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Do you regret surgery and miss eating bigger meals?

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Side note here, but when I was looking into surgery in the states I had to have a psych appointment and told the psychiatrist if I could just make it to 200 lbs that would be a victory for me and I'd be satisfied. (and truly that would have been a huge change for my life and worth the surgery and hard work.)

Now, I have realized that we dream about this and hope for this always to fall short, aim high! You really can make it to a "normal" weight. You don't have to look that far out now, but just now that you are stronger than you think and this sleeve really is a great vehicle for getting to where you want to go.

Good luck to you!


Thanks Anna! Thats what I hope to achieve!

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At 6 months, I am at a point where I can eat pretty much anything. Which is something you have to look forward to. At the beginning, you are so limited in what you can eat..... by any gastric procedure. It is wonderful when you have all the choices again. I am finding now that I have a harder time eating at home, than eating out. When eating out I can order what I want with a variety of selections. I eat small amounts slowly. Then I switch plates with my partner/husband, and he finishes the rest. So no waste. I really enjoy variety, and at home, I am not going to cook all that stuff for a few bites of this, and few bites of that. At six months, I have to say I am beginning to hate chicken. I eat so much of it.

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I'm 15 months out, and I'll be brutally honest with you. Pre-op, I was a major volume eater. I loved, loved, loved that totally stuffed "thanksgiving day" full feeling. It was comforting, and I would do it to myself almost every night and then go to bed stuffed, fat, happy and full.

I wouldn't eat Breakfast, ate junk for lunch, and then would gorge myself at dinner. It was nothing for me to put away a footlong meatball sub, bag of chips and 3-6 Cookies plus a couple of sodas. Today, I can only eat 3 meatballs, and a few chips, and I absolutely love it. I have never been able to feel satisfied. I've never been in control of food. Today, my relationship with food is completely different. I did have one fleeting moment of buyer's remorse last Thanksgiving. We were visiting my in-laws, and I was only about 5.5 months out. I ate my tiny portions of everything offered. I sat there and watched my family stuff themselves. I excused myself from the table, and went outside, kicking rocks, telling myself how stupid I was for doing this to myself. My husband came out to check on me, and he said 'you know you can have more later'. But, that wasn't the point, I wanted it all right then and there. I went back inside 20-30 minutes, and saw everyone in their food induced comas, stretchy pants, and I felt amazing and ready to go do something. They looked miserable, they were so tired, and here I was ready to go climb the mountains in WV. I was so elated that I felt so great, and it really hit me that I didn't really miss the huge portions.

Life with the sleeve is absolutely amazing. I literally eat anything and everything I want. I eat dessert, I eat a bit of everything that I prepare, and I'm extremely satisfied. I can eat more today than I could at 2-4 months post op, but my portions are still small. I'm never hungry, and I'm in control. I eat 2-4 times a week with my girlfriends, I have a cocktail at 2 of those lunches, I share a dessert with one of my friends, and I'm not missing anything. I just eat to live instead of live to eat.

I have zero regrets, and would do it all over again to be living this life I have right now. It is possible to have a little bit of everything that is offered including CAKE ! ! ! It's all about moderation, and balancing out calories, and your nutritional needs. There's days when all I want is veggies, and you know what, I eat veggies. Do I miss Protein on those days? Yep, but I make up for it, and I eat a balanced, healthy, and nutrient dense diet. I still eat junk food, but instead of an entire bag of Funyuns, I can have 5-8 chips, and put the bag away. I can eat a couple of Cookies instead of the entire package. I can enjoy a small slice of white chocolate raspberry cheesecake instead of the half the pie. It's liberating, it's amazing to walk away from the table. The only thing I feel like I sacrificed was an unhealthy relationship with food. For the first time, I'm behind the steering wheel, and food is just idly sitting in the passenger seat.

Best wishes in your research, and do some soul searching. Go in mentally prepared, and weigh the pros and cons of surgery vs. the pros and cons of staying fat and dieting for the rest of your life. I had zero issues losing weight. It was the keeping it off that I struggled with the most. With the sleeve, my hunger is gone, and I know in my heart of hearts that I'm be able to maintain my current weight. It isn't always easy to make the best choice, but the sleeve sure as heck makes it a lot easier.


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No (I do not regret surgery) and no (I do not miss bigger meals)...

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I am just going through my 4th week since my surgery. I was one of the ones that had a really difficult recovery for the first two weeks. But even while I was going through the awful time that I experienced, I never (well, maybe once) did the "what have I done to myself" thing. I kept remembering how many times over the past 40 years that I have lost the same 50 lbs only to regain it and then some. Being overweight isn't enjoyable, and it isn't healthy. My husband was concerned as well and I'm sure when he saw me go through the hell I went through for the first two weeks, he really questioned my sanity in having this done. But when I turned the corner on Day 14 and he saw me become my old self again he was relieved and knew that I had mnade the right decision.

I'm down 34 lbs from my all time high, which was on the first day that I weighed in for orientation for my classes. I remember thinking to myself "how did I ever end up weighing so much? How did I let this happen?" I knew that day, was the last time I ever saw that weight on the scale again.

It is really strange eating such small portions - but strange because we're not used to it. Just like everyone says, you get that same full feeling just after only a small amount of food. It's fabulous!!! And for me it is especially good because I never felt full before. So I would wait until my husband would say he was full and I would then stop eating. So lo and behold, I ended up weighing almost as much as him!

Do you research. Talk to people on this board. Everyone is a wealth of information and I don't know how I would have gotten this far without the support of this board!

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I don't miss ANYTHING! I think if I had bypass, I would - because I'd have to avoid certain foods COMPLETELY - or may have new intolerances. I can eat anything i want as long as it's in moderation and I get my Protein in. I honestly don't understand how people can MISS eating big portions - I LOVE eating little portions and being satisfied and happy. :) It's an amazing gift. I'm 5 months out and thrilled.

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Hi -- I was just re-reading the posts and thinking (after I just ate a nice incredibly satisfying meal - for me) that not at any point do I regret having the sleeve done. I know everyone else has said that, but here's my point -- you don't get to eat huge meals, you're right. Oh well. BUUUUT, you do get to eat until you're full! yay! I'm full right now. Had a yummy meal and feel completely and utterly full -- and get this, it was: 1/4 cup extra lean ground beef, Tomato sauce over 1/4 c. of whole grain Pasta. Yep, only about a 1/2 cup of food. But it was a great dinner. And I'm stuffed :lol:

So, no, I don't miss big meals. And I don't regret the sleeve for one second!

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I just want to thank everybody for your posts. This is exactly what I needed tonight. I'm about 5 wks. away from having surgery, and I'm so up and down in emotions about the whole thing. I need to read these positive experiences to remind myself that this is the right thing for me to do.

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I am supposed to have my surgery later this month. My husband is totally opposed. He thinks I will struggle to live with the changes I will need to make to my lifestyle. He also questions what the long term effects of the surgery may be. I wonder if people who have been post op for more than a year hate the fact that they can no longer eat more than one piece of pizza or a Christmas turkey dinner (even if the portions are very small it would be impossible to have a taste of everything including dessert). Do you have regrets? If you had it to do over would you still do it? Is it worth the many sacrifices you have to make? I am flip flopping a dozen times a day - should I or should I not have the surgery!! I have about 50 lbs to lose. Would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks very much.


I'd do it again in a heartbeat!!! I'm 2.5 lbs from my surgeon's goal and I'm 4 months and 2 weeks out!! I love shopping and have NO, NO "buyers remorse" - not for one second. My husband had the same concerns, but once he saw I was serious and really wanted this, he was on board and supportive 100%. I don't miss any of the things you mentioned. Eating less is normal for me now, it isn't a diet, it's my way of life and I love it. I am in control. It's the best medical decision I've ever made. Other than marrying my husband, I'd say it's the best decision I've ever made.....no regrets.

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I am supposed to have my surgery later this month. My husband is totally opposed. He thinks I will struggle to live with the changes I will need to make to my lifestyle. He also questions what the long term effects of the surgery may be. I wonder if people who have been post op for more than a year hate the fact that they can no longer eat more than one piece of pizza or a Christmas turkey dinner (even if the portions are very small it would be impossible to have a taste of everything including dessert). Do you have regrets? If you had it to do over would you still do it? Is it worth the many sacrifices you have to make? I am flip flopping a dozen times a day - should I or should I not have the surgery!! I have about 50 lbs to lose. Would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks very much.


I'd have to agree with what a lot of folks are saying. I was one of us who was 'never satisfied/always hungry/binge eater/etc.' pre-op. I would have swore to you that my stomach was a bottomless pit. I either felt starved or completely and totally stuffed and the latter was one that comforted me but made me feel so guilty that I lived a constant cycle of dread, diet, guilt, etc.

I remember specifically one time since my surgery in January where I cried and told my husband that I wished I had my old stomach back. My father passed away very unexpectedly in March and it was obviously an extremely emotional time. I told my husband that I just wanted a whole pizza, gallon of ice cream, bag of chips, and some soda and to eat it all RIGHT NOW. All of it. Just like the old days. This was obviously a sign for me that food was clearly something I turned to for emotional comfort and I definitely used any stress in my life as an excuse to eat more, a lot, a ton, or everything in sight. Many of us have to deal with how we deal with emotions and stress if food was how we dealt with it before.

Sometimes I miss soda because I used to drink 2-5 Diet Pepsi's a day but I'll have a sip from my husbands and be done with it. Sometimes a few sips. If I wanted to, I could probably have more but it's just not worth the hiccups...and the little sips, just like the little bites post-VSG, satisfy my cravings. :)

When my husband and I go out for pizza, I eat the cheese off of a couple of slices and then if I want, I'll have some bites of the crust...I just prioritize the cheesy goodness now :) This year will be my first Thanksgiving and Christmas sleeved but I can tell you that I sat through both holidays last year at my highest weight, with surgery scheduled and depressed about what my life had come to. I never want to feel that low. Ever. Again.

My sister is getting sleeved in less than a month and just had to have a tonsillectomy and I was telling her "oh my goodness, will you get to have your last meal and eat tons of great things??"....and then I stopped myself and said..."actually, I can speak from experience that you will be able to ANYTHING you want after VSG...it's just smaller quantities." I'm very glad that nothing is off limits completely. I'm also glad that I'll never be able to eat my weight in Christmas Cookies...and that when my Dad passed, it wasn't mass quantities of pizza and ice cream that I turned to.

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I'm only 2 weeks out and yes I miss eating volumes of food but maybe that's beacuse I'm really limited on what I can eat at this stage. Do I miss it enough to regret my sleeve? NO WAY!

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I will be totally honest in telling you that I DO miss going out for nice meals and that eating out isn't the same for me now. I'm absolutely fine most of the time at home but restaurant eating is miserable as I really fancy lots of things and am unable to have them. I don't want to pick at a starter or a kid's meal whilst everyone else is tucking into what they really want. It's too expensive to order a full meal and only eat a quarter of it and then you get the waiter probing if it's ok etc. I hate family gatherings where they are all stuffing their faces with the buffet, cakes, Desserts etc. and I will try and keep myself occupied with something other than eating. Eating out is not what I call fun anymore and dinner parties etc. are a big NO for me now.

BUT, after saying all that, I have absolutely no regrets and nothing tastes as good as being slim feels. Yeah, I get a bit moody and miserable at times over it but I soon get over it when someone compliments me on how great I'm looking!

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I am supposed to have my surgery later this month. My husband is totally opposed. He thinks I will struggle to live with the changes I will need to make to my lifestyle. He also questions what the long term effects of the surgery may be. I wonder if people who have been post op for more than a year hate the fact that they can no longer eat more than one piece of pizza or a Christmas turkey dinner (even if the portions are very small it would be impossible to have a taste of everything including dessert). Do you have regrets? If you had it to do over would you still do it? Is it worth the many sacrifices you have to make? I am flip flopping a dozen times a day - should I or should I not have the surgery!! I have about 50 lbs to lose. Would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks very much.


I am almost 5 months out and the number one thing I love is that I cannot eat so much at one time!!!! I always hated myself after a binge and now I cannot binge. It is true, you will not be able to binge. I am able to taste a few dishes at one sitting. I am looking forward to having a normal thanksgiving meal and not one where I am so mad at myself after and start dreaming about what my new year's resolution will be and how will I ever do it! I am hungry though these past 2 months and that bothers me. I snack too much and havent' lost more than 5 pounds in the past 2 months. I have lost 40 pounds and have 30 more to go. I have to start and excercise. So you do have to do your part. This is a tool and not the answer. So at least when I do eat healthy I actually do lose the weight and I don't binge so I haven't been gaining any back. Now that is worth it in itself. I am blessed to have had this. Good Luck !

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I did miss my food at first, but now, nearly 3 months out, I LOVE being able to go out to eat and just pick on stuff i like. I usually just order a Soup or a starter and have that while the rest go on to mains, and I have a little bit of what my children or husband are having, absolutely loving it!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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