ndbeekeeper 0 Posted June 12, 2006 Hi All, My name is Heidi and my husband and I have surgery scheduled in Monterrey on June 23rd. I am wondering if anyone has any pre-surgery advice for us. How long was your recovery? When are you able to do physical labor? What was your first months weight loss? Sorry...I am just SOOO excited and full of questions. I only decided to do this for sure about 6 days ago and already we are less than 2 weeks away from surgery. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks !! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
disneynut 0 Posted June 12, 2006 Hi Heidi. Welcome to LBT. You and your husband are being banded on the same day? That's great - you'll recover together. The surgery for me was a breeze. No gas pains, just discomfort with the incisions, but nothing so horrible. I was off pain meds completely my second day home. I work a desk job so I took a full week off to recover. I probably could have gone back a day or two sooner, but I was really tired during recuperation. I did get out and about, but was wiped out quickly so I napped a lot. The second week, I still tired easily but no other problems going back to work. I couldn't handle physical labor for about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks after surgery, but that's just me. I don't remember what the first month's weight loss was but I have lost 33 pounds (as of last week, haven't weighed myself this week yet) since the end of March and my doctor is really happy with my progress so far. Good luck to both of you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ndbeekeeper 0 Posted June 12, 2006 Thanks!! Yes, we both have it done the same day and want to lose about the same amount of weight. I am really hoping recovery time is short....wa have alot of work to do and the labor is quite physical....guess I just have to hope for the best! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nodakgirl 0 Posted June 12, 2006 Hey There, My Name Is Sarah. I Just Had Surgery About 10 Days Ago. My Advice For Pre- Surgery... Get Used To Eating Small Amounts. And Also If You Know That You Won't Be Able To Eat Something After Surgery, Eat It Now!!! Recovery Is Fairly Fast As It Is Only Took Me About 2 Days To Recover. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ndbeekeeper 0 Posted June 12, 2006 Hey nodakgirl....I take it you are also from North Dakota!! Where did you have your surgery done? I would love to chat with you...my email is hhannabee@yahoo.com....email me anytime! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
health1st 1 Posted June 12, 2006 Congratulations! I am new, banded 5.5 but I've been checking with a number of people banded at the same time. The concensus is that recovery varies with the individual, their age, how long the surgery actually took and your health pre-op. I heard people get right back to work, others took some time. The surgery itself set me back a bit, the anethisia made my head groggy for weeks. I didn't get my energy back for 5 weeks. I could function but was weak. A few days I pushed too hard and ended up back in bed. I got better each day but it was slow. I was very healthy pre-op so I was surprised. Do what the Doc says, exercise, eat well before surgery. Be as healthy as you can pre-op and the surgery will be easier. Post-op my suggestions are: Don't lift anything before you should. Eat only what they tell you. Trying to push it (physically and waht you eat) too soon only opens the door for possible problems. Suggest you talk to your Doc about the size of band. There are a number of sizes that no one told me about. I ended up with the newer/bigger band that seems to be easier on what you eat but may be harded to regulate with fills over time. It's a newer version. More info on band size: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=8926 Best wishes to you and your husband... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juliegeraci 7 Posted June 12, 2006 Hi Heidi, My surgery was a breeze. I didn't have any gas pain. Just about 2 days of a sore neck. Kept on my liquid advil caps. The liquid diet is easy. I drink a Protein Shake in the a.m. s-l-o-w-l-y and then fill in the day just a bit with Jello or creamy Soups. I am 6 days post op. The incisions do stay a little sore. The one that stays the sorest is the port incision. I took off all the bandages yesterday and I'm healing nicely. I am a little tired at time, probably because of the few calorie intake. I drink plenty of Fluid though. Just basically its just taking care of yourself, resting and not over doing it. I am ready to drive today and I'm back to work at a desk job. In all truthfullness, the hardest thing was the sore throat from the anasteasia (tube down the throat). That lasted about 2 days. I can't believe how easy this surgery has been. Getting my tubes tied was 10 times more painful. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marys 2 Posted June 12, 2006 I had pretty bad gas pains for months after surgery but it wasnt constant or too terrible. I found if my boyfriend gently massaged the area i would just burp and pass gas (sorry, so gross!) non stop and it would abate. The gasx didn't help much. I went back to work in 2 days and was pretty tired but I don't have an active job so it was ok. Everyone is different but other then a little soreness I recovered pretty quickly. My advice is to wear loose clothes (elastic or tie waistbands with low rise or no underware) and slip on shoes for the trip home and try to take at least 4 days off work, more if strenuous job. Congrats and so nice you can do this with hubby - good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kat817 19 Posted June 12, 2006 Hi, I was banded on April 24th, to date I have lost almost 30 pounds. The last couple of weeks have been very rough weeks emotionally, my husband has not been well, and is facing open heart surgery, so my attention has been directed elsewhere from my eating right. I have lost and regained the same pound several times!! I am scheduled for my first fill later this week, but it will likely be postponed until after DH's surgery. My recovery from band placement was a breeze. I had pain meds in my IV in the hospital the afternoon following surgery, since then, I used one dose of liquid Tylenol, on the long trip home the 3rd day (5 hours in a plane, and another 5 by car). I had very little gas pain, and only soreness and an irritated feeling in my incisions, never any real pain. I was out and about shopping and working on a remodel project within days. The 4th day I was on my feet for no less than 9 hours. I did ok, as long as I kept my Protein intake up,and drank LOTS of Water. The day I opted not to drink my Isopure, I felt very run down,and slept all afternoon, it was enough to make a believer out of me!! I used Zero carb Isopure, and unflavored Unjury powder the first 2 weeks while I was on clear and light liquids only. The unjury I mixed in juice or warmed broth, it adds 20g. of protein per scoop. The Isopure has 40g of protein per bottle. I drank small amounts out of the bottle throughout the day. Finishing at least one bottle a day. It comes in several flavors, and I bought it at GNC. The unjury powder also comes in the usual, chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry as well as the unflavored. You can order it at www.unjury.com . There is also some Jello like Protein Shots I heard about on here, but have never tried. I am now far enough out, I get the majority of mine from food. I do still do some Protein Shakes, although not often, and I use the DaVinci sugar free flavored syrups to make them in all kinds of flavors. I would suggest getting some Liquid Protein supplements to have on hand for the week following surgery, so if you don't feel great, you don't have to go searching for some you like ok. I agree with the loose clothing, and also a small pillow for between you and the seatbelt might be a good idea....just depends on where your surgeon puts your incisions, they vary as much as our recoveries have!! Find out from your Dr. or pharmacist in advance about whether your current medications can be crushed, or not, and have appropriate forms on hand. I bought several flavors of broth, and s/f jello. My Dr. recommended straws, others are adamantly against them, so whatever your Dr. says! Otherwise since you are both going together, I would say, get as much done ahead of time as possible, all the laundry done up, house cleaned, so you can lounge around together, and not "need" to do anything for a couple of days anyway. If you don't have recliners available, get a bunch of pillows together, some people have had problems laying flat for a few days. And don't expect to recover exactly the same as one another, and keep it in mind so neither of you becomes resentful...none of us on here have recovered exactly as another...some do great immediately, others take much longer, and most fall somewhere in between. Good luck to both of you, and if you have any questions, there are some amazing people with endless knowldege on this board. You will find it invaluable over the next stages in your lap band life. Once again...good luck, you have made what I consider to be a wise decision in banding!!! Kat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ndbeekeeper 0 Posted June 12, 2006 Thanks so much for all the great info!! Everyone here is so helpful and caring and I am so glad I will have people to talk to after my surgery who will know what I am going thru. Thank you all again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites