gordonfamily3 0 Posted June 14, 2006 Hello June 05 bandsters...Can you believe it's been a year? How has your year been? Mine has been successful still working on getting to goal but I am alot closer then I was a year ago. I have so many NSV's and I love my life now so much. I have been giving the chance to actually work for my surgeon now and it's wonderful. The only bad thing that has happened this year is my port flipped in March but it's ok that was easy to get fixed. Hope you all have had a great year and are as happy with your desicion as I have been with mine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giveyouthemoon 4 Posted June 14, 2006 Whoo hoo! Yep, my one year is next week. I have my appt. with my surgeon on June 21 (Wednesday). I had FOURTEEN vials of blood taken because my doc wanted to check EVERYTHING. Still waiting to see the results but I feel great. I've lost 90 lbs from my high weight. I gained confidence, a social life and an AMAZING boyfriend. I adore him and I owe it to Trink (my band). I wouldn't have had confidence to be with him before. He came along at the perfect time. Right now, I gotta be honest...I'm struggling. I'm lacking motivation. I still have almost 50 lbs to go and I don't want to lose focus. Today I began food journaling again and I've GOT to start exercising. To be honest.....I'm having a weird mental crisis which I think is responsible for my stall. I'm getting more attention now...which is good....unless it's weird. Lately I've gotten attention from weird and sometimes scary guys. 90 lbs ago EVERYONE left me alone, including weird guys. So I love positive attention but the other kind scares me. And I lost my confidence to better deal with these guys. So I'm kind of shrinking inside of me looking for my fat shield to protect me. Scared mostly. But I'm thankful for the loss. My energy is amazing. My control over food is AMAZING. I don't regret getting Trink for a moment. I pray she and I stay together a very, very long time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites