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OMG!! I hate some people!!!

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I just realized how much peoples opnions have affected me thus far.... For bad and good. I am so aggravated about judgemental people in my life. So, today was my second day back at work. I'm only coming part time because my surgery was November 29, 2010 an it hasn't been 2 weeks yet! Well I'm back and I'm talking to the woman who took my place while I have been out and she said "Everyone has asked where you are!" (God I hope no one told my clients what surgery I had...) Anyways this afternoon one of my customers (a loud, obnoxious woman who is also obese) came in to the store and after saying how nice it is to see me and asking what surgery I had done says "I made your husband mad while you were gone." (my husband and I work for the same company) I asked why and she said " I can never remember your name so when I came in the other day I asked where the big lady was. I spoke to your husband and he told me he didn't appreciate me refferring to you like that and that he was your husband." Then she says, "I told him I was sorry and not to take anything personal because I'm big too!" and laughed. Well he hasn't told me anything about that. He never mentions any negitive things he hears about me if he doesn't agree with it. That is actually one of the reasons I married him! When we first started dating I brought my husband over to my uncles house. It was his first time meeting anyone aside from my mom and little brother. He was so nervous and I really wanted things to go well. Well while we are there my uncle asks my new boyfriend for some help throwing away some old glass peices he was using on an art project he'd been working on. So bf says yes and while they did that I walked around my uncles art studio. When they came in my new boyfriend (of only a few days btw) sat down and wouldn't look at my uncle while he talked. I asked what was wrong and my uncle says," Maddy I'm going to tell you what I told your new boyfriend. You need to lose weight! I told him that if he loves you he will not take you eat out anymore and he will start to excercise with you!" I was so pissed and embaressed at that point I couldn't say anything. Then uncle dearest says, " Yeah, he told me that he doesn't care about your weight . He thinks you are gorgeous and he can't believe how lucky he is that you are interested in him. But I care about your weight and if he loves you he won't hurt you by letting you destroy yourself." Well after that we quickly left and I was silent during the whole car ride. I was extremely embarresed about myself, my family, the retarted situation we just got out of and just stared at my lap. When I finally looked up and out at my window I realized that we were pulling into a Chillis parking lot and he was taking me eat. I asked him why he wanted to go there and he said, " I really don't like your uncle. I think you are perfect and I think after the meeting we just went through we deserve to pig out!" Gosh, I love that man!! Anyways I don't know if this is really a complaint or me just story telling but I guess what I want to say is People really shouldn't judge others they should worry about themselves! Also, I apologize if anything is mispelled. I am typing from my iPhone and these things love to correct any word and put what they think should go there. Thanks for reading.

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I just realized how much peoples opnions have affected me thus far.... For bad and good. I am so aggravated about judgemental people in my life. So, today was my second day back at work. I'm only coming part time because my surgery was November 29, 2010 an it hasn't been 2 weeks yet! Well I'm back and I'm talking to the woman who took my place while I have been out and she said "Everyone has asked where you are!" (God I hope no one told my clients what surgery I had...) Anyways this afternoon one of my customers (a loud, obnoxious woman who is also obese) came in to the store and after saying how nice it is to see me and asking what surgery I had done says "I made your husband mad while you were gone." (my husband and I work for the same company) I asked why and she said " I can never remember your name so when I came in the other day I asked where the big lady was. I spoke to your husband and he told me he didn't appreciate me refferring to you like that and that he was your husband." Then she says, "I told him I was sorry and not to take anything personal because I'm big too!" and laughed. Well he hasn't told me anything about that. He never mentions any negitive things he hears about me if he doesn't agree with it. That is actually one of the reasons I married him! When we first started dating I brought my husband over to my uncles house. It was his first time meeting anyone aside from my mom and little brother. He was so nervous and I really wanted things to go well. Well while we are there my uncle asks my new boyfriend for some help throwing away some old glass peices he was using on an art project he'd been working on. So bf says yes and while they did that I walked around my uncles art studio. When they came in my new boyfriend (of only a few days btw) sat down and wouldn't look at my uncle while he talked. I asked what was wrong and my uncle says," Maddy I'm going to tell you what I told your new boyfriend. You need to lose weight! I told him that if he loves you he will not take you eat out anymore and he will start to excercise with you!" I was so pissed and embaressed at that point I couldn't say anything. Then uncle dearest says, " Yeah, he told me that he doesn't care about your weight . He thinks you are gorgeous and he can't believe how lucky he is that you are interested in him. But I care about your weight and if he loves you he won't hurt you by letting you destroy yourself." Well after that we quickly left and I was silent during the whole car ride. I was extremely embarresed about myself, my family, the retarted situation we just got out of and just stared at my lap. When I finally looked up and out at my window I realized that we were pulling into a Chillis parking lot and he was taking me eat. I asked him why he wanted to go there and he said, " I really don't like your uncle. I think you are perfect and I think after the meeting we just went through we deserve to pig out!" Gosh, I love that man!! Anyways I don't know if this is really a complaint or me just story telling but I guess what I want to say is People really shouldn't judge others they should worry about themselves! Also, I apologize if anything is mispelled. I am typing from my iPhone and these things love to correct any word and put what they think should go there. Thanks for reading.

Ugh, I'd hate to meet your stupid uncle! When they passed out brains, he must have said he didn't need one. I am dumbfounded with his stupidity!

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I love your husband's (then-boyfriend's) reaction to your uncle!

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Husband: two thumbs up

Uncle: two thumbs down

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Exactly! I swear.. My uncle is an ass. He is so judgemental and is like that with one of my cousins too. She is overweight now after her first child and he is always on her case about losing weight. It amazes me that he can be so rude about something so personal. He did have a heart attack in his 40s and he isn't overweight but just because he clogged up his insides with nothing but meat doesn't mean every obese person is a ticking bomb or something. People just need to think before they speak. I'm sure to all my clients I am known as the "big girl" but I wonder what they will call me when I'm small! Lol

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I really wish I can find a guy like that one day!!!!!!

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Your hubby is a great guy! My husband has always been so supportive too. I don't know if I would be doing so well after surgery if it weren't for him getting everything I needed and helping me so much. The way I see it, that lady who made the comment about you will be eating her words soon! I have had so many rude comments made to me that I have lost track. One time, I was shopping for my niece in the juniors section and the sales lady said, "Honey, the plus sizes aren't over here." I was so mad but what can you do? I would focus on YOU! Forget about all those who say things like that! I am so glad you have such a wonderful man in your life and that we have each other to get through this

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I just realized how much peoples opnions have affected me thus far.... For bad and good. I am so aggravated about judgemental people in my life. So, today was my second day back at work. I'm only coming part time because my surgery was November 29, 2010 an it hasn't been 2 weeks yet! Well I'm back and I'm talking to the woman who took my place while I have been out and she said "Everyone has asked where you are!" (God I hope no one told my clients what surgery I had...) Anyways this afternoon one of my customers (a loud, obnoxious woman who is also obese) came in to the store and after saying how nice it is to see me and asking what surgery I had done says "I made your husband mad while you were gone." (my husband and I work for the same company) I asked why and she said " I can never remember your name so when I came in the other day I asked where the big lady was. I spoke to your husband and he told me he didn't appreciate me refferring to you like that and that he was your husband." Then she says, "I told him I was sorry and not to take anything personal because I'm big too!" and laughed. Well he hasn't told me anything about that. He never mentions any negitive things he hears about me if he doesn't agree with it. That is actually one of the reasons I married him! When we first started dating I brought my husband over to my uncles house. It was his first time meeting anyone aside from my mom and little brother. He was so nervous and I really wanted things to go well. Well while we are there my uncle asks my new boyfriend for some help throwing away some old glass peices he was using on an art project he'd been working on. So bf says yes and while they did that I walked around my uncles art studio. When they came in my new boyfriend (of only a few days btw) sat down and wouldn't look at my uncle while he talked. I asked what was wrong and my uncle says," Maddy I'm going to tell you what I told your new boyfriend. You need to lose weight! I told him that if he loves you he will not take you eat out anymore and he will start to excercise with you!" I was so pissed and embaressed at that point I couldn't say anything. Then uncle dearest says, " Yeah, he told me that he doesn't care about your weight . He thinks you are gorgeous and he can't believe how lucky he is that you are interested in him. But I care about your weight and if he loves you he won't hurt you by letting you destroy yourself." Well after that we quickly left and I was silent during the whole car ride. I was extremely embarresed about myself, my family, the retarted situation we just got out of and just stared at my lap. When I finally looked up and out at my window I realized that we were pulling into a Chillis parking lot and he was taking me eat. I asked him why he wanted to go there and he said, " I really don't like your uncle. I think you are perfect and I think after the meeting we just went through we deserve to pig out!" Gosh, I love that man!! Anyways I don't know if this is really a complaint or me just story telling but I guess what I want to say is People really shouldn't judge others they should worry about themselves! Also, I apologize if anything is mispelled. I am typing from my iPhone and these things love to correct any word and put what they think should go there. Thanks for reading.

I am so sorry that happened to you. . . but sometimes the ones that we love hurt us the most. Our families know that we love them and will forgive them no matter what, I think that is why they are like that towards us, your uncle had a heart attack and is probably worried about ya'll and knows that overweight can kill us (I'm not excusing him for his behavior though, he is an ass). . .as far as that lady goes, well she is just plain rude and insecure. . . can't wait til she sees how well your losing weight! You are so fortunate to have your husband. . . hopefully things won't turn when you start losing a significant amount of weight, husbands are weird that way. . . mine stated he loved me no matter how i looked, but when i started to lose weight, life got a bit more, lets say, challenging. . . it's ok now, it must have been a bit of insecurity on his part. . . just let them know you will love them no matter what and don't harp too much on the insecurities cause that will be like rewarding a bad behavior, just suck it up and carry on, smile and hug alot. . . good luck and keep posting! I really want to know about that lady! hehehe

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I think your Husband is one guy worth one million awful comments made to you! (I hope that came out right...) You are truly blessed to be married to such a wonderful guy :) Look toward him when feeling bad because some people in this world lack tact and know, that you have a really great person in your corner.

That lady at your job, she probably doesn't have close to what you have in a lifelong partnership.

Hugs to you!!!

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You know the reason people judge others is that it takes the focus away from themselves, usually their ugly self on the inside.

I so agree

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You have a wonderful husband and it's no wonder why you married him. My husband told me that I was too fat on our third date (I should have seen the red flags). He often questioned what i was eating, why I was eating it, watching me as I ate, counting the food in the cupboards to see what I had consumed.... I got so depressed I just kept getting fatter and fatter. I later found a letter he wrote to his brother about how I was not that good looking (everyone comments on how i'm a good looking girl even in my chubby days) that I needed to lose weight but I made a certain amount of money. Needless to say we are not together anymore but before I left him I made sure to have my surgery done and lose some weight so he could get some idea of what I look like slimmer.... and eat his f**king heart out a*****e! You are so so lucky and I hope I meet my prince who will love me no matter what.....SOON!

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Good for you Italianlady!


You have a wonderful husband and it's no wonder why you married him. My husband told me that I was too fat on our third date (I should have seen the red flags). He often questioned what i was eating, why I was eating it, watching me as I ate, counting the food in the cupboards to see what I had consumed.... I got so depressed I just kept getting fatter and fatter. I later found a letter he wrote to his brother about how I was not that good looking (everyone comments on how i'm a good looking girl even in my chubby days) that I needed to lose weight but I made a certain amount of money. Needless to say we are not together anymore but before I left him I made sure to have my surgery done and lose some weight so he could get some idea of what I look like slimmer.... and eat his f**king heart out a*****e! You are so so lucky and I hope I meet my prince who will love me no matter what.....SOON!

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Right on ItalianLady!!!!! clap! clap! clap! :D

You have a wonderful husband and it's no wonder why you married him. My husband told me that I was too fat on our third date (I should have seen the red flags). He often questioned what i was eating, why I was eating it, watching me as I ate, counting the food in the cupboards to see what I had consumed.... I got so depressed I just kept getting fatter and fatter. I later found a letter he wrote to his brother about how I was not that good looking (everyone comments on how i'm a good looking girl even in my chubby days) that I needed to lose weight but I made a certain amount of money. Needless to say we are not together anymore but before I left him I made sure to have my surgery done and lose some weight so he could get some idea of what I look like slimmer.... and eat his f**king heart out a*****e! You are so so lucky and I hope I meet my prince who will love me no matter what.....SOON!

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