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I'm Amy... I will be 31 in less than 2 weeks.. ack! :cool: I have been married for almost 4 years and live in Colorado. I was banded May 2 in Denver by Dr Kirshenbaum.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

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Hi. I am 39 but I guess in December I will have to start/join a fourtysomething thread. :cry:

I am six months out from surgery. I have the smallest sized band and have not needed a fill yet. I still PB way too easily no matter how well I chew. I have lost 65 pounds since surgery.

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:cry good to see everyone, but is anyone going to help me toilet paper the "twentysomethings" thread????:spy:?

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Hi all...I am 35, single mom and I live in San Andreas, Cali. Im a paralegal at a law firm, my son is 13 years old and I have been obese since I became pregnant with him and gained 60 lbs. Then other life stuff happened and each time I put on more until I reached an all time high of 313. :faint: I was banded May 25th. I was on liquids for 2 days and then mushies and started solid foods yesterday. (Started a day early). I now weigh more than when I did at pre-op and I am really bummed about that. I think cause of Aunt Flo:rolleyes: ..but I thought I was out of the 300's for good and BAM went back up there. Im trying not to get discouraged and still eat right. Anyone else have this problem? Thanks all and Im so glad to have found this site!


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Hi everyone! I'm 33 and I've been married for 9 years. I have a 5 year old son and a 2 1/2 year old daughter. I'm a stay at home mom. I live in Michigan, about an hour west of Detroit. I've been having some complications with my band but I'd do it all over again if I had to. Nice to meet you all!

Mini-me - I'm with you! Anybody lucky enough to still be in their twenties deserves a little harassment. Let me just don my Zorro mask... :bandit Okay! Meet you behind the Support Forum at midnight. You bring the toilet paper, I'll bring the rotton eggs! :cool:

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34, 2 lovely children 10 and 3, 13 yrs of marriage, school secretary, house built in 1904 that needs remodeling, cat, getting a cute puppy in 2 more weeks!, goldfish, tons of Polly Pockets and barbies which my 3yo makes me take care of as if they were babies!

Rick Springfield...now there's something to wake up next to! Remember "Hard to Hold"??? Don't remember any of it, except for the slip of the towel to see his butt cheek corner!!! Ack!!! What middle schoolers will do!!! Saw him in concert once...got a sweaty headband from him. He's coming to a Casino next month near me. It's funny, I was just talking about him today! What a doll.

Oh yea, live in Michigan, banded at Port Huron Hospital...Josette's new stomping grounds. I'm on a plateau right now...since losing all my 40 pounds of Water weight, now i have to work. Possible fill June 20, that's my next appointment anyway. I think I'm going to start a local gym tomorrow...maybe not until Monday.

N ice to meet you all in one spot.

i'd TP the twenty's with you...but I'm more of a supplier. i wasn't the one to spray the shaving cream, but I brought it for everyone else to et in trouble with!!! So, Im right behind you...a safe distance! :cool:

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First of all Rick Springfield broke my heart when I was in 6th grade. My parents got me and a friend tickets to see him in Seattle but he canceled due to throat issues and then after that stopped doing major touring and always went to places where you had to be at least 21. I did get to see him at a small club about 5 years ago and he looked hot!

My name is April and I'm 33, was just married for the first time this last October. We don't have children just a house full of animals, his cat, my poodle, and my 7 cats. Yikes, I know but I was a lic. Vet Tech for many years with a soft heart and took in too many cats who needed a loving home after my family and freind were maxed out on pets. I couldn't imagine life without them though! I left the business because of being overworked for minimal pay and went to being a Social Worker at Nursing homes, I loved that too and didn't worry about bringing home any stray patients:) My husband is a delivery driver and I am working on getting Social Security Disablity as I haven't been able to work since 5/01. I have several bulging and degenerating discs in my low back, severe Fibromylagia, severe Chronic Fatigue syndrome, on and off relapses of Reflex Symapthetic Dystrophy (which I spent from age 9-14 suffering continously from with no diagnosis which is when I learned my awful eating habits,) sleep Apnea, generalize anxiety, depression etc. I'm desperately awaiting my hearing with SS as I finally hired a lawyer about 6 months ago and she thinks I've got a slam dunk and she only gets paid if I win! We need the extra income as we barely make ends meet on my husbands income! We were going to start trying for a family this spring but with the surgery we have to put it off to late-spring or summer of next year. My husband is 34 so we both are feeling our biological clocks ticking and the fact I have endometriosis gives me a bit of worry.

I was first banded 10/02 at the age of 29 by Dr. Frering in Lyon, France (very well know in France and one of the creators of the mid-band.) It was a wonderful experience and I was up touring Paris 48 hours post surgery. I lost 120lbs in less than a year and maintained it for over two years, I was in bandster bliss! I met my husband 6 months post-op and had lost almost all of my weight already and by three months after that I was at goal wearing junior 13 Levi's.

Well, my gallbladder went bad, nothing unusual for those of us that loose a lot of weight, but it was 2 days before Christmas, the staff surgeons were on Vacation and the fill in surgeon knew nothing about the lap-band so I gave him my x-rays from Dr. Frering to at least give him an idea of where it was located. He thought he could do it laporscopically but cut clear through my bile duct and had to make a 5 inch incision to close it up and placed an old fashion drainage tube in that left a two inch scar and then went to open surgery (10 inch scar) to remove my gallbladder and it seems somehow he must of bumped my band loose from the suturing during the process. (Not able to prove so no money to help get rebanded but they only conclusion four bariatric surgeons could really attribute the slippage to especailly since the band usually slips back making your pouch larger not forward) Over the next six months even without Fluid in it I was vomiting non-stop to just about anything I ate and gradually gaining weight, by time I had it removed it had slipped completely forward and was sitting on my esophagus so somedays I couldn't even get Water down. I had to have it removed because if I had it repositioned or was touched by a bariatric surgeon my insurance wouldn't cover a cent of the over $30,000 in multiple hospitalization fees, doctors fees, surgery costs, etc. So by my wedding the dress I ordered was too small and I had to have the back altered to tie up the back and I was up about 50lbs. So much for being slim for my wedding! Afterwards I continued to gain until I was 77lbs up. I was so devestated and I just kept staring at the size 10/12 clothes in my closet. I applied for a third credit card and got approved for one at 26.9% (ouch) but told my husband I had to be reband. I'd have loved to go back to France but airfare prices are up, the eurodollar is worth more than the american dollar so the surgery and pre-op testing would have been around $7,400 American and then I'd still have all the hotel costs (must stay in France 5 days post-op for precautionary) and who can go to France and not shop! I couldn't find any details on getting banded in Canada (I live about 2 hours south of Vancouver, B.C.) So I did all my research on Mexico and made sure since this was going to be my 6th abdominal surgery that I went somewhere with qualified surgeons to do laporscopically but I also gave permission for open placement if needed. They didn't ask for extra money upfront because of possible difficulties, instead told me what it would be if the surgery took extra long, had complications or went to open placements. I really appreciated that since Dr. Aceves wanted to charge me $2,400 extra just because of possible problems. I ruled him out as money hungry so I would have went to Dr. Ortiz if I hadn't liked dealing with Dr. Carlos at the Bajanor Clinic so much and hearing the positive feedback on them from this forum. I was rebanded 4/3/06 for $6,900 plus airfare at Bajanor Clinic by surgeons Dr. Covarrubias and Dr. Miguel (I was able to get another mid-band...love my mid-bands!) We are officially maxed out on credit cards and in big debt but I am banded and have hope for getting back to goal and most of all I know I'm not going to gain anymore. I'd like to say I've lost a bunch but the scale hasn't moved much. I have however lost inches. I lost enough that none of my pants fit shortly after being banded. My mom took me to Lane Bryant and bought me a pair of size 18 spring capri pants. I got my first fill on 5/17/06 (ends up my port is slightly tilted and hard to feel the port versus scar tissue so Dr. Fox couldn't hit it without sending me to the hospital for a flouro and fill, that meant the $224 fill went up to over $700) I've got the spot marked with black sharpie still so next time, he'll know where to hit it and that it is slightly tilted and won't cost as much. Anyway about 2 weeks ago my pair of pants got noticeable too big and by time I went to go shoping they wrapped about 7 inches or more past the button. I tried getting a 14 in them at Lane Bryant but they were loose enough I didn't want to waste the money. I had a gift card and coupon for Old Navy so I headed over there thinking I'd need the plus section but I found two pairs of summer capris in regular 18's that fit great. I was very happy! I now need to really work on exercise since that is difficult for me with all my medical issues and go to the Protein diet my doctor recommends. It's a diet called Foxkins, really Atkins minus the salads but he says he has patients that easily loose 15lbs a month on it plus he prescribes (Phentermine) appetite suppresants. They just make me jittery unfortunately but work for many especially during the liquid and mushies stage. I'm going to read Adkins this week and make the noted changes by my doctor and try to stick to it for the next 3-4months then try to do just Atkins for a couple more months and then just eat a good high protein, low carb bandster diet. I hope I have the determination to do it! It just seems I barely made any changes except for eating less the first time around (plus I had about a 3 month period following surgery where I had no interest in food) and the first 90lbs dropped off then I added some exercise (which was difficult but I wasn't in as bad of health with my FM back then) and the rest came off more slowly but steadily. I've now got 65lbs to get off before I get back to my goal of 180 at the height of 5'6", I know it's not what the Height/Weight scale says it ideal but having been obess my entire life and being 180 as a freshman in H.S. I'm very happy there as an adult. My doctor doing my follow-up care likes his patients to get stick thin and wanted me to shoot for a size six, I just had to laugh since that's the size I wore in third grade. We agreed I'd try for a size 9, which I admit would be great even if it was just temporary because then I'd be ahead of the baby weight!

Anyway, I've got to crack down on my eating and work hard to get at least a little exercise. I may have to work harder this time but I really want to be at 200 by Dec. 30th for my cousins wedding that I'm in. She was in mine so this time I could in wedding photos I could be looking better than I did in my own. I don't think I'll fit the dress if I don't lose at least another 45lbs by then.

So there are my details, sorry so long! I'll have to add a ticker sometime.

Nice to meet you all,


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Hey all! I am a 30-something......barely hanging there at 39! But I have decided I am turning 38 at my next bday, lol. I have been married for 13 years to a wonderful, sexy, supportive man. We have no children together, but he has 2 sons from the first marriage. Hubby is a firefighter and I teach 6th grade. My insurance has an exclusion for WLS so I went to Monterrey and had Dr. Sanchez place my band. I have been losing slowly but am thrilled so far. It has been amazing to see the changes as the weight comes off! I reached a major milestone this week,,,,,I am exactly halfway to goal right now! I suspect I may end up lowering my goal weight now, lol!

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Great idea for a thread....I love this!! I'm Michelle and I just turned 39 a couple of weeks ago. I will be 39 on my next bday too....you know, 39 and holding. :guess I have been married to my DH for 7 yrs (will be 7 next month) and we have 2 handsome and ornery boys ages 5 yrs and soon to be 4 yrs (that's next month too).

I am a SAHM and love every minute.....that is until I temporarily lose my mind and lock my bathroom door so I can pee just ONCE by myself. :) Oh, we also have a chocolate lab named Malley and a cat named Gracie. Last but not least, 1 goldfish that has stayed alive. My youngest son killed the first one b/c he picked it up. :omg: Live and learn.

We live in NE Indiana on approx 1.5 acres so there is plenty of room for boys to be boys. We never know what a day will hold and trust me, there is never a dull moment.

I was just banded on May 26th in Carmel, IN....Indy area. Doing well with little complaints. I've lost a solid 10 lbs and I'm flirting with the scales at 11.5 lbs. My DH will get the band sometime next year. He still needs to do his 6 mos supervised diet program.

It's nice to meet all of you other thirty-somethings and I look forward to getting to know you all better!! :clap2:

Almost forgot....I'm a professional TPer. Count me in. I will also bring the potatoes. You should see those babies shoot out of a tail pipe of a car. :) Just make sure your not too close.

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Hi all, I am Jessica and live in San Jose, CA. Born in San Francisco and lived here in CA all my life cause I love it(well except for the cost of housing)!

I am still a newlywed since I got married last October and I have two furkids, Rocky and Dakota and one step skinkid, boy age 10.

Banded in Monterrey Mexico on 5/19/06 andhave lost about 13 lbs so far. I feel like I am doing pretty well with my eating but I haven't really been counting up the Protein. I only eat foods I am supposed to, but didn't lose any weight this week. Better to stay the same than gain!!

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Hi All,

I am 39 and plan to remain 39 for several years!!

I was banded in August 2005. Haven't really had any problems. Dr. had a very hard time with my first fill, got to much fill on my second and had to take some out the same day but ended up with perfect restriciton. I have lost 70-something pounds (I don't have a scale) and need to loose around 30ish more to be at goal.

I am married for the second time. This year is our 16th anniversary. We don't have any kids and won't be having any. I had a miscarriage in my first marriage and two more during the first 3 1/2 years of this marriage. I don't think it was in God's plans for me to be a mother.

I am a COO (Chief Operating Officer) in Corporate America.

I love coming to LBT and having some "me" time. I don't get here as often as I would like but try and visit often when I am home. This is a great place for support. Only 3 people know I am banded, my husband, my brother, and my best friend who also happens to be a man.

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Im 38, almost 39 and married, with two boys 10 and 8 and a 3 year old daughter. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I dont work but am a part time university student, doing a Bachelor of Primary Education, with 3 years to go.

I havent had any age related band issues, but I have had age related fat issues, lol. I didnt have a weight problem really until I hit my 30's. Is there any other decade in your entire life where you will be stretched as thin and have as little time for yourself as you do in your 30's? You may have found this earlier having had your kids 10 years younger than I did but that five or six years where your kids are little, not in school, its deadly for your figure. YOu just exist day to day, often with little sleep and diet and exercise go out out the window. I got my band late last year becuase honestly, its the first time in 10 years I feel as if I've been able to come up for air and actually put myself first.

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My Mane is Letty, 36 years old, single, no children, well I have a Tibetan terrier whom acts like a kid!

I was banded a month a go in Monterey Mexico by Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, (i love this man) and I'm in the process of learning how to live with this strange object in my body. So far no mayor problems, just the usual healing factors. There are sometimes when I get really mad at my self for not being able to loose the weight on my own, but soon after I try not too.

So now all of us are like a big family right? When can we get together for dinner? Perhaps we can all share a single meal!:hungry:

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Its been awhile since I been on this site!

37 Male, Dalton, Ga.

Manufacturing Manager.

My stats are on signature, I seem to have leveled off a great deal @210LBS now. I'm really going to push the summer though. Nice to meet you all.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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