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Just My Thoughts... Your Opinions??

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Copying this over from my blog. Just getting my thoughts out and if you have opinions, or experiences to share, I would love to hear them!!!!

Right now I'm in a little bit of a funk. Weight loss has really slowed down this month. I expected this to happen but I didn't think it would happen so soon. I guess it could be temporary and things could pick up again, but I am not sure what to expect. I'm not really stalled or anything, but this month has definitely been different. When I came off my two week 'stall' during my Chicago vacation, I lost 4 lbs the next week which is awesome... then it stayed the same for another week. Then I lost 5 more lbs over the next couple of weeks but now it's stopped again. So far this "month" (meaning since my surgaversary on Sept 20th) I've lost 6 lbs and now I'm stuck. With less than 2 weeks til the end of my "month", I don't see myself losing 15 lbs this month like I have been, unless things REALLY pick up. I am okay with slower loss, and if that's what I'm slipping into now, I will deal with that... it's just the unknown that I guess has me a little worried.

There's a lot of things going on. For one, my body has been all messed up since surgery... I had to go off my birth control for surgery and wait 6 weeks after before taking it again. I had no period from the time I went off the pill 6 weeks prior, to the time I went back on it 6 weeks after. After being on it for a few weeks I got my period and I have basically had it EVER SINCE. I think I am going on about 7 weeks of having it at this point. It gets lighter, then heavier, almost like I am still having a "period week" when it's heavier, but it never completely goes away. I really miss being so regular like I was before... and I am so tired from all the hormonal changes. I'm off the pill this week, and start up again on Saturday... really hoping THIS will be the cycle that my body gets back on track. Please?

My other issue is this week (which I guess my body thinks is period week) I feel so hungry all the time. I'm eating a lot more. Not more amount at a time, but more often. I just can't seem to stay satisfied. I am hoping and praying this is hormonal and will fix itself too... but I'm scared to death that what if it isn't?! What if I stay this hungry? It will be sooooo much harder and sooooo much slower to lose the weight if that is the case.

I'm still working out 3-5 days a week. This week was 4. But nothing is happening on the scale at all.

This is the first time I would say I have felt freaked out about the scale not moving. Most of the time it doesn't phase me at all. But this time because of the hunger I'm feeling, and because I'm working out as much as I am, I don't know... it's making me nervous.

It is probably silly to think the loss could be stopping or at least slowing way down this soon. But I can't help but be scared. There is that part of me that still doesn't BELIEVE that all of this is real. That part of me that thinks I'll start gaining it all back now. I think that part is getting the better of me today. I just really want to see things start moving again.

I'm getting all my Protein, I'm eating well. I have noticed my Water intake going down so my focus today is hydrate hydrate hydrate and I'm going to try to stay focused on that each day. Not sure what else I can do but just WAIT. :) Hopefully patiently... lol.

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Copying this over from my blog. Just getting my thoughts out and if you have opinions, or experiences to share, I would love to hear them!!!!

Right now I'm in a little bit of a funk. Weight loss has really slowed down this month. I expected this to happen but I didn't think it would happen so soon. I guess it could be temporary and things could pick up again, but I am not sure what to expect. I'm not really stalled or anything, but this month has definitely been different. When I came off my two week 'stall' during my Chicago vacation, I lost 4 lbs the next week which is awesome... then it stayed the same for another week. Then I lost 5 more lbs over the next couple of weeks but now it's stopped again. So far this "month" (meaning since my surgaversary on Sept 20th) I've lost 6 lbs and now I'm stuck. With less than 2 weeks til the end of my "month", I don't see myself losing 15 lbs this month like I have been, unless things REALLY pick up. I am okay with slower loss, and if that's what I'm slipping into now, I will deal with that... it's just the unknown that I guess has me a little worried.

There's a lot of things going on. For one, my body has been all messed up since surgery... I had to go off my birth control for surgery and wait 6 weeks after before taking it again. I had no period from the time I went off the pill 6 weeks prior, to the time I went back on it 6 weeks after. After being on it for a few weeks I got my period and I have basically had it EVER SINCE. I think I am going on about 7 weeks of having it at this point. It gets lighter, then heavier, almost like I am still having a "period week" when it's heavier, but it never completely goes away. I really miss being so regular like I was before... and I am so tired from all the hormonal changes. I'm off the pill this week, and start up again on Saturday... really hoping THIS will be the cycle that my body gets back on track. Please?

My other issue is this week (which I guess my body thinks is period week) I feel so hungry all the time. I'm eating a lot more. Not more amount at a time, but more often. I just can't seem to stay satisfied. I am hoping and praying this is hormonal and will fix itself too... but I'm scared to death that what if it isn't?! What if I stay this hungry? It will be sooooo much harder and sooooo much slower to lose the weight if that is the case.

I'm still working out 3-5 days a week. This week was 4. But nothing is happening on the scale at all.

This is the first time I would say I have felt freaked out about the scale not moving. Most of the time it doesn't phase me at all. But this time because of the hunger I'm feeling, and because I'm working out as much as I am, I don't know... it's making me nervous.

It is probably silly to think the loss could be stopping or at least slowing way down this soon. But I can't help but be scared. There is that part of me that still doesn't BELIEVE that all of this is real. That part of me that thinks I'll start gaining it all back now. I think that part is getting the better of me today. I just really want to see things start moving again.

I'm getting all my Protein, I'm eating well. I have noticed my Water intake going down so my focus today is hydrate hydrate hydrate and I'm going to try to stay focused on that each day. Not sure what else I can do but just WAIT. :) Hopefully patiently... lol.

Hugs!!! :(

Sorry you're going through such a rough patch. I understand where you are coming from in some cases. Even now I've only lost 15 Lbs but I feel like every time I get on the scale I expect it to start going back up. I did deal with that so much with my band. Down 15 up 15, repeat ad nauseum.

Sorry to hear about your TOM issues. That really stinks to high heaven. I hate it for the 5-6 days I have it every month!! Gah! Hopefully once you get back on your pills it will regulate again. I'm sure with not taking them plus all the hormones being released from your weight loss it's just wreaking havoc on you.

I just want you to know that you are a great motivator here, and I really look up to you! I think you are doing so fantastic and I HOPE to do as good as you when I'm a year out. If it takes me years to get to goal I don't care. My concern is just doing it, getting there and STAYING THERE!!!

So, cheer up lady! You are amazing!!!

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Thank you so much Irene for your extremely thoughtful reply. It is nice to know I am a motivator for someone especially on days like today when I just don't feel like one! Sorry to hear about the troubles you went through with the band :( I really do believe this surgery is a much better one. I need to keep believing in that and in myself!!

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Looking at how WELL you have done.. wow 86 pounds! Even if you maintain your weight for one month, you are still so ahead of the game. Maybe take a look at your goals, set some new mini-goals, change things up a little? I just wanted to say I hope the scale starts moving for you again soon!! Hang in there, you are doing great!

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Christie! Big hugs! You are doing an incredible job, truly.

You have been an amazing inspiration to me, I just feel there was a higher power that helped me find you when I needed it the most. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me, and giving me such incredible insight. I still am so thankful that I found this site, and definitely thankful that I found you, and look forward to our friendship continuing to grow.

I think you are allowed to have an 'off' day or so, and I know this won't derail you. I know you are being compliant, and it is good that you 1. noticed a drop in Fluid intake, and 2. are working on that. As far as the monthly stuff goes, that would drive me crazy. I'm sure that it is related to going off the pill, having major surgery, going back on the pill, etc. But I hear you, I would definitely be tired of THAT monthly visitor overstaying her welcome. I hope this next cycle is the one that gets you back to normal. It might be worth a call to your ob gyn dr. to see if he/she has any recommendations on things you can do to get back to normal.

You have lost a tremendous amount of weight in a pretty short amount of time. I know it is soooooo easy to say, 'stay off the scale' but soooooooo hard to do. I have totally been there. Take a look at your measurements again, and take a really good look at your amazing photos. You look fantastic, and the scale WILL move again, I just know that it will.

So I say vent away, tomorrow is a new day, hug Ian, snuggle with the kitties and know that this too shall pass. (And when I'm in my first slump you can repeat all of this back to me.)

Hugs! Chat soon!

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Hey lady!

I am right with you, I am trying to maintain a good attitude about it. The thing that has gotten to me is that not only do good habits yield good results, but for me good results also yield good habits. I am really having to stay focused to not totally lose my motivation, so you are my hero! You are still fighting the good fight and getting your exercise in. It will go slower, but it will go! You are still doing so well, and I hope you know what a great support and inspiration you are to me and to others. Hang in there my dear!


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Looking at how WELL you have done.. wow 86 pounds! Even if you maintain your weight for one month, you are still so ahead of the game. Maybe take a look at your goals, set some new mini-goals, change things up a little? I just wanted to say I hope the scale starts moving for you again soon!! Hang in there, you are doing great!

Thank you so much. That was a reminder that I needed to hear. When I started out I never thought I'd be at 86 pounds during my 5th month. So you're right, even if I stall for a long time, I am still doing fine. I'm definitely working on changing things up, I've done some different workouts and working on that Fluid intake, and I've let my calories fluctuate a lot and eating varied foods. Hope something works soon!! :)

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Christie! Big hugs! You are doing an incredible job, truly.

You have been an amazing inspiration to me, I just feel there was a higher power that helped me find you when I needed it the most. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me, and giving me such incredible insight. I still am so thankful that I found this site, and definitely thankful that I found you, and look forward to our friendship continuing to grow.

I think you are allowed to have an 'off' day or so, and I know this won't derail you. I know you are being compliant, and it is good that you 1. noticed a drop in Fluid intake, and 2. are working on that. As far as the monthly stuff goes, that would drive me crazy. I'm sure that it is related to going off the pill, having major surgery, going back on the pill, etc. But I hear you, I would definitely be tired of THAT monthly visitor overstaying her welcome. I hope this next cycle is the one that gets you back to normal. It might be worth a call to your ob gyn dr. to see if he/she has any recommendations on things you can do to get back to normal.

You have lost a tremendous amount of weight in a pretty short amount of time. I know it is soooooo easy to say, 'stay off the scale' but soooooooo hard to do. I have totally been there. Take a look at your measurements again, and take a really good look at your amazing photos. You look fantastic, and the scale WILL move again, I just know that it will.

So I say vent away, tomorrow is a new day, hug Ian, snuggle with the kitties and know that this too shall pass. (And when I'm in my first slump you can repeat all of this back to me.)

Hugs! Chat soon!

Oh Sheila! I'm so glad you found me too. You are a total blessing to me! Thank you for all of your words of encouragement... they really do help and yes of COURSE I will happily repeat them back to you in a few months :) I do want to stay off the scale in the hopes that in a week or two it would all be past.... but my fear is that I'd still be the same and then 10 times more disappointed because that amount of time passed... whereas daily, it's like, well how much change can I expect since yesterday anyway... does that make sense??? I don't know. I guess I just have to feel it out. Thanks again for everything! Big hugs and I really hope to see you SOON!

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Hey lady!

I am right with you, I am trying to maintain a good attitude about it. The thing that has gotten to me is that not only do good habits yield good results, but for me good results also yield good habits. I am really having to stay focused to not totally lose my motivation, so you are my hero! You are still fighting the good fight and getting your exercise in. It will go slower, but it will go! You are still doing so well, and I hope you know what a great support and inspiration you are to me and to others. Hang in there my dear!


Thanks so much Anna. I am totally the same as you, good result yield good habits. That's why in the past before surgery, whenever I would hit big plateaus that would be the end of it for me because I just didn't have the motivation to eat right and exercise when I wasn't losing. Luckily this time does feel a bit different... I don't feel the desire to eat badly or stop exercising. But I do feel just so BLAH. I just wanna see a little movement, grr! Thank you so much for all of your kind words. I think you're doing awesome and I really hope to get to 100 lost by my 6 month mark!! I want my new tattoo which is going to be my celebration of losing 100! :)

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Christie I just want to second everything the gals are saying. You are a BIG inspiration to me. I love your pictures and videos and seeing how well you and hubby have and ARE doing! I am sorry about all the TOM issues and will be praying for you :( But as I read this, something came to mind. I remember reading on the OH board that when we shrink our fat cells, they release excess hormones into our system. Now add that plus your TOM plus the natural stalls we will have... it's no wonder you are feeling like this and it is perfectly normal. In fact, I want to thank you for keeping your feelings so real for us "soon to be sleevers." You rock girlie!!! Now work your sleeve and know that this will pass and you'll be getting that tattoo before you know it :)

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Christie, I hate to sound like a parrot here, but I have told you here and on your blog that you are a HUGE inspiration to me. I couldn't mean it more. You are a shinning example of how the rest of us should be.

I can't imagine just how frustrated you must be with those crazy hormones and TOM issues. But, the TOM issues can be contributing to Water weight. I hope things straighten out soon for you. Try to remember that when you are having hormonal issues, emotions ride high, including the fear you are feeling now. I know it's cliche, but this too shall pass.

I only know you from the internet, but I know this much about you:

- You are informed

- You are focused

- You are determined

- You ARE and will continue to be successful

As impatient as we all are for the weight to come off now, this is a marathon, not a sprint. You are doing the right things, just hang tough and know that we are pulling for you.

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Thank you so much Sandy & Maddie :) I am trying to hang in there and believe!! Still no change... actually, went up just slightly. Grr. But I know it will pass... I know it will pass.... I know it will pass. Now I'm sick on top of everything, with a super sore throat... not sure how bad it will get either :( Thank you so very much for your support and kind words.

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You're doing amazing! I can only hope to do as well as you are when I have my surgery. I'm sorry that you're struggling, but I know you'll get through it. 100 pounds is around the corner. Hang in there!

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Thanks guys. scale has moved a tiny bit down to 222.8 ... but I've also been sick this week so I am not sure if I trust it yet. I have to admit I thought ooh, I'm sick and barely eating so maybe that will jump start things moving again. But I tried really hard to still eat as much as I could so my body would have the energy to heal (I have had strep and an ear infection)... even so, I'm sure my calories were significantly lower, so I'm surprised I didn't lose MORE in the 4 days I've been sick. But I am happy to be starting to feel better, and hopefully tomorrow I can start working out again.... and i'm really hoping things are going to be moving for me!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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