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Planning my post-op diet

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I'm seeing my surgeon in three days for what I hope will result in me being given a surgery date. My fingers are very, very crossed. (Which makes it hard to type!) :)

So being the kind of guy who likes to plan ahead, I'm trying to get the facts together about how I'll eat day to day before and after surgery. Since I don't know what my surgeon will require of me, in terms of liquid diet, soft foods, and then regular foods, I'm trying to get a handle on what happens after the fact.

For all the threads here, is there a one-stop location to read about which diet is which, where and how to get or make the best food for each phase, and similar things? For example, if I wanted to learn everything about a pre-op or post-op liquid diet, where would I find it? Same for soft foods? And ultimately for regular food? How will I learn about how many grams of Protein is optimum, and what foods to avoid? If sleevers are discouraged from only drinking Protein shakes, how are you supposed to get in all those grams if you can't eat very much? Etc. Etc. :)



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Hey Dave, here's a helpful list for Protein counts. Honestly, it never took a lot of effort to get the 60gr of Protein for me. 4 meals per day, no Snacks, and each meal needed to have a minimum of 15gr of protein.

Check out page 10 of this guide for quick protein counts on specific foods:


Here's another one: Pages 5 and beyond go through the food stages and protein counts


Foods that I avoided through the losing stage was all carbs except for Beans. Seriously for me, a carb is a carb is a carb, and I counted those boogers regardless of the Fiber count in the food. If it had 15gr of carbs and 8gr of Fiber, I still counted it as 15gr of carbs. You'll hear net carbs vs. bad carbs vs. good carbs. For me, that was just too much crap to keep up with. I focused on protein, 60gr, no more than 30gr of carbs, and no fat guidelines 600-800 calories per day.

Once I started eating veggies, I chose veggies that were less than 50 on the glycemic index chart. Green Beans were my go to green. I didn't eat fruit because of the sugar counts.

Glycemic Index Food List & Chart

This thread has a lot of good ideas on food choices through the different stages, and various other information. I know your program might be different (mine was but similar to this one), and it's full of good information.


Hope this helps ! ! ! If you have specifics that are floating around in your noggin, let me know, and I'll see if I can get you the answers :) ! ! !

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Thank you! This is why this Board is so helpful. Lessons learned by previous sleevers means SO much! Tiffy, you rock!

I know what you mean about the carb counting thing. I did really well on South Beach Diet a few years ago, and learned a whole lot about low glycemic (good) carbs vs. bad carbs. I think it's Atkins that talks about net carbs, but the "subtract the fiber" thing always seemed like way too much work. I like your approach - a carb is a carb. And I think that since I'll be limited on the volume I can eat, I may as well make every bite count.

I intend to maximize the weight loss for as long as it takes. There's a good looking skinny guy inside of me being quietly suffocated, while he struggles to get out. Now's my chance to help him out. :)


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Hi Dave! I usually follow the helpful links people post like Tiffy and also I read through posts and gather info. It's so amazing how much you can learn from other people!! Love this message board.

Good luck with getting your surgery date! Please report back how it went!!!!

For me, I am in the 2 weeks of Clear liquids stage right now. Here's what I've learned:

First few days/hospital/first day home.. just sip when you can. Try to sip about an oz. or two per hour. Use the tiny little cups in the hospital they give you, and sip sip sip. Goal for first week to gradually add Fluid as you can. Things to sip on: juice, diluted 50/50 with Water, crystal light, Water.

Once I was home and got through the first days, and found myself able to drink, I gradually increased liquids to 60oz. a day. This is my current goal. I try to jot down in my meal planner the approx. oz. I drink with each thing. Included in that, try to get 40g of Protein. I get this primarily from Protein Shots. Two I found that are tolerable are Healthy Shots by Hormel. Only available online at GNC site, or you can get them a bit cheaper on the Hormel site. Let me know I can post it for you. It's 2.5 oz, so not much but packs 25g of Protein in it. Peach flavored.. not great tasting, gotta be honest. BUT I can do it in a juice glass, over ice, diluted with some lemonade or water or something. I sip through it in about an hour and the protein is really helping me with my energy level, I am sure of it. The other type I have is like a bullet.. got it in RiteAid drugstore. Similar to other one.. but there's a fruit punch and a white grape, not So bad.. again, I dilute a little. They are 2.9oz and 25g of protein too. Other things I am having on my clear liquids: chicken broth warmed in micro, crystal light popsicles found them at Walmart, sugar free Jello cups, warm Decaf green tea with honey, applesauce. I have made up a little meal plan with all of this stuff, getting my protein, staying hydrated, and honestly by 5 days post-op, I was able to do this. In the beginning... no. Even my first day home from hospital, I could barely drink and had no desire. I was afraid of being dehydrated though, so that motivated me to start sipping and keep going. Take small sips and not gulps, or you will feel some pain. GOOD LUCK!

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If you don't already have a fitday.com account, start one. Its very helpful for keeping track of nutrition, carbs and Protein.

I have to find out more, but my Nut says NO shots, they contain low quality Protein that the body has trouble absorbing. whey, soy and egg based drinks only. No collagen or casein. I see others enjoy the shots, but just FYI anyway.

Here is the link... looks ok. Prob not vegetarian if that maters to you.

Healthy Shot? - High Protein beverages and Drinks

This site shows the quality of different kinds of protein...


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Interesting. I was absolutely NOT interested in the shots, just hearing things about them and generally the disgustingness of how it sounded.. lol. This one was something new, and my bariatric coordinator included a pamphlet in my pre-surgery class packet. So I asked her about this, and she said yes it is whey Protein and a good choice. She also had Isopure, but that bottle was 40oz! I MIGHT get that down in a whole day. LOL! So I went to GNC to ask about it, but they didn't have it. Only found it online. I hope it's good and healthy! If not, I only have a week left. I much prefer my powdered Unjury whey protein, but it doesn't fall into the clear liquid category. chocolate shake anyday I'll take! lol.... neat site btw, comparing proteins! thanks!

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Here is some interesting info on Protein drinks...I see collagen added to many of the high gm Protein Drinks and shots out there...:001_tt2:

Performance Drinks: The Truth

Hydrolyzed Gelatin Protein vs. High Quality Whey Protein

Unfortunately, not every manufacturer uses high quality protein. Some are perpetrating the 'big ripoff' to unknowing customers who are purchasing supposed protein / amino drinks that actually contain hydrolyzed Gelatin protein (other names include hydrolyzed collagen protein, animal connective tissue protein, other animal Proteins, etc.) Hydrolyzed gelatin is made mostly from frozen and fresh pork skins as well as cattle bones and hides. These inedible connective tissues and bones are then run through a series of caustic baths, intermittently with hot and cold soakings to separate out the collagen. This is what you are putting into your body when you drink a Protein Drink which has hydrolyzed gelatin on the label.

Hydrolyzed is the basis for gelatin dessert, and although it might be a fun food, it was not designed to build muscle mass and it won't. This protein has a PER of almost 0. It contains little or no tryptophane, one of the essential Amino Acids necessary for the formation and utilization of all the other Amino Acids. It is a lot cheaper for a manufacturer to purchase hydrolyzed gelatin than the special whey American Body Building uses, which is a natural milk protein naturally extracted during the processing of cheese, after which the lactose, a milk sugar, is removed.

When using hydrolyzed gelatin, the nutritional information panel on the label is supposed to make the statement "Not a significant source of Protein" next to the word protein. But they usually and conveniently forger to include it. Have you been using a product like this and not gained the mass you thought you should on a high protein supplement? Well, you're not getting any protein for it. Whenever you see hydrolyzed gelatin anywhere on the label, even if the label says the product contains whey, check your rear view mirror. Gelatin can cost 75% less than soluble whey, and whey is much more difficult to process. Given these facts, how much quality protein do you believe they are actually giving you in their products when gelatin is listed on the label.

THINK ABOUT IT! For these and other reasons of increased processing costs, some manufacturers opt to go the easy way, and put low quality, low biological utilization Proteins in their products.

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I used the shots after my band, and was cleared to use them with the sleeve because some Protein is better than none, and when all the powders and pre-made drinks made me hurl I had to get in some form of Protein. I didn't use them extensively because I puked on them as well. BUT, for those that can not tolerate anything else, they are an option.

They aren't the "best", but your body will use the collagen and casein protein found in the bullets.

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Besides unjury and other bariatric Protein powders this is the Protein bullet I'm using.

Home ? New Whey

It has a blend of protein types and half a bottle has 21g protein and 80 Calories. I add half the bottle to a bottle of Propel and it tastes great and I'm able to get in 16 oz of liquid at the same time.

It's true there are some protein bullets that really aren't worth our effort to drink, but let's not discount all of them. It's up to us to read the labels and make informed, good choices for ourselves.

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Hey Dave

Keep in mind a few things, for example I have to have (Being a man) at least 90grams of Protein a day. I am in the liquid phase so the only way I can get this without gagging on some other things is the Isopure Protein Drink at 40gr each. I drink 2 of these a day and everything else is extra. No Problems. Many different flavors but I like the Grape the best of all. Secondly, follow your body and how it reacts. In the beginning, I was feeling very weak and tired so I uped what I was taking in, leaned a little more toward some carbs but not much. It made me feel better. Just be careful and tailor it to your body at each phase. Today for example, I had a bowl of broccoli and cheese Soup and blended up the broccoli and drank that. Was full and satisfied when done, still met the liquid stage but got a few extra carbs. I really felt bad before and much better (more energy) afterwards. Just remember that you are NOT a generic body, use the guidelines but tweak for you.

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Good advice. Thanks!

I dropped by my local costco after work today, and bought a few things, trying to get ready for what I hope is coming soon. (Two more days till the big meeting with the surgeon and his team. :))

One of the items I bought was a case (12 bottles) of "whey Protein Shot" by ABB Performance. It is an 8.5 oz bottle, claiming it has 30g of "premium" Protein, .5g fat, and 1g carbs. The packaging looks right, it reads like it's a good product.

But then I got home and read this thread more closely, and compared the label on the bottle. On the list of ingredients it has Whey Protein Isolates, followed by Hydrolyzed Gelatin. From the posts above, I'm gathering the Hydrolyzed Gelatin isn't a good thing. But since the Whey Protein Isolates is supposed to be a higher quality protein, (higher than even whey protein concentrate), I'm thinking it's okay to use these? I tried it at room temperature, and it was pretty awful. Refrigerated, it was much better. Ice cold it might almost be tolerable.

What do you folks think?

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Good advice. Thanks!

I dropped by my local costco after work today, and bought a few things, trying to get ready for what I hope is coming soon. (Two more days till the big meeting with the surgeon and his team. :))

One of the items I bought was a case (12 bottles) of "Whey Protein Shot" by ABB Performance. It is an 8.5 oz bottle, claiming it has 30g of "premium" Protein, .5g fat, and 1g carbs. The packaging looks right, it reads like it's a good product.

But then I got home and read this thread more closely, and compared the label on the bottle. On the list of ingredients it has Whey Protein Isolates, followed by Hydrolyzed Gelatin. From the posts above, I'm gathering the Hydrolyzed Gelatin isn't a good thing. But since the Whey Protein Isolates is supposed to be a higher quality protein, (higher than even whey protein concentrate), I'm thinking it's okay to use these? I tried it at room temperature, and it was pretty awful. Refrigerated, it was much better. Ice cold it might almost be tolerable.

What do you folks think?

It's not the best form of protein. They typically taste worse post-op. Ice cold is the only way I could manage them, or diluted out in gatorade/powerade.

Don't buy stuff in bulk. Most people deal with changing tastes after surgery. Go to the Food/Nutrition forum on here, and look for the thread that talks about places to order protein.

There's all kinds of links in there on where to order samples. Seriously, I went through over 20 brands, flavors, and varieties. . . I ended up buying a tub that I thought I loved, yeah 5-6 shakes in, and I gave it to my neighbor.

You can use them, but they aren't the best option. Your nutritionist will either say "yay" or "nay". All 3 of my nutritionist said "they are NOT the best, but they are better than zero protein".

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Thanks for the helpful info! You guys are amazing.

I agree about ordering the samples. I'll check that out. That was why I got these at costco. I can return them, even if they're open and partially used. I wanted to try one, and didn't want to wait. :)

Anyone know anything about Muscle Milk brand Protein drinks? Other people (non WLS people) are telling me to check them out. Are they worth it?


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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