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Anyone with Surg between Nov 13th and Nov 18th

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I was sleeved on Nov 16th also. Came home after two days in the hospital. My JP drain was removed in the hospital before I left. The liquid diet has caught up with me and no worries about bowl movements here!! Also that time of the month has come early. On another post, someone talked about getting your TOM after surgery is normal and nature's way of making sure there is no pregnancy risk. I have been craving a hamburger....!! I am very sore in my stomach and my back. Keep telling myself that it will get better and sip and walk.

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hey I was sleeve on the 15 as well!... I got home the next day and honestly wasnt what I expected my incisions were the only sore part on me... no gas pains until thursday when I got some GasX wiched seemed to help!! I can drink anything and NO pain I dont get it.. but shouldnt complain?? I am craving crap food though big time :( its HARD being restricted!!!! My only problem I am having is my calves (both) are quite sore to touch in a certain area.. I went to my GP and he sent me for blood work I did that today checking for clots and results came back that my "numbers" were very high and I needed to goto ER asap... then he changed his mind and said to just moniter my legs.. theres no swelling or colour change and I am up walking, driving lots ( maybe too much??) Another things is i am FREEZING like goosebump cold constinaly..not sure why?? anyone else... not sleeping well up every 3 hours IF i can even fall asleep!!! and one more issue anyone else having a gas pain in their left shoulder??

I totally have the gas pains in my left shoulder! Have since day 1 :( It sucks! LOL

They took my drain out at the hospital. It hurt some but not that bad. I was also on pain pill so that probably helped. I too have issues with not being able to sleep. I sleep a couple of hours then I get up, don't know what is wrong with me! It is 12:57 am and I just got up not being able to sleep again tonight. I also continue to have back pain, don't know why? I walked a little today, guess i need to start walking more tho! For those of u that have had a bowel movement already, were u taking anything to help?

I haven't taken anything for a BM, had my first one the day after surgery and have had one everyday since!


Well, good news that I just had a bowel movement! I was worried it would hurt but it didn't at all. I have been drinking milk of magnesia which my doctor recommended and this I believe helped alot! So, recommend this for those of you worried that have not had bm yet.

Sleep- still only sleeping 2 hrs at a time. Don't know whats up.

Back- this is what bothers me the most. What the heck is wrong with my back? What can i do to stop it from hurting?

Drinking- I am sipping Water and sipping Protein drink. I drank about 4 medicine bottles of Protein Drink and 2 popsicles and 1 med dropper of Water. Am I drinking enough? What else is everyone drinking 3 to 4 days postop? What else is everyone drinking?

Supplements- Just started taking Multivitamin chewable today. Anyone taking anything else?

Thanks for all of the support, this helps sooooooo much!!!!!

I am still on Clear Liquids since my swallow study showed I was SUPER Swollen and I was draining into my banana SUPER Slow but I am doing 60cc a hour of either water, hot tea or I'll eat a popscile! I think I can handle a little bit more so I'm going to try and bump it up to 75cc a hour today and see how it goes! Once I finally fall asleep I'm OUT! But it's the getting to sleep part! It's like I have to become over exhusted first! I am not taking any Vitamins or any of my normal pills right now again because I was so swollen!

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I had surgery on Wednesday, stayed two nights in the hospital and came home yesterday evening. The worst pain was not from gas (which I had expected) but from my abs. Getting in and out of bed or sitting and standing still seem to be the worst of it. I can tell I have a ton of gas in my stomach and intestines, I can hear it and feel it but it doesn't hurt. I havent had a bm yet, not really looking forward to it since I can barely bend in the middle and I think clean up will be difficult! My husband has been wonderful. He set his alarm for every 3 hours to ensure that I get my meds on time and to assist me off the couch. He even went for a walk around the kitchen with me at 330a! I go back to the doctor on Monday hoping the drain comes out then. Not because it hurts, just think it is gross! I think all the meds I am on keeps me very tired, 1 for pain and 4 for nausea. I am so scared of throwing up- I can't even imagine how painful that would be! I am so thankful for this website. It is winderful to not be alone. Hope to continue to talk over things!


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I had my surgery on Friday, Nov. 12th. Everything went well with the surgery, but due to me not being to keep any liquids down, the doctor decided to keep me an extra two days in the hospital. After the first day I didn't really have any pain, except when they gave me pills to take on the last two days I was in the hospital. I had to learn to put time between the time I take the pills and also I have to walk after taking them, - because they just don't sit well at this time in my stomach. I have been home since Tuesday morning, my only concern is keeping the liquid - I now have to take baby sips and baby sit my Protein drink for most of the day and the Water bottle.

I am also having emotional issues because of the fact that I can't keep the liquid down. I know at this time I am not getting enough Water and Protein drink down. I can only do one and one - this is very concerning to me right now.

Because of not being able to keep the liquid down, I am starting to question myself. If I did the right thing - even though I know I did - thinking about seeking professional help. I having my good days and bad days. Today is a good day.


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Took a MUCH needed shower and also had my first BM. Luckily, I do not seem constipated! Just took a dose of pain meds and nausea meds and am relaxing on the couch. Been sip,sip,sipping Water all morning. My hubby is going to make me some broth when I wake up from my nap this afternoon and we are then going to read over the Dr's post op diet instructions together. I read it prior but all the meds make me tired so he thought he would read it and give me a hand. He is seriously being amazing! He doesn't like cuts or to see people in pain and the poor guy had had to help me dress the drain spot, empty the drain and pull up my pants carefully over everything. I wouldn't been doind as well as I am right now if it wasn't for him! Also to my mom who took my kids for a week (they are out on break) so they could have fun without having to worry about me.

gonna take a nap now- later!

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I had surgery wed too. My pain is in my back. Luckily, I do not have nausea yet. I went out for first time today. I drove my daughter to gymnastics class. People probably thought that I was an idiot slunched over like a 90 yr old woman- HA HA! I have been hungrier today. I have been sippling on Protein drink and I have eatten 1 popsicle. I just stopped by chineese restraunt to get won ton Soup. The warmness was yummy!

I had surgery on Wednesday, stayed two nights in the hospital and came home yesterday evening. The worst pain was not from gas (which I had expected) but from my abs. Getting in and out of bed or sitting and standing still seem to be the worst of it. I can tell I have a ton of gas in my stomach and intestines, I can hear it and feel it but it doesn't hurt. I havent had a bm yet, not really looking forward to it since I can barely bend in the middle and I think clean up will be difficult! My husband has been wonderful. He set his alarm for every 3 hours to ensure that I get my meds on time and to assist me off the couch. He even went for a walk around the kitchen with me at 330a! I go back to the doctor on Monday hoping the drain comes out then. Not because it hurts, just think it is gross! I think all the meds I am on keeps me very tired, 1 for pain and 4 for nausea. I am so scared of throwing up- I can't even imagine how painful that would be! I am so thankful for this website. It is winderful to not be alone. Hope to continue to talk over things!


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Yeah, I'm craving food more today too. I think that it's in my head, like a habit, rather than in my stomach. But I haven't been avoiding temptation much: went to the grocer's today, for example. And the worst is hi-def football games...that pizza food p0rn is too much! I want it. But I won't give in, WAY too scared.

Looking forward to full liquids tomorrow. I never thought that cream of chicken Soup could be so appealing!

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I am so sorry you ar feeling down. I thought that I was going to have a nervous break down the day after my surgery. Literally, I thought that I was going crazy because I was worried if I made the right decision. The hardest part was knowing that I can never go back, it is done. It is a control thing I have, not having control of any of this is soooooo hard. I completely understand what you are going through. Also, with you not being able to drink liquids, that has to be really hard! Please keep posting and letting us know how you are doing. This is helping me to check every day. This drinking liquids for two weeks is killing me. Today, for the first, I started getting hungry!!! Oh boy, that was my fear because I can't eat. If I am not hungry, not eatting is not that bad. I am feeling little better with pain today and got a good nap. My back is hurting still. I just hope I can sleep tonight and I hope this hunger goes away!!!


I had my surgery on Friday, Nov. 12th. Everything went well with the surgery, but due to me not being to keep any liquids down, the doctor decided to keep me an extra two days in the hospital. After the first day I didn't really have any pain, except when they gave me pills to take on the last two days I was in the hospital. I had to learn to put time between the time I take the pills and also I have to walk after taking them, - because they just don't sit well at this time in my stomach. I have been home since Tuesday morning, my only concern is keeping the liquid - I now have to take baby sips and baby sit my Protein drink for most of the day and the Water bottle.

I am also having emotional issues because of the fact that I can't keep the liquid down. I know at this time I am not getting enough Water and Protein Drink down. I can only do one and one - this is very concerning to me right now.

Because of not being able to keep the liquid down, I am starting to question myself. If I did the right thing - even though I know I did - thinking about seeking professional help. I having my good days and bad days. Today is a good day.


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4 days postop....OMG, just started feeling hungry today! Trying to drink Protein drinks, Water, popsickles and drank some won ton Soup. Really worried because drinking liquids when I am not hungry is not that bad. BUT, drinking liquids and I am hungry is hard!!! Anyone else experience this this soon? What do you recommend?

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Hello. I was sleeved on Thursday, Nov. 18th & just came home today! I cannot drink hardly at all because it sits there & causes pain...therefore, it's very hard to make yourself drink when you know pain is going to follow it. Gas has been an extreme problem for me, but I keep thinking it will all go away soon, or at least I'm hoping it will. I have never regretted my decision for this surgery because I've battled weight issues my whole life & then was recently diagnosed with Diabetes in April 2010. I am so glad to have it over with & can't wait to sit on the loser's bench! Let's all encourage & pray for one another. We will be happy in the end...I just KNOW we will be! :)


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I had my surgery Wed, Nov 17th... I'm on liquids for 2 weeks. I am having a hard time with cold stuff, warm fluids go down easier for me. I've had a lot more pain than I expected. I thought I was going to go back to work tomorrow, Monday, however I am not! Sure hurts to sit, stand, get in the car, drive, lay in bed, get out of bed, i must be a weeine!!!! I want to know when this dang gas and bloating will go away... Oh gosh my stomach is sticking out so much more now than it did when I had surgery on Wednesday, they said i would weigh more leaving than I would when I checked in.. This will all be worth it in then end!!!! :) Good luck to us all!!!

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I had my surgery Wed, Nov 17th... I'm on liquids for 2 weeks. I am having a hard time with cold stuff, warm fluids go down easier for me. I've had a lot more pain than I expected. I thought I was going to go back to work tomorrow, Monday, however I am not! Sure hurts to sit, stand, get in the car, drive, lay in bed, get out of bed. Have not had any nausea except for in the hospital with the good drugs... I want to know when this dang gas and bloating will go away... Oh gosh my stomach is sticking out so much more now than it did when I had surgery on Wednesday, they said i would weigh more leaving than I would when I checked in.. This will all be worth it in then end!!!! :) Good luck to us all!!!

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Just checking back in to see how our 'gang' in feeling...

I'm on Day 9 Post-Op and things are starting to get back to normal somewhat now.

My stomach seems to have 'receeded' finally. The gas is way down from before and what remains is not painful at all at this point. I am almost back to my pre-surgery weight, which confirms that most of the Fluid is gone finally. I do notice a bit of swelling remaining in my feet, but that is mininal.

I am up and walking around like normal now, though I am tired after most excursions. Sunday I went to church but had to nap after returning home. Yesterday we went to one store in the mall and that wore me out. Today I have to drive to work for a brief while, but that is all I have planned for today.

My incisions are looking better and seems to be healing well. The smaller ones are closed and the 'glue' has come off of most of them now. The largest incision and the drain hole remain, and all incisions are itchy, which I take as a good sign of healing.

My eating...well, that continues to be the challenge. Week 2 food allows me to add skin milk, so I immediately made s/f pudding, which was awesome for the texture. I found a Progressive Soup that had tiny chicken meatballs, so I took the broth and a few of the meatballs, and mashed them up and had that on several days - again only a limited quantity will fit. S/F Jello, s/f cocoa, hot tea and Crystal Light have also been a constant. Last night I jumped ahead a bit and tried a bit of scrambled egg, which was good. I think I was looking more for variety and not because I was hungry.

I hope to get back to exercise soon, but I'm still a bit sore. Last night was the first night I slept without pillows everywhere and being able to move around a bit in the bed without pain. It was also the first night I haven't had to take pain meds to get through the night.

Oh, and for Thanksgiving we've decided to go out for dinner - my husband's idea - so I don't have to cook a meal I can't eat. Works for me!

I hope this update finds everyone doing better each day, and gives a bit of hope to those coming along behind me.

Take care, and have a wonderful holiday!

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Hi everyone,

I'v been having my ups and downs. Yesterday was a tough day emotionally for me. I am so sick of this d*** liquid diet I could scream. My stomach is still swollen alot and I still have no energy! Although, I did the most I have done in a week yesterday. My big outting was going to Walmart and getting some groceries, WOO HOO! It was tuff looking at all of that delicious food I wanted to eat. When I came home, I was exhausted!!!

WHat is everyone planning for thanksgiving meal wise? I have not cheated yet, all liquids so far, but I am thinking of what I can eat tomorrow, if anything??? I sure would love a bite or two of mashed potatoes with gravy and some cranberry sauce???????

Oh, by the way, I have lost 20 pounds as of two days ago. Wondering if that is too much, dont want to loose so fast that I have tons of flabby skin.

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Hi everyone,

I'v been having my ups and downs. Yesterday was a tough day emotionally for me. I am so sick of this d*** liquid diet I could scream. My stomach is still swollen alot and I still have no energy! Although, I did the most I have done in a week yesterday. My big outting was going to Walmart and getting some groceries, WOO HOO! It was tuff looking at all of that delicious food I wanted to eat. When I came home, I was exhausted!!!

WHat is everyone planning for thanksgiving meal wise? I have not cheated yet, all liquids so far, but I am thinking of what I can eat tomorrow, if anything??? I sure would love a bite or two of mashed potatoes with gravy and some cranberry sauce???????

Oh, by the way, I have lost 20 pounds as of two days ago. Wondering if that is too much, dont want to loose so fast that I have tons of flabby skin.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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