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Anyone with Surg between Nov 13th and Nov 18th

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Hi everyone, I thought that It would be good to start a group with thos that just had surgery this week so that we can go through this experience together. I think it will help alot of we can talk about our experiences together and help eachother. Please join in on this group and make comments. I am new here so I do not know of any other way of starting a group for NEW surgery sleevers- just this week.

For me, I am in pain still . My surgery was wed and i can't sleep more than 2 hours at a time. When I walk, I am slouched over due to stomach and back pain. Also, not sure If i should start Protein Drinks but I started sippling today.

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I'm Here! Was sleeved on the 15th and am doing pretty good! Been home now for just over 24 hours! I haven't really had any actual pain but have had Gas pains! UGH! Those are killing me today! I got up and out and about today and walked around the mall a bit and went and saw Harry Potter! Sitting in the theater was a little uncomfortable and I had to move around in my seat a lot and I was trying to keep my burping quiet! LOL I am sip sip sipping my Water, doing a little hot tea here and there and a SF popsicle once a day also! I am on clear fluids only since my swallow study was hard (I was VERY swollen and it was VERY slow going down into my new tummy)! I love that there are a few of us going through this at the exact same time!!!

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WOW, You are doing awesome if you actually went to the mall today and movies!!! What are you taking for gas? Yes, it is very nice to have others going through this at the same time. I haven't figured out the best way to create a group for us newbies so that we can all stick together throughout our journey. I think it will help out alot. Do you know how we can do this. I have several that are private messging me but I think it will be helpful if the group can see each others comments.

I'm Here! Was sleeved on the 15th and am doing pretty good! Been home now for just over 24 hours! I haven't really had any actual pain but have had Gas pains! UGH! Those are killing me today! I got up and out and about today and walked around the mall a bit and went and saw Harry Potter! Sitting in the theater was a little uncomfortable and I had to move around in my seat a lot and I was trying to keep my burping quiet! LOL I am sip sip sipping my Water, doing a little hot tea here and there and a SF popsicle once a day also! I am on clear fluids only since my swallow study was hard (I was VERY swollen and it was VERY slow going down into my new tummy)! I love that there are a few of us going through this at the exact same time!!!

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I to was sleeved on the 15th, and just go home yesterday. At the hospital i was a walking fool, now that I'm home not so much.. I sipped on Water, Vitamin Water, and shakes. I am horribly bruised as well. I try and take in water but find that everything I take in sticks. Havent had a bowel movement hoping that that is normal.


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I to was sleeved on the 15th, and just go home yesterday. At the hospital i was a walking fool, now that I'm home not so much.. I sipped on Water, Vitamin Water, and shakes. I am horribly bruised as well. I try and take in water but find that everything I take in sticks. Havent had a bowel movement hoping that that is normal.


I was done on the 16th in the evening. I would recommend getting up and walking...it seems to help with the gases. I'm still sore, and I avoid coughing. I find broth easier than water, though every clear liquid is really easy too. I just had my first bowel movement -- yea!

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I had my sleeve done on the 10th. I went to my 1 week post op appt today and I have lost 11.3 lbs!!! The doctor removed my jp drain today as well. Now that hurt! But my abdomen feels better with it gone.I stayed in the hospital for two days. My recovery has been smooth thus far. Good Luck to all us!!

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WOW, You are doing awesome if you actually went to the mall today and movies!!! What are you taking for gas? Yes, it is very nice to have others going through this at the same time. I haven't figured out the best way to create a group for us newbies so that we can all stick together throughout our journey. I think it will help out alot. Do you know how we can do this. I have several that are private messging me but I think it will be helpful if the group can see each others comments.

As for a "seperate group" I don't see how that can work on a site like this. I think just doing what you did by starting this thread is the way to go! I have done the Gas X strips here and there but I really don't feel that they work :( The gas pains are nasty but I just keep burping to try and get it out!

I had my sleeve done on the 10th. I went to my 1 week post op appt today and I have lost 11.3 lbs!!! The doctor removed my jp drain today as well. Now that hurt! But my abdomen feels better with it gone.I stayed in the hospital for two days. My recovery has been smooth thus far. Good Luck to all us!!

I am dredding getting my jp out :( I had a breast reduction a few years ago and I had two drains and they pulled them out before I left the hospital and it hurt like no other and I was even on pain meds then!

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hey I was sleeve on the 15 as well!... I got home the next day and honestly wasnt what I expected my incisions were the only sore part on me... no gas pains until thursday when I got some GasX wiched seemed to help!! I can drink anything and NO pain I dont get it.. but shouldnt complain?? I am craving crap food though big time :( its HARD being restricted!!!! My only problem I am having is my calves (both) are quite sore to touch in a certain area.. I went to my GP and he sent me for blood work I did that today checking for clots and results came back that my "numbers" were very high and I needed to goto ER asap... then he changed his mind and said to just moniter my legs.. theres no swelling or colour change and I am up walking, driving lots ( maybe too much??) Another things is i am FREEZING like goosebump cold constinaly..not sure why?? anyone else... not sleeping well up every 3 hours IF i can even fall asleep!!! and one more issue anyone else having a gas pain in their left shoulder??

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Hmm my doc said the drain would not hurt, but I have docs lie to me before. HOWEVER I had my gallbladder out the the old way 20 years ago, HUGE incision with 2 different drains and honestly even the foot long drain did not hurt, did feel good, but it wasn't painful coming out. But just in case I will save some of my pain med for just for my one week post op and take it right when we pull up to the office :)

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Hi everyone, I thought that It would be good to start a group with thos that just had surgery this week so that we can go through this experience together. I think it will help alot of we can talk about our experiences together and help eachother. Please join in on this group and make comments. I am new here so I do not know of any other way of starting a group for NEW surgery sleevers- just this week.

For me, I am in pain still . My surgery was wed and i can't sleep more than 2 hours at a time. When I walk, I am slouched over due to stomach and back pain. Also, not sure If i should start Protein drinks but I started sippling today.

Hello Everyone-

I just had my sleeve done on 11/15 as well. Apparently I must have thought I was Super Woman going in, because I told everyone I'd be home in a day...NOT! Didn't get home until Wednesday after noon. Much more pain than I anticipated. Very swollen and a lot of gas to contend with. I actually called the nurse today and she said the gas could last up to 2 more weeks...ugh! She did say I could try Gas-x, and that warm liquids help a bit more with the gas.

Agree completely with the bruising and swelling. I have 6 new holes, including the drain hole, which was brutal when that was removed before I left. Was advised to keep that covered with a 4x4, but now nothing is really coming out, so I just have a regular Bandaid on it. Lots of leg bruises as well from the Heparin (to prevent blood clots).

I did get out a bit today, but it wore me out, so I took a long nap. Hopefully more walking tomorrow. Also I had already stopped with the pain meds, but I decided to be kind to myself and use them if I need them...6 holes in my abdomen is nothing to sneeze at.

Felt a bit down today regarding the food - couldn't tell if I was hungry (stomach growling) or gas grumbling...plus my meds got a bit messed up while I was in the hospital. Getting those back on track and just trying to be kind to myself and not push too much. It will get better...it will get better.

Glad to have found this forum and hear that others are in a similar place in the early days. Thanks for letting me share-:rolleyes:

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They took my drain out at the hospital. It hurt some but not that bad. I was also on pain pill so that probably helped. I too have issues with not being able to sleep. I sleep a couple of hours then I get up, don't know what is wrong with me! It is 12:57 am and I just got up not being able to sleep again tonight. I also continue to have back pain, don't know why? I walked a little today, guess i need to start walking more tho! For those of u that have had a bowel movement already, were u taking anything to help?

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Hi, I just had my sleeve on the 16th and was able to come home tonight. I'm still in a LOT of pain in my belly and my back. I'm not sure if the back pain is from laying in the hospital bed so much, or just from using different muscles since my abs hurt so much. i don't think it's gas pain since it's more of an all over pain. I still have to bend over slightly when I walk and it takes me forever to get up out of a chair or the bed. I got my JP tube out today. I must say I worried about this all day and to my suprise it wasn't the end of the world! Mine was attached to my skin with a stitch and when the RN snipped the stitch I was soooo nervous because I knew what was next. I had made the mistake of asking her how long the tube part inside me was, she said it was about 12 inches long! Once the dried blood comes loose of the little bit of skin it's attached to it's not bad. So please all of you that are worrying, don't worry too much. It's hard to describe how it feels but the best I can come up with is that you can feel it move deep inside, almost like gas moving thru your tummy or intestines. It's that same feeling. The anxiety is the worst part of it.

I've been sipping on powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken broth, I try to have 3 of those a day to get my Protein in. Those seem to go down the best for me, I think since it's warm and watery. I tried drinking a shake made with soy milk but could only get about 2 oz down.. with the broth i can get about 6 oz down over about an hour. Other than that, since I'm on full liquids now I have had some sugar free pudding, cream of wheat w/ splenda, Tomato Soup and potatoe Soup.

I have 3 inscions plug the jp hole. Which was suprising bc I thought I would have 5 or 6.

I'm just hoping the next few days things get better.. I'm not a fan of the pain!!

Congrats to all of the other sleevers!! WOOHOO we did it!!!

~Kelli :)

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I had the surgery on the 16th, came back home yesterday evening. I have 6 incisions, one inside my belly button and 5 above it.

The surgery was at 10 AM, and i was transferred to the ICU at 1 PM. Rested for a while and got up for a walk at 5 PM. Did a few rounds and came back to rest. I was shifted to my hospital room at 7 PM the same day.

I didn't have any drain pipes attached. The surgeon said everything was normal. I had slight fever 2 days later, due to the pain caused by IV needle.

I still have gas pains, guess it is inevitable. But I am recovering well. The pain has been tolerable, i would rate the intensity of the pain as 4 out of 10.

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Well, good news that I just had a bowel movement! I was worried it would hurt but it didn't at all. I have been drinking milk of magnesia which my doctor recommended and this I believe helped alot! So, recommend this for those of you worried that have not had bm yet.

Sleep- still only sleeping 2 hrs at a time. Don't know whats up.

Back- this is what bothers me the most. What the heck is wrong with my back? What can i do to stop it from hurting?

Drinking- I am sipping Water and sipping Protein drink. I drank about 4 medicine bottles of Protein Drink and 2 popsicles and 1 med dropper of Water. Am I drinking enough? What else is everyone drinking 3 to 4 days postop? What else is everyone drinking?

Supplements- Just started taking Multivitamin chewable today. Anyone taking anything else?

Thanks for all of the support, this helps sooooooo much!!!!!

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I was done on the 16th.

And I'm drinking a lot. I was thrilled to go to the movies last night and not really want any of the stuff from the concession stand. I even went and ordered for my wife. I told her after the movie that I wasn't hungry at all, but I felt a stomach signal that was telling me empty. I've read others talk about that here. I also know that it won't last for ever, perhaps just 6 months....but I'm going to ride the wave as long as I can.

I went home and relatively quickly ate a hole preparation of diet Jello. Probably in a half an hour. It didn't hurt, but I think I did it too fast. As I said before, I have really fast liquid transit out of my little banana, so that means that I can drink a 12 ounce glass of clear liquid in about 30 minutes. The doc told me to try for 30 cc every 5 minutes, so I'm going a little fast. But it's only clears, and I take it with a spoon, and I get up in between.

I have a morphine patch on my back, that might be helping with the pain, but the truth is that I feel very little. I was able to sleep on my side a bit. sleeping is very comfortable.

My stomach feels swollen still, but my wife says that it's gone down. I've lost 6 pounds since surgery on Tuesday so thats a bit more than a pound per day. I take a Nexium dissolved in Water every morning, baby antibiotic in liquid twice a day, a blood thinner in a shot (last time is today), and I still have the drain in. It's coming out on Monday during my doctor visit.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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