's too cute!

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A 'Weenkie' in fact, still do and he's 15...LOL, my son still holds on to it...In fact, I asked him yesterday what he has done that he wouldn't want me knowing about (because we were having a laid back conversation and he was confessing that he used to play with fire when I was at work!!!!!) and he said, ummm...besides masturbating all the time!!! LOL he's a joker, but that was TMI

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ROFL....reminds me of when our 8 year old was potty training....he wouldn't aim - just figured it would make it to the toilet - lol - it took forever to get him to 'touch' his penis lol -- so we had the opposite problem!

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roflao... more or less,

My son has been aiming at cherrios (.) for over a year now. He potty trained at 22 months (I think just cause he wanted full access to it... lol )

and I think peanut is a great name...

"SON, PUT YOUR PEANUT DOWN" doesn't have the same ring but its great for use in public... lol

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My son named his "Willy". When he was about 2 years old (he is 17 now), I heard him get up in the morning and he went into the bathroom. I was still in bed when I heard him scream and run back into his bedroom. I thought that the toilet seat fell on "Willy" because he would hold it up with his belly and just lay "Willy" on the rim of the toilet. I jump up out of bed, run into his room and there he is with his pants still down and his back to me. I asked what happened?? My sweet little boy truns around and I see that he is crying. I also notice that he is pushing on "Willy". He said "It's broken and it wont go down!" Try and keep a from busting a gut while explaining that that is normal.

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When my 11 yr old daughter started the potty training thing-years ago -we taught her the word vagina but told her it wasn't a word we used in public. (I could just hear it come out of her mouth in the middle of the church service or something)

My DH had the hardest time with that word so he started calling it a "WOOWOO" -and that stuck for a long time.

My now 3 year old son calls it a "peanut" because that was what "Penis" sounded like when he was younger and it just stuck.

As for the have to have it in our hand syndrome - I told him last week he was going to break it before he ever got the chance to use it if he wouldn't let it go. I swear that peanut comes out to play more than it should ( after 2 girls this boy thing is very strange).

One last story - the other day while reading posts, my son came down stairs to sit by me after his bath - of course naked. Being that it is cold down here I didn't think he'd last long (stubborn fool) but he snuggled up and we were comfy- me reading/typing and him yanking at the peanut (I didn't know this was happening) until he said "Mom, help, it's sticking again." yep, sure was - oh honey come get your son please - Boys.


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At our house, boys have Wackey's and girls have Tootie's.

My 3 yr old is OBSESSED with playing with his private area... waaay more then his older 2 siblings ever were.

Whats REALLY unique is seeing him Water down the entire comode, seat & tank when he's peeing. Gross-ola!

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When my nephew was about 4 he would hold it ALL THE TIME. One day he got in the car with me and I said Ed, why do you keep holding your pee pee, he said Aunt Eileen, it feels sooooooooo good, and I don't like it when it falls down.

OY VEY!!!!

Just wait until they start growing hairs down there.... OH just wait ROFL. I still remember the day when my other nephew told me he was growing golden hairs down there... I said thats nice goldy locks LOLOL, they have no shame LOLOL

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OMG this thread has me laughing so much.

My kids call their privates their "potty". And oh boy....my son won't stop touching his potty. LOL he is 3. And still sits to pee. We haven't even gotten to the standing stage yet. but if he doesn't have 2 or 3 layers on over it, his hands are on it. It is so embarassing. LOL DH looks at me and says "is something wrong with him?" I tell him no...you did that too! He denies it. I finally called his mom and made his mom tell him that yep! You did it too son!

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