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Well here I am, 6 days post op. I have a bunch of things that I want to share with everyone.

Surgery went well, I was originally scheduled for 7:30 but my Dr had to take his Partner's patient because he had an emergency and had to fly out of town over the weekend. I went to the hospital at 5:45 like they told me but no one from the Dr's office called me to tell me to come in later

Dr. walked in around 9:00 told us what happened, asked a few questions and said I'll see you in the OR. The nurses came when they were ready for me and I kept asking for the little injection to calm me down. The one nurse said she'd only give it to me if I do the princess wave on the way to the ER. Of course, I obliged and kissed my Hubby and Dad who were in the waiting room for me.

I remember getting into the OR, everyone was very nice and saying your gonna be so gorgeous after your surgery we aren't going to recognize you..lol.

Our bariatric nurse coordinator sits in on all of the surgeries and I remember her holding the oxygen mask on my face telling me to breathe in and out, which I did and then I heard them say Good Night Kim.

I woke up in recovery, dont remember what time it was, i wasn't in any pain. I just remember the nurse going back and forth telling me she has to the ABG blood test on me. I saw my Dr out of the corner of my eye and I think I managed to get my arm up to wave hello. I was dozing in and out of it. Finally got into my room, I had my CPAP on, pain meds in me and I was good to go. Hardly slept the first night. Thank God for the PCM machine becuase at that point I wouldn't have wanted to wait for anyone.

Tuesday at the hospital started with my Doc visiting me around 6:15, and talking to me for a while and at that point i was still in no pain due to my little friend...

Went to have the Upper GI, wasn't as bad as I anticipated. The radiologist there was one of my Dr's patients and she told me she was over 300 lbs and she looked fabulous, she had the surgery 3 years ago, I wouldn't have even know she was heavy like that. So that was good, did the upper GI and went back to the room. Oh...forgot, night of the surgery I walked around the halls 5 times around. I wanted to smack the girl who was with me because she wasn't keeping track of how many laps I was doing so when thye came and asked me how I did I gave them my number. She was a youn kid.

Tues----ah...as the day went on things got bad. They removed the cath from me around 6:30 am , I've tried mulitple times to go #1. No such luck. I went for a walk when my girlfriend came to visit me, nothing.... Bad news Kim, we have to go in and get the urine from you. OMG!! I'm thinking now I want to die. I thought they were gonna shoot me with the cath while I was awake and I was thinking of how painful that was when they did that to me when I had my son. So the nurses come to do that around 5:00. Oh first she did an ultrasound to see how much Fluid was up there...all it said was over 250 cc's. Yeah over 250 cc's try closer to 800 cc's. I will translate to you. 800 cc's are equal to 1 bag of IV. OMG...what the heck was wrong with my bladder. Now I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to go on my own now and they are going to have to do this all the time for me. I think I finally did start going by myself later on that evening. Getting in and out of those hospital beds are horrible. Pain wise - I am on pills and taking them with no problem. Drinking the juice, couldn't look at the Jello at all.

Hardly slept on Tuesday at all I was in so much pain, they gave me my pain med and it wasn't working. I texted my husband at 4:30 am to tell him I've been up since 1 am and I'm in so much pain. I kept pressing that button like crazy. The nurses assistant came in and I kept saying I'm in a lot of pain, I'm in a lot of pain. I'll have to check with the main nurse. Finally the main nurse comes in and says I can't have anything for another hour. I think I must have fallen back to sleep because I was up at 6:30, still in the chair and still waiting for pain meds. I pressed the button again, she FINALLY came in with an IV injection of pain meds. Oh geez...wonderful...I hardly slepts, whats going to happen today.

Wed- Managed to clean myself up, gave myself the lovenox shot, and I think I fell asleep on the chair again. I just couldn't get back into that bed in the pain I was in.

Got discharged from the hospital and was home by 6:00 pm. Hubby got all my meds and I sat in the chair for a little bit, I'm sure I dosed off and on. The kids were happy I was home, I was annoyed by all the noise they were making but only because I was in pain and they were just being kids.

Wed night - trying to get into a king size pillow top bed is hard to me to begin with because I'm 4 ft 11 inch. Trying to get into this with 6 holes and a drain tube...just not happening although my husband kept insisting on me getting into the bed. He and my son brought up the chair and the ottoman in my bedroom so I slept on that till about 3:00. I woke up my hubby to go #1 and said I can't sleep on this chair anymore...just not possible. So after I took another pain pill I managed to get into our bed. Here's a visual. At the foot of the bed, diagonal, laying on my left arm cause I couldn't move it, wrapped up in the hospital blanket and then my husband is on the other side of me pressing against me so that I can stay on my side. I think we slept till 6:30 then it was time to get the kids ready for school. I came downstairs and sat in the recliner for most of the morning. I did some drinking, some walking around, I think I owe my hubby a nice present because I noticed my cycle started and I was in no shape to take care of that also. He said when I get better he's gonna take a big one and have me wipe his ass..hahahah. Thank God I can finally do that on my own now....

Friday - That's it, i've had enough of these staples, I want them out. I am mean, angry, annoyed at everything and anything that is going on in this house and with my body. I call the Dr's office at 8:30 and tell them I'm in pain around the drain site and these staples are killing me, can I get them out and he put steri strips on me. She gives me his schedule and said I'll call u as soon as I get an answer. 11:45 am...NO ANSWER. I'M SO UPSET, I START CRYING, it was even hurting when I cried. My husband called the office again. No cannot have the staples taken out, too early and skin hasn't healed. So we got to talking about the medication and she said we'll change it for you but we have to talk to the dr. Good to have a sister in law who is a Pharmacist. She called to check up on me, hubby told her about the meds and she said no these aren't strong enough. They gave me dilaulted to take home and in the hospital. So they call back, yes to the new meds percocet but hubby has to drive to the office which is 25 minutes away. And all the Program coordinator kept telling me was crystal light popsicles...so of course get my new meds and these damn popsicles. Juice and chicken broth were enough, everything was really starting to get on my nerves.

Sat morning, acutally sat up in bed, got on the computer for a little while, waited for the pain meds to kick in so I can actually take a shower. Shower felt good but legs were wobbly and shakey. Mom came to visit, Dad came to visit, I actually laughed while watching a movie I had alot of gas and I haven't had a bm yet. Can we really have a bm just on fluids??? Oh btw, those Protein Shots are horrible. I've tried mixing them with all different things, just can't drink one..not even 2.5 ounces...nasty nasty nasty.

So after I started the new meds I am starting to feel a ittle bit better. These staples are kiling me, I can't wait till Wed to go to my office visit and get them out and this drain. I'm still doing the injections, they dont hurt. I'm sleeping more hourse but I still get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I actually got up by myself this morning to go. Drinking diluted apple juice and took my 2 pain pills .

Some questions:

I'm hungry, did this happen to anyone else

Is burping when u know that you drank too much too fast

did you move around alot when u were home recovering

Well that was my whole experience. I'm glad it's over with. I'll be happy when I can remove these staples and drain tube. I hope I get moved to full liquids....I have some shakes I want to make up. well, getting a little sleepy from the meds. I'm gonna close my eyes for a little bit. Thanks Kim :P

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I am sorry that you have had such bad pain but glad you got the right meds, Good luck with your staples and drain keep us updated and thats for shairing your story.

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Sounds like you had a rough time :( But hopefully you are starting to feel better.

I had a little bit of the same experience as you. While I wasn't in a whole lot of pain in the hospital, it got worse once I got home. I couldn't stand laying the hospital bed either and luckily there was a chair in the room that I slept in sitting up. LOL. Trying to get in and out of my parents' king sized bed wasn't easy for me either, and I'm 5'10. I didn't have a drain so I was thankful for that. I was given Loritab for the pain, but mostly it just made me throw up so I didn't really take it. Most of my pain were gas pains and those hurt like hell. They also caused me to burp a lot but I guess it was good for the gas to escape.

I didn't have a BM for about a week, not even liquids. It took about 2 weeks for me to start feeling better, but the second week was really tough. I had reflux so bad, I felt like I could breathe fire. And I was nauseous so I wasn't eating and barely drinking. Once I got meds for the reflux though, things got a lot better. For the past few days I've been able to go out without feeling like I'm going throw up and/or pass out.

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Wow!! I guess everyone has different experiences with this surgery. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone!!! hahaha

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Hey Kim!! So glad to see your post!!! You know my entire story, so I won't repeat... but I hear ya bout having trouble peeing. I was cathed TWICE in the hospital and that was horrible!!!

Glad the new pain meds are helping. ANd good luck wednesday.

I felt hungry a little at a week out, yes. And I tried to move around the house as much as I can. I felt a little restless at that point, so I was always moving from chair to chair and felt I had to be doing stuff. And I burp a lot now, yes, especially after I've taken too big a sip or something.

Right now, my complaint is nausea and acid reflux after I eat. I plan on asking for some acid reflux meds on Wed. Hopefully that will help me. It seems that 90% of the people on these boards have acid reflux issues. Mine has been waking me up in the middle of the night, burning my throat... and I've been going through Tums nonstop. Ugh. I just wish I could eat normally at this point. (normally for a sleeved person that is... not have any issues with certain foods and just need to keep portions small) I know I'll get there!!!

Do you feel like the worst is behind you?? At a week out I was SO glad it was all behind me and over. Those first few days were tough!! Hang in there!

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I had surgery on 10-4. No drain or staples though--those sound horrid! The surgeon just used surgical glue. The first two days were hard from nausea, but I felt almost no pain. I am at 2 weeks tomorrow. My diet includes sugar free puddings, cream Soups (blended or strained) with some added Protein powder (nonflavored) or 1% milk, light yogurt, broth, applesauce (could not eat first week), tea, and Water of course (about 30-40 oz). Kaiser does not promote Protein shakes or milk, but I felt very lightheaded until I started adding Protein to my diet. If yogurt is on their list, then milk should be too.

I will start with some thicker Soups this week and maybe some blended light yogurt with fruit and Protein Powder. I am on blended now for two weeks then "modified soft" for six long weeks after that! So no REAL food until January--ugg

Down 15 lbs though :)

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I'm so sorry to hear about your struggle, I'm surprised that I can relate in almost every single aspect of your post, I haven't heard of many people who had such a hard time as us, but some people may just not be sharing that part of it. Anywho, don't you just love hubby right now? Like you, my cycle started as soon as I got home...this man is God sent. I didn't give him enough credit, I didn't think he could do it, but when it came down to it...he did. He didn't complain, didn't comment, just did it. How wonderful he is. Also, I can relate about the sleeping, I'm dosing off constantly, but I cannot for the life of me get comfy in my bed, and this chair is comfy, but not for sleeping. I just get in the bed, and try to fall asleep asap so I don't have to think about how uncomfortable I am. I had 3 surgeries at once, very unexpected, so I would imagine that's why I'm still problematic this far out of surgery. As far as the burping thing, it seems like when I take too many sips of Water at a time, like...7 instead of 3, that I belch, it seems like if I DONT belch after lots of Water intake, my tummy starts to hurt. I had a really hard time with my bm and passing gas as well. They gave me laxatives and extra strength gas x in the hospital, maybe you could try that? I felt much better after those two things happened, it even made my incisions feel better it seemed because there wasn't so much air around them. I must have missed something though...why do you have staples? Also, I've heard of people with drains but I didn't get any-so no advice there, but good luck to you!

Good luck to you and I hope you start feelin better!!! HUGS

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this really is a whole different change in our lives and we just have to get used to it. i saw the dr. yesterday and he was pleased with the results of 15 lbs. My scale says 16 or 17..loll

I ate a scrambled egg last night w melted cheese that was so good, I think I ate it too fast cause I felt like it was stuck in my throat and I didn't have anything the rest of the night. I'm really scared to eat. I dont think I'm eating enough though because i felt a little dizzy sitting the in chair earlier. I would love some good recipes. I'll have to check around. Good luck everyone!!!

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So jealous you got to eat an egg so soon! I was sleeved on 10/14 and cant have eggs until week 5! 4 more weeks from today!

My surgeon allows only liquids (including sugar free pudding & yogurt) for weeks 1 & 2. The weeks 3&4 can add cottage cheese and blended oatmeal. Week 5 is soft scrambled eggs and soft Proteins like tina fish....

I'm not hungry - but I am so sick and tired of Soup and drinking and cold things! Down almost 20lbs since pre-surgery (Clear Liquids for 3 full days)...I had the band before so I become quite used to small portions, etc...band slipped so I converted it. I'm so looking forward to hot food that is NOT Soup related - I'm about to lose my mind!!!!!!

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Kim and I have the same doctor. He has those same "rules" set up with 2 weeks Clear liquids, 2 weeks full liquids, 2 weeks puree, etc... but it seems with me (and now with Kim) when we go in for our post-op appt, if we are tolerating the stage we're on well, he moves us on early. I was surprised at that too. I'm 4 1/2 weeks out, and I'm already trying all foods. It's really tough and for sure a frustrating place to be, inching along trying new things, not knowing what will happen! Just slow slow slow... is what I'm trying to do.

Kim, glad you enjoyed your egg with cheese slice! I use Kraft 2% American for my daughter's mac n cheese, so I used that and just put a slice over my scrambled egg. I'm actually having a little Fiber one Cereal for Breakfast today. (Val insisted we try to get some Fiber, which helps with the poop issues too, lol)

Glad you're on the "other side" with me now!

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Kim and I have the same doctor. He has those same "rules" set up with 2 weeks Clear Liquids, 2 weeks full liquids, 2 weeks puree, etc... but it seems with me (and now with Kim) when we go in for our post-op appt, if we are tolerating the stage we're on well, he moves us on early. I was surprised at that too. I'm 4 1/2 weeks out, and I'm already trying all foods. It's really tough and for sure a frustrating place to be, inching along trying new things, not knowing what will happen! Just slow slow slow... is what I'm trying to do.

Kim, glad you enjoyed your egg with cheese slice! I use Kraft 2% American for my daughter's mac n cheese, so I used that and just put a slice over my scrambled egg. I'm actually having a little Fiber one Cereal for Breakfast today. (Val insisted we try to get some fiber, which helps with the poop issues too, lol)

Glad you're on the "other side" with me now!

Thanks!! ME too its so nice to put food in your mouth it's the not knowing that's bad..lol

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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