Shontel 3 Posted June 14, 2006 Was banded on April 28th, first fill on June 3rd, little/no resrtiction (second one coming soon) Here is an observation I made. When I first got banded, I went through this whole 'mourning' thing. Like I would never eat the same again (yeah, I know, that's a good thing, but you get my meaning) Then, after my first fill it seemed I had no restritiction at all (I know, its a process) so I began being able to eat those same foods I was 'mourning' (i.e. rice, bread) Then it hit me. What am I REALLY mourning? The taste of rice or bread? No, it was my OLD SELF/LIFESTYLE. How many of us myself included run to food for emotional reasons? or bordom? It made me realize that my mind is longing for nothing more than old' memories. Its time for me to find new comfort foods, new memories and re-program my way of thinking. I know it isn't easy, an ongiong process, but this band way of life is the life for me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juliegeraci 7 Posted June 14, 2006 Shontel, I'm a newbie but I understand what you are talking about. Just being on the post op diet its been interesting. I know we are not suppose to cheat because of the healing time, but I am finding myself wanting to eat solids much quicker. The lifestyle we probably share has happened over time. Changes doesn't take place immediately, its done in baby steps. Just appreciate each meal as it comes and focus on what is healthy. The band will provide the support (more when you have restriction) that you need. Good job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bubbyville 0 Posted June 15, 2006 Shontel - Your post is almost the same as the discussion that I had with my mom today. I am currently on day #4 of the pre-op liquid diet and have been 100% faithful until tonight - I had to have 2 of my child's french fries as I was putting them out on a plate - after it was all done, I realized it was hardly worth it. (and I really didn't miss it) My mom was just checking in to see how the liquid thing was going - and I feel pretty good. I believe that I am down @ 6 #'s as of this am. I did tell her thought that my only problem is I am SOOOOO Bored :bored . Prior to the past few days, when I got bored, the first thing I would do is march to the kitchen to find something to :hungry: . this was a quick and easy fix most of the time - and a terrible habit. I told my mom that I couldn't wait for the kids to wake up from nap so I could get a few loads of laundry going. My mom laughed and said, "When is the last time you were excited to do your laundry?" I replied "I don't know but I cleaned 2 rooms on Saturday for a total of 5 hours - non stop scrubbing walls, floors, baseboards etc - when was the last time I did that?" I have now tried to keep myself more active throughout the day - I am a daycare provider so things have to be pretty simple during the day. I try to get on the floor and play more - read, play suduko during nap time and try to walk at night if not cleaning or doing laundry/dishes. (main goal to get off that couch to help make the boredums go away) Funny how 4 days of diet change and months of waiting for the band and can make you see the "REAL YOU you've become" and then get you completely excited for the REAL YOU that you are somewhere inside!!" I can't wait to make those new changes to my new life :cool: - 6 more days until I am banded. Take care- Tracy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites