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Full of Emotions and Questions

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Hi! I went to visit with the doc yesterday and originally went in for lap band but came out a gastric sleever. I am just starting this journey and my insurance is making me do a 3 month diet class before we can have surgery. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I almost had myself talked out of having it.

How horrible is the pain after wards?

As long as I continue with liquids the first two weeks will I be ok?

Am I going to regret I did this after wards in the post op period?

I have 3 small kids 10, 7 and 5 and I do basically everything for them and teach school. My 7 year old is a down's child but is the most loving child ever placed on this earth. He is mild in his disability. He currently attends at the school where I teach.

I want to be able to be active for my children and enjoy life. I feel restricted now. My daughter's dance team has been invited to dance at down town disney in June of 2011 so I want to have energy and have fun there with my children and not be held down by my weight. As of now, I am looking at February of 2011.

Any suggestions?

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First off, welcome to the forums and congratulations on your decision to get sleeved. Honestly, I had the band first, and then revised to the sleeve. I experienced a great deal of pain with the lap band, but virtually none with the sleeve. I was surprised at how little discomfort I felt. I only took pain medicine the first couple of nights to help me sleep, but other than that, I was fine.

As for the diet after your surgery, that will depend on your doctor. It is best to go with whatever he/she recommends, as they know you and what is best for you. But, you will be on liquids for at least ten days to two weeks after surgery, then move to mushies from there. Your doctor should provide you with a specific plan to follow.

As for regrets, I think during the immediate recovery period a lot of people experience some regrets. This usually stems from the frustation of getting tired of only being on liquids and/or mushies. But, once you get past that, and you see the weight dropping off and how easy it is, you will have no regrets.

You will love yourself for having this done. You will feel better and have that extra energy you want to be able to care for and enjoy your kids.

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Oh, YAY for you!!! I get so excited for the new people, still LOL... we can gush and gush about how wonderful this is but truly, you'll just have to experience it for yourself to believe it. I'll chime in on your questions, too.

1. Some people have a lot of pain, or don't tolerate what they do have well. Sometimes the gas pains are worse than the surgical pain, but you don't read about that very often.

I had what I would call very little pain after surgery. For the first few days, it did hurt when moving from lying to sitting, or sitting to standing. My abs were 1,000-situp-type sore, but pain was mostly at the main incision. It was sharp, but not terribly intense... maybe a 5-6/10, but only lasting for a few seconds, totally tolerable. My abs were tight and sore too, like I said, but I never had to take any pain meds after I got home (what I did get in the hospital, they automatically put in my IV). By one week out, I felt completely normal, no soreness or anything.

2. Some people feel what they think is hunger during the early days, but most don't. You'll be fine on liquids, but by the end of that two weeks, you'll be SO bored with them, you'll think a scoop of refried Beans is the most delicious thing you ever ate LOL.

3. Again, you never know until you're there... some people go through a period of regret and others don't. Some get tired of it hurting, some get frustrated that they can't turn to their security blanket of food for comfort. They inevitably come back after a month or so saying how thrilled they are with their sleeve! There's the hormonal thing too. When we lose a lot of fat really fast, all the hormones that the fat was storing are turned loose in your system to wreak havoc on you--some people are seriously affected by it, some aren't. I'm happy to say that I never had a moment's regret or problems with the hormones (except whacking out my cycles, but they were starting to get wacky anyway).

You will be SOOO happy you did this, and if you stick around and keep reading the forums, I think you'll be doubly happy not to have gone with the lap band, which you'll see has a very high failure and complication rate (you'll also see dozens of people who HAD bands and ended up revising to a sleeve).

My biggest suggestion would be to document everything about yourself right now... not just your weight, but your feelings, how you feel physically (be specific! Can't breathe when you tie your shoes, knees hurt on stairs, etc.), what you hope to get rid of, what you hope to accomplish, and include totally superficial, fun stuff too! And make sure you have lots of pictures of yourself. A lot of people don't, and don't take "before" pics, and regret not having anything to compare to. OH, and measurements... you won't believe how fast those numbers go down!! You really want to be able to remember what pushed you to have the surgery in the first place, because there will be days when you still feel fat, or bloated, or just gross (ALL people have those days, even the scrawny ones!), and you'll feel like you're no different than you were before, and if you can take yourself back and remember the misery you started with, you see how amazing the changes really are. It's good to have that reminder of how far you've come.

A year from now, you just won't believe where you are, but trust me -- this thing is awesome!!

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First off, welcome to the forums and congratulations on your decision to get sleeved. Honestly, I had the band first, and then revised to the sleeve. I experienced a great deal of pain with the lap band, but virtually none with the sleeve. I was surprised at how little discomfort I felt. I only took pain medicine the first couple of nights to help me sleep, but other than that, I was fine.

As for the diet after your surgery, that will depend on your doctor. It is best to go with whatever he/she recommends, as they know you and what is best for you. But, you will be on liquids for at least ten days to two weeks after surgery, then move to mushies from there. Your doctor should provide you with a specific plan to follow.

As for regrets, I think during the immediate recovery period a lot of people experience some regrets. This usually stems from the frustation of getting tired of only being on liquids and/or mushies. But, once you get past that, and you see the weight dropping off and how easy it is, you will have no regrets.

You will love yourself for having this done. You will feel better and have that extra energy you want to be able to care for and enjoy your kids.

What Susan said... pretty much word for word.

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Hi! I went to visit with the doc yesterday and originally went in for lap band but came out a gastric sleever. I am just starting this journey and my insurance is making me do a 3 month diet class before we can have surgery. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I almost had myself talked out of having it.

How horrible is the pain after wards?

As long as I continue with liquids the first two weeks will I be ok?

Am I going to regret I did this after wards in the post op period?

I have 3 small kids 10, 7 and 5 and I do basically everything for them and teach school. My 7 year old is a down's child but is the most loving child ever placed on this earth. He is mild in his disability. He currently attends at the school where I teach.

I want to be able to be active for my children and enjoy life. I feel restricted now. My daughter's dance team has been invited to dance at down town disney in June of 2011 so I want to have energy and have fun there with my children and not be held down by my weight. As of now, I am looking at February of 2011.

Any suggestions?

Hi , I don't post often anymore, but would like to "talk" to you as a "seasoned" sleever. The pain is not horrible at all. .c/sections and hysterectomies hurt alot more then this does. . just make damn sure you do your walking every couple of hours and sipping of liquids. . . when you get home continue to walk and sip. . if not, you'll run into complications with gas pain and so on. . .

None of us have died yet being on liquids for the 2 weeks. you will be ok. . you have to think positively about this. . if not, get ready for some problems.

I hated my sleeve the first few months, and the reason was because I couldn't eat like the pig i was. . . I wanted to stuff everything into my face and snort and grunt, but I couldn't. . .I could only eat small portions and sip liquids, like a proper lady. . . i really really hated it, but now 10+ months out, I am so proud of myself, I eat like a proper lady and actually watch how the "other side" eats now. . . I would have this surgery again, but be forwarned, you have to prepare yourself for this, both emotionally and physically. . . don't just jump into thinking it'll do all the work for you it doesn't you have to do the work. . . just like a hammer, it's just a tool, you are the one who has to make it work. . .if not and your not ready, don't do the surgery. .

I love Downs children, they are all so cute and sweet. . .they give and show love so openly. . you want to be there for them, you will enjoy your trip with them, you will be proud of yourself once you get over the initial hurl, you will have a good time not only with them, but with your new self, and hubbie. . . congratulations on your February date! You are going to do well. . . just be prepared please!

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I've been reading about a drain tube? Do all docs use this?

Oh, YAY for you!!! I get so excited for the new people, still LOL... we can gush and gush about how wonderful this is but truly, you'll just have to experience it for yourself to believe it. I'll chime in on your questions, too.

1. Some people have a lot of pain, or don't tolerate what they do have well. Sometimes the gas pains are worse than the surgical pain, but you don't read about that very often.

I had what I would call very little pain after surgery. For the first few days, it did hurt when moving from lying to sitting, or sitting to standing. My abs were 1,000-situp-type sore, but pain was mostly at the main incision. It was sharp, but not terribly intense... maybe a 5-6/10, but only lasting for a few seconds, totally tolerable. My abs were tight and sore too, like I said, but I never had to take any pain meds after I got home (what I did get in the hospital, they automatically put in my IV). By one week out, I felt completely normal, no soreness or anything.

2. Some people feel what they think is hunger during the early days, but most don't. You'll be fine on liquids, but by the end of that two weeks, you'll be SO bored with them, you'll think a scoop of refried Beans is the most delicious thing you ever ate LOL.

3. Again, you never know until you're there... some people go through a period of regret and others don't. Some get tired of it hurting, some get frustrated that they can't turn to their security blanket of food for comfort. They inevitably come back after a month or so saying how thrilled they are with their sleeve! There's the hormonal thing too. When we lose a lot of fat really fast, all the hormones that the fat was storing are turned loose in your system to wreak havoc on you--some people are seriously affected by it, some aren't. I'm happy to say that I never had a moment's regret or problems with the hormones (except whacking out my cycles, but they were starting to get wacky anyway).

You will be SOOO happy you did this, and if you stick around and keep reading the forums, I think you'll be doubly happy not to have gone with the lap band, which you'll see has a very high failure and complication rate (you'll also see dozens of people who HAD bands and ended up revising to a sleeve).

My biggest suggestion would be to document everything about yourself right now... not just your weight, but your feelings, how you feel physically (be specific! Can't breathe when you tie your shoes, knees hurt on stairs, etc.), what you hope to get rid of, what you hope to accomplish, and include totally superficial, fun stuff too! And make sure you have lots of pictures of yourself. A lot of people don't, and don't take "before" pics, and regret not having anything to compare to. OH, and measurements... you won't believe how fast those numbers go down!! You really want to be able to remember what pushed you to have the surgery in the first place, because there will be days when you still feel fat, or bloated, or just gross (ALL people have those days, even the scrawny ones!), and you'll feel like you're no different than you were before, and if you can take yourself back and remember the misery you started with, you see how amazing the changes really are. It's good to have that reminder of how far you've come.

A year from now, you just won't believe where you are, but trust me -- this thing is awesome!!

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I've been reading about a drain tube? Do all docs use this?

I needed one, but no not every single Doctor uses this. You can ask your surgeon if they do or not.

It's not really a big deal. It's pretty uncomfortable, but to be honest I forget I even ever had one now unless someone asks.

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HI and welcome!

Congrats on your decision.... you'll not regret it.

The first 2 weeks were the worst for me, but you soon forget it and the time passes quickly, and before you know it you'll be a few weeks out and wondering what happened.

Thinoneday has a good point about the tool. The surgery won't solve any eating issues you have with your mind - you must do that... the surgery will help you, as it will restrict your intake, but the emotional rollercoaster can be a rocky one at times. so do prepare your family for this and ask for their help.

I didn't have much pain after the op - the worst bit was the journey home from hospital (take a cushion with you).

My drain was taken out before I left hospital, and felt weird being removed but its over quick.

You probably won't really want much more than liquids in the first week anyway.... I was really nervous just drinking, let along taking meds for fear of doing damage to my sleeve. But you get used to it, and once the weight starts to come off you can see the results.

Good luck.

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Excellent post Stacy! (and all the others too!)

I will just tell you that my experience (I'm one day shy of 4 weeks post-op) was really wonderful. Very little pain, took pain pills only twice after I was discharged from the hospital, and yes I was sent home with a drain for 6 days post-op. It was uncomfortable and truth be told, I actually think it was the worst part about surgery. lol. Just my opinion. Your dr. may not require one. There is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to surgery. Each surgeon has their own protocol that they follow and my advise is to follow your surgeon's orders exactly. I was on liquids for 9 days post-op and survived (actually lost a LOT of weight that first week on liquids)...and like Stacy said you will never be so happy to have a scoop of refried Beans...lol.

As far as being active having kids, etc. Active wise, I've been going to Curves for exercise 3-5 times a week for the last 6.5 years (yes, you read that right, I exercise regularly) so I do think that helped me recover quickly. I had to take a 6 week hiatus from curves because I'm not to be doing any type of lifting weights, etc. So I've been walking a LOT on my treadmill post-op and that is helping a ton. My girls are 8 and almost 10, and my mom did come from out of town to stay with us for the first 6 days after surgery. She took the kids to school and cooked/cleaned while I rested, and my husband worked, etc. But I was back driving 4 or 5 days post-op, and back in the swing of most things by 10 days post-op.

I have not had one single minute of regret. Maybe it will happen at some point, but so far nothing has been so bad that I wouldn't do it again. I totally agree with everyone that yes, it is major surgery, yet everyone is different. Keep searching this site. You will find the complete range of people experiences, and yet yours will be different because it is your own.

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I hated my sleeve the first few months, and the reason was because I couldn't eat like the pig i was. . . I wanted to stuff everything into my face and snort and grunt, but I couldn't. . .I could only eat small portions and sip liquids,

. . . just like a hammer, it's just a tool, you are the one who has to make it work. . .if not and your not ready, don't do the surgery. .

hahahaha I loved your comment about the pig.... and so true... as I am thinking about this (as I haven't been sleeved yet) was thinking yesterday that I won't be able to eat 6 slices of pizza like I normally do... good lord what will I do? lol

And thanks for reminding us that it is a tool.... I am doing lots of research and preparing myself for what is ahead... all the food stuff before and after and the pain and the emotions.... thanks everyone for sharing

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Hi! I went to visit with the doc yesterday and originally went in for lap band but came out a gastric sleever. I am just starting this journey and my insurance is making me do a 3 month diet class before we can have surgery. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I almost had myself talked out of having it.

How horrible is the pain after wards?

As long as I continue with liquids the first two weeks will I be ok?

Am I going to regret I did this after wards in the post op period?

I have 3 small kids 10, 7 and 5 and I do basically everything for them and teach school. My 7 year old is a down's child but is the most loving child ever placed on this earth. He is mild in his disability. He currently attends at the school where I teach.

I want to be able to be active for my children and enjoy life. I feel restricted now. My daughter's dance team has been invited to dance at down town disney in June of 2011 so I want to have energy and have fun there with my children and not be held down by my weight. As of now, I am looking at February of 2011.

Any suggestions?

Hi there~

We have a lot in common! I have three kids about the same ages as yours. My youngest are 5 and 7 and they attend the school where I teach. I started with a band, but I am getting it taken out due to complications. Luckily, I was able to schedule my sleeve (revision) surgery over the Christmas holidays, so that my kids can stay with their grandparents while I recover. Be so thankful you are not having a lapband and instead getting a sleeve. You are making a great choice! Imagine how wonderful you will feel this summer at DisneyWorld. There is so much support on this forum. I think the three month wait is a good thing so that you are mentally prepared. It will give you time to research and feel ready. That has been how long I will have had to wait when my surgery date comes. Good luck on your journey to a new life! Message me anytime!

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