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Hi there everyone. I'm Angela joining you from England for my first post. I've been lurking about in the background for quite some time and feel that I know you all well already !!!

Well, after a year of "hoop jumping", I've now got a provisional date of Dec 7th for my VSG.

I'm feeling every possible emotion, the overwhelming one being excitement for the future.

I'm having my op on the NHS.

Peffermintchilli, if you're reading this I'm just down the road from you in Dewsbury and having the op in my local hospital. My area comes under Kirklees PCT. I think their conditions for acceptance vary a little from Leeds health authority. I'm so really lucky in that, although I have been very overweight for all my life, I don't have a single co-morbidity. No high bp, diabetes, joint probs or anything

I want to say a huge thank you to all of you on this site. Your help and advice have really helped me to arrive at the decision to go ahead with the surgery. Your stories and updates are a real inspiration to anyone considering the op, you can't beat hearing first hand information from those who have gone through it.

Love and best wishes to everyone

Angela x

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I am feeling the same thing. I am excited; however, at the same time I feel fear. My date is scheduled for November 15, 2010. Today, while surfing the internet I came across this site. This was a blessing. Now, I have had the opportunity to read about other's experiences. Good luck to you.I wish you the best!!

Hi there everyone. I'm Angela joining you from England for my first post. I've been lurking about in the background for quite some time and feel that I know you all well already !!!

Well, after a year of "hoop jumping", I've now got a provisional date of Dec 7th for my VSG.

I'm feeling every possible emotion, the overwhelming one being excitement for the future.

I'm having my op on the NHS.

Peffermintchilli, if you're reading this I'm just down the road from you in Dewsbury and having the op in my local hospital. My area comes under Kirklees PCT. I think their conditions for acceptance vary a little from Leeds health authority. I'm so really lucky in that, although I have been very overweight for all my life, I don't have a single co-morbidity. No high bp, diabetes, joint probs or anything

I want to say a huge thank you to all of you on this site. Your help and advice have really helped me to arrive at the decision to go ahead with the surgery. Your stories and updates are a real inspiration to anyone considering the op, you can't beat hearing first hand information from those who have gone through it.

Love and best wishes to everyone

Angela x

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Hi there everyone. I'm Angela joining you from England for my first post. I've been lurking about in the background for quite some time and feel that I know you all well already !!!

Well, after a year of "hoop jumping", I've now got a provisional date of Dec 7th for my VSG.

I'm feeling every possible emotion, the overwhelming one being excitement for the future.

I'm having my op on the NHS.

Peffermintchilli, if you're reading this I'm just down the road from you in Dewsbury and having the op in my local hospital. My area comes under Kirklees PCT. I think their conditions for acceptance vary a little from Leeds health authority. I'm so really lucky in that, although I have been very overweight for all my life, I don't have a single co-morbidity. No high bp, diabetes, joint probs or anything

I want to say a huge thank you to all of you on this site. Your help and advice have really helped me to arrive at the decision to go ahead with the surgery. Your stories and updates are a real inspiration to anyone considering the op, you can't beat hearing first hand information from those who have gone through it.

Love and best wishes to everyone

Angela x

Hi Angela,

Congrats hon that's awesome news I'm so happy for you :-) !!! I'm not sure which PCT I fall under yet, but my BMI is 56 ( I don't have high blood pressure or diabetes either) and I know the minimum is 50. I was told I would likely have mine at the LGI in the city centre.

How long as this taken you so far ? I've just started. If you could tell me what it's been like for you I would really appreciate it.

I'm waiting for my appointment with a nutritionist right now.

You've given me hope x

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Hi Angela,

Congrats hon that's awesome news I'm so happy for you :-) !!! I'm not sure which PCT I fall under yet, but my BMI is 56 ( I don't have high blood pressure or diabetes either) and I know the minimum is 50. I was told I would likely have mine at the LGI in the city centre.

How long as this taken you so far ? I've just started. If you could tell me what it's been like for you I would really appreciate it.

I'm waiting for my appointment with a nutritionist right now.

You've given me hope x

Originally when I asked to be referred for WLS I had the lap band in mind. I have always said I would not consider RNY and thought the band would be best for me. When I started my research and found out about all the horror stories with having the band I kicked that into touch and looked into the VSG.

Actually it has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I had my 1st consultation last November with Dr Raj who cordinates the obesity clinic at Dewsbury District Hospital. I've since only had 3 nurses appts and 2 dietitian appts and 1 appt with consultant Mr White, who will do the procedure, in all.

I could have had the op mid October or any time in November but one of my work colleagues is going to be on long term sick and our office would be short staffed. I'm the one who has chosen the Dec 7th date.

The only condition put on me by the hospital was to loose 14lbs as a sign of my commitment. I can't fault the support I've been given by the NHS team involved, they've all been great.

By the way, my BMI was 48 at the start and there was no question of that effecting the decision. Kirklees PCT do follow the current NICE guidlines. You can find details for the guidelines in a link on the BOSPA website. I think there are 2 PCT areas for Leeds and thier criteria for accepting patients are not yet announced on BOSPA.

I'm getting as prepared as I can for the big day and beyond!

I'll have to follow a 3 week milk based diet prior to the op, yeuk ! Small sacrifice to make though isn't it.

I'm so so grateful for all the help and info I've picked up from the veterans of this site and look forward to becoming one of them !

Good luck with your up and coming appt & keep in touch

Angela x

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I am feeling the same thing. I am excited; however, at the same time I feel fear. My date is scheduled for November 15, 2010. Today, while surfing the internet I came across this site. This was a blessing. Now, I have had the opportunity to read about other's experiences. Good luck to you.I wish you the best!!

Hi there, it was your lucky day when you came accross this site.

I have got so much invaluable help from the members on here. I've been lurking about and drinking in all their experiences and advice since March and today was my first post after getting my op date and it all starting to become real.

Keep watching the site and you'll receive lots of support and first hand information that you may not get from the healthcare professionals involved in the long road to having the VSG.

Which country are you in?

Best wishes

Angela x

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Hiya Angela,

glad to see another active member from the UK. I am in Wales and was sleeved beg of July, I had to self pay, as here in Wales guidelines are... well, lets just say I had no chance! However, I would do it again in the blink of an eye.

Good luck for Dec, what a fab christmas present ... :rolleyes:

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Hiya Angela,

glad to see another active member from the UK. I am in Wales and was sleeved beg of July, I had to self pay, as here in Wales guidelines are... well, lets just say I had no chance! However, I would do it again in the blink of an eye.

Good luck for Dec, what a fab christmas present ... :rolleyes:

Hiya coops,

Thank you so much for the welcome.

I've been "stalking" lol ! you and the other UK members, hope the cold is now better.

I really don't get the NHS variations on who gets funding and who doesn't. I work within the NHS and when I see how much it costs day to day to supply meds for all the co-morbidities my jaw drops ! I know not everyone would opt for surgery, but the cost of it is a drop in the ocean in comparisson.

Now for the grilling lol!

What type of pre op diet did you follow, if any ?

How long post op did it take you to "feel human" again ?

Did you have any issues while progressing through the various stages of foods you could tolorate ?

Thanks for any help you can offer, it is so much better to hear it first hand from people like yourself. The team I've been working with have been brilliant, but they're all stick thin. The nurse, for instance, is tall and willowy and is about a size 8 !

Best wishes Angela x

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Hiya coops,

Thank you so much for the welcome.

I've been "stalking" lol ! you and the other UK members, hope the cold is now better.

I really don't get the NHS variations on who gets funding and who doesn't. I work within the NHS and when I see how much it costs day to day to supply meds for all the co-morbidities my jaw drops ! I know not everyone would opt for surgery, but the cost of it is a drop in the ocean in comparisson.

Now for the grilling lol!

What type of pre op diet did you follow, if any ?

How long post op did it take you to "feel human" again ?

Did you have any issues while progressing through the various stages of foods you could tolorate ?

Thanks for any help you can offer, it is so much better to hear it first hand from people like yourself. The team I've been working with have been brilliant, but they're all stick thin. The nurse, for instance, is tall and willowy and is about a size 8 !

Best wishes Angela x


Hiya Angela,

What a visual image I have of you, behind you computer screen 'stalking' hehehe... I suppose it is exactly what I do to Robbie Williams.

Thanks for asking re the cold... not great in that dept as it has turned into full blown pneumonia that landed me in hosp for the night... back home and feeling better, albeit weak and tired!!

As far as the questions go, I had no pre op diet... my surgeon didn't recommend one but I know some in the UK do...

Post op, I felt well, as in more awake and active at 10-14 days. By 3 weeks I felt good - a month out I felt frustrated as I wanted to do more exercise that I was allowed!!

The only real issue I had was when I started to reintroduced solid food, for some reason, I couldn't tolerate cold pork!! I'm fine with it now as long as I take my time. But I was very good and followed all my instrutions carefully; only three meals a day NO Snacks, chew well, eat slowly, stop after 20 mins, no drinking for 20 mins after food, Protein first then verg. I think that was it...lol

Currently, I can't eat deep fried food... makes me feel sick and horrible for ages after, but I don't suppose that is a problem.

Hope that helps, if there is anything else, please ask away!!

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Hiya Coops,

Oh you poor thing, you have been through the mangle haven't you. I hope you're up and about and feeling better soon.

Thanks a lot for the info re post op. I'm going to have a go at doing the pre-op diet this weekend. Just want to get an idea of what it will be like ! I must be one of the most laid back people going, but the dietitian told me I might get a bit cranky while on the diet so that will be a laugh! They won't know whats hit them at work!

I haven't told my work colleagues yet, thought I'd leave it until just before op. Its been a work of art keeping it a secret from them for the past year as I work for my own GP. Managed to field all letters sent from hospital re op. Almost came unstuck last week when pre-op phoned to say they forgot to do a blood test and I needed to go back.

Re Mr Robert Peter Williams. How very dare you stalk him, I saw him first LOL!!!!!!!!!!

How dare he get married ( even though I'm nearly old enough to be his mum ) we may have to form an alliance to oust Ayda !!!

Have you seen him in concert ? I saw him on last Close Encounters tour WOW WOW WOW !!!! is all I can say.

Saw Take That last year, desperately watching for news of next years reunion tour.

Best wishes Angela x

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Thanks Maddie.

Its good to have the support of people like yourself who have already been through the procedure and to see how brilliant your progress is.

Congratulations on your weight loss so far.

I'm feeling quite chilled about it all at the moment. This feeling will probably evaporate slowly as I get nearer Dec 7th LOL !!!!

Best wishes Angela

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Hooray -- glad you have a date and so glad you came out of lurking -- this is a great place with so many helpful people -- and we love to have more! :) So welcome, and hooray that you get to start on your journey with us :)

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Welcome! I did the whole "lurking before joining" stuff too! And I also started down this WLS path thinking band. My husband is also doing this surgery (hopefully in Dec.) and it was at his insistance that I do more sleeve research, and part of my research found this forum. A big weight was lifted off my shoulders when we decided sleeve over band.

Now I'm just waiting for my date...hoping soon! I started this process in April of this year, so it feels like it has been quite a long wait time. Good luck with everything and keep in touch here often.

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Hiya Coops,

Oh you poor thing, you have been through the mangle haven't you. I hope you're up and about and feeling better soon.

Thanks a lot for the info re post op. I'm going to have a go at doing the pre-op diet this weekend. Just want to get an idea of what it will be like ! I must be one of the most laid back people going, but the dietitian told me I might get a bit cranky while on the diet so that will be a laugh! They won't know whats hit them at work!

I haven't told my work colleagues yet, thought I'd leave it until just before op. Its been a work of art keeping it a secret from them for the past year as I work for my own GP. Managed to field all letters sent from hospital re op. Almost came unstuck last week when pre-op phoned to say they forgot to do a blood test and I needed to go back.

Re Mr Robert Peter Williams. How very dare you stalk him, I saw him first LOL!!!!!!!!!!

How dare he get married ( even though I'm nearly old enough to be his mum ) we may have to form an alliance to oust Ayda !!!

Have you seen him in concert ? I saw him on last Close Encounters tour WOW WOW WOW !!!! is all I can say.

Saw Take That last year, desperately watching for news of next years reunion tour.

Best wishes Angela x


OMG... I soooooooooooooooooo saw him first....

I wore a black arm band for a month after the wedding and to this day refuse to look at the pictures...

I have pictures of him in my classroom and the kids think I am mad ... but it is a great fun and if they get a bit out of hand I threaten that I will put his music on...lol!!

I have seen him, but just the once... I did have tickets for Cardiff and my shoulder and neck froze and couldn't go ... my friend went instead and thought it would be a good idea to ring me as he came on stage to Let me Entertain You... I am in agonising pain and I hear that... well, you can imagine what I said!!!

I would love to see him with TT and individually, but we'll see!!!

Glad I've found another to appreciate ....

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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