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So Nervous I postponed LB surgery

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I was finally approved for surgery. I was so happy. I went thru all the pre-op testing and was fine. Got my surgery date and freaked out. The liquid diet was no problem...because I could only drink Water or eat the SF popsicles, because I was so nervous. I postponed because of all the PB talk and foamies and sliming. I was 210 now down to 200 because of liquid diet and my nerves.

I actually gained weight so I could qualify for this surgery. No joke. I worry that I will be only be able to eat 2 tablespoons like some of these posts. That is just not normal. Shouldn't the goal be to eat A single portion of something, you know what the label says is a portion, and be satisfied. Not a couple of bites and then get a golf ball or PB.

I would just like to be 150, just normal. I can't make up my mind to do this, because I'm too scared that I won't be able to eat like normal, average weight people do.

Also, I love to eat out. I mean love love love. The surgeon and dietician said that we should order an appetizer without throwing up. But, from the posts ive read, no one could even finish that. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way but...one of my questions to the surgeon was...So instead of eating 4 pieces of pizza I could eat just one and feel full. Or maybe just eat a kids happy meal and be full. Honestly, if I couldn't work up to eating those foods, I won't have the surgery. I know its horrible to think that way, but its true for me.

So, what does everyone think, am I really ready for this surgery. I don't know anyone personally who has had the surgery. So, I feel really lost. Thanks for any replies and/or comments.

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Hello Nervous Nelly !

If you are not ready, you are not ready ! I feel this surgery is for those of us who have reached their "breaking point" and will do almost anything to get "the tool" put in to help with weight loss. Sounds as though you need to do more research and soul searching before continuing on.

That said, I have NEVER pb'd , slimed or even come close. I had the surgery 4/18 and I lose 1-2 pounds per week average eating NORMAL foods that I CHEW CHEW and take my time with. I have had 1 fill and it TAKES THE EDGE OFF my hunger, I eat far less than before and feel GREAT ! I was nervous at first and was scared of the first few sips after surgery, then more scared of the 1st few bites, but I try to remember to take small bites and kepp chewing to a pulp. This will help you to not PB or SLIME. I suppose after a more dramatic fill ( I have 1cc now) I will have to be more careful, but so far, so good.

Only you can make this decision and ask yourself if it will be worth it in the lifetime ahead of you or not. I felt I could lose weight time and time again, but I always put it back on, plus more ! I also "gained more weight" to make my BMI higher in order to qualify for insurance. For me, it is clear that this was the right thing to do for MY BODY, MY SITUATION and MY MIND SET. Take your time to make an informed decision and do what is best for YOU !!

I feel for you, BEST WISHES !!!

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The decision is yours. When I first started consultations, I was 218. I was 203 at pre-surgery and I am 151 now. I don't have the restriction that you talk about. The biggest issues for me are

1) if I overeat, I throw it up - pb or whatever - but its not a big deal, its like a productive burp - the last bite comes out.

2) i am supersensitive to heat - when I first moved to Africa and it was hot, the most I could eat was 1/2 cup. Now that its winter, I eat like I did in the US - 1/2 to 1 cup of food.

I also loved food. I planned vacations, traveling, everything around food. I still enjoy it. The difference is that it doesn't control me anymore.

I don't lose the way others do here. I don't know if its my system or what. I lose 15-20 pounds and then stay the same for about 3-4 months. I lost the first batch around surgery, the second batch at about 5 months, the third batch at about 10 months. But I am okay with it. I don't have bunches of excess skin - during the time when I'm not losing weight, I lose inches, gain some muscle, and my skin catches up.

I won't say that it is painless. When its hot, I have more restriction and need to watch what I eat closer. I also struggle when I'm stressed. Right now, I can eat bread, rice, etc. But I'm on the other side of the equator and its winter here now.

Would I do it again - lets see, go from size 18 plus to size 8s. Yes. Have more energy, feel better about myself, etc Yes. Would I have had the confidence in myself to quit my job, become a contractor and move to Africa if I hadn't lost the weight and see myself adjusting to a new slimmer life - I can't say. But I think the whole decision making process, post-surgery life, and life style changes helped make me a person who adapts to change better.

Good luck on your decision. Celeste

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You may have to decide one day, like I did, if your love of eating is more important than living (or at least living without a myriad of diseases with a quality of life that stinks). If you needed to put on weight to be eligible and you can not fathom giving up the food, maybe you should wait until it is required.

Eating, like I did, is an addiction. I knew drug addicts who went into rehab voluntarily and are now clean for years. I also knew some that were forced into rehab by their job, their parents or the law and they failed. Some of them are now dead. If you have not hit rock-bottom and you are hesitant, then wait. Either you may lose weight with a less invasive method or you will get so bad, that you will hit rock-bottom and your love of life will over-ride your fear of giving up your love of food.< /p>

As Yogi Berra used to say, "90% of this game is 50% mental".

Sorry if I a do not exhibit as much tact as some others here. I speak what I feel is the truth on serious matters like this. This surgery is major surgery and should not be gone into lightly.

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Thanks for all your advice. Especially Tired Old Man. I need that kind of tough love talk. I thought I was rock bottom, but I know that I have lost weight before and can do it again. To be perfectly honest, I have not tried to diet in the past 3 years. My husband and I eat out EVERY DAY. I say no to nothing. I want it I eat it. I just said life is too short, I love food and fast food is heaven on earth. So to heck with diet and exercise. I used to be so disciplined. I would eat well and not cheat. I actually ate the same diet meal, 5 days a week and enjoyed every bite of it. Just stayed under 20 fat grams a day. I ate out only on the weekends and savored every last bite of fries etc. I have never tried Weight Watchers or LA weight loss and think I will try one of those. Maybe I just needed to look down the barrel of the gun, honestly you are right I am NOT at rock bottom. WLS is supposed to be the last resort. I thought it would be the easy way to lose weight. It was also going to be totally free because I have 2 health insurance carrriers. But, its not that easy.

I know that I have lost weight and you know every diet works. Its just that we have to stay on the diet. AKA change eating habits.

My approval is good for a year, so I will just put everything on hold, until I feel THE ROCKS.

By the way, how many people have posted that they decided not to do surgery after all?

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My husband and I eat out EVERY DAY. I say no to nothing. I want it I eat it. I just said life is too short, I love food and fast food is heaven on earth.

My story exactly. McDonalds for Breakfast during the week, big country breakfasts on the weekends. lunch out at some burger joint every day of the week. Pick dinner up from anywhere that had food to go on the way home from work. I never cooked! The only food brought into the house that came from a grocery store was beer and Snacks. The money we spent on food was astounding! But we didnt care. We were lost in self indulgence and enjoying every bite of it. Ahhh.. the variety, the choices, the freedom!! Loved it!

But then I felt like crap about myself after eating it. It hurt to get up out of my chair to go throw away the fast food containers. None of my largest clothes would fit. I stopped wearing jeans and started wearing those soft pants with the elastic waist so I would be comfortable. I was so depressed about my appearance that I stopped looking and then, I stopped even trying to care for myself. I wore my hair in a ponytail all of the time, never put on makeup, and then I just quit leaving the house. I sunk into a deep depression. My hips would hurt so badly in the night that I was taking two Aleve before sleeping just so the pain wouldnt wake me up. I was also living on antacids. Acid reflux would shoot up my throat and into my sinuses. I would wake up feeling as if I were drowning in burning acid. Choking and gasping for air. My feet hurt so much I limped when I walked. So I walked as little as possible.

Then one day it dawned on me. I wasnt free at all. I was a prisoner.

My band has truly set me free. To quote a song I dearly love...

"Why be afraid of freedom, if it's yours?"

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Then one day it dawned on me. I wasnt free at all. I was a prisoner.

My band has truly set me free. To quote a song I dearly love...

"Why be afraid of freedom, if it's yours?"

Wow, you were just where I am now. I caught myself saying "But I want to eat what I want" with the thought, to quote Dr. Phil among others "And how's that working for you?". I realized it wasn't. So many of the same thing you report, the pain, the depression, the not caring.

I LOVE how you put it.

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You know whats really amazing Lisa? I dont even think about those foods now. Oh sure, there were days in the beginning when I would do things our of habit, such as instead of turning right to go to work I'd turn left toward McDonald's. And I still have days when a craving with come over me and beat on me for a few days. My last one was for a turkey sandwich on wheat bread, with mayo.. oh dear, it's still there *she said as her mouth waters just at the thought* hehe And some will say, "Dont deprive yourself! If you want that, have it in moderation." To which I have to respond, "I have no self control!! If I could eat in moderation, I wouldn't be fat!" I haven't touched bread of any kind in six months. And I won't either. As far as I'm concerned, this band does not tolerate bread so I cannot eat it. The end. And THAT is freedom!

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From what you posted, you are DEFINITELY NOT ready to have the surgery. Quite frankly, I am VERY surprised your insurance approved you since you've never tried LA Weight Loss, Weight Watches, etc., as well as the fact that you only need to lose 60 (now 50) pounds.

It sounds like you focused on the complications of the surgery but the fact is, most banded people can go out to dinner and eat more than an appetizer. In fact, it's more logical to skip that and the bread and focus on eating the meal. I think you made a wise decision and yes, you absolutely should try a weight loss program to lose weight before having the surgery. Additionally, eating every meal out with your husband will not be an option after surgery so you'll need to think long and hard on how willing you and he are to making life style changes.

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You know whats really amazing Lisa? I dont even think about those foods now. Oh sure, there were days in the beginning when I would do things our of habit, such as instead of turning right to go to work I'd turn left toward McDonald's. /quote]

The more I read about banding and those who have had it, the more excited I'm getting. I still will probably have to wait until early September because of workload, but I'm working on making what changes I can now. Including going back to Curves to work out, starting today.

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I posted in another thread, but I have some of the same questions. I KNOW I need to lose weight, but don't have the willpower to stop eating. If I did, then I wouldn't be looking into surgery. I wish there was something to shut off the part of my brain that is telling me I need to eat. Physically, I can't even do light exercise because I can't stand on my feet for any length of time, I have Type II diabetes, and I'm 5'3, 250lbs. I even had surgery on my foot in December and now it is worse. Actually, I've gained 20 pounds in the past 6 months since the surgery because I can do less now then before.

My main concern is with eating as a family. I don't mind having to only eat a cup of food if that is what makes me full, but can the family still go eat out? What if they DO want fast food? Can you still eat it, just in smaller amounts? My younger son is diabetic and I can't not have carbs in the house. How do you cook a meal the entire family will eat AND enjoy. I'm so tired of seeing healthy recipes with fish. I'm the only one that likes fish (only a little), so I'm not going to make two different meals.

Just like another post above, eating IS an addiction, and I guess biggest concern is how is that going to change? If I'm addicted now, then how is the band going to get rid of that addiction? Does it just make you miserable if you eat over 1/2 cup of food? That just doesn't seem healthy or normal either...

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Ok, I've read the term PB many times, what is it?

and for Heavens sake - what is sliming?

I doubt anyone is really ready, unafraid, this isn't like starting WW, or Jenny Craig. This is more serious, and "the last try". <for me anyway>

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Get another date and go thru with it! I too ate everything is site before my band, I never enjoyed eating I enjoyed OVEREATING. I was never happy until my plate was finished and I then finished what was left on my wifes plate and my 4 kids. I too thought there was no way I would be happy eating a meal the size of a golf ball, I too thought there was no way I would be happy having only 2 or 3 potato chips when I used to finish 2 or 3 bags, but after the band my life has changed. I now enjoy my food so much I take an hour to eat dinner and actually talk to my wife and kids about there day rather than ask "are you gonna finish that?" I never have missed the overeating, I love the fact that I can go to a buffet and not even have the desire let alone the ability to eat a whole plate of food.

The band changes everything, at first I noticed it in my clothes, I went from a 44 waist to a 40 to a 38 (which are loose on me). I then noticed it in the way people acted towards me, people seemed more patient and then I noticed it at work, I am a lawyer and now I see that the "skinny" lawyers get more clients. I am not sure if its because clients have more confidence in thinner people or because I am more confident in myself. Probably a little of both. I then noticed it in my sex life ...WOW!! I can last a lot longer enjoy it a lot more (but thats for a different thread).

Bottom line....GO FOR IT! It will change your life for the better.

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I posted in another thread, but I have some of the same questions. I KNOW I need to lose weight, but don't have the willpower to stop eating. If I did, then I wouldn't be looking into surgery. I wish there was something to shut off the part of my brain that is telling me I need to eat.

You will not be able to over-eat with the band. Hopefully soon, there will be a drug to reduce hunger. There is a lot of research into to it. I am hungry sometimes, but I have to learn what makes me hungry and to avoid doing those things. Watching TV is like putting on the "hunger switch".

My main concern is with eating as a family. I don't mind having to only eat a cup of food if that is what makes me full, but can the family still go eat out? What if they DO want fast food? Can you still eat it, just in smaller amounts? My younger son is diabetic and I can't not have carbs in the house. How do you cook a meal the entire family will eat AND enjoy. I'm so tired of seeing healthy recipes with fish. I'm the only one that likes fish (only a little), so I'm not going to make two different meals.

If your son is a diabetic #1. why would you want carbs around? #2. Why would you go to a fast food (also know as a poison dispenser) restaurant?

It will not hurt you, your son or your whole family to eat healthy foods. What "healthy foods are" is a question totally distorted by people who have agendas. But one thing is for sure, you will not get much healthy food in a Micky D's or BurgerKing. Moderation is the key to healthy eating. People will argue about which foods to eat, but if you have something from each food group every meal, you will do a lot better.

When I go out to eat with my wife, we split one meal. She is a type ll diabetic, so she does not eat potatoes. I eat a 1/4 to 1/5 of her meat portion, a table spoon of her green veggie, some mashed potatoes and less than 1/5 of an extra tossed salad (not a salad for two or a chef's salad). We tell the waitress "do not bring bread".

Just like another post above, eating IS an addiction, and I guess biggest concern is how is that going to change? If I'm addicted now, then how is the band going to get rid of that addiction? Does it just make you miserable if you eat over 1/2 cup of food? That just doesn't seem healthy or normal either...

And weighing 230# at 5'3" is healthy or normal.

As I hinted at in an earlier post, you have to decide what is more important to you, the pleasure of feeling food in your mouth, sliding down your throat and feeling your belly get full as you have been doing or the chance to see your children graduate school and dance at their weddings.

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"I then noticed it in the way people acted towards me, people seemed more patient and then I noticed it at work, I am a lawyer and now I see that the "skinny" lawyers get more clients. I am not sure if its because clients have more confidence in thinner people or because I am more confident in myself. "

In my 20's, I was working at NBC, trying to be a producer. I remember having a meeting with this one top guy - and he said to another person,

"NO ONE takes you seriously when you're fat". I cringed at the time for that other person, and it's stayed with me for 30 years. In the work I do, I'm in front of people all the time, speaking, and I've always remembered what he said - and always felt that no one could possibly be taking me seriously - evern tho, I know they did.

Thanks for that thread, and for the encouragement!


I get my band of the 20th.

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