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Still in Pain

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Hey Everyone, I am two weeks post-op and I still experience extreme pain in my left side when I go from sitting to standing and laying down to an upright position. Is this normal? The pain is horrible but only lasts a minute.

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Hey Everyone, I am two weeks post-op and I still experience extreme pain in my left side when I go from sitting to standing and laying down to an upright position. Is this normal? The pain is horrible but only lasts a minute.

I have something like a side stitch on my left side too. I feel it most when I bend over to pick something up. I wouldn't call it extreme though, and every day it gets better. Do you have a two week check-up that you can ask your doc about it?

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I have something like a side stitch on my left side too. I feel it most when I bend over to pick something up. I wouldn't call it extreme though, and every day it gets better. Do you have a two week check-up that you can ask your doc about it?

It will be a month tomorrow and I am still in pain. I am not losing weight and everything is normal when I ask my surgeon. But I truly feel that all is not well. Even after the xrays, something just doesn't seem quite right you know.

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It will be a month tomorrow and I am still in pain. I am not losing weight and everything is normal when I ask my surgeon. But I truly feel that all is not well. Even after the xrays, something just doesn't seem quite right you know.

well, normally after a month you shouldn't be feeling pain and you should be losing weight.....weight a few more weeks and if you are still the same then you should do something else about it. wish you the best and goodluck!!!:rolleyes:

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Hey Everyone, I am two weeks post-op and I still experience extreme pain in my left side when I go from sitting to standing and laying down to an upright position. Is this normal? The pain is horrible but only lasts a minute.

I am at day 10 and still in pain too. especially on my left side, if i bend over, sit wrong or stretch. I am still taking pain meds at night and occasionally during the day. :( I know how you feel

Another person at work had this same surgery and she was told that the scar tissue can cause intense pain, so to roll a rolling pin (not too hard) over her sore areas to break up the scar tissue. She swears it works, but I am afraid to do it. Has anyone else heard of this?

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I was sleeved on Dec 1st. I do still get some pain in my side but it because other times I forget that I had "major surgery". I have lifting restrictions for 4-6 weeks and find that if I do to much housework or bending over it reminds me to take it easy. It is getting better. I work at a desk for 10 hrs and find that if I don't get up about every hour and just walk around a few minutes, I experience pain. Walking definately helps.

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I am 4 months out and I was in pain for the first month. Each week got a little better, but honestly i was probably 2 months out before i really didn't feel any pain anywhere.


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Please help!!!! I was sleeved 06/14/2011, all was fine with the exception of a horrible pain in my left side. The surgeon explained it was normal and the pain would subside in time. WRONG!!! The pain was unbearable and made it impossible for me to move. I went back to the Dr.'s office 2 weeks post- op 06/28/2011 (my appt. was @1:30) he sent me to the hospital with admitting orders and by 5:30 p.m. that evening I was having surgery again. His reason....... he put a stitch too tightly around my abdominal muscle- his solution, open me up and remove the suture so the muscle would relax.

Post-op week 3, 07/05/2011 developed a huge painful lump under the incision site. Hospitalized again and told it was a small hematoma that would resolve on its own in time!

To sum it up, Monday 07/11/2011 went back to the Dr.'s office but was seen by his P.A. since my surgeon was out of the office, she felt my stomach did a sonogram and was 99% sure i had a hernia, sent me back to the hospital, PICC line put in, I.V. fluids started for dehydration, and yes surgery again on Tuesday 07/12/2011. This time my surgeon had a horrible addituide toward me. He informed me "There was nothing wrong." After surgery he gave the nurses orders to give me Tylenol every 6hrs. for pain. Overnight I suffered like never before, I sat on the toilet vomiting for over an hour, trembling with pain hanging on to my I.V. pole with what little energy I had. My nurse was able to get an order for a one time dose of phenragen. The next morning, 07/13/2011, when the doctor came in, he had a chip on his shoulder and said " I'm taking you back to surgery today since you keep complaining of pain." After surgery I was told it was just a little Fluid that had built up under the site he had opened four times!!! that night the lump and pain were back and I had a breakdown!! My nurse called the Surgeon for something other than Tylenol..... guess what his response was????? She's constipated give her some milk of mag. and a rectal stool softner. I had'nt eaten so nothing came out, then he ordered a soap sud enema! I was realeased home 07/16/2011. Today, 07/18/2011 The P.A. set me up to have a drain placed in my belly on 07/19/2011 for a seroma? Will keep yall informed. God I needed to vent.

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Get another barriatric surgeon consult while in the hospital, if you have insurance. Before you leave hospital get a copy of all your records of the last several stays. If this is the hospital you had surgery in, they will also have records you can get of that.

No one deserves to be treated with distain. No one. It is not a wonder why you are frustrated or hurting.

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Ajacobsen74 What a horrible journey for you. I agree with iegal, get copies of your Medical Records and get a 2nd opinion from another surgeron. You are paying the bill and deserve respect and to be heard!!!! Good luck and best wishes.

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Yes I think a second opinion is the best thing you can do for yourself. Opening you up four times is too much. Maybe your present surgeon's ego will not let him admit there is something wrong..


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I'm so sorry for all the pain your in and all the trouble you're having with your surgeon. He sounds horrible! You should definitely get a second opinion and I wouldn't let that man touch me again! It's sounds like he doesn't know what he's doing and that he doesn't have a caring bone in his body. He sounds mad or as if he doesn't believe you....he's not sensitive at all. Be done with him! Find someone that will take the time to figure out what is going on and will care enough to treat you like a human being. Hang in there and keep us posted!

Please help!!!! I was sleeved 06/14/2011, all was fine with the exception of a horrible pain in my left side. The surgeon explained it was normal and the pain would subside in time. WRONG!!! The pain was unbearable and made it impossible for me to move. I went back to the Dr.'s office 2 weeks post- op 06/28/2011 (my appt. was @1:30) he sent me to the hospital with admitting orders and by 5:30 p.m. that evening I was having surgery again. His reason....... he put a stitch too tightly around my abdominal muscle- his solution, open me up and remove the suture so the muscle would relax.

Post-op week 3, 07/05/2011 developed a huge painful lump under the incision site. Hospitalized again and told it was a small hematoma that would resolve on its own in time!

To sum it up, Monday 07/11/2011 went back to the Dr.'s office but was seen by his P.A. since my surgeon was out of the office, she felt my stomach did a sonogram and was 99% sure i had a hernia, sent me back to the hospital, PICC line put in, I.V. fluids started for dehydration, and yes surgery again on Tuesday 07/12/2011. This time my surgeon had a horrible addituide toward me. He informed me "There was nothing wrong." After surgery he gave the nurses orders to give me Tylenol every 6hrs. for pain. Overnight I suffered like never before, I sat on the toilet vomiting for over an hour, trembling with pain hanging on to my I.V. pole with what little energy I had. My nurse was able to get an order for a one time dose of phenragen. The next morning, 07/13/2011, when the doctor came in, he had a chip on his shoulder and said " I'm taking you back to surgery today since you keep complaining of pain." After surgery I was told it was just a little Fluid that had built up under the site he had opened four times!!! that night the lump and pain were back and I had a breakdown!! My nurse called the Surgeon for something other than Tylenol..... guess what his response was????? She's constipated give her some milk of mag. and a rectal stool softner. I had'nt eaten so nothing came out, then he ordered a soap sud enema! I was realeased home 07/16/2011. Today, 07/18/2011 The P.A. set me up to have a drain placed in my belly on 07/19/2011 for a seroma? Will keep yall informed. God I needed to vent.

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OMG!!! That is UNCALLED FOR! I'm only 1 week out, and so far, just having some pain in my left side that seems to be getting better daily. But, last year I had a hysterectomy. When the doc opened me up they found i had a HUGE hernia.. (not sure how this was missed with preop xrays, mri's and sonograms). They had to call another surgeon in to repair the hernia, and my obgyn did the hyster. They also ended up having to take 6 inches of skin all the way across my lower abdomen because they made hamburger meat out of it with the hernia repair. About 2 weeks late I had a lump just under my belly button that was the size of a cantelope. The doctor said it was a seroma. They sent me to the hospital radiologist, he attempted to drain it, for 4 HOURS! As I laid in an MRI machine. They pulled 2 liters of Fluid off of me. A week later I was back in the hospital. Dehydrated from fever. I had developed a severe infection from the attempt to drain, also, I had developed cellulitus all around the seroma. It was horrible. They did surgery the next day to get rid of it. I was left with an open incision that was packed with gauze. I had to go to wound care daily at the hospital. Eventually they put me on a wound vac.. it took 3 months to heal. IT was by far the most horrible experience of my life! I hope they can drain your seroma with no problems. I'm attaching a photo of the Seroma the day before surgery, and the opening about a month after surgery during wound care. Please keep an eye on it!

Please help!!!! I was sleeved 06/14/2011, all was fine with the exception of a horrible pain in my left side. The surgeon explained it was normal and the pain would subside in time. WRONG!!! The pain was unbearable and made it impossible for me to move. I went back to the Dr.'s office 2 weeks post- op 06/28/2011 (my appt. was @1:30) he sent me to the hospital with admitting orders and by 5:30 p.m. that evening I was having surgery again. His reason....... he put a stitch too tightly around my abdominal muscle- his solution, open me up and remove the suture so the muscle would relax.

Post-op week 3, 07/05/2011 developed a huge painful lump under the incision site. Hospitalized again and told it was a small hematoma that would resolve on its own in time!

To sum it up, Monday 07/11/2011 went back to the Dr.'s office but was seen by his P.A. since my surgeon was out of the office, she felt my stomach did a sonogram and was 99% sure i had a hernia, sent me back to the hospital, PICC line put in, I.V. fluids started for dehydration, and yes surgery again on Tuesday 07/12/2011. This time my surgeon had a horrible addituide toward me. He informed me "There was nothing wrong." After surgery he gave the nurses orders to give me Tylenol every 6hrs. for pain. Overnight I suffered like never before, I sat on the toilet vomiting for over an hour, trembling with pain hanging on to my I.V. pole with what little energy I had. My nurse was able to get an order for a one time dose of phenragen. The next morning, 07/13/2011, when the doctor came in, he had a chip on his shoulder and said " I'm taking you back to surgery today since you keep complaining of pain." After surgery I was told it was just a little Fluid that had built up under the site he had opened four times!!! that night the lump and pain were back and I had a breakdown!! My nurse called the Surgeon for something other than Tylenol..... guess what his response was????? She's constipated give her some milk of mag. and a rectal stool softner. I had'nt eaten so nothing came out, then he ordered a soap sud enema! I was realeased home 07/16/2011. Today, 07/18/2011 The P.A. set me up to have a drain placed in my belly on 07/19/2011 for a seroma? Will keep yall informed. God I needed to vent.



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Update..... When I went to have an ultrasound guided drain put in on 07/19/2011 the radiologist looked at my CT and ultrasound, and refused to do the procedure. He pretty much told me that I needed a surgeon not a radiologist!!! UGH!!!!! I'm gonna tough it out another week or so. As for my surgeon, YES! he is in his early 40's, goodlooking man, with a huge ego, very insensitive, and very angry that his P.A. told him she was sure I had a hernia. In fact, he made it a point to tell me she was wrong! But if that were the case why did he open me up two days in a row? I want to mention that prior to surgery I would have never guessed he was this kind of doctor. He was very kind, proffesional and sounded like he knew his stuff. I will keep yall posted. Thanks for all the kindness, it really has helped my emotional state of mind. For a while I thought I was crazy!

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What a nightmare! I'm so sorry! Keep us posted and let us know how you are doing. I can't image going through what you're going through. You seem so strong! Hang in there and let us know!

Update..... When I went to have an ultrasound guided drain put in on 07/19/2011 the radiologist looked at my CT and ultrasound, and refused to do the procedure. He pretty much told me that I needed a surgeon not a radiologist!!! UGH!!!!! I'm gonna tough it out another week or so. As for my surgeon, YES! he is in his early 40's, goodlooking man, with a huge ego, very insensitive, and very angry that his P.A. told him she was sure I had a hernia. In fact, he made it a point to tell me she was wrong! But if that were the case why did he open me up two days in a row? I want to mention that prior to surgery I would have never guessed he was this kind of doctor. He was very kind, proffesional and sounded like he knew his stuff. I will keep yall posted. Thanks for all the kindness, it really has helped my emotional state of mind. For a while I thought I was crazy!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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