Soundman 0 Posted June 14, 2006 Hello all. I was Banded june 5. I was scheduled for surgery at 12:30 in the after noon but did not get started until around 5 pm. When I woke up in recovery they said i was rough waking I was pulling tubes out and such. I felt okay and immediately got up and went for a walk. When I got back to my room I asked for some Ice chips. They gave me some and said be careful and just let them melt. Let the games begin. I almost immediately after swallowing felt sick so I told the nurse and she got me some anti nausea meds. I began to hiccup instantly when the drugs hit my IV. Then I would burp and all of this foam would come up. This went on for a while and finally they took me for a barium swallow. They discovered nothing was going through. The doctor tells me I have a hemotoma and there is swelling at the site. The put me on anti inflamatory meds and let me go over night vomiting every 15 mins. They are supposed to do another barium swallow the next day but apparently all the doctors were busy and they put me on steroids for the swelling and said wait one more day puking foam. At this point I am up lapping the hospital puking and feeling the worst case of heart burn ever in my life. The next day they do another barium test and nothing is going through still. This is when they tell me I need another surgery. They go in again and replace my band with a bigger one. The doctor says he guessed the wrong size the first time because there is no way to really measure for that? I was befuttled by this but okay just fix me. Doc comes out after surgery and tells my wife sucess. She is relieved until she finds out I am going to ICU now because I aspirated on the table and am not breathing properly. I then wake up on every kind of monitor there is weighing 20lbs more then when I came in the hospital and a catheder in me in ICU being told to breath and I am on oxegen coughing and hacking. I spend the night in ICU and am moved to a room the next day. What a run down room it was I might add. I find out I have pnuemonia and it was from the aspiration. I spend 8 days in the hospital and am finally home but still on oxygen. I have lost a total of 34 lbs from my highest point. But I don't know if it has been worth it. My pay check also bounced this week and I just had to file for unemployement for the first time in my life. This was supposed to be a turning point but I think things may have turned the wrong way. What a week.:angry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sandybells 0 Posted June 14, 2006 Sounds just dreadful and I hope you return to your normal self really soon. I can't imagine what caused all this to happen! Bless you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mvpo8961 1 Posted June 14, 2006 WOW that is a rough start. Please let us know how things go for you. Will be sending good thoughts and wishes your way. M Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnaB 3 Posted June 14, 2006 Oh Soundman - I'm so sorry you've had such an ordeal! Who is your surgeon? Where did you have surgery? Are your wounds healing up now? You lost 34 pounds in how much time?! I'm glad you're on the mend. Keep in touch so we'll know how you're doing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NJGirl 0 Posted June 14, 2006 That is terrible. I hope you are feeling better! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunnyDuddies 6 Posted June 14, 2006 God bless you! I really hope things start turning around for you and you quickly get back on your feet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giveyouthemoon 4 Posted June 14, 2006 Wow. I Ok, let's try counting good stuff here? If possible... You got the band in. You made it through the rough start. You have the love of a good woman with you at your side. It's a start. Sending you lots of hugs and good healing vibes. Take care of yourself! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carlene 12 Posted June 14, 2006 WOW! I hope things get better from here on out. I'm guessing they couldn't get much worse. I hope everyone reads your post very carefully and takes it to heart. Reflux=aspiration=pneumonia=ICU....not every time, certainly, but reflux definitely can lead to serious stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherGurl 0 Posted June 14, 2006 SHIT! Sorry! Who was your Dr.? I pray that you will have nothing but sunny skies from here on out! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lisah25 3 Posted June 14, 2006 Wow-sounds like a horrible experience. Hope it's getting better! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3loves 0 Posted June 14, 2006 Holy Cow!! You've been through enough for 2 lifetimes. Bless your heart!! I hope you are now on the upward swing. Did you have your surgery in Cincy? I am very interested in your surgeon. Who was she/he? How many bands have they placed? Where was this horrible hospital? This should have never happened to you and from what you have described, could have been avoided. I would definitely be looking for another surgeon ASAP. The level of care your rec'vd was unacceptable. Find someone else for your aftercare. You will be glad you did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beachgirl 2 Posted June 14, 2006 So sorry soundman for all of your trouble and sickness. I sure hope as you receive this your doing some better. I am really sorry all of this happened to you and thank God you have a good woman standing beside you. Everybody is going crazy wanting to know who did your surgery and where. Some of us like myself are getting banded in the next couple of weeks and it does spook me. Hoping your better soon, Sherri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kathi 0 Posted June 14, 2006 I am sorry that you had to suffer like that, but it is really good that you shared your experience with your thread. Alot of people do not realize that major complications can happen, especially when alot of doctors downplay the negative aspects. ((hugs)) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stitchy 0 Posted June 14, 2006 Dear Soundman I'm so sorry. Percentages suck when you are one of them!!:cry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nana~ 4 Posted June 14, 2006 I hope that you are feeling better now, and I'm sorry all that happened to you and your family. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites