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I'm at 3 weeks out now and can eat a wide variety of things, albeit only small amounts at a time. What I'm having a problem with now is GRAZING. It's a bad habit from before surgery that I'm afraid will come back to bite me. I find myself making a small plate of food and eating from it over the course of an hour or two. I know you're not really supposed to do that, but without doing it I feel like I'm not eating enough, and with it I worry I eat too much.

So, how bad is this? Or am I just trippin' cause I've hit the dreaded 3 wk stall and the scale stopped moving <_<

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You know the first 6 weeks or so I grazed a lot. It was the only way to keep my belly happy. Now that I can eat a bit more. I dont have problems getting enough down to keep me satisfied. I usually only eat Breakfast, lunch early dinner and a snack in the evenings. I dont feel the need to graze any longer.

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Besides my sleeve, the best tool I use is journaling what I eat and drink everyday. Grazing can be very dangerous, especially if you don't know how much you're consuming. My dr told me to eat 3 small meals a day with a miidmorning Protein snack and a midafternoon Protein snack. So that's 5 times a day I eat.

Here is a typical day for me:

B: 1/2 Protein shake

S: 1 cheddar cheese stick

L: slice of turkey and 2 laughing cow cheese wedges

S: 1/2 Protein Shake

D: grilled Tilapia and green Beans

I feel content all day. Hope this helps.

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I was not a grazer before surgery, now I'm a grazer! In order to get in the recommended amount of Protein I have to graze - my stomach isn't large enough to eat all of it in just three settings. A typical day for me looks like this;

Breakfast - Protein shot

2 turkey/cream cheese roll ups

snack - 1 oz Jerky

lunch - 2 oz chicken salad

Snack - 1/4 green apple

dinner - 2 oz chicken salad

Dessert - 1/4 green apple

7 different pieces of food, eating 5 times a day. I could combine lunch and the after lunch snack I suppose, I'm just too full though. I guess I eat just about every 2-3 hours. The above menu is approx. 600 cals., 70+ grams protein, super low carb.

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I graze but i still track every single calorie of what I've been snacking on. My Dr told me not to graze or snack, but if i don't i just don't eat enough. I did go over the limit for a few days but I am back on track, just grazing on chicken ,the ocassional piece of fruit or cheese.< /p>

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It IS hard to get everything in. I never finish a "meal," so I just come back to it or eat more often. I also find that when I get hungry, I get starving.. suddenly. I try to make sure I have crackers in my purse as a last resort, in case I"m out and I suddenly get hungry. It's not like I get hungry and can eat a huge meal. Usually a little bit is all I need. I guess my stomach gets pretty empty! lol...

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I didn't graze during my losing stage. It just wasn't worth it to me plus I really wanted to nip some old habits.

I stuck to 4 meals a day that consisted of a minimum of 15gr of Protein. With that set-up, I hit 60gr of Protein per day without issue, and I never used protein drinks/shakes. Once I got to mushies, I was able to eat my protein. I also tried to not stretch my meals over 30 minutes because inevitably I would eat more. Tracking every meal kept me in check, and ensured I was hitting my calorie and protein goals.

Edit to add: I was still on full liquids at 3 weeks into the post-op diet and couldn't hit my protein goals at that stage. I can't imagine trying to eat that much at 3 weeks out. So, my situation is/was a little different. But, once I could eat, I didn't graze. As the days and weeks progressed, it was much easier to get in my protein because the swelling subsided, and my sleeve relaxed.

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I am 2 1/2 weeks out and my doctor and the nutritionist have told me to get in a little bit every two hours which seems to be working for me. I guess I am still too early to think I can do actual "meals". It usually takes me 30 minutes to get down whatever I am eating but I have noticed in the past couple of days that time is shrinking. I remember the first egg I had earlier this week took me almost an hour to get down and now I can do it in 20-30 minutes - just small bites and waiting in between to make sure it is going down well. I find if I eat too fast and don't wait a bit in between bites, that I sometimes take one bite too many and I suffer for it.

Good luck to everyone else on this journey! It's been a tough one for me but I know it will be worth it!

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I'm at 3 weeks out now and can eat a wide variety of things, albeit only small amounts at a time. What I'm having a problem with now is GRAZING. It's a bad habit from before surgery that I'm afraid will come back to bite me. I find myself making a small plate of food and eating from it over the course of an hour or two. I know you're not really supposed to do that, but without doing it I feel like I'm not eating enough, and with it I worry I eat too much.

So, how bad is this? Or am I just trippin' cause I've hit the dreaded 3 wk stall and the scale stopped moving <_<

Most folks don't like my posts because i'm very straight forward and to the point, but it's better then being a hypocrit and whispering behind your back. . . so if i offend you sorry, but its the truth,

How badly did you want this surgery anyhow? You know very well the rules of this "game". . you eat within 15 to 20 minutes. . .what you don't finish you toss and wait til the next meal. . you say "Its a bad habit from before srugery" Ok girly, get a grip here, are you giving excuses for grazing? Pull up those big girl panties and get with the program. . ."I feel like I'm not eating enough" Ummmmmm, again, what did you get this surgery for? to eat like there is no tomorrow again? NOOOOOOOO . . . you got this surgery to LOSE WEIGHT remember. . . less eating=weight loss. . .remember????? I am out 9 months and i maintain my calories at 500 - 700 per day no less. . You have to work at this surgery, it's not a magic fix it all. . . good luck~!! and once again sorry if i offended you. . .

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You don't offend me, but perhaps you misunderstand me. Or maybe "grazing" isn't the proper word. I'm not talking about eating a lot, but rather eating often, as others have described in this thread. Even if I ate all day long, at 3wks out it'd still be impossible to eat even what normal people do. Getting enough in my body IS a concern at this stage of "the game."

If you're asking for my reasoning behind getting the surgery, it was largely preventative. I'm only 23 and decided to reign my health and weight in now while they were still manageable-- none of which has to do with an apparently perceived obsession with food.

The point of my post was simply to get a gauge of what others are eating, and how often they do so, not to excuse myself into a binge (that, these days, would consist of 2 bites).

In other news, I finished an egg this morning- achievement!

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Our surgery was the exact same day.. and I say there is a HUGE difference between 3 weeks out and 9 months out!!!

Today I saw my nutritionist, and we talked about this. She said once I'm further out, I should be having 3 meals and maybe a snack. But for right now, I should be having 4-5 "meals" which really do not consist of a "meal," since I'm eating so little at a sitting.

So I know what you mean, and for us right now.. I don't think grazing is a bad thing, though maybe we shouldn't call it that. We gotta get in what we can at this stage, and there is no way I can do it in 3 set meals. And my nutritionist said that was okay for right now. I see her again in 2 months, and she said things should be a lot different then. I should be able to sit down, have my "meal" of 2/3oz of chicken, a little veggies, and a little potato, and done. It lasts until the next meal.

So anyway for now... this is what it is! I'm working on 1 oz. of sliced deli turkey right now, and by the time I chew it to death and manage to finish it, it'll be dinnertime! lol!

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You don't offend me, but perhaps you misunderstand me. Or maybe "grazing" isn't the proper word. I'm not talking about eating a lot, but rather eating often, as others have described in this thread. Even if I ate all day long, at 3wks out it'd still be impossible to eat even what normal people do. Getting enough in my body IS a concern at this stage of "the game."

If you're asking for my reasoning behind getting the surgery, it was largely preventative. I'm only 23 and decided to reign my health and weight in now while they were still manageable-- none of which has to do with an apparently perceived obsession with food.

The point of my post was simply to get a gauge of what others are eating, and how often they do so, not to excuse myself into a binge (that, these days, would consist of 2 bites).

In other news, I finished an egg this morning- achievement!

An egg is good! Yeah! What I was told to do by my nutritionist eat comfortably for only 15-20 minutes and thats it. . .then wait 1/2 hour before drinking any liquids. . then drink liquids until the next meal. . eat comfortably for 15- 20 minutes and so on. . . if it consists of 2 bites then so be it. . . you are only 3 weeks out. . . by the time your out as far as me, it'll be easier. I can eat 1/2 taco for Breakfast (sometimes) 4oz of whatever for lunch and maybe 4 oz of supper. . .for the evening (that used to be my worst eating time) I just drink Water, sf drinks, sf koolaid or Powerade zero. . . good luck! you will do fantastic!

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Our surgery was the exact same day.. and I say there is a HUGE difference between 3 weeks out and 9 months out!!!

Today I saw my nutritionist, and we talked about this. She said once I'm further out, I should be having 3 meals and maybe a snack. But for right now, I should be having 4-5 "meals" which really do not consist of a "meal," since I'm eating so little at a sitting.

So I know what you mean, and for us right now.. I don't think grazing is a bad thing, though maybe we shouldn't call it that. We gotta get in what we can at this stage, and there is no way I can do it in 3 set meals. And my nutritionist said that was okay for right now. I see her again in 2 months, and she said things should be a lot different then. I should be able to sit down, have my "meal" of 2/3oz of chicken, a little veggies, and a little potato, and done. It lasts until the next meal.

So anyway for now... this is what it is! I'm working on 1 oz. of sliced deli turkey right now, and by the time I chew it to death and manage to finish it, it'll be dinnertime! lol!

Agreed. The first weeks out of surgery and while your tummy is still healing, along with moving up in the consistency of food - you are likely to eat more meals throughout the day because your meals will be so tiny. *Whew* breathe now, that was one long winded sentence! LOL Anyway, I'm talking barely a few bites, then waiting 5 minutes for another few bites. I do try not to eat for more than 30 minutes though. However I will go longer if I know I am below the curb for my Protein grams are concerned. I do this and I surely don't feel bad about it at all.

I think we have to be careful with not making ourselves feel like failures, especially so soon out. I have always found that type of mentality was deadly to me and was my escape into "giving up".

Well I did this, and what's done is done. There's no way I can give up now. That part of my stomach has been removed forever, and all I can do now is work it.

I think you're doing fine Ericka, I say relax a little bit and let yourself heal. Once your able to eat larger meals, then worry about stopping the in between meals.

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This topic is so relevant to my situation right now. I mentioned previously that I stalled for 3 weeks 5, 6, 7 and broke it by adding in calories and Protein through scheduled Snacks because I wasn't meeting the 600 cals and 60 Protein gms minimum. Followed advice of more experienced folks on forum and I dropped 15.5 pounds in about 1-1/2 weeks. Then had post op meeting with PA and she said dont' snack. Only 3 meals a day. Well, tried that. Finally figured out how to meet protein minimum with 3 meals and still went into another almost 3 week stall, then just lost 9 pounds in 10 days when I went against orders and added in protein snack or two if necessary.

Another postop yesterday. Talked to PA about my worry about not getting enough nutrition with 450-550 cals a day. I'm eating mostly lean protein to get those 60 grams of protein in through 3 meals and no Snacks. So she got back to me today with doctor's message: no protein snacking, 3 meals a day, get in Proteins, don't go over carb limit (60 carbs -- I rarely get to 30) or fat limit (30- stay under that too). Dr. said don't worry about calories; just get in protein and Water (only Water counts as liquid, btw; Protein shakes, tea, etc. don't count).

I think he must be more conservative than many of the doctors you all see, but he's very experienced and successful. I'm going to follow his instructions and not add a protein snack or two to get 600 calories. We'll see where it gets me this month. Won't worry about calories. If I stall, I'll see if it will break following his instructions.

It's been a bit frustrating not losing more month 3 considering my high weight at the outset, but maybe this is just going to be my way of losing, i.e., lose, stall, lose, stall. I seem to remember Oregon Daisy saying something about her weight loss being full of stalls.

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I eat 5-6 meals a day. I don't think I could eat enough Protein if I ate less often. I dislike Protein Shakes - only drink them post-workout - so protein intake is a challenge, even though I do eat bars. My mindless grazing is usually the bulk of my fruit and vegetable intake (I like cukes and apples for snacks), so I don't really worry about it.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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